Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Law of Attraction - Eliminating Resistance

Law of Attraction - Eliminating Resistance

How do we eliminate resistance so we can become a match to what we want? One approach to dissolving resistance is to say yes to every step along the way of obtaining our goal.

The feeling of resistance may come on strong when we are working towards the achievement of bigger and larger goals but this feeling does not have to last long. Remember that resistance is an indication that we are not moving towards our goal so it will be our job to allow this feeling to melt away as quick as possible.

Let's take a look at a few situations when we experience resistance and how we can over it.

When We Do not Know How

Does this ever happen to you? I set a goal for a specific dollar amount that I would like to earn and the first thought that comes to my mind is, but I do not know how to do it . In addition to thinking this thought, I also feel a ton of resistance.

Sometimes I experience resistance because I do not like that I do not know how to make the dollar amount that I want. What happens when I resist these situations is that I keep myself from learning what it takes to reach my goal.

If you have been in a similar situation you may have noticed thoughts in your mind such as; I do not know how to do it, so I can not do it or I do not know how, so it is impossible . Take a moment and notice how you live your life when you believe these thoughts. Do you move toward your goal when you believe these thoughts or away from it?

If you noticed that those thoughts keep you stagnant, it might be helpful to acknowledge that you do not know how to do it. Then remember yourself that you are willing to learn what it takes to reach your goal. You may remind yourself by concentrating on the thought, Yes, I do not know how to do this, but I am willing to do what it takes to learn it .

Notice how you feel when you acknowledge that you do not know how but you are willing to learn. Do you feel empowered? Do you see yourself reaching your goal when you believe this thought? Where is the resistance when you tell yourself the truth?

When Things Becomes Difficult

Have you ever noticed that when you are working on a challenging goal that it without fail becomes difficult? Again, when we push the envelope in life, and challenge ourselves with higher and harder achievements, situation will become difficult.

Resistance in this situation is felt when we wished the situation or task was easier and then we tell ourselves that we can not do it or that it can not be done. We may notice thoughts in our minds like, this is too hard, I can not do it or this is too hard, it's impossible.

Do not believe those thoughts for a second. Remember, we do not have to believe all the thoughts in our head, especially when they hinder us from reaching our goals.

Remember, a goal is expected to get difficult at times because you may have never done it before.

What you do instead is look the difficulty in the eye and remind yourself, ye s, this is difficult but that does not mean impossible . Take a second and discover how you work towards your goal when you believe this thought. What kinds of things do you do, how do you feel and what are the results of believing this thought?

When We Are Afraid

There are times when we reach for a goal and we get a little nervous or down right frittened. In my experience, I do not like the feeling of fear in my body. This feeling is something that I, in truth, resist, but I also realized that when I resist it, I hold myself back.

Do not fight the feeling of fear, or try to make it go away. When we run from our feelings we condition ourselves to run from uncomfortable situations and thoughts. When we are giving life everything we've got, situations come up that frighten us but we can not let this hold us back.

Say yes to what you are experiencing by acknowledging that yes, I am indeed experiencing fear. Then remember yourself that it is not frightening enough to hold you back from reaching your goals. Be vigilant with yourself if you have to. It may help by concentrating on the thought, yes, I am afraid, maybe even very afraid in this moment but not so afraid that I will allow it to hold me back from going for what I want .

Then became aware of how you might live your life this moment on if you were to continue to believe this thought. What happens to the resistance when you agree with what you are experiencing?

Hopefully this approach will help you decrease the resistance you experience so that you can reach the goals you set out for.