Sunday, March 24, 2019

Easy Ways to Make Money

Easy Ways to Make Money

"Are there any easy ways to make money?"

The short answer is "Yes", but this needs to be qualified.

First, understand that there are NO FREE WAYS to make money, nor are there any ways to make FREE money, whichever way you like to say it! There is no scheme where you pay nothing and do nothing, and you make money automatically. If there were, millions of people would be doing it and they certainly would not tell anyone else about it. There are no on-line philanthropists who wish to "help" you to make money from the goodness of their heart; They want only to help themselves in some way. To make money you must expend some measure of your own cash or time or effort, or some combination of these.

That does not mean that you must always pay money for help or ideas to make money. There are several sources of information, and even software, which require no cash payment, but do require your time and effort to make the ideas work. An example is automated advertisements. More of that in a moment.

"What is the easiest way to make money?"

The easiest way to make money is, without a shadow of a doubt, by using the communicative power of the Internet, through which you can reach millions of people who may be looking for what you are offering. If you think that you have nothing to offer, you're almost certainly be wrong!

"What can I offer to people?"

The easiest way to make money on the Internet is by offering products or services provided by other companies. This is known as "Affiliate Marketing". You become an affiliate of the product manufacturer or service provider, and they pay you cash as a commission on whatever you sell for them.

How much does it cost to become an affiliate? Nothing! Only the time it takes to find some good affiliate products or services. Search the Web for "affiliate program program" (where "????" is your chosen subject of interest). When you've found some you like, sign up with them. (You may need to give a web site address for them to check. Do not worry if you do not have one; We'll deal with that in just a moment.) When they've approved you, go to their ' banners' or 'creatives' page and pick a suitable banner. Copy the banner code and paste it into your web pages where you want the banner to appear. Done! Now, whenever someone clicks on the banner and buys a product or service, you'll be paid a commission.

If that's too time-consuming for you, there is, fortunately, a quick way. Join one or more of the "affiliate trackers". These are companies that handle the affiliate sales tracking and commission payments on behalf of a large number of suppliers. You can select the suppliers that interest you from their lists. They also e-mail you whenever a new supplier joins their scheme. This saves you the time spent on looking for suppliers, but the banner work still needs to be done. Some affiliate trackers are LinkShare, ShareASale, WebGains, AffiliateFuture, LinkConnector, Buy, AffiliateWindow, CommissionJunction.

If you find all that too hard to do, there's an even simpler and quicker way. In fact, it's probably impossible to find any method for making money simpler and quicker to set up than ClickBank with the automated advertisements mentioned earlier. ClickBank is an affiliate tracking company that deals only in digital products, that is, products that can be downloaded from the supplier's web site immediately after they have been paid for, such as software, e-books, videos, etc. Just follow these steps:

(1) Join ClickBank as an affiliate. (You do not need to give a web site address.) The cost? Nothing.
(2) Sign up for automated advertisements lifetime membership. The cost? Nothing.
(3) Watch the automated advertisements training videos.
(4) If you do not have a web site, create a WordPress blog in a few minutes, and then watch the advertised advertisements WordPress video. The cost? Nothing.

For about an hour's work, you should have banner ads on your web pages or blog. Each time a visitor visits or refresh the page, the banner ad changes at random among the most popular ClickBank products in the category you chose. This random display is controlled by the automated advertisements software, and always displays the most successful products.

Once you're set up, either with your web site or WordPress blog, you'll need to attract visitors to it. In Internet marketing, visitors are known (somewhat impolitely) as "traffic". Driving traffic to your site is the hardest part of Internet marketing, but there are many ways to do it. This subject is beyond the scope of this article, but, if you can not get good advice from someone you know, there are many training courses available at various prices. Regrettably, many of them are not worth the money, being either poorly written or not comprehensive.

"How much commission will I be paid?"

There are no rules. You'll probably want to go for those affiliate programs which pay a minimum of 4% on consumer goods like TVs and games consoles. Digital goods like e-books and software can pay 50% or more! 25% is common for financial services. Insurance companies can pay you $ 5 just for a lead, without selling anything, and $ 70 if the prospect buys a policy. You may be surprised at some of the companies that operate affiliate schemes, even huge ones, like Sony, Argos, Wal-Mart, Sears.

"What else will I need?"

Patience. Do not expect miracles overnight. It may take some time and effort on your part, but success will come for sure. The amount of your success is usually commensurate with your effort in the early months. Sooner or later, your enterprise will achieve critical mass and start to snowball. Then it will be difficult to stop the money rolling in. Good luck!