Sunday, March 31, 2019

Are You Unconsciously Sabotaging Your Own Success and Happiness?

Are You Unconsciously Sabotaging Your Own Success and Happiness?

Resistance to Change

Although nature has gifted humans with the ability to adapt and to change, more times than not, we resist using that ability. Routines are comfortable and require little conscious thought. If we constantly have in one way, we constantly get the same results and responses. And that may be the problem.

Playing the Blame Game

Too often live by rote allows us to play the game game rather than taking responsibility for our own forward motion. "I did not get the big promotion because the boss does not like me," takes the place of better job performance. "I am not dating anyone because no one thinks I am interesting," is an excuse not to socialize or to engage in activities that would lead to new connections.

Refusing to Take Responsibility

The blame game offers false comfort. Blaming someone else is easier than admitting you are not giving 100% at work or making an effort to meet and interact with new people. These are repetitive, self-defeating messages lodged in your subconscious mind playing like a broken record. The longer that record plays, the more damaging it is to your life's goals.

Low Self-Confidence

Negative self-talk, even at the subconscious level, does terrific damage to your self-confidence. You do not need other people to tell you that you do not have talent or that you are not interesting. You are doing a perfectly good job of that yourself! Consequently, you may start surrounding yourself with people who actively support your low self-confidence, which will only make the situation worse.

Surrounding Yourself with Negative People

There is a school of thinking that refers to negative people as emotional vampires. You say, "I am never going to get ahead," and they say, "you are right," and may add a dollop of "you know the people at work are just out to get you" as an added extra. Playing the blame game and allowing others to feed our low self-confidence easily leads to self-destructive paranoia in all aspects of your relationships - business and personal.

You Can Take Control

You can break this vicious cycle. The subconscious mind is a powerful "computer." It can be programed and reprogrammed at will. You do it thousands of times a day. Some of the most powerful tools at your disposal to take charge of what is going on inside your own mind are professionally engineered subliminal message recordings.

Recorded at a frequency too low for the human ear to comprehend, auditory subliminal messages penetrate the sponge of the subconscious mind, sending positive affirmations and suggestions to replace the negative self-talk sabotaging your relationships and goals. Unlike hypnosis, where active attention is required, subliminal recordings can be used in a variety of settings with no effort needed on your part. Generally results are seen in a matter of days.

With our modern understanding of the workings of the human mind and the role of stimuli in guiding our behavior, there is no reason to allow "bad" outdated "programs" to thwart our desire for a fuller, more abundant life. Humans are capable of learning in a wide variety of ways, including at the subconscious level. Complex thought patterns are already at work there, but they may be working against you rather than for you.