Friday, September 28, 2018

7 Specific Ways to Distribute Your Finances to Achieve Long Term Wealth

7 Specific Ways to Distribute Your Finances to Achieve Long Term Wealth

Ask the average person what money management means to them and the usual response will be along the lines of 'Pay off all the Bills on time and try to save whatever is left over.' - Not very inspiring nor sound like much fun huh? Here I outline a simple way to change the way you look at and treat money. An efficient and practical way to manage and monitor your finances and get out of debt, which is also fun and if done consistently ... the long term rewards will be extraordinary.

Below are the 7 ways you should be distributing your money. - If you can, setup 7 separate Bank Accounts for each specific use, otherwise 7 Jars, Boxes or any feasible containers will work just as well to get you started. Be sure to do this on a regular basis which you must maintain ie Either daily, weekly or monthly.

1. Investments:

Allocate 10% of your money to be put aside solely for Investing. Only ever use these funds to purchase Investments. These investments should either generate you ongoing 'residual income' or capital appreciation / growth ie sell on for a profit. Once you gather sufficient funds / capital, purchase the relevant investment and then start building up again until you have enough for the next one and keep repeating the cycle. This is by far your most important fund as it this that will absolutely work towards achieving your Financial freedom / Independence.

2. Long Term Savings:

5% of your money should be associated for 'one off' purchases such as Cars, Clothing, Home Furnishings, Home Improvement, Home Entertainment. This should also be used for Vacations abroad / long getaways.

3. Long Term Expenses:

Another 5% should be associated for any ongoing small debt, usually Credit Cards or small Personal Loans.

4. Necessities:

These are your major living expenses and thus 55% will be allocated to this; Mortgage / Rent, Car Loan, Utility Bills, Food, Petrol / Travel Expenses, Subscriptions ... you get the picture ...

5: Education:

10% of your money is to be associated to your continuous learning of Financial intelligence and Personal Development. This is very important as you can never stop learning and improving yourself. This would include; Books, DVD / CDs, Seminars, Workshops, required Travel and Accommodation expenses, Training Material and so on ...

6: Fun:

This is another important fund. Life as you know is too short and if you do not treat / reward yourself every now and again along the way, it can feel very laborious and get very boring. - 10% of your money goes here and at the end of every week / month / quarter you must blow the whole lot on a treat of your choice eg your favorite restaurant, the theater, spa treatment. - You are only limited by your creativity ... The idea being that you really enjoy yourself and acknowledge that you have put money as specific specifically for this, and you do not feel guilty about it!

7: Charity:

Wealth is to be shared, 5% goes towards giving back to those more needy. You can either make this a regular contribution or save and build towards a large donation to charities / causes of your choice. - The more you give back, the more you will receive ...

Please do not presume you need a lot of money to start doing this either, because you do not ... You can start with very small amounts, the importance is making it a habit. Even starting with a small amount, the law of compounding will slowly grow it into something substantial. Teach this to your kids from an early age and just watch how quickly their financial intelligence will grow as well as their fortune!

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