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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spending Habits of Retirees Revealed

Spending Habits of Retirees Revealed

One of the most difficult parts in Income Planning for our pre-retiree and retiree clients is all of the requirements that need to be made to construct the plan. For example - how will spending change post-retirement from pre-retirement. One would think that spending would increase due to all of the "free time" that retirees early on in their retirement years discover. Travel, meals out, gifts for grandchildren and trips to see them, golf and other leisure activities would seem to take a larger and larger piece of the monthly income.

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) - the studies are showing about half of the early retiree households spend just a little more than they spend during their working years. As time moves ahead the spending habits drop - which is understandable as individuals age and become less mobile - generally speaking. There is an assumption that retiree spending increments dramatically during the early years of retirement seems not to be the case in the predominance of situations.

The patterns do not indicate that the income level has anything to do with spending habits as a percentage of monthly income. Meaning that one would think that the upper income level retirees would spend much more - as a percentage of their income - then say those that modest monthly incomes. The data does not support that. It appears that retirees over the array of income levels spend a little more in the early years of retirement and that pattern tapers off as they age.

So you may ask then why is the Income Planning part of what we do for our clients so difficult? The challenge is that we need to make many various assumptions that are the heart of the outputted plan data. At best we are making an educated guesstimate. These assumptions include:

- Spending needs / habits

- Rate of inflation

- Rate of returns of various investments made

- Rate of increase in Social Security and Pension payments

- Assumed death of one (or both) spouses

- Planned major expenditures such as replacement of car and major home improvements

- Unanticipated health expenses including Long Term Care expenses

As we often share with our clients when they view the reports that we develop for them - these reports are 100% not accurate. If we start from that point then the reality comes into focus a little clearer. The process of Retirement Income Planning is at best an art - taking into account all of the various foreseen and unforeseen scenarios. However, most clients come out of the planning process with a clear image of what their retirement income plan looks like - and they can plan for spending accordingly. Course correction can be accomplished through their retirement years as new information presents itself.

For further information and more a more detailed look at the studies surrounding Retiree Spending Habits - go to the EBRI website - - and review the study "Changes in Household Spending After Retirement" which was published in November 2015.

The Top 6 Places to Use Your Business Logo

The Top 6 Places to Use Your Business Logo

Owning your own business, whether local or online, requires you to remain competitive and ahead of your rival companies. One of the key components of marketing and gaining exposure is through business branding. This requires the use of your business logo in as many places as you can get it. The more consumers see your logo, the more they begin referring it to your company and remembering you the next time they need your services. Here are the best six places to use your business logo for optimal business branding.

Social Media Networks

Social media is an essential part of branding your business, and your company logo should be used on each and every social media website you belong to. Make your company logo your profile picture and place it anywhere else that is suitable. Every person who follows you on Twitter, Facebook and other social media networks, is going to see the logo and begin remembering it.

Website Banner

One of the first places you will place your business logo is your website banner. Do not underestimate the power of proper business branding by including your logo right on your website banner. The banner is the best place for it because it is seen on every webpage.


All communications online and in print should have your business brand. This includes on all digital and print newsletters, direct mail, brochures, email signatures, postcards, fax cover sheets and any other documents you send. Even a small logo on the upper corner of a newsletter is effective.

Product Packaging

If your business ships items, place your logo on the product packaging. You have multiple items where this can be done, including the address label, gift box, discount coupons included in the shipment, and on the printed invoice. Also, do not forget to put a sticker with your logo on the package itself. Not only does the customer see this, but so does every hand it gets passed to at the post office and on route.

QR Codes

A QR code, which stands for "Quick Response Code" is a square scanning code that is made up of pixels. This type of code can be scanned using a smart phone or mobile device's barcode scanner. After scanning the code, the individual can view the data you programmed into the code and be directed to a website of your choice. You can design the code to include a small area with your business logo that does not detract from the scanning capability.


The last place to put your business logo for branding purposes, is on your favicon. AS you might already know, the favicon is the small icon next to your URL address in the browser. It is highly useful at branding and showing you are a professional. It is easy to have a favicon generated using your company logo.

By placing your logo in these six places, you're gaining exposure and increasing business branding opportunities. Before long, you will begin noticing the difference it has made in your marketing efforts.

How Does Reddit Make Money?

How Does Reddit Make Money?

Reddit is loved by many since it offers great content sharing in the most effective and easy way. It is a news, social networking service and entertainment website. Registered community members are allowed to post direct links or text posts after which they are voted for by other registered users to find their rank on the website. The site is categorized in divisions known as 'subreddits' which are made visible on the front page so that new users can find their categories of interest with easy to make submissions. The users are known as Redditors. They can join the site free of charge to make submissions or vote for the posted content.

For the longest time, there have been speculations on how this website makes money. If you have been wondering how Reddit manages to make money online, here are some of the revenue plans that the site uses to stay afloat.

Running Ads :

It is the easiest way for any website to make money and Reddit uses it effectively. It however comes with restrictions on the quality of the ads that appear on the site. For instance, spam and flash ads are not allowed on the site. It has defaults which make it easy to find advertisers who enjoy what they get from the website. Reddit as a social site enjoys great value for the adverts that run on the website thus making it a great revenue plan just like it is the case for many other websites.

Selling Reddit Gold :

Reddit Gold offers additional value for your subscription as it can be used by users to buy items from the different partners on the website. Even though the gold is offered at no extra charge, considering that most stuff is offered to the users for free by the gold partners, Reddit still benefits when the users can have all the questions and issues on certain things answered by the gold partners. It is a simple marketing tool which makes the site known to other Redditors joining to discover the quality of the company in question. This means more visibility for the ads which is good business for the website at any given day. The amazing customer service works in keeping the ads coming since revenue is easily enjoyed by the site.

The partners are carefully selected on merit and are invited to such gold platforms to keep the values ​​up for all users, the website and the partners too.

Giving Gifts :

The exchange of gifts will remain very popular and this means more merchants coming on board which is beneficial to Reddit. This is a marketplace that has just started and it is becoming more and more promising for the website in earning some revenue at the same time working the magic for users and partners alike. The website however chooses the merchants who feature in the marketplace to make sure that only good value is enjoyed as the development continues.

There are so many websites developed with the intent to make money online. It is not a wonder that even bloggers are making handsome entries from simple but unique blogging. As a site becomes more and more popular, it manages to attract advertisers. This is always a good way of making money with ease and has been the strategy that many people use to make money without sweating while at it. Making money online is even not a very simple affair. You will require enough traffic to increase your chances of making it big with your efforts. The content on your website can determine how popular it becomes and the possibilities of fetching you good money.

What Does It Mean to Be ASE Certified?

What Does It Mean to Be ASE Certified?

Auto technicians who are ASE certified are a better choice when you consider who should repair your car, due to their confirmed level of expertise. Established in the 1970s, the nonprofit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence educates, provides testing and certifies technicians to insure their proficiency. These tests cover more than 40 areas within the field of automotive repair.

ASE certification exams are not open to the public; in order to apply, technicians must provide proof that they have a minimum of two years' work experience within their particular field. It's this practical component of automated servicing that allows technicians to qualify for the application process and future exams.

Certificates within specified fields include but are not limited to:

  • Car and light truck repair
  • Repair estimating
  • Alternative fuel systems
  • School bus repair
  • Medium-heavy truck repair
  • Auto and truck parts

Additional courses include the EPA required:

  • Refrigerant recovery and recycling

Within these fields, the organization also offers multiple specified exams. As part of preparation to join the world of ASE certified technicians, students can take a course at local training companies or practice with the test exams.

Why Trust Only Pros?

  • Experience: A love for cars and engines is admirable, but that does not mean technicians can repair them. ASE-certified technicians not only have the expertise and experience, but they have the academic know-how as well.
  • Safety: Certified repair technicians will take necessary safety precautions not always known to novices.
  • Materials: ASE-certified technicians have the tools and materials needed for the job. A jack-of-all trades mechanic may claim to be able to complete a wider variety of repairs, but he will not have the depth of knowledge for specialized repairs.
  • Advances and Innovations: Engines and electronic systems are ever-evolving - technicians must keep up with all the changes to avoid damage to your vehicle and repair it correctly.
  • Equipment: Many times the problem can not be detected by the naked eye, or even basic analysis. In this case, computer diagnostics equipment is needed, and certified technicians know how to use these systems to determine exactly what is wrong with your vehicle.

Certified technicians will give you the peace of mind you need when you are having automotive problems. Instead of just making a promise to a customer, the ASE-certified technicians follow a code of ethics to ensure automotive service excellence. Trust ASE-certified mechanics to take care of your car's every need.

How to Make Money in World of Warcraft Doing Daily Quests

How to Make Money in World of Warcraft Doing Daily Quests

Not too many players know how to make money in World of Warcraft by questing. Many players buy directly from the gold farmers on real money, which can be a very risky business, the trade can be intercepted and then the account banned. There are many ways to make wow gold and in this article I will concentrate on the daily quest method. You will learn how to make money in World of Warcraft fast and easy.

Most of the players prefer grinding as a gold making method because it is the most common and reliably safe. This method, however, is only for those that have time, farming just one hour will not bring you too much. It also, takes time until your goods at the auction house are sold and sometimes whatever you are auctioning is not sold out which can be very inconvenient.

Questing (not only on dailies), as everyone knows, brings money. Each quest has an amount of gold when completed, as a reward. Even if you are leveling by doing quests, without buying any gear and relying on you quest rewards or some drops, will get you enough money to get your flying mount when you hit 70, or 80.

On the other hand, there are several quests that can be completed daily, which grant not only money, but reputation as well, with various factions in the game. Of course, there are only some quests that are worth it. The best quests to make money with are all located in Northrend. There are several areas with quest NPCs concentrated in one place. They have rewards up to 15g and if done in the right order and association, they really pay off. You can gather 2-300g in one hour if you take the best path.

Now, 2-300g does not seem too much for some players, but if you need just that amount of gold to buy an item and you do not want to wait until your auctions sell out, this is the best answer on how to make money in World of Warcraft and it's fast too.

Cool DIY Wheel Alignment Tips!

Cool DIY Wheel Alignment Tips!

Getting car wheels aligned looks like a real pain from both time and money standpoint. This is why, most of the car owners think of wheel alignment as a rocket science and keep on paying hefty amounts of money to professional shops and work stations. However things are not as complicated as they seem.

If not a perfect alternative against going for traditional wheel alignment checks at repair stores; at least knowing how to DIY, can add a lot of value to your routine drives and help you keep a check on the quality of the work delivered by the technicians. From the concept and logical perspective, alignment is a pretty simple and straight-forward process, which can certainly be turned into an expertise with timely practice.

The part that tests your patience, the most, is that of setting up your alignment structure to get precisely consistent accuracy. Finding a perfectly flat surface to work from is also very critical. However these things get a lot easy if you plan to set it all up in your own garage or shop.

Aspects such as measuring and adjusting bump-steer, scaling and corner-weighinging in order to enhance the performance of your car may cost a bit more than a regular wheel alignment setup. So, if you do not mind shelling out a little more, you could as well go for a proper hi-tech setup and get more control over your car's health and performance.

Alignment of wheels not only helps improve the vehicle's performance over the streets, but also helps reduce accidental risks and improvements the lifespan of tires.

Here's a quick guide for how to do wheel alignment on a car and become an alignment-pro in no time.


Before undertaking an actual alignment in hands, it makes a lot of sense to have basic information of some key terms associated with the wheel alignment process.


Just as a pigeon-toe acts as a fulcrum and helps the pigeon get more flexibility and shock absorption features; car's wheels also rest on toes that have two main sub-components, Camber and Caster.


The vertical toe-in. If it points slightly inwards from the top to bottom, it is called 'negative' camber and if it points slightly outwards, it is considered 'positive' camber. Positive or negative camber adjustments help in fine-tuning wheel movements as per driver's expectations.


The angle on which the wheel pivots, when handled with the camber. 'Positive' caster facilitates wheels in being centered in orientation during the drives.

Adjusting camber and caster with basic tools in your garage might not be an easy thing to do. Here, taking assistance from the repair shops is a better choice here.

However, most frequently needed alignments are to do with the toe, which can easily be managed with the basic tool-kits having jacks, open-end wrenches, measuring tape and pocket knife.

Toe Alignment Figures

Getting the right numbers in hand, in order to address the toe alignment is very important. This numeric data is easily available at some library of motor manuals or popular repair guides. Since these measurements are car-specific, there is no universally applicable combination towards getting the best result. Reaching out to an official factory workshops is also another option, if you do not mind getting extra-technical and spending a little more. Toe alignment settings are often expressed in inches, millimeters or angular minutes. Based on these figures, you can get a clear picture of what to aim at during the alignment process.

Health analysis

Before starting the alignment process, you must make sure that the front wheel components are in good condition. After jacking the front wheels over the jack stand, check the following:

- Wheel bearings are properly placed
- Ball joints are healthy enough
- Steering gear box is in place

If there is no feeling of looseness in the wheels, both vertically and horizontally, they are good to go for the actual alignment process.

Alignment Process

Once all the other prerequisites are sorted out, take the following 5 steps:

Step 1

Spin each tyre and mark a line along the center of the tread with a pocketknife. If the circumference is all covered with tread block, make a support for the marking device in order to avoid the undesired loading effect.

Step 2

Set the car on ground and push a few times on each fender to move the suspension and allow the car to rest on its springs.

Step 3

Free the steering wheel and move the car forward by 10 feet or so, letting the steering wheel go on its own.

Step 4

With the help from a friend, measure the length between the lines in the front of the tires, at points in line with the spindles. Then measure the distance between the lines on the backs of tires for the same height. The difference in the two measurements is called toe-in or toe-out. Smaller number in front indicates toe-in and larger indications toe-out.

Step 5

Release the lock nuts on the tie-rod ends, next to both spindles and adjust it equally on each side to keep the steering wheel centered.

Finally, after you lock it all down, you may repeat this process to get double sure of the adjustments made in the car wheel alignments.

A Direct Path to Making Money Now!

A Direct Path to Making Money Now!

Here's a direct path to making money:

Create and sell your own information products.

There are lots of people who do not realize that they have particular knowledge that other people would be willing to pay for, and if that's the case maybe you could write a book that could make you money. Here are some examples of what I am talking about:

* You've found a way to lose weight which suits you, and you want to teach others to do the same.

* You know how to make the family budget go further.

* You know how to do craft work that you can sell in the local flea markets.

* You know how to use software such as Photoshop or Dreamweaver, and you can show others the basics.

* You know how to train Labradors, or any other breed of dog.

Those are just a few ideas ... but the sky is the limit!

Take time out to look at your interests and talents, and you'll soon discover that you actually know a quite a bit about a particular topic.

So, happens next?

Below is an overview of the entire process, but remember that most of it can be outsourced:

1) Research the market to ensure your idea is profitable. Do not create a product and then try to find someone to buy it. Instead, find a hungry market and give them a product that they're ALREADY buying.

2) Research the competition so you can develop a better product.

Once you've found that market, have a look at the competition. You do not want to put out an identical product; you want to deliver something better. And do not worry if there is a lot of competition, that just means there is a demand for the product

3) Create the product.

Now you have to create the product. Start with an outline and set your goal to write X amount of words per day and just start typing.

Quick Tip: to get an outline, download some PLR ​​products on your topic - the outline is already done for you.

Then keep typing until you finish - do not worry about any spelling or grammar, because you can do that once you've finished.

Quick Tip: If you do not like to type, then try a voice-to-text product like Dragon Naturally Speaking. In fact, that's rather how I am writing this article!

4) Put up a website which includes an opt-in form.

Next, you need to write the sales letter that sells your eBook and upload it to a squeeze page with your autoresponder on it to get your visitors to join your list. This is important, because the money is in your list - if you can sell one you can sell them two, and so on.

5) Set up a system to sell more products on the back end. You will notice that most successful marketers will try to get you to buy an additional, more expensive product before you get to download the product you actually bought. This is typically in the form of a one time offer. So, even as you are creating your very first product, you should also be thinking about how to develop your backend sales system, ways to sell additional products to your existing customers, through email, forums, blogs or links in the products they've already purchased.

So there it is - believe me it is not too hard. It's all boils down to a simple phrase, known by successful sellers from time immemorial.

Find a hungry market and give them what they want