Sunday, March 31, 2019

How to Recycle Auto Radiators

How to Recycle Auto Radiators

Most recyclers purchase whole vehicles only to pull them apart and separate them into their various elements of worth. This is because the true value is not on the complete automobile but the construction of the parts themselves such as the plastic trim and the other metals used in building a car. The same process can be applied where single parts can be sold directly to a recycler whether fresh from an old unwanted vehicle or if the part was just sitting around in a garage.

One such part is the radiator. The life of a radiator is tough. Nestled in the nose of the car, it is one of the first engine parts to get exposed to road hazards while attempting to perform its function of cooling the motor. The constant heating / cooling cycle coupled with its location means they're ripe for replacement at some point in their life. Having to be replaced usually leaves a radiator that needs to be disposed of. Instead of throwing it away here are a few tips on how to recycle auto radiators.

• Properly remove the radiator from the donor vehicle making sure not to cause any further damage.

• Drain the radiator of any coolant. Most coolants are toxic so make sure to dilute it as much as possible. Soak it overnight if feasible to clear out contaminants and clean it up a bit.

• Examine the construction of the radiator. They tend to be made of either bronze, copper, or aluminum - all metals of worth to any scrap yard. Some may have plastic-end caps that may or may not need removal based on what the recycler wants.

• Call around to find the best price but do not just contact auto recyclers. Speak with anyone that deals with general scrap metal.

• Junkyards will generally have a fixed price based on the part, however, scrap metal dealers work on a per pound basis so getting their rate and weighing the radiator can give an early indication of how much to expect. You can also check the Internet for the average metal prices in a specific part of the country to maximize sale price.

• If money is not a primary concern then it might be best to contact a local government controlled recycling program as to how and where to dispose of the radiator in a prompt manner.

Following the steps above will assist in the successful recycling of auto radiators.

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