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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Misconceptions of MLM Home Based Business

Misconceptions of MLM Home Based Business

Building a MLM home based business or leveraging on multi-level marketing (MLM) is a very popular type of marketing method in the field of business. However, given dubious practices that were practiced by few people who are in MLM, over the years it has earned a less than attractive status as a marketing strategy during recent years.

Multi-level marketing is one of the marketing strategies that is employed in the area of ​​home based business. With an MLM home based business, an entrepreneur will sell goods and services to the target customers. The beauty in having a MLM home based business is that it enables you to have a luxury of flexibility in work schedule and on what products or service you wish to offer to your potential buyers.

Company goods, which you can sell, will range from the general commodities such as home decorations, storage containers to personalized products like vitamins, food supplements, clothing, beauty and cosmetics items and in recent times the e-learning portals are gaining wide spread popularity where people get education from the comforts of their homes.

Setting up a MLM home based business is straight forward and easy. Ask anyone who are engaged in multi-level marketing and they may refer you to an appropriate leader you can talk to about your business. Probably your friends, relatives, and neighbors are the members of a MLM company since this marketing method is very prevalent.

In addition, you can search companies that are involved in MLM by using Internet. There is a high probability of finding websites where information of how you can be a part of MLM is available. Some personal websites might be setup by people who are MLM company leaders and these platforms are commonly known as blogs.

By employing your skills and abilities in marketing the products or services that are available to you, having a MLM home based business may work to your benefit. This industry contributes millions of dollars to economy even in a middle of crisis. Many people are now realizing its potential & becoming a part of the force.

Basic Elements of Technical Writing

Basic Elements of Technical Writing

Technical writing is a specialized form of writing.

Its goal is to help readers use a technology or to understand a process, product or concept. Often these processes, products or concepts are complex, but need to be expressed in a much simpler, reader-friendly form.

So within the technical writing genre, you will find: technical reports, installation and maintenance manuals, proposals, white papers, on-line help, process standards, work instructions and procedures.

While each discipline has its specific requirements, some basic elements are common. But before looking at those, the most important thing a technical writer must consider is the audience.


  • How familiar are readers with the subject and with the specialized terms and abbreviations you need to use?
  • What is the best way to explain those terms or shortened forms - footnotes, endnotes, glossary, table of abbreviations, appendix, links?
  • Do you need to accommodate secondary readers (eg the manager or financier who will make the decision about the proposal), and how will you do that?

Now for those all-important elements:

  1. Clarity - The logical flow of the document will help readers understand the content. It can be useful to ask someone who is not familiar with the topic to review your writing before you finalise it. Using headings, illustrations, graphs or tables can be useful - your aim is to make it as easy as possible for your readers to understand what you've written. Consider how the way text sits on the page or screen - another clue to maximizing clarity for your readers.
  2. Accuracy - The information and the interpretation of data that you present must be accurate. If it's not, your readers will question the credibility of the content. Be careful to clearly differentiate between fact and opinion, and to accurately cite references to other works.
  3. Brevity - Strive to find the balance between the amount of information presented and the time needed to read the document. Remember that you can use an appendix or link to provide supplementary or background information. Consider using an illustration, table or graph rather than words to explain a concept - but remember, if you use a 'visual', do not give a long written explanation.
  4. Sentence length - Typically, complex or unfamiliar concepts are best presented in shorter sentences. This will give readers time to digest small pieces of information before moving on to the next. While this can be difficult to achieve, try to aim for approximately 25 words per sentence. If you find you've written a series of long sentences, look for 'and', 'but', 'however' and similar words where you can break the sentence.
  5. Paragraphs - The age-old rule about one topic per paragraph is a useful guide. That does not mean that you can have only one paragraph for each topic, but it does mean that having only one topic in each paragraph makes for clear, logical writing.
  6. Reader-centricity - You are writing for your readers. Make it as easy as possible for them to understand your work.

Keep these basic elements and other principles in mind as you undertake your technical writing tasks.

How to Find a Suitable Mobile App Development Company

How to Find a Suitable Mobile App Development Company

Undoubtedly, the use of mobile devices has grown bigger just because they are an instant medium to access internet and mobile applications. These mobile applications are of great characteristics and this is the reason, the corporate sector has found no other way except to promote and sell their services through mobile apps. Companies are looking forward towards mobile strategy for effective promotion of their businesses.

However, developing an effective app is primarily important and beneficial for companies. For an error-less and professional mobile app development, it is necessary that you select a suitable company so that you can save your time and money. The benefits to select a professional mobile app development company are;

· Professional developers are experts.

· They know about standard development.

· They are quick and cost-effective.

· They can incorporate essential features.

· They understand purpose of development and know the exact solution.

On the other hand, if you are new to mobile and have no appropriate knowledge for the selection of such company, following questions can help you make a better selection;

Have they built any significant app before?

The core reason of developing a mobile app for business is to get the app downloaded more & more so that business can gain maximum profit. While making selection of mobile app development company, you have to find out whether the company has ever done any significant project or not. Their previous apps can help you understand their efficiency and devotion towards work.

Are they certified?

Only certified companies can help you develop a trusted and reliable app. Therefore, it is better to check with their certification or authorization.

Does the company have a good reputation?

Before hiring, it is very important to know whether the company has a good reputation or not. You must go through the testimonials of the company's client so as to know company's cancellation capabilities.

Does the company offer good prices?

You have to be very vigilant with the prices because you expect a good app within your budget. You must check with the prices, other similar companies are offering in order to know what suits your budget.

Is the company experienced?

It is advantageous to hire experienced developers because experienced developers have vast knowledge to deal with different languages ​​of development and they can end up with an app free from errors.

Is the company capable to work on cross-platform?

The company must be aware of cross-platform development in order to get the app developed for several platforms. You must make sure that the company can go through cross-platform development and can build an application on different platforms.


It is a mobile age and communicating customers through mobile can increase selling opportunities. Such opportunities can only be availed if your business app is useful and effective. However, to develop an effective app, you need to hire a professional company and check with its efficiency of work, professionalism, past-experiences, cross-platform development knowledge and reputation etc.

Cyber ​​Crimes And Solutions

Cyber ​​Crimes And Solutions

We are currently living in Cyber ​​age, where Internet and computers have major impacts on our way of living, social life and the way we conduct businesses.
The usage of information technology has posed great security challenges and ethical questions in front of us. Just as every thing has positives and negatives, usage of information technology is beneficial as well as insecure.

With the growth of the internet, network security has become a major concern. Cyber ​​crimes have emerged rapidly in the last few years and have major consequences. Cyber ​​criminals are doing every thing from stealing money, hacking into others computer, stealing intellectual property, spreading viruses and worms to damage computers connected on the internet and committing frauds.
Stoppage of cyber crimes is a major concern today.
Cyber ​​criminal make use of the vulnerabilities in computer soft wares and networks to their advantage.


Hacking or Cracking is a major cyber crime committed today. Hacker makes use of the weaknesses and loop holes in operating systems to destroy data and steal important information from victim's computer. Cracking is normally done through the use of a backdoor program installed on your machine. A lot of crackers also try to gain access to resources through the use of password cracking softwares. Hackers can also monitor what u do on your computer and can also import files on your computer. A hacker could install several programs on to your system without your knowledge. Such programs could also be used to steal personal information such as passwords and credit card information. Important data of a company can also be hacked to get the secret information of the future plans of the company.


Cyber-Theft is the use of computers and communication systems to steal information in electronic format. Hackers crack into the systems of banks and transfer money into their own bank accounts. This is a major concern, as larger amounts of money can be stolen and illegally transferred.

Many newsletters on the internet provide the investors with free advice recommending stocks where they should invest. Sometimes these recommendations are totally bogus and cause loss to the investors. Credit card fraud is also very common.

Most of the companies and banks do not disclose that they have been the victims of cyber -theft because of the fear of losing customers and share holders. Cyber-theft is the most common and the most reported of all cyber-crimes. Cyber-theft is a popular cyber-crime because it can quickly bring an experienced cyber-criminal large cash resulting from very little effort. Furthermore, there is little chance a professional cyber-criminal will be apprehended by law enforcement.

Viruses and worms:

Viruses and worms is a very major threat to normal users and companies. Viruses are computer programs that are designed to damage computers. It is named virus because it spreads from one computer to another like a biological virus. A virus must be attached to some other program or documents through which it enters the computer. A worm usually exploits loop holes in soft wares or the operating system. Trojan horse is dicey. It appears to do one thing but does something else. The system may accept it as one thing. Upon execution, it may release a virus, worm or logic bomb. A logic bomb is an attack triggered by an event, like computer clock reaching a certain date. Chernobyl and Melissa viruses are the recent examples.

Experts estimate that the Mydoom worm infected approximately a quarter-million computers in a single day in January 2004. Back in March 1999, the Melissa virus was so powerful that it forced Microsoft and a number of other very large companies to completely turn off their e -mail systems until the virus could be contained.


An important question arises that how can these crimes be prevented. A number of techniques and solutions have been presented but the problems still exist and are increasing day by day.

Antivirus And Anti spyware Software:

Аntivirus software consists of computer programs that attempt to identify, thwart and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software. Anti spy wares are used to restrict backdoor program, trojans and other spy wares to be installed on the computer.


A firewall protects a computer network from unauthorized access. Network firewalls may be hardware devices, software programs, or a combination of the two. A network firewall typically guards an internal computer network against malicious access from outside the network.


Cryptography is the science of encrypting and decrypting information. Encryption is like sending a postal mail to another party with a lock code on the envelope which is known only to the sender and the recipient. A number of cryptographic methods have been developed and some of them are still not cracked.

Cyber ​​Ethics and Laws:

Cyber ​​ethics and cyber laws are also being formulated to stop cyber crimes. It is a responsibility of every individual to follow cyber ethics and cyber laws so that the increasing cyber crimes shall reduce. Security softwares like anti viruses and anti spy wares should be installed on all computers, in order to remain secure from cyber crimes. Internet Service Providers should also provide high level of security at their servers in order to keep their clients secure from all types of viruses and mallicious programs.

Written by:

Shaikh Mohsin Ayaz

Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi

He Says "I Miss You" - What This Really Says About His Feelings For You

He Says "I Miss You" - What This Really Says About His Feelings For You

When a woman falls hopelessly in love she can tend to allow her heart to rule her actions. It's happened to almost all of us at some point. We meet a guy who sweeps us off our feet and we suddenly realize that all of our common sense has gone flying out the window. We start to over analyze every small thing he says or does expecting to find a defect meaning in it. This is particularly true if you're with a man who is not quick to share what he feels. If he has not yet told you he's crazy about you or he can not live without you and it's something you want to hear, you may try and find the words within his actions. One example is when he says "I miss you." You may believe this is a clear sign that he longs for you, but do not read too much into it or you may be deeply disappointed.

When you're involved with a man and he says "I miss you" on the phone or at the end of an email message it may not be as significant as you'd like it to be. Women tend to use these words when they are longing to be with a man. When we say it, we mean it just as we hardly mean it when we tell our man that we adore him or wish we were with him at that very moment. Men are not always as literal as we are because and when he expresses to you that he's missing you, it may just be his way of wanting to appear romantic.

Is there a way to tell if he really does miss you as much as you miss him? There is. If a man longs to be with you he'll do everything in his power to make that happen. If he's away, he'll rush back to see you. If he's only across town engrossed in the middle of his working day, he'll make every effort to be with you as soon as he can. In other words, he'll put you at the very top of his priority list and you'll always be there.

He'll also be incredibly excited to see you each and every time if he really does miss you. A man who is smitten feet a bit of a flip flop in his stomach whenever he sees the woman he loves. He'll hold her tightly and be completely engrossed in everything she tells him. He'll hold onto her hand and put his arm around her just for the small thrill of touching her.

Sadly, if you are with a man who does not make much of an effort to see you or does not seem terribly excited when he does, he may just be saying he misses you as a way to impress you. It's always important to watch a man's actions to see if they match his words. If they do, consider yourself adored. If they do not, you may not be with someone who is being as sincere as you'd like.

Deciding on a Computer Repair Service

Deciding on a Computer Repair Service

Having a damaged laptop can be a very nerve-wracking situation, especially when you use the laptop daily. There are factors to look at before you get your laptop fixed. In most cases when you have a broken laptop, you mostly think of replacing it. The first question that pops up to your mind is whether you should purchase a new laptop or not. Well, buying a new one might not be the only option since you can get your laptop repaired at low prices. Nonetheless, it depends with the severity of laptop damage, the age of your damaged laptop, and the costs of laptops.

Some of the repairs that may require you to purchase a new laptop include a broken motherboard, broken LCD screen, and a severely damaged case. These types of repairs are mostly expensive, and putting in mind the period you have been with your laptop, this could be the best time to get a new laptop. Nonetheless, it is advisable to consult a professional to give you advice on whether it is viable to repair or buy a new laptop.

Regardless of whether you want a laptop support service or replacement, you will have to decide on what you will do with your data. If you are unable to turn on your laptop, it will be difficult to retrieve your data. That is why it is advisable to have backups on your laptop data to protect you from these tricky situations. This will also make it easier for you to access your data while your laptop is undergoing repair.

Some laptop support services provide data backup and recovery. Always ensure that you inquire about backup and recovery options when looking for a computer service. Additionally, you also want to be certain that your data is secure and safe with whoever offers you support services. With this, you would want to ensure you select a certified laptop repair service.

The most important thing that most people would want to know is the repair cost. This may prove to be a tricky situation since most laptop repair services have to diagnose your laptop first before giving you the pricing. Even some of the flat rated laptop repair services do not cover the parts needed to repair your laptop. If you are worried about repair costs, you do not need to take your laptop to a repair service that diagnoses your laptop before they give you repair charges. You may end up with an astronomical bill.

Different repair services handle their laptop services differently. There are those that will replace a vital component instead of repairing the affected area, which might be a bit expensive. If you want to save on cash, then it is advisable that you go to a service center that diagnoses the problem first. With this, they will detect the problem and repair the broken component. This will save a whole lot of money. However, you should always make sure to contact a reputable laptop service company to ensure you get quality services.

Debt Management - Budgeting Your Money

Debt Management - Budgeting Your Money

Many people ignore one of the most obvious methods of wealth building: budgeting their money. Nobody will ever be able to increase their wealth unless they know how much money they have and what they spend it upon.

This means if you want to have money available you will have to budget. Fortunately, budgeting is not that hard or complicated.

Create a Budget

The first step in budgeting is to create a budget. All you have to do is simply sit down, look at your expenses and your income. Then write out how much you need to spend to pay off your expenses on a piece of paper.

Most people fail at budgeting because they make a budget that's too rigid and neglect two important aspects of a budget. Whenever you create a budget always include a savings and a cash reserve. Try to put 10% of your income in savings and 10% in cash reserve. Savings is money you are storing for the future, a cash reserve is extra money you can use for emergency and unforeseen consequences.

Having a cash reserve is vital because you will not have to use credit cards or dip into savings in most situations. If the cash reserve is still at the end of the month, leave it. That way there will be extra funds available.

A good rule of thumb for budgeting is to try and budget a little more than you actually spend for items. If the grocery bill is normally $ 500, budget $ 550 for groceries, this way you will not have to use savings or cash reserves if grocery costs are a little higher. Do the same for other expenses.

Staying on Budget

It is a good idea to compare your budget and your expenses about about once a week. Simply sit down and look over your expenses and your budget and see if you're staying within it.

A good way to keep track of your spending is to make all your purchases with a debit card. That way you will have a written record of your spending in the form of your statement. You will also have an online record of your spending that you can check.

Try and make as many purchases on debit card as possible. This way you can see if your budgeting is working or not.

Another good budgeting tip is to avoid automatic payment plans and checks. Instead try and pay as many bills as possible by using electronic bill pay. This way you will know what money is going out, when it is going and that only only payments covered by the funds in your account. Use the electronic bill pay that requires you to initiate the payment yourself.