Saturday, December 22, 2018

Most Common Types of Auto Repair

Most Common Types of Auto Repair

If you own a car, at some point, you are going to have maintenance. While some problems are more severe and not very common, other types of auto repair are far more common. When done periodically, these repairs can keep your vehicle operating for years.


Driving is hazardous to your vehicle's tires. Nails, pot holes, and even curbs can cause damage to the rubber, forcing you to have it patched or replaced. If you can have the tire simply patched, it is pretty inexpensive, and most patches can hold until the tread is too worn to continue using. However, if there is no repairing the tire, you could be looking at an expensive replacement, especially if you have to replace multiple tires.


One of the most common types of auto repair will be the brake system. Over time, your pads will wear out, causing you to have to replace them. This can happen multiple times during the life of your car. While this is a fairly inexpensive replacement, if the drum or rotor needs to be replaced you could be looking at hundreds of dollars in maintenance costs. If you are having trouble stopping, it is most likely the pads are worn out, as the brake lines rarely need maintenance.

Oil Changes

Another common form of maintenance is having regular oil changes. While you may not see this as auto repair, it does keep your engine from being damaged. Fresh oil, with a new filter, every few thousand miles can make a significant difference in how your engine performances. Without this maintenance, carbon deposits can build up, wearing out your piston rings and even seizing up your engine. The cost to replace those parts and clean the block is far more expensive than the occasional oil change.

Fuel System

If you are someone who prefers to fill up their car only half way and then drive it until the warning light comes on, you may be doing more damage than good. Vehicles that are regularly driven with less than a quarter tank of gas run the risk of having their fuel filters clogged up. Additionally, you should have the injectors cleaned and fuel filter replaced by a professional on a regular basis.

Ignition System

Occasionally, your battery will wear out. Most are rated to last seven to ten years depending on the brand of battery you purchase. The price depends on the battery and the length it is supposed to last. You might be able to recharge your old battery for much cheaper. However, it will eventually need to be replaced.

Another part of the ignition system that commonly needs to be replaced is the starter. While it is not the most expensive replacement, it can be more expensive than a simple battery replacement. Usually, if you are having trouble starting your vehicle, it is either the battery or the starter. Your local mechanic can test them and tell you which part needs to be replaced before you are left stranded.

Auto repair is part of owning a car. If you take the time to maintain your vehicle, it will last longer than expected.

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