Sunday, September 16, 2018

Useful Tips to Reduce Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Symptoms

Useful Tips to Reduce Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Symptoms

Dependency on computers is increasing with time, in fact today a large number of people spend long hours on computers. This increased usage of computer leads to significant vision problems, one such Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Recent studies says that if you spend two or more hours a day in front of a computer, you might suffer from CVS.

What is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?

CVS describes a group of symptoms like eye strain, dry eyes, burning or tired eyes, headache, blurred vision, neck and shoulder pain caused by prolonged computer use. These symptoms appear because the eyes and brain react differently to words on a computer screen than they do to printed text.

If you are facing these symptoms, you are not alone. A 2003 study by Delia E. Treaster, of Ohio State University, found that more than 90% of computer users experience eyestrain. Dr. Delia also found that people who spend more than five hours a day in front a computer suffered significantly and severe eyestrain.

Working on computers are unavoidable, but CVS symptoms are avoidable by taking some easy precautions. Do not wait until you're suffering. Make these adjustments now.

Use proper Lighting

Wherever you work, be it office or home, make sure your working area is properly lit. Too much light will cause reflection and too little light will lead to strain on the eyes.

Wear Computer Glasses

Computer glasses are specifically designed glasses with an anti-reflective lense. These lenses eliminate glare and radiations coming from computers and theseby enhances the visual experience.

These glasses can also be worn by users with corrective vision by adding anti-reflective coating on their spectacles.

Proper Computer Settings

One of the simplest ways to reduce eyestrain is to adjust your monitor's brightness and contrast settings. There's no right or wrong setting, just experiment until you're comfortable.

Adjust text size and color

Use font size that is easy to read, without putting any stress on the eyes. Also, use black text on a white background and avoid busy backgrounds. Sometimes, you have no control, but do so when you can.

Take a break!

Always take breaks at proper intervals, drink a glass of water or walk few meters inside your work area to stretch your body. These few minute breaks will allow your eyes and body muscles to relax.

Clean your screen

The easiest tip of all is to clean your screen frequently. Dust, fingerprint, stains or spots are distracting and make reading more difficult. Often, you do not even see the dust; you just look right past it, but it is there. So, make it a habit to wipe off your screen frequently.

Position copy correctly

Glancing back and forth between a printed copy and your computer screen causes eyestrain. To ease discomfort, place the printed copy as close to your monitor as possible. In addition, use a copy stand if possible to keep the copy upright.

Distance between your monitor and your eyes

Never sit too far from the system or too close to the system, always maintain an appropriate distance. The recommended distance between your eyes and your monitor is 18-28 inches.

Proper placement of monitor and keyboard

Ideally, your computer monitor and keyboard should be placed in front of you so that there is no twisting of body as you type and simultaneously read on the screen. In addition, place the monitor at or soon below eye level preventing too many rapid neck movements.

No same posture for more than 30 minutes

Change your body position frequently while maintaining good posture. A static posture for a long period of time will lead to fatigue and aches.

In today's day of work not using a computer / laptop etc is not an option, but its effect on the eyes can be avoided by taking right precautions. Make these precautions a must to ensure a stress free living.