Saturday, September 22, 2018

How Can Digital Marketing Agencies Help You With Mobile App Development?

How Can Digital Marketing Agencies Help You With Mobile App Development?

Mobile app development is one of the newest and most popular services offered nowadays by digital marketing agencies. If designed and developed effectively, a mobile app can provide your online business with incredible and permanent exposure. Having your mobile app installed in a customer's device is so much better than merely having your site bookmarked or enjoying some link love from your customers.

Mobile apps - once installed - will stay there for your customers to see every time they use their mobile device. That helps with brand recognition - and, given time, it may also increase sales and profit margins.

But as mentioned early on, not just any ordinary mobile app can become a competitive advantage. It has to be built by an expert - and one who, with your help, also has a keen understanding of your target market.

App Intros

App intros are only mesmerising at the first few times you get to watch them, but after that they tend to be an annoyance - and one that can actually delay customers from making use of your app. Use animation-heavy intros only when you feel it will add value to your app - which is usually the case with mobile gaming apps but not so for utility apps.

If you do need to create one, be sure to keep it short but sweet as well. Make sure it can be cut short with a tap on the screen.

Loading Indicators

Customers - even those who are extremely technology-savvy - may still end up troubled and worried when all they see is a black screen upon opening your application. What they don't know is that your application is actually just in the process of loading. To prevent your customers from thinking that something's wrong with your app - which they could end up deleting or - worse - complaining publicly about, you need to make use of graphics and loading indicators at such instances.

They will work as distractions - important ones - and hopefully they'll be enough to keep your user from closing the application out of impatience and frustration.

Different Versions

This is something you have to be very strict about when hiring a digital design agency for mobile app design and development. They must not simply copy-paste their codes from one operating system to another and then just modify the dissimilar parts. That may seem fine in theory but it would be a total disaster in reality.

It's like transplanting a monkey's heart in a human body just because they both walk on twos and they both have beating hearts. It just won't do - and the same goes for mobile apps designed for varying OS.


Some people have a tendency to "overstuff" the screen with unnecessary elements because they want their mobile application to be completely functional. However, doing so would only just make it more difficult for a user to navigate around your app. With so many buttons and too little space, only your little finger will probably be small enough to press those links and buttons.

There are so many other elements to consider when you commission a professional to design and develop a mobile app for your company. At the end of the day, just remember that both of you are experts in your own right. So you should definitely let a digital marketing agency do what it does best and interfere only when there's a clear need for your professional opinion.