Saturday, November 24, 2018

Make Money With Postcards

Make Money With Postcards

Have you ever thought about trying to make money with postcards. There are several ways, and I am going to briefly explain one of the ways.

First you will have to find someone willing to part with a large number of postcards, or a Lot. This could be a mixed lot or a lot of postcards dealing with a single subject such as realphoto,, Transportation, or anything that you have an interest in and feel that you could sell.

You could easily find this assortment of postcards on eBay. From there you can go to postcards and search through the lots. Find something you like and place a bid on it. If it has a buy it now price you can purchase the cards outright.

Once you have your cards you are ready to make money with postcards. Go through your cards and separate the cards you think will sell and the ones that may not sell quickly as a single item. During this process you may come across cards that are your personal favorite, and just wish to keep. Go right ahead, now your a collector.

Now that you have separated your cards into two groups (or three) you can start figuring out what to charge for your cards. Say you have a postcard of an old gas station. Go to eBay and look up postcards, then go to gas stations and you will get an idea of ​​what to charge for your card. Scan your card and insert it on eBay. See, that was a snap.

So now your wondering what to do with all of your left cards. Well, you just combine them in a lot a sell them as such. You can pretty much keep this wheel turning forever, and in the meanime create quite a nice personal collection of cards. I hope this helped. The main thing is to enjoy your new hobby.

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