Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Methane Markets Call For Clean Energy Projects

Methane Markets Call For Clean Energy Projects

The public have been aware of the pressing problems of the global community relating to global warming. Car makers have been addressing this problem with the development of eco-friendly cars. Vehicles running on gasoline and diesel are pointed out as one of the major source of CO2 which is a greenhouse gas.

To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released by automobiles into the atmosphere, car manufacturers have developed technology which cleans a vehicle's emission. Other car manufacturers focused on the production of hybrid vehicles. These vehicles are powered by gasoline engines and an electric motor. The electric motor serves as an aid to the engine, this way the engine consumes less fuel which translates to a reduced emission.

But carbon dioxide is not the only potent greenhouse gas in the world. Another more potent greenhouse gas which has addressed the attention of the global community is methane. In connection with this, the Methane to Markets Partnership, a group that promotes greenhouse gas reduction, recently called for projects centered on the reduction of greenhouse gases to be showcased at the first Beijing Partnership Expo to be held later this year from October until the 1st of November.

Studies shows that methane is twenty times harmful than carbon dioxide in its ability to trap heat in the atmosphere. While it is a very potent greenhouse gas, it is also considered as a valuable energy source.

Methane mainly comes from three major sources. These sources are livestock emissions, landfills, and oil and gas production. In livestock, enteric fermentation, a fermentation inside a digestive system of ruminant animals. Methane is produced inside the rumen, a special stomach found in cows, sheep, and water buffaloes. Later on, it is then belched by the animal into the atmosphere. On landfills, the decaying matter produces the methane released into the air, while chemical processes in the production of oil and gas leads to the release of methane into the atmosphere.

In order to combat the increasing amount of methane release into the air, the Methane for Market Partnership urges the different sectors of the global community to undertake developmental studies aimed at the reduction of methane emissions and the use of the said gas as a clean source of energy.

Bill Wehrum, the EPA's acting assistant administrator for Air and Radiation and Chairman of the Methane for Markets Steering Committee, has this to say about their effort in the reduction of methane emission and their educational campaign at the Beijing Expo: "This expo is a perfect example of how public-private partnerships can advance environmental goals such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering clean energy to markets around the world. . "

The said expo will be focusing on potential projects in four sectors. These are agriculture, coal mining, landfills, and oil and gas systems. The organizers of the show will allow attendees of the event to showcase project opportunities for potential investors.

Since the event will be attended by interested people who can fund clean energy projects, the event will be a good place for those who need financial backings on their project which is concerned about methane. Attendees of the event will also have the chance to learn about the latest technology developed and the latest technology being explored. The expo will also be a good place to acquire technical, policy, and financial knowledge.

With more and more projects like this, the global community will be on its way to significantly reducing the greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. While the negative effect of methane on the atmosphere is reduced, there is also a chance that methane will be developed as an efficient substitute to petroleum fuel. If this happens, the world can stop its dependency on fossil fuel as effective as an EBC Greenstuff brake pad can stop a vehicle.