Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Birthday Is More Than Balloons - Involving the Kids to Be a Part of the Birthday Decor Prep

A Birthday Is More Than Balloons - Involving the Kids to Be a Part of the Birthday Decor Prep

Birthday - the only day that a child, no matter how old he is awaits impatiently. At least me, I always warn for the fun and excitement that follows a birthday party. But gone are those days when children used to gather on this special occasion, celebrate the same with a pop and make the day worth to be cherished till their next birthday. Today amidst the hustle of our lives we have left behind those sweet memories of putting on bright dresses, decorating our homes with balloons, mothers baking cakes and other delicacies, lighting candles, arranging fun games and the list goes on and on. With busy work schedules, birthdays in this era have become limited to balloons and a dull, boring, lifeless cake. Cheer up! Gone are those days when balloons decorated with glitters and confetti were the only excitations in a birthday party. Here are a helpful birthday party tricks that kids themselves can work up to fill up their BFF's birthday party with sunshine and rainbows - and other mesmerizing stuffs that costs almost nothing!

1. Abet a theme - Kids can be engaged to abet a theme. In this process some might crave for fantasy of bogie tales like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and so on. While others will go for avant-garde capacity based on action movies like Frozen and Little Mermaid. Once the apt theme is decided, this can be followed by designing creative masks apt to the theme. A masquerade party - You are sure to end up with a bunch of jaw-dropping guests.

2. Light up your own lamp - What can be more amazing if lighting lights can be replace with DIY night lamps. Colorful papers, a pair of scissors and glue followed by a little creativity is all that is needed. After crafting of night lamps an elder can serve a helping hand with the circuit connections. This is sure to boost up your guests and add a feather to your creative hat!

3. Spice up the party with nature - Flowers are always a love! And when it's a birthday party flowers will absolutely add an extra point to your decoration. No! Not a pot of real flowers - that will fade away with the charm of the party. Kids! Put on your creative boots! You can mimic real flowers using M-seal and some bright glitters. These can be cost effective as well as reusable for other occasions even. Or you can simple awe your guests by using it as an everyday décor item for your house!

4. Gear up with birthday crowns - Birthday hats have been used since ages. It's time that new gen kids bade goodbye to birthday hats and set the trend of something more fashionable - birthday crowns. Wondering how can you create one? As simple as your nursery's ABC. All you need is head bands, hot glue and a packet of plastic alphabets. Make your birthday Champ feel like a true princess with these handmade crowns!

5. Revamp dull cupcakes - Regular boring cupcakes are sure to kill your party's appetite. Revamp these boring cupcakes that is sure to steal the show. Get your hands over colorful icing, and surprise your guests with some really cool cupcake decorations. You can even decorate these cupcakes according to your party theme.

6. Makeover confetti cannons - Confetti cannons are an apple of every child's eye. Why not make these cannons a little more creative and themed to grab the attention of every eye? Wrap up the regular confetti cannons with colorful papers, and decorate the same with glitters or craft works as per your theme.

7. Craft handmade cards - Birthday's without cards are like bread without butter. But why rely on readymade cards? Make your loved ones feel more special by crafting personalized cards. Blow the dust off your creative shells. Your hard work will definitely bare the sweetest fruits ever and draw you much closer to your beloved ones!

Although a grand lavish birthday party sounds royal enough, but this self-crafted birthday bash is sure to draw eyes, and shape up the celebration worth to be cherished forever! Got more ways to engage your little ones shape up a birthday party? You say, we hear! Let us know your jaunty and refreshing ideas that can end the birthday bash with delightful wallets and delightful faces.

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