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Friday, September 14, 2018

Money Magazines - Your Gateway to Financial Success

Money Magazines - Your Gateway to Financial Success

Any business requires constant updating of information so that it keeps on generating money and does not get outdated. Ideas for beneficial modification (s) comes from media, like newspapers and TV, seminars related to your business, business magazines and money magazines, plus in-house research.

If you are always on look out for better avenues to make money, then you would attend special seminars or, perhaps, hire a specialist for advice. Often, you were inspired but somewhere down the road, this line of thinking slowly edged to the back of your mind. But if the same knowledge was in a written form, you could see it now and then as a source of inspiration, and, act on it sooner or later.

There are many types of money magazines, eg magazines for home based imports (work from home magazines), business related magazines, magazines that write about success stories, franchise opportunities magazines, etc. You will find magazines related to any field where there are opportunities to earn, manage or make money.

Perhaps, money magazines will be most popular among all the types of magazines on book stands. Subscribing to such magazine will always be useful for no knowledge will ever be without a value. Attending seminars, conferences, taking special courses have a high cost, while money magazines are the cheapest source of acquiring latest information. Also, by subscribing to a magazine, you are getting each issue at a discount, sometimes as high as 40-50%, as compared to buying every time from a book stall.

These magazines are always researching the current trends to write on and increase their circulation, so you can be sure that you will get good useful information each time you receive an issue of the magazine you have subscribes for.

There are many sites online which offer magazine subscription, including Australian magazine subscriptions. Browse through them and you will find a magazine of your interest. Subscribing is easy. Become a member of the website by filling in your name and email address, choose the magazine you want to subscribe to, pay using your credit card and the site will acknowledge your subscription. Issues of the magazine will be delivered to your door step on due dates. Most of the sites will give detailed description of what each magazine is about. This will help you decide the one to subscribe for.

Oh yes, subscriptions can be gifted too. So if you know a dear one who could do with such a subscription, do gift him one; he will remember you every time he receives an issue of the magazine or whenever he reads form the issues received. Of course, he will also remember you if he makes more money with the help of some useful information in one of the issues.

While browsing through sites online for subscribing to money magazine, look for incentives. To ensure larger clientele, publisher often gives free gifts with new subscriptions. Then, there are sites that do a good deed by donating a part of your payment to charity; you may even be permitted to request which charity to donate to.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Pros and Cons of Morning After Pills

Pros and Cons of Morning After Pills

The use of morning after pill has both advantages and disadvantages associated with it. Here are a few pros and cons you need to be aware of:


1. It can be your last resort to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

2. If you are 17 years of age or over, you do not need a prescription to buy morning after pills. You can have it soon after having an unprotected sex.

3. By consuming these pills, you can avoid unnecessary stress and tension about an unwanted pregnancy.

4. Even if the pills fail to prevent pregnancy, they will not cause any harm to the baby.

5. These pills will not affect your chances of getting pregnant in the future. Your fertility remains the same and returns with your next period.

6. Studies have shown that morning after pills effectively lower the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer.


1. They can cause certain side effects. Some common morning after pills side effects are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, irregular bleeding and breast tenderness.

2. Morning after pills can also cause some serious side effects such as liver disorders, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure and blood clots in the heart, intestines and lungs.

3. They can cause serious health complications in women suffering from diabetes, heart diseases and migraine.

4. They can also have adverse effects in women, who are over 35 years of age and have cardiovascular disorders, deep vein thrombosis, liver problems and breast cancer.

5. The use of morning after pill raises the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. In such a pregnancy, the embryo gets lodged in the fallopian tubes rather than the womb. If you are using morning after pills, the pregnancy can remain undetected. This is because the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are similar to the side effects of the pills: nausea and abdominal pain. If remain undetected for a long time, it can prove to be fatal.

6. Other than these side effects, the body may have an allergic reaction to the drug, causing an outbreak of rash and breathing problems.

7. Apart from physical side effects to the body, the emergency contraceptive pills can also have a wider social impact. The easy over-the-counter access to the emergency contraceptive raises questions about its misuse. Many people are of the view that it may lead to an increase in promiscuity, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and increased sexual violence against women.

Although the use of morning after pill becomes essential to avoid pregnancy after an unprotected sex, its usage must be avoided on a regular basis.

Tips to Change the Battery in a Computer

Tips to Change the Battery in a Computer

Computer has battery or a special chip which keeps computers (CMOS) settings and also runs the computer lock even after the computer itself is turned off. When you have to reset the date and time on the computer every time you start it, you will need to replace the battery of your computer. This procedure is applicable to IBM-compatible computers which have a replaceable battery or the connector for the space battery. At this time, this article is going to deliver several tips to change the battery in a computer. So, just check out the following tips.

The first thing that you should do is to record the settings of the current CMOS first. Then, you should turn on or restart the computer. When the computer settings are displayed on the screen, you have to press the Pause key or the Break key in a way to freeze the computer display.

The second thing that you need to do is to press the Print Screen key for printing the display, or just write the settings on paper. You should keep this information in case you are losing the settings of your computer.

The third thing is to turn off your computer and unplug it. After that, you should remove the cover.

The fourth thing that you need to do is to record the battery type which is currently installed, but do not remove it. The lithium or the alkaline batteries are in the holders attached to the motherboard. The built-in batteries are then soldered onto the motherboard, but the connector must be available for the space battery. In this step, you have to note the type of the connector.

The fifth thing is to buy a replacement battery.

The next thing is to remove your existing battery and then replace it with new battery in exactly the same configuration. Spare batteries with the connector usually fit one way only, but you should check the computer documentation.

Lastly, you should replace the computer cover, then plug in the power cord, and start the computer. Now you can reset the date and time of your computer.

Gods of Gambling

Gods of Gambling

People like to gamble, they place bets to have fun or to earn extra cash. When they feel lucky or when someone is watching over them, they simply want to take a chance, to prove that fortune smiles on them, and betting / gambling is no exception.

Praying to God for a team to win a specific game in order for you to win a bet is more or less selfish when there are still so many bad things in the world. But what about those ancient gods of the past, people believed in them and prayed to them for fortune. The different mythologies of the world reveal powerful deities that rule over the world of gambling. Here are some of the gods that can influence the outcome of a football match in our favor:

Hermes is the Greek god of gambling, profit, hazard, and gaming. Hermes was the winged messenger of the gods. He was the god of flocks, road, trading, commerce, thieves. He is also known as Mercury in Roman Mythology. His father is Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods.

Thoth is the Egyptian god of gambling. He had the same attributes like the Greek god, Hermes. He is the creator of magic, the inventor of writing, the messenger of the gods and the divine record-keeper and mediator. According to myth, he earned 5 extra days by gambling with the moon (then known as Iabet) in a game of dice to help the sky goddess Nut to have her children.

Macuilxochitl, (five flowers, also called Xochipilli) is the Aztec god of gambling, music, dancing. He was the god of games, from board games (Patolli) to the Aztec version of football (Ullamaliztli). Typically represented as a god of fun and dancing, Xochipilli could also send venereal disease to anyone who violates abstentions by engaging in sexual intercourse.

Li-Nezha is the Chinese god of gambling. He is probably the only one of the Chinese Gods that can reveal the winning numbers in lottery. Li-Nezha is perhaps more well-known as Nataku or Nata from Japanese anime a half-mortal war god. In ancient times mortals worship him as a God of Lotteries and Gambling.

Lakshmi, is the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity and fortune. Lakshmi is the consort of the god Vishnu. Hindus believe that anyone who worships Lakshmi sincerely, and not in greed, will be blessed with fortune and success. After worshiping Lakshmi on Diwali, many Hindus gamble and spend profusely, believing that Lakshmi has bestowed good fortune upon them.

Nohoilpi - The gambling god of the Navajo. Also called "He Who Wins Men". He is a renegade son of the sun god Tsohanoai. He came down to Earth and taught his gambling games to the various tribes but soon abused his power by exceeding them at all his games of chance and collecting his wins by enslaving people to build a city to mark his glory. He was defeated at gambling by a Navajo man send by the other gods and was thrown into the sky.

Real Estate Investing with Bad Credit!

Real Estate Investing with Bad Credit!

By being creative, you can play the game of real estate investing by using what is called Option's investing.

This is just one technique of the Option's strategy of investing but can be a power tool in your investors toolbox to help you control more real estate and build wealth.

An option is an agreement to you from the seller that gives you the exclusive right to buy a property during a specified time and at a predetermined price but does not obligate you to make the purchase - This is why it's called the Option agreement.

You option to buy - You option not to buy.

Option investing works when you want to control more real estate with limited out of pocket cash or credit and works if you:

Have no credit!

Can not pay cash!

Can not get a loan!

I call this the "SWEAT OPTION".

The sweat option works well if you have the ability to do the repairs yourself.

Your key's in making a deal like this are:

You need to know the basics of real estate investing

You need the forms to make this happen

You need to know the market area

You need to know the laws in your state

You need to know how to determine the value of the subject property

You need to know how to do a title search

Most importantly you need to know how to find sellers that are motivated enough to work with you on this strategy of investing.

I recommend that you farm out your market area looking for properties that are what we call in the industry FSBO's (For Sale by Owner).

Go to your local library and start your research by looking at old newspapers starting with newspapers that are 90 days old and working your way through the FSBO's section making a list of possible deals. Working on a list of 30 or so.

Call and see if the property is still on the market, if so make an appointment to see the property! You will find that none owner occupied properties work the best and you are looking for properties that can not compete well with other homes do to repairs that need to be done.

Let's say the seller has a property that is worth $ 100,000 after the repairs.

I like using a 5% rule for repairs - If the value of the property is $ 100,000 after repairs, I do not want to spend more than $ 5,000 or 5% in repairs.

I would negotiate say an option purchase price of $ 80,000 for a period of 6 months or more and in the option agreement to perform the repairs at my cost to be my consideration for the option of purchase or should I say the $ 5,000 in repairs materials cost and labor to be considered as credit towards the purchase of the property (My down payment) and what ever monthly payment we agree to and credit amount of that monthly payment. So let's say we agree to pay $ 600 a month with $ 100 a month credit towards the purchase.

You start you¡¯re repairs and complete them in 30 days or less and let's say you purchased $ 1,500 in materials.

Now you place the property on the market because you have the option to purchase "You have taken control of the property with your option".

Let's say this deal has taken you 90 days from the beginning to the end.

You find your buyer let's say at a great deal of $ 95,000 - $ 5,000 below market value at this point you would simply exercise right to the purchase option and do a simultaneous close.

Now let's run the numbers

Your option purchase was $ 80,000

Your option credit of $ 5,300 (Repairs, materials cost, labor & monthly credit)

Your purchase price after credits $ 74,700

Your buyer purchase price of $ 95,000

Leaving you a gross profit of $ 20,300

You had out of pocket material cost of $ 1,500

You had 3 payments of $ 600 each with $ 100 for the credit purchase with an out of pocket of $ 1,500

Carrying cost of $ 600, (Real estate taxes $ 300 & $ 300 Utilities)

Advertising cost $ 300

Closing cost $ 1,300

Your net profit $ 15,100

You simply took control of a $ 100,000 property for $ 3,900 (payments, materials, utilities, and advertising) and turned a profit of $ 15,100 in 90 days!

Look at it this way you can make it a cash purchase at $ 80,000 and take control of one property or be a little creative and take control of the same property for less than $ 4,000. Both conservative and creative deals work in the world of real estate investing.

Good luck and I hope this will help some of you!

Copyright 2005 JMichael Investments

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to

How to Use Phosphoload

How to Use Phosphoload

One of the challenges urban gardens face is limited space in their gardens for vertical plant growth. Not only can plants grow too tall for the space one has, as they get taller, the lower parts of the plant will require supplementary lighting.

As a result, indoor gardeners use different techniques to keep their plants from growing too tall. For example, one could use a trellis over the canopy and train the plants to grow horizontally instead of vertically.

Furthermore, there is a supplement that can stop vertical plant growth and instead create more lateral growth. The supplement is called Phosphoload.

Phosphoload makes use of advanced gains in plant technology. It actually pulls out special isolates from coal that came from humates. The humatic isolates are strong rare earth elements. When they are mixed with the technology found in Phosphoload, the result is faster flowering with larger buds.

As mentioned earlier, after using this supplement your plants will stop their vertical growth almost instantly and instead will focus on producing large clusters of flowers laterally.

Not only will Phosphoload create more lateral growth, it will create larger flowers and increase yield up to 30%. If that is not enough to get you excited, it can also reduce the time it takes a plant to reach full maturity.

Using Phosphoload does come with some risk. If it's not used correctly, you will kill your plants. This is not a slow death, either. Your plants will be toast in under three days.

The most common mistake made is to follow the directions on the label. The manufacturer does not know what nutrients you have in your reservoir or what you're growing. Do not get scared though. Simply follow these instructions and you'll be fine:

1. Start with a fresh reservoir of water.

2. In the fresh reservoir, only add your main nutrient at 75% of the previous week's ppms.

3. Do not add any additives with the exception of root enhancers.

4. Apply Phosphoload at the beginning of your third week of flowering.

5. Apply 2-6 ml of Phosphoload per gallon of water.

6. Run your nutrient solution through your plants for three days.

7. Thoroughly flush your plants with pure water or use a leaching solution.

8. After the plants are flushed, go back to your normal feeding schedule for the middle of week three of flowering.

As you can see, it's very simple to use Phosphoload so do not be scared of killing your plants. Simply follow the steps above above and you will see great results. More lateral growth, larger flowers, and a shorter bloom period makes this supplement a favorite among connoisseurs.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Power Wheelchairs

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Power Wheelchairs

Power wheelchairs have greatly increased in popularity among adults and disabled individuals. You may also hear power wheelchairs referred to as electric wheelchairs. Just like any other wheelchair style or brand, power wheelchairs have their advantages and disadvantages.

The most obvious advantage to owning a power wheelchair is that they are easy and convenient. Although power wheelchairs do have an electric motor, they are still controlled by the individual in the chair. Depending on the model, some power wheelchairs are controlled by the hands and others may even be controlled by the mouth or other workable body parts. This feature is very important for someone who may not have full use of their hands or arms.

The fact that there are so many varieties of power wheelchairs available is another big plus. There are thousands of wheelchairs companies, online websites, and stores that sell power wheelchairs and other styles. Individuals of all ages, shapes, and sizes can end up needing a wheelchair at one point in their life. For this reason, wheelchair manufactures tend to customized chairs or provide a large variety of different styles for each power wheelchair model. Individuals of all weight and heights should be able to find a compatible power wheelchair.

Although power wheelchairs do have some disadvantages, many of them can be turned into advantages with extra money or additional features. Typically a power wheelchair will not fold up or come apart. Most individuals who need to travel may not have a van or larger vehicle to store the power wheelchair; therefore they will have to make other plans. You may have to purchase an additional manual wheelchair for trips. Another option would be to spend more money on a power wheelchair and purchase one that folds ups or will disassemble fairly easily. The fold up power wheelchairs are available in most stores; however, they can cost quite a bit more than traditional power wheelchairs.

Even since power wheelchairs have increased in popularity, there are still many disabled, injured, or elderly individuals who are unable to purchase a power wheelchair. The number one reason why an individual who would like to purchase a power wheel can not due due to financial reasons. Before purchasing a power wheelchair or completely ruling one out, it is important to speak with insurance or Medicare representatives. Many individuals are not aware of the fact that if a wheelchair is advised by a doctor, it may be fully or partially covered by the two.

Power wheelchairs are not only handy but comfortable too. Many power wheelchairs similar comfort comfortable computer chairs. Whatever a power wheelchair is the best option will depend upon the needs of the individual in question. Although they do not always come cheap, power wheelchairs are comfortable, easy, and safe for everyone to use.