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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Number 1 Secret To Making Money Online

Number 1 Secret To Making Money Online

"What is the number 1 secret to making money online?" is a question I get asked a quite a lot. I think it is a fair question to ask, it's something I asked when I first started out trying to make money online. So to save you seeking me out and asking me personally, this article will disclose what the number 1 secret to making money online is.

The secret is actually very simple. Surround yourself with as many successful Internet Marketers and successful Internet Marketing communities as possible. Do not waste your time trying to get rich quick. Surround yourself with success.

It works in the same way as working out with somebody who is much fitter than you. Just to be allowed to work out with them you will have to show massive determination at the start to work hard and learn all they teach you about nutrition and exercise. Then, after time, you will not only be as fit as they are, but you will also have the same level of knowledge. You could then even train somebody else to be as fit as you are now!

Making money online is no different really. The secret to being able to make money online faster than anyone else is to get yourself an Internet Marketing coach, and also to be actively involved in an Internet Marketing community. In the example of working out I used above, it works because you are involved in a peer group which is giving two massive benefits.

ONE. They are providing you with positive peer pressure. This is one of the best things an up and coming internet marketer could have. The pressure to better yourself is a huge benefit you can use to make money online. Definitely better than any of the negative peer pressure you get from anywhere else. The positive peer pressure will be especially productive when coupled with the second benefit below.

TWO. Your coach and your new community will provide you with the exact knowledge you need to be successful. Your coach will be a wealth of knowledge and motivation for you, and that is their job. Your community will provide the same because that is what a good community does. They help and support each other.

So if you are positively pressured into taking action on the knowledge you know will ensure your online business will be a success, then you will make money online, no doubt. This scenario is a win win for everyone involved, and that's exactly how business should be.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Making Money Through Online Surveys Is the Best Option

Making Money Through Online Surveys Is the Best Option

If you are looking for a legal and authentic way for earning extra income online, then filling online surveys is one of the lucrative ways to earn that extra money. Now days, paid survey online sites are popping everywhere so sometimes it becomes hard to determine which are real and which are spurious. Therefore it becomes imperative to realize your dream of making money through online surveys; one should be careful signing up with the right survey companies.

Once you have done this, what you have to do is just check your email, pick up the best surveys and you are on the first step of making money through online surveys. But here you must be wondering why anyone would pay you money for your opinion. Let me explain you here:

A huge number of companies including of large international corporations seriously want to know about the needs of consumers and for this market research, they are ready to pay a lot of money. But the problem they face here is how to connect with the consumer. So they hire survey companies in order to find out regarding the opinion of the people about their products and also of their buying intentions in the future. In case you sign up with such company, you become eligible for making money through online surveys by becoming a part of their market research strategy.

Look at the advantages to you: You may get a chance to explore a new product before it actually gets launched and is available in the stores. If you are a video game buff, you may get a chance to play it which has not been released as yet and so on .... But the best part is you will be paid for all your efforts. Is not it amazing way of making money through online surveys?

The companies pay you to take surveys because this is the easiest and quickest method to get information and feedback that they are looking for. It may be hard to believe that they pay several dollars for each survey to thousands of people but it is true as it is cheaper and the most effective way as compared to other forms of market research. On one hand such a strategy prevails the company to make a costly mistake whereas on other hand gives an opportunity of making money through online surveys.

The key is to find right surveys and it can be done by joining a club which helps consumers to find the companies that pay the most money. So before signing up any company, make sure it is real by finding about in Google or you can make use of recommendations of these clubs as said above for making money through online surveys.

Online Money Making Tips

Online Money Making Tips

Online businesses are some of the fastest growing businesses in the world. Take for example Amazon, which grows from selling just a few hundred books a month to a multi-billion dollar business. This is just one of the numerous websites that are exploding in growth online.

But is the internet a practical place for the average joe to make money, or does it require a tremendous amount of luck? We think that if you just follow a few easy steps, not only will you reduce the risk of getting scammed, but you will also find your success dramatically increasing.

1. If you find yourself spending much more money than you're making, or if a program requires you to spend $ 1000 to join their "exclusive" money making group, stop. Do not be a victim to these scam artists, who have perfected their predatory ways.

2. Myth # 1: It makes money to make money. We at Joe's say that if you can not make money without money, you can not create money with it. Find ways to increase your revenue without spending a dime.

3. Spend time every day working on your business, even if for just fifteen mintues.

4. Do not just rely on one author's advice. Research a particular claim before testing it out. What one author says may be out of date or even worse, just a scam. Knowledge is power and the more you gain about internet marketing, the better off you will be.

5. Learn from your competition. Your competition is by far the best teacher you will ever have. Do not copy their exact methods, but learn how you can improve on what they did.

6. Patience. Online marketing is just like any other business, it is not a lottery. Sucess does not happen overnight. However, great success can happen and you can be a part of it. Good luck.

Joe's Guides []

Side Effects of Making Money Online at Home

Side Effects of Making Money Online at Home

Today most of us who work online and make money at home face many peculiar problems which are specific to those who work from home on internet. These drawbacks I think will take a large shape in next few years when most people in society will start working at home online. Earning money online at home which is today just beginning of a trend and most of its drawbacks are undiscovered and unstudied. This trend of working from home and earning money online can pose serious threat to our social structure other than a number of problems for individual at family level. Working from home on internet is like working in a virtual environment and virtual office, where everything that exists now may not exist tomorrow or even after a few minutes. These

1. No time for family or All time for family: All those who earn money working at home face this problem. It is very difficult to balance online work and family issues. There are times when there is no time for online work as one gets engaged in one issue after another at home, and it becomes really very difficult to concentrate on online work. On other occasions when an online worker is busy in some online project for hours and days he very finds any time for family. Although he is at home he is not aware of what is going on because he has developed a workplace, an office environment at home and whenever he is free he tends to think about his online work and earning money.

2. No time or place to relax: Home is a place called ' Home sweet home ' now if we are working full time in this place, within the space that was earlier meant for relaxation. Earning money and doing work often comes with pressures, which come and go but with 'online work at home' all these things happened in a place where we used to relax. During stressful period there is no time to relax, as the solution to the problem lies in more work and spending more time online. Next is the problem of place to relax, it is very difficult to find relaxation in the same place where you work even if its home.

3. No social interaction: When we earn money online by working at home, we hardly move out of the house because because if we are earning good money, we'll like to work more and earn more money due to greedy human nature. On the other hand if we are not earning any money or are losing money then we will like to make some changes and improvements in our work, therefore we'll spend some more time online at home. This means we do not interact with society, we spend our time in online societies which are virtual. This is one of the major drawback which will bring a major change in social structure as people will work at home and spend time online, resulting in a poor and meek society. A subject of interest for social scientists.

These are some of the side-effects of making money online at home , may be these are not thought provoking but they do exist and have a major impact on both our earmarking money online and working at home. This article is just a brief outline and just a preliminary report. These issues must be considered before starting a full time home based learning program, as everyone can not make adjustments all the time even if he is earning good money online working at home.

How To Make Great Money Part Time Buying And Selling Domain Names - Part One

How To Make Great Money Part Time Buying And Selling Domain Names - Part One

This truly is the business to get into in 2005. It's a red hot opportunity that savvy investors can make a killing on when you know how. And this article will walk you step-by-step through the money-making process.

Don't be put off by the term "investors". I'm not talking big money down here. As long as you've got a spare £5 a week then great money can be made for only half an hour of your time. Like the sound of that? Thought so.

There's a few ways you can make money buying domain names and selling them on for profit. And I mean PROFIT. You'll see why people will be scratching at your door to buy off you in just a moment.

Let's start with the basics.

All domain names are only registered for a limited amount of time.Registrars can choose to use the name for a period of between 1-10 years. After this the rights to these domain names expire and the user has to renew the name again. If they don't do this it will be placed on hold for a short time and then deleted. This means it is then available for anyone who wants to buy it!

This Is Where You Can Cash In!

20,000 expired domain names are made available each and every day. Some of them are very attractive and well-established names.

Example. Last year the owners of carelessly didn't renew their registration fee. It was grabbed (the term used to describe purchasing an expired name) by a savvy 'investor' for a few pounds and sold for thousands and thousands back to the old owner.

The owner was willing to pay huge sums for to the investor because he had built up qualified traffic over X amount of years and didn't want to lose all the previous custom.

Now I admit that making a sale for thousands is rare, but is certainly possible.

The likeliness is that you can buy a domain name and register it for £5-£50 and then sell it on for anything from £150 - £1000. Do this with five domain names a week, and your looking at a big sum of money for only a couple of hours work.

It's not just businesses that have carelessly let their domain name that will buy off you. It's other businesses too that will buy the name to get the old owners' traffic. It's a legitimate way of increasing your customer base.

And if the old owner and a new potential owner get into a bidding war...well..the sky really is the limit.

So there's two main reasons why people will be willing to pay YOU a couple of hundred pounds for a domain name.

a) They carelessly let the domain name expire. That means that they will pay you to get the name back to ensure that they don't lose their existing traffic that they may have built up over years and years.

B) They are a business in the same field as the one that has let the name expire and therfore will pay you to secure the exisitng custom of a rival.

Here's step-by-step how you go about this fantastically profitable part time business.

There are several sources of expired domain name information and reserach tools, some free and some that require a payment of a fee. supplies lists of names due to be deleted. allows you to do some searching free and more extensive searching for a $99 annual fee.You can search for names that are due to be deleted and also allows you to bid on newly deleted names that have already been grabbed by other 'investors'.

What you are looking for is an expired domain name with traffic in the last month of anything over 1500. Ensure that the site is an actual consumer site. There's no point buying a domain name if the previous site wasn't selling any goods.

If you see a site that had tens of thousands of visitors in the last month GET IT. The likeliness is that the previous owners will be itching to get their name back off of you due to its obvious success.

Also if you see a name with a large qualified traffic thats due to expire and has a high traffic volume use an automated grabbing system such as and These will ensure the second they become available you will have registered them. The cost is about $60 but only if they get the names for you. Definately worth it in my eyes.

Remember you could easily sell the name for hundreds, maybe thousands.

In part 2 we'll take a look at how you go about selling the names once you have acquired them. But in the mean time here's a few domain names which were up for sale at the time of writing this article. Now obviously not all names sell for this much, but it's a very real possibility that you could stumble across a gem in your business. $750,000 $350,000 $16,000 $35,000 $7,500 $6,000 $10,000 $17,000 $1,800 $5,000 $22,000

raregifts,com $20,000

The profits in this business are like no other. Now it's your turn to get your hands on your share in the billion dollar industry of buying and selling domain names.

Until next time...

Jonathan Street

Online Customer Service Software

Online Customer Service Software

With the growth of online business, more and more people prefer to sell their products / services on the internet rather than opening physical shops. There is a huge risk of failure if you are not able to meet customer demands or give them proper service. Studies have revealed that e-commerce is an easy as well difficult way of making money. While getting new customers is always a difficult task, serving them right and interacting with them is the key to success. This is why online customer service software has become a must have for upcoming business.

With such software, you will be able to interact directly with your customers and understand their frequency. Without you really understand what they are looking for, it is almost impossible to satisfy them. A fully furnished and glossy site without customer service might be less successful with a not so glossy but adequate service oriented website. So, you should focus more on reaching your customers rather than spending more on marketing. Remember, one satisfied customer can bring you many more potential customers while one dissatisfied customer can cause you 100 times more damage.

If the chat agents supporting the online customer service are trained, they can really bring a lot of difference to your business. With the ability to generate metrics, you being the site owner can easily determine which product is most attractive to your customers. Following that, you can strategize your business and increase your sales. Remember, interaction with the customers is the key to success. So, you should be providing sufficient education to the chat agent son how to talk to the site visitors and how to show them around the site. There may be instances where the customers may be interested in customizing few orders that is difficult through email conversation. However, this can be done easily by live chat help with direct instructions from the customer.

Most of the services offering online customer chat service offer free trials, so you can experiment them and see the difference it brings to your sale. With the reduced cost, you can not only effectively make money; you can also monitor your website and keep a track of each and every visitor entering your website. So, take this opportunity and grab the unexplored part of internet marketing and website promotion. You never know, this small step may bring a huge difference in your business perspective and can open new gates of success for you.

Truck Performance 101 - A Beginner's Guide

Truck Performance 101 - A Beginner's Guide

Today, the aftermarket gives truck owners more performance options than ever before. However, all the new truck performance products and gizmos can be a little hard to sort through. What you need for your specific truck's performance will depend on what type of truck you have and what you use it for.

What is performance? Basically, it is the word used to describe speed, fuel consumption rate and towing ability. Performance is primarily measured in terms of horsepower (HP) and Torque.

Horsepower, or HP, is by definition, the power of an engine in comparison to horses. For example, a truck with 100 horsepower is as fast as 100 horses all rolled into one. Horsepower is often indicative of a truck's top speed. Horsepower does not necessarily mean that a truck is fast from a standing start (see torque) but instead it is often indicative of the speed attainable by a particular truck. This being said other factors such as weight and grade will impact the final speed achieved. In more scientific terms, HP is the common measurement when rating an engine's power. One horsepower equals 500 ft-lbs. per second, which is basically the power needed to lift 550 pounds one foot off the ground in exactly one second or the power needed to lift 33,000 pounds one foot off the ground in exactly one minute.

Torque refers to a truck's ability to generate pick up. Torque is one of the most important factors at the beginning of any non-rolling start. It is the ability of the truck to send power to the wheels and turn them - moving the entire truck forward. The dictionary defines it as: "The moment of a force; the measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion and rotation about an axis...". The most important thing to remember is that torque is what gets the truck rolling and is very important in towing.

The basics of performance, of course, center on your engine. Think of your engine as basically a big air pump. It breathes air in through the air intake and breathes it out through the exhaust. The easier your engine can breathe the more performance it will deliver. The stock engine you received from the factory comes with OEM air induction and exhaust. Modifying these two areas is relatively easy and can deliver significant increases in both HP and torque. One other primary factor affecting your performance is the engines computer. The stock OEM computer your truck came with is set to a "safe mode" to protect the truck against virtually any driver error...e.g., redlining. Although these settings are meant to protect the truck, they can impede performance significantly. Tweaking your truck's computer can significantly increase HP and torque while still providing safety to the engine. We'll look at each of these three performance enhancements below.

Air Intake

The air intake primarily consists of your vehicle's air filter. Stock air filters are made of pleated paper. The problem with pleated paper is it often tends to become clogged which greatly reduces the airflow. Fragments of paper are ingested or sucked into the intake system creating a hole for gritty contaminants to enter the engine. In addition, these filters have to be replaced often to maintain a basic level of performance. Aftermarket filters are made of cotton gauze or engineered foam. These filters, made by companies like K&N, Airaid, Green Filter and True Flow significantly increase the flow of air through the filter. In addition, these filters defend against dirt at twice the rate or more than their paper counterparts and most come with a lifetime warranty...that's one filter for the life of your vehicle. Installation of these filters is super easy...just replace your existing factory air filter.

The second factor effecting air intake is the temperature of the air coming into the engine. You've probably noticed that your truck runs better on cold days. That is because the air is denser and denser air allows more combustion when mixed with fuel and ignited. Stronger combustion means more power to move your piston in the cylinder. Aftermarket companies...many of the same mentioned above...have developed systems called "Cold Air Intakes", that move the point of air intake from the top of your engine, which is normally very hot, to a point outside the engine. The result is that the air being sucked into your engine is much cooler than it would be using the normal air filter location. Cold air intakes require a little more handyman skills that just replacing a filter. However, they can be installed easily by anyone that has basic tools.

Exhaust Systems

Exhaust is the "exhale" to your engines lungs. The more twists and turns in the exhaust, the less your vehicle can breathe easily. Exhaust systems come with three primary elements...the muffler, exhaust pipes and muffler tips. The first two are the main ingredients that effect HP and torque. OEM factory exhausts are well made, but not designed to deliver maximum performance. Aftermarket systems from companies like Magnaflow, Banks and Gibson are engineered specifically for each truck and are designed to get the most out of your vehicle. In addition to more power, these systems also deliver an enviable "roar" that will let others know you have tricked out your truck. I do not recommend installing an exhaust system unless you are a true gear head and are prepared for cutting and welding. Although most muffler shops do not carry these products, they will be glad to install them for you.

Computer Chips and Programmers

Your truck's computer is technically referred to by gear heads as the Engine Control Unit (ECU). The ECU that controls the engine is very complicated. OEM's program them to satisfy emissions requirements, meet EPA fuel economy requirements and protect the engine against abuse. The computer does this by controlling many aspects of the vehicles performance, but primarily controls the ignition, fuel injection and spark time. As mentioned above, the OEM's set the default value of the ECU to an "ultra-safe" mode to insure adherence to government guidelines and to protect the engine from abusive driving. Aftermarket companies like Hypertech, Edge, Unichip and Superchips manufacturer chips and programmers that will either plug into your ECU or programmers that will alter the factory settings. Chip manufacturers set the products for each specific vehicle to a default performance setting. Programmer manufacturers allow more versatility in that they allow custom modifications to compensate for other performance add-ons like cold air kits and exhaust systems. These systems are relatively easy to install by anyone that has a little mechanical knowledge.

In conclusion, you can significantly increase your HP and Speed by just making these basic changes to your truck. Some all-in-one kits can deliver up to a 40% increase in overall performance. Finally, contrary to rumor, none of these products will void the warranty of your truck. There is a federal law called the "Magnuson Moss Warranty Act" that prevents automobile manufacturers from voiding warranties from the addition of aftermarket products. These are just a few of the many performance products available from the aftermarket. I will be covering more advanced performance products, like superchargers, in a subsequent article.