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Thursday, November 15, 2018

TUNING-IN: A Key Element for Improved Functional Movement and Overall Wellness for Your Workouts!

TUNING-IN: A Key Element for Improved Functional Movement and Overall Wellness for Your Workouts!

When you think about health improvement, it can cover a lot of different things. Your focus for health improvement will depend on your wellness goals. What do you want to achieve? Better fitness, strength, balance, flexibility, improved sports performance, weight loss, stress management. There are many components to a well-planned health improvement program for optimal wellness and whole-body health.

Fitness however is one of the most important parts of any health improvement plan. Performing daily exercises and maintaining an active lifestyle is vital to maintaining good health. Good functional movement habits will help you achieve a strong, fit, flexible body that works well to keep you safe and injury-free for optimal wellness!

Evaluate this question; How often when you workout, do you "tune-out?"

Many people rely on their electronic toys to distract them from what the body is doing during a workout. Almost everyone works out watching TV, reading on their Kindle or iPad, or listening to music on their headphones. People do not realize that they are losing their focus on what the body is paying by paying more attention to the book, show, or song they are watching or listening to then what they're doing! The body ends up working out on auto-pilot. Who knows if the right muscles are doing the work, because we're too busy singing along with our favorite tune, or watching TV to really pay attention to what we're doing.

To get maximum benefits from your fitness activities, it's important to "tune-in" and pay attention to what the body is doing while it's moving! This is one of the great benefits from Pilates training. Usually there is no music, you HAVE TO pay attention to everything your body is doing from your head to your toes through the whole entire workout. Breathing, Control, Concentration, Flow, Rhythm, and Precision are all consistently adjusted and corrected because you're consciously moving the body.

Striving for balanced muscle development to stay fit and injury free takes focus. It takes brain-power to tell the body what to do and how to move. And then it's important to pay attention and notice if the body is doing exactly what you've asked it to do.

This is why "tuning-in" is so important! You can get much better results if you are aware of what your body is doing. Not only do you have the chance to notice if you're working well, but you can also quickly evaluate whether you're doing things right, or wrong, and make adjustments. Why waste time during your workouts. Tune-in to practice efficient functional movement habits for improved health!

By focusing on what you are doing, you will become more aware of how things feel, what muscles are really working or are not working, how easy or difficult the challenge is. Learn to be conscious of your body's posture while moving, feel the right muscles do the work, and notice if you are breathing properly!

These may all seem like simple, small things to pay attention to, but when you start taking them into consideration during every single second of your workouts, BIG results will come your way! Get the best results possible from your health improvement program, start by re-evaluating your health and fitness goals. Check out your wellness routine, then "tune-in" and see what you notice!

If you need help optimizing your form, function, and being sure you've got the right exercises in your workout program to get results, consult with a Pilates teacher or functional movement specialist. Quickly improve your functional movement habits and increase the results from your training efforts!

Better Functional Movement Habits + Repetition of Good Habits with Exercise = Amazing Health Improvement Benefits!

Make the most of your efforts for health improvement all the time! "TUNE-IN" and pay careful attention to form and function for optimum fitness.


Day-to-Day Business Card Marketing

Day-to-Day Business Card Marketing

Whether you're a businessman or a freelance service provider, your business cards are going to play a big role in your success. The world is big out there but if you want to make good in whatever you do, you have to leave a mark. Yet before you can even leave a mark, you have to make yourself known. Make yourself known as an expert in your field or as a merchant who's committed to his clients' needs. Establish your presence. While the Internet has grown into a very important medium for marketing, there is still much to be done offline. And when it comes down to offline marketing, one thing you can count on is your business card.

By all means, never leave home without your business card. Whether you're going on a date or to the wet market to pick up some seafood, you need to bring your business card. You'll never know what you'll be bumping into. Casual meetings can bring you face-to-face with a person who can give you business and if you do not have anything to give this person so he can call you, do not expect him to go looking for you after you say your goodbyes.

Another smart thing you can do is to simply shower your social and business circle with your cards. But you do not want to be annoying so play it down and, as much as possible, do it when no one's watching. Of course, during business meetings, this is perfectly okay. Otherwise, you're going to need just the perfect timing. You need not catch everyone's attention when giving someone your card, but you do need to have that person pay attention to do as you do that. This is to ensure that he actually is aware that he has your card even when you are out of sight. Do not give your card when the person is busy with something - he'll probably forget about it even if the card has been in his wallet for weeks.

Even when you attend personal affairs such as class reunions, be generous with your contact information. The point here is to have as many people know about what you do or what you offer. And as these people move around their own circles, they can easily make referrals to you. Then, you will have more room to widen your market reach and that means more sales potential.

Penis Health Creams Reviewed - What Penis Vitamins Can Do and What They Cannot

Penis Health Creams Reviewed - What Penis Vitamins Can Do and What They Cannot

Daily penis care plays a big role in men's sexual health. Maintaining healthy penis skin can leave the skin smooth, supple and responsive and may boost receptiveness to sexual stimulation. Using the right penis health cream can have long-term benefits and increase sexual pleasure in men of all ages.

However, men who are looking to improve their penis health often find themselves stuck with useless, yet expensive products that do nothing to live up to their advertising claims. Smart consumers should be aware of what to look for in a penis health cream, and they should have realistic expectations about what penis vitamins can do for men's health.

What penis creams can't do:

Although it is tempting to believe claims that vitamins and other ingredients can make the penis longer, thicker, or harder, or that they can make men last longer in bed, the truth is that no cream or vitamin formula currently on the market can do these things. Companies that advertise penis enhancement creams are simply cashing in on a consumer demand that they cannot fulfill.

What penis health creams can do:

The good news is that there are penis vitamins and other nutrients that really provide lasting benefits and can improve sexual satisfaction. With the right ingredients, men can improve the tone and texture of the penile skin, prevent premature aging of the dermal tissue, boost sensitivity, maximize circulation and support the natural healing properties of the skin. By doing so, responsiveness to sexual stimulation is increased, and men can enjoy the more fulfilling sex that accompanies a healthy, youthful penis.

Penis vitamins - ingredients with real benefits

The following vitamins and other nutrients have been shown to improve the overall health of the erogenous skin:

• Vitamin A - Helps to maintain a youthful appearance, speeds healing, and fights bacteria that can cause inflammation, rashes, and foul odors.

• Vitamin B5 - Increases overall healing and works to facilitate penile cell metabolism, an important factor in cellular health.

• Vitamin C - A powerful antioxidant that fights aging, speeds healing, promotes healthy circulation and protects the cells against environmental damage.

• Vitamin D - The so-called "miracle" vitamin that stimulates the body's healing properties, helping to maintain smooth, clear skin and responsive nerve cells.

• Vitamin E - Creates a natural moisture barrier that maintains the penile skin's natural hydration and self-lubricating properties.

• Acetyl-L-Carnitine - An amino acid with protective properties that help to prevent nerve cell damage that can result from vigorous intercourse or masturbation.

• L-Arginine - Another amino acid that is a major factor in circulatory health, helping to relax the blood vessels and allow for healthy oxygenation of the skin and nerve cells.

• Alpha-lipoic Acid - A natural antioxidant that helps to protect the skin cells against oxidation (a process which causes cellular damage and can result in aging, a wrinkled appearance, and even skin cancer).

• Natural moisturizers - Natural moisturizers are recommended over man-made products that can contain skin irritants and other harmful chemicals. While aloe, lanolin and olive oil are generally effective, shea butter is recommended for most men, due to its superior healing properties. In addition, shea butter is appropriate for all skin types.

Which health creams contain all of these penis vitamins, minerals and other ingredients?

In the search for an effective penis health cream that actually lives up to its advertising claims, it was found that most creams on the market are geared toward individuals who are looking for penis enhancement. However, these products do little to live up to their promises. Only one penis health formula - Man1 Man Oil - was discovered to contain all of the vital ingredients described above and to provide real benefits for long-term penis skin health.

Attitude In Business

Attitude In Business

Is your attitude pulling you down? Are you an optimist, glass half full, or a pessimist, glass half empty?

We have all experienced ups and downs in life. How we deal with them is what is important. How do you handle them? Do you say this business is not going to work? If so, you're letting your attitude get in the way! When we set our minds to the negative side, we are bound for failure.

Think about the most successful person you know! Ask yourself this, how did that person become successful. Was it because they took every failure and said, "I quit, this will never work." Of course not, they analyzed what went wrong, learned from it, and made sure they did not make that same mistake twice. There attitude was not to fail!

"The satisfaction and happiness you derive from life depends on your goals, attitude, and actions. Those who wait for life to supply satisfaction and happiness usually end up with boredom and sorrow instead."
Dennis Gaskill

Take a moment and answer these questions.

1. Do you believe the only way to prosperity is to work harder?

2. Do you believe I can not be my own boss? It will never work for me.

3. Do you believe that others are to blame for your failures?

When I was young, my Dad drilled into my head that there is no such word as can not. He taught me a valuable lesson.

1. When I have a positive attitude, I can be successful in anything I desire to do. "Positive any thing is better than negative nothing." Elbert Hubbard

2. Take responsibility for my own actions.

3. Do not blame others for my failures, learn from them, and then try again.

So, how can you change your attitude?

Be aware of your thoughts at all times. Concentration is the power to over come those negative thoughts. Your feelings are what you make them. If you focus on what is missing in your life, you will prolong that lack. Instead switch your thoughts to something positive, reflect about some thing good in your life. Be positive! Be definite!

Just by changing your thoughts, you can change your attitude. Realize that you already have the power in within you to change.

What you can visualize you can achieve! Imagination is one more key to changing your attitude. In the book, Your Psychic Potential, MJ Abadie states, "By understanding you have no limits, and by letting your imagination soar, you contact that absolutely absolutely nothing, that all things are possible to you.

Believe in your ability to change! Need I say more?

To change your attitude it will take toil and endurance. YOU CAN DO IT!

I am sure we have heard that adage, "Life is what we make it." It is true, life is what we make it! To succeed in any part of our lives, whether it is in business or your personal life, we have to have a positive outlook, no matter what might come! Being negative will pull you down into despair! Which one will you chose?

"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses."
Ziggy Marley

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Small Family is a Happy Family

A Small Family is a Happy Family

There was a time when people were proud of having large families. But Today, Things have changed. People are realizing the importance of having small family.

There are so Many Advantages of having a small family. Below are listed some of the advantages of it:

1. The size of the family and financial condition of the are closely related to each other. The Living cost of larger family is much higher as they have more expenses on food, cloth, toys and education where expenses in small family are very low.

2 - Parents can easily fulfill the needs of one or two children. They can provide them best education and look after them very well whereas there are many children to look after parents just can not fulfill even the basic needs of the children. Therefore, as a result, children suffer, the parents suffer and nation suffers.

3. Parents can look after their child properly if they have one or two children. They can pay due attention to their upbringing and needs. Parents can give them their best support. Naturally, the children will grow into good citizens.

3. A child in a small family receives more support from their parents than in large family. When parents have many children to look after, they can not give their best support to everyone whereas parents have few children to look after, they can give more support to them.

4. Family size also affect the health, especially that of mother and child. Frequent pregnancies can cause illness to both mother and children. It can disrupt the health of the women. It puts mother and baby's health at risk.

Thus A small Family is indeed a happy family.

How to File For Unemployment Online

How to File For Unemployment Online

Thanks to the rise of the Internet, if you have been separated from your job you can go online to the website of your state Division of Unemployment and get information about unemployment insurance benefits. Almost every state offers a full range of online services, including filing a new claim and renewing or reopening and existing claim.

Remember to file your claim in the state where you worked. If, for example, you live in Nevada but your job was located in California, then you need to file your claim in California.

What you need to provide
Depending on your state requirements, before you go online to file a claim you'll need to have the following information.

• Your personal identification: name, address, and Social Security number.
• Driver's license number, if you have one.
• Your work history for the past 18 months. This includes every employer, their addresses, and your supervisors' names.
• Separate information-why you are no longer working for the company or are working reduced hours.
• Information on your availability for seeking work.

Things to watch out for online
Be careful when making your online claim. When you create your personal identification number (PIN), do not use a simple password -never use your address or some other obvious set of letters or numbers for your PIN. Be aware of email scams that seek to steal your personal information. Your state employment office will never send you an email requesting information such as your Social Security number, direct payment card number, or personal identification number. If you have reason to believe your account has been compromised, notify your state unemployment office immediately.

Only you, the claimant, are authorized to use the unemployment insurance system. Authorizing or enabling another person to use the system may be considered fraud on the part of the claimant. You stand to lose your benefits if you let another person to use your PIN or submit a fraudulent claim for benefits.

Once you have submitted your online claim, you will receive a confirmation page for you to print and keep for your records. You will also receive a confirmation email if you provided your email address. Within five working days you should receive a Wage Transcript and Initial Determination by mail, which tell you if you are eligible and what benefits you are entitled to. If you are denied unemployment benefits, you may appeal. Your state employment agency website will have information about how to appeal.

Online unemployment information
Each state or US territory has its own employment division and corresponding website. Every one of these state specific employment sites include an area in which to file a claim online, as well as providing the ability to apply over the phone or in person.

Performance Measurement, Operational and Financial Performance

Performance Measurement, Operational and Financial Performance

Empirically, most strategy research studies employ the construct of business performance to examine a variety of strategy content and process issues (Ginsberg and Venkatraman, 1985). This second article in the series concerns the use of financial and operational performance; through the summarization of two seminal papers written by Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) and Kaplan and Norton (1992).

Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) study consider as an important document for the theoretical discussion regarding the evaluation of the measurement of business performance. One of the key issues addressed by this study is the attempt to delineate the performance concept. More specifically, whether business performance should be differentiated from the overall discussion on organizational effectiveness. The view taken by Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) was that business performance, which reflects the perspective of strategic management, is a subset of the overall concept of organizational effectiveness. The narrowest conception of business performance centers on the use of simple outcome based financial indicators that are assumed to reflect the fulfillment of the economic goals of the firm. Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) refer to this concept as financial performance. Financial performance measurement is a multi-dimensional one. Sample of financial measures, group into dimensions can be presented as follow: Profitability - return on investment (ROI), earning before interest and tax (EBIT), gross profit margins. Growth - market share growth, Sales Growth. Efficiency - return on sales (ROS), return on equity (ROE). Analyses made by using single financial measure or several measures relating to only one dimension may lead to misleading conclusions. According to Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) a border conceptualization of business performance would include emphasis on measures of operational performance, which consists of those key parameters which may lead to an improvement in financial performance. Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1986) note that it would be logical to treat operational performance measures such as market-share, new product introduction, product quality, marketing effectiveness, manufacturing value-added, within the domain of business performance.

Kaplan and Norton (1992) have presented another seminal paper regarding the measurement of business performance. Its name, "The Balanced Scorecard - measures that drive performance" could suggest for the way they approach the issue. According to the writers, since there is increasing need, both for large and small businesses, to master a variety of capabilities in different fields, the traditional measures of financial performance gives inadequate, or in some cases inaccurate, perspective for the status of the business and its ability to keep improving. The balanced scorecard tries to overcome these difficulties through the completion of financial measures, which reflect for actions that already have been taken, with those of operational performance measures, which consists of parameters that may drive the forthcoming financial performance. Operational measures according to the balanced scorecard constructed from three dimensions - How do customers see us? (Customer perspective), What must we excel at? (Internal perspective), Can we continue to improve and create value? (Innovation and learning perspective).