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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Definition of Success - Its True Meaning

The Definition of Success - Its True Meaning

It is no coincidence that you find yourself reading this article. You were obviously in search of the true definition of success or you would not have clicked the article link. Your quest to define success, led you to the usual reference sites like or and found their definitions read something like this - having attained wealth, status, honors or the like or having a favorable termination of an attempt or endeavor . Now take a brief moment and ask yourself these three questions, basing your answers solely on the definitions that were previously stated.

1. Do I consider myself successful?
2. Do I have all the wealth, material possessions, status, or honors I desire?
3. Has the outcome of my endeavors been favorable?

Did you answer no to one or maybe all three questions? If so, are you (even for just a moment) thinking, "I guess I'm not a success; and If I'm not a success then I must be a failure." Yep, if that's what you're thinking, then you're absolutely right, a failure you are. However, do not get discouraged, success is still attainable even for the "failures" of this world.

First things first. Stop measuring your success by the typical definitions found online and in other reference materials. If you do not, you will forever see yourself as a failure. With that said, let's take a moment to learn and digest another definition of success, probably the best you'll ever hear. This definition of success is not found on any mainstream website or in any hardback dictionary. it comes from a man by the name of Earl Nightingale. Mr. Nightingale was a motivational speaker back in the 1950s / 60s and was known as the "Dean of Personal Development." He defined success this way - "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."

Wow! That's worth reading again - "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." Let's take a moment to break that definition down so that you can truly digest the true meaning of success.

Progressive - meaning to make efforts towards continuous progress.
Realization - turning something imagined into a reality.
Worthy ideal - something that warrants great merit and excellence.

Look at it this way - Success is the continuous effort of taking something of great value that you have imagined and working toward it until it ever becomes a reality. Is not that awesome! No matter what your ideal ideal is, you are a success as long as you are making continuous efforts to turn your dream, your goals, your desires into a reality. So, do not get caught up with the fact that you have not attained it yet, just stay focused, set daily goals, and before you know it, you will attain it.

To Your Success!

Top 5 Value for Money Investments

Top 5 Value for Money Investments

"An ideal investment is the one which reaps infinite returns for the generations to come !!"

Whenever the idea of ​​investment comes, one of the first questions that pop in our mind is whether it would reap good returns or not. Then we proceed on to probe on the risks involved, investment tenure and other prerequisites before actually investing.

In this short piece, we explore interesting, easy to plan achieve investments that would make you feel content with the returns and have lesser risks in the market with the returns touching the sky and getting more and more with the time.

1. Investing for a Skill / Education: Education is one of the most expensive investment avenues these days. Acquiring a skill, implementing it, getting well versed in it consumes a lot of time, money and concentration. When worked hard and completed, the returns can be infinite. This means that you can find work and continue on it for as long as you want to. The gains are not only in terms of monetary returns, which are consistent and are usually on a rise, but also in terms of respect, experience and chance to invest more in your family and assets.

2. Real Estate / House: A lot of old and experienced people regarding real estate as a pinnacle of investment or asset creation. Once someone starts transacting in terms of real estate, his outlook towards money is totally changed. An increase in the price of stocks, mutual funds is not as stable as that of a land or a house. Moreover, the emotional value of an asset created in real estate is remarkable.

Yes, undoably, you need to have some net worth and status before venturing into this investment class, but the returns would make sure that the hard work you have put in to create wealth through real estate is all worth it.

3. People: For any manager or a business owner, the people working under him are his prime assets. Investing wise and well in the people will pay him off illegally, irrespective of the amount invested and time consumed over that investment.

Further, versatility makes it easier to find what kind of investment can suit your people. Compropriate insurance, perks, bonuses, trips, education, skill trainings, assets, cheaper loans etc., there are numerous ways in which you can decide how do you want to invest. Investment is people earns you more loyalty (which can never have a price tag), better results, higher efficiency and several such fruits that would enhance your business or get you a promotion.

4. Creating a second income source: When you have multiple uses of the money earned, why can not there be multiple income sources. Often, a second income source seeks some amount of investment, which does annoy people as they fail to realize its need. It is quite simple to analyze it though. The current job or business you are doing has come to you at a cost, which has typically paid off via income and other tangible / intelible returns. You can create a source such as part time intuitions, blogging, baby sitting, product research etc., which give you a stable income and keep on giving more and more returns once you gain good experience. Second income source gets a further boost when you invest in acquiring a skill that in turn gets you another income source.

5. Planting Trees: Promoting Greenery in your vicinity is again an invaluable investment. A seed that nurtures into a plant, and further to a tree has a lot to give for the sunlight, water and care it receives. Interestingly, apart from sowing a seed and occasionally placing a fence around it, you do not have to spend anything at all. The sunlight is free and water requirement, even though being initially crucial, is later managed by the plant itself. Multiple returns that a single fully fledged tree gives include fresh air, fruits, wood, temperature control, shade,

How To Beat The Car Salesman

How To Beat The Car Salesman

If you are like most people, you do not purchase a vehicle very often. It is very easy to fall victim to a seasoned salesman and spend much more than you should. Here are 5 steps to take before you make your purchase.

5) DO YOUR RESEARCH! Consider different things you will need in a vehicle like size, fuel economy, Awd etc .... Select your Price Range. Browse different brands (GM, Toyota?). Read reviews and compare vehicles.

4) NARROW YOUR SEARCH! Choose the vehicles that interest you the most and learn the pros and cons for each. If you educate yourself enough, there is a good chance you will know more than the salesman when the time comes to buy. Try doing a "Total Cost of Ownership" comparison. Total cost of ownership is too often overlooked, it is basically what the vehicle is going to cost you over a period of time. It's important !!!

3) TEST DRIVE ONLY! - This is where it gets tricky. Few dealerships just let you drive and go, you will get pitched and pressured. The trick here is to act interested which you actually are and let the salesman do his job and show you the vehicle, describe it's features and do a test drive. After the drive DO NOT go in and get involved in numbers YET! Get his card and leave.

2) CHOOSE YOUR VEHICLE! - After driving the cars, pick one! Hopefully you've done your research and established a budget. At this point, research promotions and incentives on your vehicle. The manufacturer site will reveal any current programs on the vehicle. Be sure it's what you

1) BUY IT! - Ok, now the fun begins! Choose at least two dealerships (one local for service). Go to your local dealership and get a pricing. Let him know you are shopping around but willing to buy if the price is right! Do not waste all day with this guy, you are going to give him the final chance, just dont tell him that.


Take his price to the other dealer. Do not play games, just tell him the price you've got and ask if he can beat it to earn your business. Even tell him where else your dealing does not hold anything back. After he gets his price and gives it to you .... WALK AWAY !!!!!

Now .... Go back to the original dealer and say you will buy the car if he can beat that price, wave a credit card around (It Helps) 90% of the time he will do it .... he might moan a little though.

Although this may seem like a hassle and there may be a few hundred left on the table, you will get yourself a good deal on the car you set out to buy !!!

CONGRATS !! and enjoy the new car !!!!!!

Child Insurance Plan - All You Need to Know

Child Insurance Plan - All You Need to Know

Nothing but the best will do for your little one! However, all good things in life come with a price tag. Most of us have limited income and with the escalating cost of living, its becoming increasingly tough to cope up. The only way to beat this inflation and come out as a winner is to take the help of insurance plans that will ensure that your child does not lag behind for lack of sufficient funds. For all those, who already have insurance or child plan, a pat on the back! For those who are still thinking about it, it's never too early to start planning and investing towards a corpus fund for your child's future needs. The sooner the better!
So, what are the types of children's plans available in the market today?

We have the traditional endowment insurance plans. We also have the money back plans where money will be paid out to you at various milestones in your child's life. There are insurance cum investment plans that are unit linked where not only are you protected but your money also keeps growing. Saving and investment go side by side. There are various public and private sector insurance companies that will offer you customized and flexible plans as per your requirement.

What should be the key features while taking up a plan?

A good child plan needs to cover a few key aspects to secure your child's future effectively. The plan should meet the monetary goals for important stages in your child's life. Be it higher education or marriage, the fund should meet your requirement at the correct time. In case of the untimely death of the parenting parent, the plan should secure your child's future. Ensure that the plan has a critical illness, a death benefit and a premium waiver benefit so that in your absence, the financial needs can still be catered for. Investment should be sufficient in order to cover the important financial needs that of education, career and marriage. There should be flexibility in terms of premium payment and choice of term.

How to choose from various children's plans?

Now that you have a fair idea of ​​what all children's plan must cover, it will be simple to choose from various market offerings. There are some big names in the insurance world that have come up with some really power packed plans to give you that financial edge. First and foremost, you must make sure that the plan you take up has IT exemption. Also, a term period of 10 to 25 years would be ideal. Amongst a plethora of child plans doing the rounds in the market, Smart Kid by ICICI, Young Star Plus by HDFC, Child Dream Plan by Birla Life Insurance, Head Start Future Protect by Kotak And Young Scholar by Aviva are some of the plans worth looking into. Whatever you choose, starting early is the key to maximizing security and minimizing risk.

Give wings to your children's dreams with a child plan!

AWD Vs 4WD: Choosing a Traction Control System for Your Next Car

AWD Vs 4WD: Choosing a Traction Control System for Your Next Car

In some parts of the US the vehicle tract system competition is almost pointless. There is little merit in comparing AWD vs 4WD systems in areas where the weather is always pleasant and it never dumps mountains of snow or there is rarely a torrential downpour. For other parts of the nation though the type of transaction system you have in your vehicle matters a great deal. Take the New England states for example where AWD vehicles are quite popular for getting around on the frequently snow-covered and slick rural roads.

There has been a great deal of progress from tire makers in developing better tires specifically for the challenges of winter weather. Different tread patterns and adjustments to tire rubber compounds can help a lot but nothing works quite like adding an extra set of driving wheels. The best AWD and 4WD vehicles combine the enhanced traction of extra drive wheels with a smartly designed torque distribution system that is capable to apportion power to the wheels that have the best traction and are in a position to get the vehicle moving with the most efficiency.

While the term 4WD tends to be applied more towards vehicles that have the capability to manually control the drive system via a lever or button in the interior. Usually all wheel drive is used in reference to vehicles that power all four wheels at all times but use a system of power distribution to intelligently send power to the wheels that can make best use of it at the moment.

The level of usefulness that you will get out of the AWD or 4WD system in your particular vehicle depends in large part on the work that went into it in the design process. Some companies seem to be able to do a superior job at designing tract systems that get the power to the road in the most effective possible manner. Audi is a pioneer in this area and their vehicles are quite popular. A relative newcomer who has been able to set some new standards in all wheel drive cars is Acura which SH-AWD system is very impressive with it's ability to send power from one side of the vehicle to the other as well as certainly an apportioning it between the front and rear.

A great way to get an idea what traction system work well in practical applications is to check out what people who live in snowy parts of the nation are using. This is not particularly scientific but if people who live with multiple feet of snow much of the year are favoring a particular brand and type of AWD car then there may be a reason why it is so popular.

Advertising Network Marketing

Advertising Network Marketing

Advertising is essential for any business to succeed. This is also true for a network marketing business. Have you run out of leads for your personal business? Have all your friends, family and co-workers finished looking at your advertising? Are you tired of wasting money on pamphlets, magazines, business cards and other advertising methods such as expensive advertising in newspapers and mail?

In network marketing it is about reaching large numbers of people since only 1 to 3 % will join your downline. To reach a large number of people this way of advertising becomes very expensive. By the way, not many people read newspapers anymore. Newspapers are closing all the time or they are not printing a paper anymore but they are charging a fee to read it on the internet.

There are literally thousands of people looking for what you have available by using different tools on the internet. You have a way to increase advertising their network marketing business. All business owners know that an effective advertising method is the key to success. That is why companies spend a lot of money advertising on television, the radio, flyers mailed, and by making phone calls. Without advertising businesses fail. Whether it is a business with a store front, an internet based business, a health care business, or a construction business, they will fail without advertising.

After many years of minimal success in network marketing businesses many network marketers are finding these features offered on the internet to increase advertising results in their business beyond their wildest imaginations.

The largest audience to advertise to is on the internet and there are many new ways to expand advertising and automatically build relationships with those who are looking at network marketing. Some of these advertising tools available are: banners, personal websites, capture pages, blogs, email and autoresponders. You have the power of the internet at your finger tips to grow leads by using these advertising techniques.

These advertising tolls are very self explanatory. They provide easy to follow simple steps to create these advertisements for your business that will work for you while you sleep. The internet never sleeps so neither do your advertising tools you set up for your personal business. The autoresponder will send emails to your leads automatically when they hit your link on your capture page or blog.

Theses are wonderful new features found on the internet for any business to use to increase their productivity. They will work while you sleep building your network marketing business. Check it out.

Car Wheels

Car Wheels

To understand on the best possible way what are car wheels all about and why they are usually the first thing to go when talking about upgrade let's see some information on a research that took place on 1990.

That research was done after the brake down of the wheels on some cars during race. The wheels were heated and this thermal energy could normally result in aging of the material. We talk about aging when the material is in conditions that greatly reduce its normal life.

There is a whole branch of science that is called "material resistance" and it's about how materials can be made to sustain a long life with minimal resources. This science analyzes the stress caused by various reasons.

Researchers found residual stress that was held in the wheels. When wheels are manufactured the material is processed on many ways. The annealing, forming and some other techniques leave the material in internal stress. This makes it vulnerable and after sufficient load a thermal cracks will appear and after that the material will most likely damage. This could quickly lead to its complete destruction.

When we say temporary stress we refer to all the stress that remains after the object is processed and then freed of all load.

After some further discoveries scientists found that the cracking was done by fatigue of the material. It was a result of the fraction that was caused by the brakes. The thermal cracks were found on the axis of the wheel.

The real material resistance plan is about calculating both residual stress made during manufacturing and the stress caused during the service of the wheel. The second one could be done by setting math variables in proper formulas to watch for how the material is damaged during the process. This will help us pick the right material for the time that we need to have before the product become unusable.

To see how we can control the residual stress we have to understand the manufacturing process in depth.

To make the wheels in the proper shape a multi-step process is used. This is about making the inceptive form of the product. Then the residual stress has to be released. This happens when a high temperature is applied. When we do that the particles of the material begin to move more quickly and reorganiz in a better way. Usually the temperature that is used is around 871 ° C. After the part is reheated it is cooled with a water spray. This helps to gain the proper microstructure of the material.

For conclusion about the research we have to point that after it there is a way for simulation of service and checking how the wheels will respond then it is easy for experiments to be made and better products that will end more and cracks will be not likely to appear.

One criterion of the wheels is its size. Simple mechanics can tell you that its one of the most important things about wheels because the size is linked to the speed. Imagine a bicycle with small wheels and then with big one. The one with the larger wheels will move more quickly because one turn of the wheels will pass a greater distance. It's the same with cars.

When picking wheels you have to know that different cars have different suspension and you have to insure that the wheels are good for your car. You can see the specification of the wheels to secure yourself from a mistake. In Car Parts Accessory you can see different wheels with different sizes and this will certainly help you with your choice. The wheels are the component of the car that interact with the road and let it move so you have to be very careful when picking them.