Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What You Should Know About Holistic Feng Shui

What You Should Know About Holistic Feng Shui

Holistic Feng Shui is not to be confused with traditional Feng Shui which uses complicated astrological calculations.

The entire energy field of our planet is shifting at an unpreceded rate:

For example: The tectonic plates of the earth are shifting faster than they have done for a million years. The magnetic field around the earth has been thinning for the last 2000 years and the thinning has sped up considerably in the last five years.

Earth quake activity has been increasing, which also makes the mantle of the earth more unstable.

Add to that manmade energy toxins from EMF (elector magnetic fields), chemtrail spraying and many other unsustainable practices which are putting the earth's mantle under immense pressure we are having to look at new ways to return balance to our planet and to our lives.

The change that is obvious everywhere engenders much fear and insecurity. When our brains go into fear mode we lose sight the solutions: We focus on problems instead of focusing on the solutions.

It is impossible to pull yourself out of the negative funk.

In years of coaching professionals I discovered that by far the easiest way to create positive change is to improve your environment

Holistic Feng Shui is intuitive and can be easily implemented once you know the principles.

The effect can be felt immediately. Your body and mind are your greatest feed back mechanisms. Yet most people have not taught how to use their feelings and emotions to positive effect.

Holistic feng Shui brings out harmony in your environment creating a powerful resonance between you and certain objects. Unlike traditional Feng Shui Holistic Feng Shui only uses a couple of tools. You can make these tools yourself. I explain how to do this in the Holistic Feng Shui course.

Let's face it: Everyone wants harmony, peace and joy in their lives

The only reason why you have not got it is because you lack the knowledge on how to create it. You do not know how the universe works.

Universal law is not complicated, alas it is elusive and appears counter intuitive to the linear brain.

Old programming stops us from seeing reality and truth. Instead we see everything through a filter of "knowledge" which is at best only partly correct.

Today alternative science and research is opening up new knowledge of how we create our reality. You are way more powerful than you think. This is not just a popular catch phrase, but a deep inherent truth that once you get it, it will transform your entire light.

I can not make you learn new things

I can not change how you look at your life or the world. I can, however, bring you new information which can transform your life if you are open to it.

Holistic Feng Shui is just one of the ways in which everyone can create a better life for themselves. The more people make that choice the more our planet planet benefits.