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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Industry Use of the Word "Carwash" Versus "Car Wash" Considered

Industry Use of the Word "Carwash" Versus "Car Wash" Considered

There seems to be a bit of a discrepancy in the car washing sector as to where the carwashes the term "carwash" or "car wash" is most appropriate, that is to say or is it two-words. Okay so, since, I've been in the industry myself for nearly 30-years prior to retirement, I'd like to discuss this with you for a moment, and give you my take on this controversy.

Interestingly enough, the term "Carwash" has been used since the industry started, but many people use "car wash" online, and when they talk, so over the years, it seems to be either / or both. Unfortunately, using "car wash" also confuses those who are adamant about proper English, because it confuses the noun with the action to wash a car.

Neverheless, I can say this, I was instrumental in my career of modifying the English Language to use the term "car wash" as a verb and as a noun, and looking back, I rather like it that way. Now then, during most of my career I was on the mobile side of the industry.

No one in the mobile car washing industry uses the word "carwash" to describe their businesses, and most everyone in the traditional location based carwashes uses "carwash" to describe their operations. That's why I used the term way I did, although I bet you could find a half a dozen English Majors or professors in any given school who would not agree with my take on this or the realities of a changing and evolving industry.

So, that's why I think I may disagree with English Teachers, I've changed the term over the years, and I like my way better, even if you search the word online the search engines seem to pull up businesses, and does not seem to pull up very many car washing "action" type websites. The world has changed, so it's time that all the editors, English Teachers, and public get used to it, and change or get run over by the onslaught of actual users of the language, and look out now, because here comes China with more English speaking folks as a second language than the number of people in the US. India is next, so we are all going to have to deal with that.

When reading about this word in Wikipedia, it immediately announces that both uses of the word are common, and seems to indicate either are perfectly acceptable. I tend to agree with that, and would submit to you that when considering mobile businesses, you always should use two-words to describe it, and when talking about a fixed site location, you should generally or mostly use the one-worded version, which most in the industry would agree. Indeed, I hope this clears things up for you, please consider all this and think on it.

Making Money Online: 3 Steps to Success Revealed

Making Money Online: 3 Steps to Success Revealed

As you will probably know, the internet is scattered with Make-Money products of a very poor quality. Made by people who want to make quick dollars over the back of people who want to earn some honest money. I know more than 95% of all the people on the internet fail making money online. Would not you be one of the 5%? How?

1. Obviously, the competition in the 'Make Money Industry is huge. For example: When you type at the Google AdWords Keyword Tool: 'Make Money Online' you will see that those specific words are typed monthly 450.000 times. That's 5,4 million times each year, only on those 3 words.

To see what your up against in this industry notice that on Google, when typed all in title: Make Money Online, there are over 661.000 websites having these exact words in their website title. Due to this heavy competition that's why a lot of people will actually fail, or even go broke having success as an online entrepreneur.

2. You either want to make or promote an excellent product, but maybe more importantly promote your product in multiple ways. So you want to have knowledge of building a website, writing a blog, copywriting, e-mail-marketing etc. etc. Knowing the fact that the competition is killing and you have to be a expert in order to not fail. I want to share with you a step by step tutorial helping you survive and guarantee your success.

3. Do you want to become an expert in:

- Video marketing
- Website-building
- Reverse Engineering
- Blogging
- E-mail-marketing
- etc., etc.

Take a look at this step-by-step- tutorial at my bio-box and become one of those 5% who will have success as an online entrepreneur.

Booting Linux From a Flash Drive For File Recovery

Booting Linux From a Flash Drive For File Recovery

After a long time we are back to talk about some more cool tech stuff you can do with a USB flash drive. Today's topic will focus on booting the Linux OS from a USB stick. The purpose for booting Linux from a USB drive, at least the purpose of this guide, is to recover files from a broken install of the windows OS or any other OS for that matter. We can also run virus scans from the Linux distro securely without infecting other PC's or having to boot the infected PC.

What you will need:

* A USB stick anywhere from 512mb to 2GB (depending on the distro)
* A main board capable of booting from a usb device.
* and about 15 minutes plus download time.

Software to be used:

* Latest stable version of UNetbootin

Step # 1: Prepare the USB Drive

Once you have all your materials together go ahead and plug the USB drive in and backup all files you may have on the disk.

Step # 2: Installing to The USB

Start up UNetbootin and select the following:

1. Use the first radio button "Distribution". This will download and install, automatically, the distro we want.
2. Pick SystemRescueCD. We are going with this because it is easy the ntfs file system driver comes prepackaged so no additional customization is required.
3. Next select your flash drive.
NOTE: Be sure to select your flash drive and not your windows partition or primary partition, 'cause if you do then you will destroy the currently installed OS.
4. Finally click "Ok".

UNetbootin options to select are shown in an image in the source article located at the link at the bottom of this article.

Step # 3: Configuring Bios

We will need to setup your computer to boot from the USB stick. To do so first you mother board will need to support this feature and second you will need to do some configuration.

1. Reboot your computer and hit "F2 or" del "depending on your mother board to enter BIOS config.
2. Search for the section labeled boot sequence, or named similarly. This will sometimes be filed under a separate section like advanced BIOS features, or similar.
3. Move removable or USB to the top of the list. If you do not see these options listed your mother board most likely does not support USB boot. Consult Google for more info on this.
4. Reboot the computer with the drive plugged in.

Step # 4: Booting Linux

We are going to boot into command line for this guide. There are options to load a GUI for those of you who tremble in the face of CLI. I must warm you though Command Line is by far easier and faster.

1. Once your computer passes post you will see the boot loader screen. Navigate to "VMLinuz64" and hit enter.

After a bunch of OK's on the screen and most likely 1 red FAIL you will be at the prompt "root @ sysresccd / root%". This would indicate a success.

Step # 5: Copying files from a windows partition onto an external hard disk.

For this you will need an external medium on which to move your files have this ready to receive your data. You can also use the usb stick which you booted from, if of course there is enough space on it.

1. First we will need to identify our drives. I will assume you have two storage devices plugged in one being the flash drive and the other your windows hard drive. Execute the command below:

fdisk -l | less This command will show you all the storage devices on your system. Use the down and up arrows to navigate the output as it may be larger than your screen. My output for this command is shown below:
Disk / dev / sda: 160.0 GB, 16000000000 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors / track, 19452 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk identifier: 0xd0f4738c Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System / dev / sda1 * 1 19451 156240126 7 HPFS / NTFS Disk / dev / sdb: 2085 MB, 2085617664 bytes 2 heads, 63 sectors / track, 32329 cylinders Units = cylinders of 126 * 512 = 64512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00502bcd Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System / dev / sdb1 * 1 32330 2036720 6 FAT16 My device is 160GB NTFS partition. Knowing those two bits of info we can take an educated guess and say / dev / sda is our windows device.

NOTE: To exit this output screen press "q".

2. Mount the windows drive so that we can access the files on it. Run the mount command below:

mount / dev / sda / mnt / windows NOTE: you will need to replace "/ dev / sda" with your device found from the output of fdisk -l. It is likely that they will be the same.

3. Lets find out if we mounted the right device now. Run:

ls / mnt / windows This command will list the files and folders in a directory. If you see the tell program Program Files and WINDOWS directories it was successfully mounted.

4. Time to get our backup device out. Plug it in and wait a few seconds then run the fdisk command again:

fdisk -l Egypt
cat / proc / partitions You should see both devices you saw last time and now a new one should be there. Match the size of the device to yours and note the device location most likely / dev / sdc.

Mount this device to the pre-made backup folder using the mount command again:

mount / dev / sdc / mnt / backup 5. Now it is time to copy things from the old windows drive to the backup disk.

If you want to copy your entire windows drive to your back up drive run this command:

cp -R / mnt / windows / * / mnt / backup / YOUR_FOLDER_NAME If you plan on copy single files type the full file path and then the full destination path.

Additional Useful Commands:

* Sometimes a virus can infect the very first bit of code that is executed on your system the MBR (Master Boot Record). Luckily we can clean this up with relative ease in linux. Execute:

dd if = / dev / zero of = / dev / sdb bs = 512 count = 1 Remember to replace "/ dev / sdb" with your device cause if you miss and clean the wrong one you may have some issues.

* Maybe you do not have an external device to back stuff up but you have another computer with a network share. Well lets mount that network share so we can copy files to it. Create a mount point:

mkdir / mnt / network Mount the share:
mount -t smbfs // computername / folder / mnt / network -o username = user1, password = mypasshere Now you can copy and move files to the network share just like any other directory.

To mount a share without a password use:

mount -t smbfs // computername / folder / mnt / network Until Next Time.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Unique Tool For Your Financial Future?

A Unique Tool For Your Financial Future?

The idea of ​​a company pension a thing of the past, even a government or union pension is no sure thing. The problem is that we are awash in debt. We have been spending more than we take in for decades. Our current economic plan is unsustainable. If you are counting on Social Security, then you are really living on the edge. It is no secret that Congress spent that money a long time ago. No matter where you look, the American economic system is living on borrowed time.

When we finally tip into the abyss is anyone's guess. I am not a fortune-teller, but I can tell you what will happen when we finally figure out nation is broke. The dollar will collapse it will soon be worthless overnight. There are plenty of historical examples of this happening. Argentina is a recent reminder of the catastrous repercussions of a sovereign default. The stock market will collapse. Imagine what it will be like if everyone wants their money out of stocks at the same time.

I can draw up a dozen plausible theories that can explain why we are heading towards an economic meltdown. How it happens is largely irrelevant. What matters are the steps that you take before the crash. What assets will be worth anything in a panic?

Some people like Gold as a hedge against chaos. I also like Gold, but is it really that useful? Gold is a potential substitute for cash. The problem with Gold is that it does not produce an income by itself. Gold will go up and down in value relative to any fiat currency, but it does not produce value.

I favor real estate as an investment. Real estate has created more millionaires than any other investment in American history. Real estate markets will go up and down just like any other investment. Where real estate outpaces other investments is that it produces an income without being consumed. You can own a rental house for decades and it will still be there producing cash. You can leverage your money to increase your purchasing power. All you need to buy real estate is a down payment not the entire amount. No other asset class combines the safety and long-term potential of real estate.

I am worried about the future of America. I am concerned for the future of my family. When I combined these two thoughts I started to look at real estate outside of the US market. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. There are a number of jurisprudence where the legal structure supports foreign ownership. I suggest that you look into buying property overseas as part of your retirement plan.

What to Look for in an Auto Body Shop

What to Look for in an Auto Body Shop

Without knowing what to look for, choosing a quality auto body shop is tough. It's important to select the right auto shop to ensure the vehicle is fixed correctly the first time. It's also the best way to make sure the shop is honest and reliable. There are many important features of a good shop, including an experienced staff and certificates. It can also help to read customer reviews before making a selection.

A Certified Shop

A good body shop is certified by the largest auto organization. Facilities that gain the approval of the organization have proven their abilities as certification is often a lengthy process. To become approved, an auto shop must demonstrate it has the latest equipment, qualified technicians and a proper facility. It must also show it offers above average training to its employees. Larger associations always collect feedback from prior customers as well before issuing an approval. Auto shops can also receive certification from parts manufacturers and organizations like Autobody Alliance, which requires the shop to meet certain qualifications.

Qualified and Experienced Staff

A good auto body shop has qualified staff with a number of certificates. Certification from ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) is especially important. ASE is a non-profit organization that offers certificates to automobile technicians that show proficiency in their trade. Technicians may also have certification from car manufacturers like GM, Chrysler, Toyota and Nissan, showing their knowledge and experience dealing with particular car brands. Some auto technicians also receive aftermarket training from Bendix, Moog, or NAPA. Most training requires a great deal of knowledge and experience and demonstrates a technician is a professional in their field.

Positive Customer Reviews

When possible, former clients should be consulted about their experience with the shop. Some resources to find reviews are online, making it easy to decide if a body shop has good feedback from the public. Reviews should mention that the vehicle was properly fixed the first time and work was completed in a timely fashion. Positive reviews should also discuss whether a warranty was offered by the body shop and if the facility was clean and orderly. A facility that has the approval of a large automobile association has shown a history of positive feedback from customers, although it's always a good idea to check into a shop as much as possible.

Accepts All Insurance

Another important aspect of a good body shop is its acceptance of all forms on insurance. An auto body shop that accepts all insurance providers underscores it has experience working with insurance companies to settle claims quickly. A shop that is hesitant to accept major insurance providers is a red flag that something may be wrong. This is also a matter of convenience and makes it easier for the vehicle owner to select a shop they feel comfortable with.

Selecting the right auto body shop requires a bit of patience and consideration. For example, choosing the first shop available can be a disaster if the employees are not trained properly. A good auto shop is clean and up-to-date with a friendly and knowledgeable staff. The shop should have positive reviews and a range of certificates for both the facility and technicians. It should also accept all forms of insurance, making repairs easy and convenient.

Are You Paying Too Much Council Tax? How To Check And Claim A Refund!

Are You Paying Too Much Council Tax? How To Check And Claim A Refund!

PPI claims management firms have found a new money making spinner through identifying homes which are in the wrong council tax band and offering to make a claim on their behalf. These firms identify potential clients by looking to see if any homes on the same street pay more than their neighbors do. They then cold call the identified properties and offer to make a claim for a full refund for all the years of over-payment, as well as get them a reduction on future council tax bills. This service is usually around 30% of any money claimed.

One lady was recently contacted by one of these claims management firms and discovered that she and her neighbor were both in a higher tax band than the other properties on their street and could qualify for a full refund. She decided to hire the claims firm and as a result got an £ 800 refund! She paid the firm £ 300 as payment for processing her claim and now pays £ 10 less council tax each month. Her neighbor however decided to investigate how she could claim the money herself and discovered the process was in fact not too complicated. She also managed to get a full refund but retained 100% of the money she claimed!

How does it all work?

Every home in the United Kingdom is assigned to a specific valuation band, known as council tax which is managed by the Valuation Office Agency. The cheapest bands are assigned an 'A' grading rising incrementally with the most expensive homes being assigned to the 'I' band.

For homes based in Scotland and England the valuation band is designated by what the property was worth in 1991, not what the property is valued in today's market. However if you stay in Wales your tax band is assigned using the market value price of 2003.

So, if you suspect you may be in the wrong tax band and as a result are paying too much council tax, simply see what your neighbors are paying. If you find there is a difference in price but a similarity in property then it could well be you are in for a refund.

Visit '' to see what band your neighbors have been assigned, if indeed there is a difference contact an agent at the Valuation Office Agency and ask them to investigate your claim. You will have to fill in paperwork, but you are capable of doing this yourself, you do not need a claims management company, meaning you get to keep 100% not just 70%.

You will usually have to wait up to 30 days for your claim to be investigated, but if the Valuation Office Agency agreements that an error has been made then your band will be changed. The service is free, not only could you get a nice lump sum but you'll also save on your future council tax bills.

How Businesses Can Save Costs With a Vehicle Tracking System

How Businesses Can Save Costs With a Vehicle Tracking System

Saving Money with a GPS Vehicle Tracking System

With businesses such as taxi firms or with companies that conduct many door-to-door deliveries, a vehicle tracking system is essential for keeping track of all outgoing business. These systems allow employers to see their fleet of business vehicles, giving them a detailed overview of the day's business operations from a geographical perspective. This allows employers to see when employees are taking unscheduled breaks or stops, to know quickly if there is a problem such as a break down or traffic jam and to ensure that employees are driving safely and legally. It is proven that if an employee knows he / she is being watched, even by something as simple as a vehicle tracking system, he / she is less likely to break company rules or the rules of the road, lessening the likelihood of a crash that could seriously damage the vehicle and severely impact the business of the day.

But a modern vehicle tracking system is not just about keeping tabs on employees driving company vehicles. Many modern GPS systems are built with fuel economy in mind and calculate the most economic route based on all of the business operations that need to be carried out that day. Likewise, the system can also detect reported traffic gridlock or roadworks that may slow down a vehicle's progress and, if necessary, calculate a quick route around the obstacle. Another aspect of the modern vehicle tracker is its ability to deal with the fleet of vehicles as whole, as well as individuals. Should one vehicle break down, the system can easily work out which vehicle is best placed to take on that particular vehicle's daily tasks.

A vehicle tracking system can also help a company save on its long-term costs. By monitoring the habits of the drivers in company vehicles, the system is able to detect any habits (such as breaking too hard, for example) that may be detrimental to the health of the vehicle and can notify the employer. This means that an employer can actively inform the driver of these bad habits and ask them to stop early on. While this may not seem like much, over a long period of time these bad habits can seriously affect the overall health of the vehicle, resulting in extra vehicle repair costs. Tracker systems can help employers foresee these future problems and help to actively combat them.