Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Is Your Marriage Worth a Little Sacrifice? 3 Ideas That Can Make a Difference

Is Your Marriage Worth a Little Sacrifice? 3 Ideas That Can Make a Difference

Long term partners who have been together for a significant period of time, know each other all too well. Sometimes, this closeness can breed complacency when it comes to keeping the spark alive. Each partner looks to the other to keep them interested, but seldom look to themselves to take on this responsibility.

If you feel you are in this position and want to take on this role, there are a few ideas that can show your partner how much you care. Sometimes, it can take minority hints and messages, other times a bold and direct approach may be in order. In either case, persistence is the key, but it can be well worth the effort as you re-establish the connections on different levels.

Some of the things you can try are:

1. Take an interest in his work or hobby with sincerity and a genuine level of time in understanding why your partner is so involved. As you become more aware and knowledgeable on the subject, you can look for special moments and opportunities to relate and connect.

2. Plan and schedule unique things you know your partner would never do. Getting them out of his / her comfort zone can shake things up a bit. Even though some of these ideas may not always work out, it can add some new memories you can both look back on even if you never do it again.

3. Partner up on a charitable event like toys for pots or volunteering at a local shelter or hospital. This can be one of things you plan for in number 2, but finding a way to give back can bring you closer. Even if you take the initiative first and bring them along later, the idea that you are stepping into new areas will influence your partner into taking an active interest in your life.

These ideas are nothing new, but can spur creative thoughts that can help you get re-connected with your partner. Even though there are many things you can do, the fear that your partner will never go along can prevent many people from even trying. Remember, persistence is the key. It may take awhile to get your partner on board but in the long run it will be worth the effort.