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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Help Kids Earn Money and Learn Responsibility

Help Kids Earn Money and Learn Responsibility

Parents are often stuck with saying "No" or giving in and fearing the lesson we are teaching the children. The constant questions from the kids of; "Can I have ...? I really want ...? Will you buy me ...?" can get tiring and wear a family down. What if you could make a game of it learning the responsibility of earning money? Make earning money a family affair!

Even though kids are always begging for candy, toys, games, and whatever else their eyes see or their minds mind, there really is Good News! As they get older, their desires and desires can be turned into a great way of teaching them responsibility.

Depending on the age of your child, laws prohibit children from being employed under a certain age. Those laws are there for very good reasons. However, that does not mean there are not other ways for your child to earn some of their own money through their own efforts.

Although any venture with the kids does require parental assistance, the lesson the children will learn can be so huge! If they work to earn the extra niceties, it is far more likely they will sooner, rather than later, learn the true value of money.

lemonade / kool-aid / food stand- This has been a fun activity and a good way to earn money since we were little. All they have to do is make up some sort of beverage or some brownies and put up their little stand on the sidewalk in front of the house.

soda-can collecting- Most states have a recycle plant you can bring cans to and get a few cents a piece for them. Have them pick up cans around the house, or they can make a special trash can for everyone to put their soda cans in. You can also make a family day where the whole family goes and picks up cans at a park or any local public area. You would be helping the environment, teaching responsibility and helping them make a little money.

yard work- At whatever age you believe is safe, children can start shovel snow, rake leaves, mow, water flowers, pull weeds, etc. When they become good at the family lawn, have them try one of the neighbor's yard work. After awhile, they can do lawn chores for people around the community. This can be great money if they work hard.

babysit- If your child is the oldest and you have youngger children, let them babysit for you while you do household projects. When they get old enough and you are comfortable with their ability and experience, take short outings while you go to dinner. Again, with experience and ability, add a movie (it's a win-win!). If there are no younger siblings, let the neighbors know that you would like to help your child learn to babysit. Offer to have the neighbor child come to your home, under your supervision. Let the neighbor know that you will be there at all times but your child is practicing babysitting. Let them earn a little money while learning.

arts and crafts stand- Most kids have fun making arts and crafts, so why not make a little money for it? They can make greeting cards, bracelets, origami, pictures, or any other creative idea they can think of. Set up a little stand in front of your house. Kids know what other kids want and if they are good at it, let them sell their craft projects for 50 cents to their peers and neighbors.

pet sitting or walking- Let them start off with their own pets. Teach them the proper food and water responsibilities for the family pets. When they are more experienced and a little older, let them walk the pets, with you along. When you are comfortable, help them make a flyer for your neighbors announcing minor pet care. For a small fee, there will be neighbors who would definitely appreciate some help with their pets.

garage sale- All children grow out of their toys and typically they are just shoved in a closet somewhere. Why not gather them up and put on a little garage sale and make some other child happy they got a good deal on a toy? You will get your house decluttered why your child earned some extra money.

Of course prices are a big part of these little jobs and it's a great way to teach them a little bit about a business. It all depends on how good of a job they do and how much effort they put in to their project while they are experiencing the responsibility of having to work for money. Doing little jobs like these is an essential part of a kid's life and a window of their adult life.

Types of Garage Storage

Types of Garage Storage

A garage use to be a place we stored our yard tools and cars but today, things have changed. We use our garage as a personal storage unit and tend to fill up as much square feet as we can manage. Knowing this, we need to rely storage devices and containers to keep our garage as organized as possible. Here are a few types of garage storage devices you can install yourself and will help decrease clutter in your garage:

1.) Utility Shelves and Box Storage

When you organize your garage, you need to properly plan where you want to place your items. Using utility shelving is a great way to keep all of your gear in one area. They also allow you to utilize vertical space with multiple shelves. These shelves can be made from wood or metal and you can even find them in a home improvement store.

Using cardboard or plastic boxes is a great way to keep your smaller items that you can not hang together. Using the same sized boxes on shelving keeps your garage organized and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Make sure to label all of your boxes on each side so you can find your stored materials easily.

2.) Overhead Storage

We all can stack our items against walls but there is only so much space for that. Sometimes you can not find a shelf that fits a certain space in your garage so turning to an overhead storage device is a great option. Overhead storage is a great option to keep things out of sight and perfect for items you only use a certain time of year like holiday decorations, winter clothes, outdoor furniture or camping gear. They come in different sizes and work in different ways. Some are fixed to the ceiling, some use pulleys or cranks. You need to understand what you store and how you are going to access the device before you install the overhead storage.

3.) Storing Behind Your Doors

Our garage space is limited so you may have to come up with some clever storage options. Your doors are a great place to add a rack, a set of hooks or shelving to hang often used items. When you install, make sure they do not interfere with the door hinges or door handle.

4.) Small Storage Organizers

Although used in a small place, plastic organizers can save you a lot of time and are great for stowing screws, nails, nuts and bolts, and all of your other little parts around your garage. They can be stacked on shelves or stored in drawers to keep your work bench from clutter. It is also helpful to use these organizers as you will know where all of your items are.

You can also use old jars or labeled zip lock bags to store the small essential items in your garage.

Top 5 Uses For Happy Birthday Banners

Top 5 Uses For Happy Birthday Banners

1. Birthday Decor & Signage - A birthday party is not complete without a hanging birthday banner. Instead of using the old one that you've dropped out for the last 10+ birthdays, create a personalized banner to complete your decorating plans. Adding their name and maybe how old they are will create a personalized banner to be remembered.

2. Over the Hill Birthday - So, these parties may be a little tricky to plan for or hard to decorate for, other than the traditional use of black this, black that, old things, etc. For your next 40th or over the hill birthday, create a customized banner online that showcases the birthday guy or gal's name but, that's not all; instead of using the cliche black, why not pick something out that emphasizes that persons unique qualities? That one thing you will not let them live down, even after X years. Be sure to include design elements that jabs or hints without embarrassing them too much.

3. Which Way Do I Go? - Hanging banners are not just for the person having a birthday; you may need to have a custom vinyl banner hanging outside for those visitors who may have a hard time finding your house (even with directions). Don duct tape or plastic sitting around your house work well to create your own. Especially if you do not have good handwriting. You know those kind of signs are always hard to read. Create a custom banner online with the birthday party information, and an arrow or brief direction text to make sure they can find their way to the party easily.

4. 1st Birthday - The big 1st birthday party - no better time than this special event to create a personalized birthday banner to hang proudly for your guests to go goo-goo, gaga over. Let your child go online and design it with you's name, and choose from all the adorable designs to create a hanging banner for your party. It will be one for the memory books.

5. Photo SURPRISE! - You know you want to ... put that picture of your spouse, friend, or relative in the local newspaper to wish them a Happy Birthday! Go one step further with your SURPRISE - design a personalized birthday banner and surprise the birthday guy / gal with on that special day. For extra impact, use your favorite photo of them in your design. This will be sure to surprise them, big time.

Picking Up Gear For Your Winter Getaway

Picking Up Gear For Your Winter Getaway

Global warming may be devastating ski resorts worldwide, but the season has begun and there's still many people getting ready for their winter getaway while the snow lasts. Before you leave it's always good to take stock of what you already have and what you need to buy. The wrong winter clothing can have disastrous results, and getting chilled to the bone is no-one's idea of ​​a fun holiday.

Head and Hands

Firstly, make sure you've got a good hat and gloves. Do not try and get by with your stretch cotton gloves, the moment they get wet they're no better than walking around gripping clumps of ice. Waterproof gloves are a must, and the thicker the hat the better. Make sure it's a tight fit, since they're easy to lose during sledging and skiing. Keeping your face covered in general is always a good move. It's easy to get chill from the wind and sunburn from the snow, so keep covered.

Underwear and Outerwear

Underneath you'll be grabbing some long-limbed thermal underwear, especially a skin-tight shirt and socks. They'll stop cold air from getting to your body and encourage circulation, depending on the make. Once out in the cold you will not even notice they're on, but you'd definitely notice if they were not.

Put on a nice thick fleece and warm trousers. They will not be too important when you're out and about, since on top of that you'll want a thick, snow-appropriate coat and a pair of dungaree-style salopettes. The gear does not have to be expensive, so shop around. This should be a good baseline for traveling out and about. Once you're indoors you'll probably be taking your coat off, so make sure the fleece and trousers are good enough to handle medium to chilly temperatures by themselves.

Utility Gear

First up, some snow grips are a great touch. You'll usually do just about okay without them, but the first time you fall over will quickly change your mind. Rubber grips that stretch over the sole of your shoes can be found for just a couple of pounds, so it's best to pick them up early while they're still available.

Sunglasses are obviously a necessity, just because you're going somewhere colder than England does not mean it'll be as overcast. If you intend to actually take part in any snow sports then upgrade to a pair of goggles. They're far safer, less likely to fall off or crack, providing a better field of vision and even look pretty stylish.

Boards and Bindings

This is a sticky one. If you're fairly experienced and intend to keep on boarding well into the future then it's worth buying your own skis or snowboard. Just be sure you're not going to grow anymore, and that your weight is stable. Spending hundreds of pounds on the perfect piece of gear for you leaves a sour taste when you stop being the perfect rider for the gear. For the most part it's best to rent after the flight. You avoid exorbitant baggage charges, and it'll be a good few years before the equipment hire becomes more expensive than buying outright. No matter what, though, remember to shop around. Resorts and hotels charge insane prices for their gear, and you'll be likely to find something fitting better at higher quality at the closely competitive shops in town.

Make sure you pick up all your gear as and when you need it, and have a great winter holiday while the snow still lasts.

The Key To Living A Happy Life

The Key To Living A Happy Life

Are you on the pursuit of happiness? Do you feel as though you are struggling to achieve a happy life? Well nobody can be happy all of the time and the sooner you realize this, the better it will be for you. You should not beat yourself up when you have a bad day as we all get these. However, some people are actually more fulfilled than others, and are there more content and happy. Research has proven that being happy does not quite too much upon material processes, or high flying achievements. Instead it depends upon our outlook on life, and also the relationships and the quality of them that we have with the people around us.

If you want to improve your life and the level of happiness that you feel, then there are some simple steps to achieving this. Firstly you need to train yourself to be more optimistic. Always look for the light at the end of the tunnel, as opposed to being pessimistic and seeing things in a negative way. To lead a happy life the glass should always be half full and not half empty. People who think this tend to be happier.

You need to realize that money does not provide a happy life. Yes it can provide you with a more comfortable life, but you should essentially aim to make enough money so that you can meet your basic needs in life. These basic needs being food, shelter and clothing. Any money that you make beyond this will not always make you feel happier. There have been lottery winners that have stated that winning the lottery did not make them happier, and that in fact it bought about more problems.

Ensure that you stay in regular contact with family and friends. Socializing and spending time with those we love helps us to lead a happy life. Isolating yourself from people will only lead to unhappiness.

Be happy with your existing job. Unfortunately many people assume that a career change will have a positive impact on their happiness, when in fact it can cause stress. We have already mentioned the need to be optimistic and this is important in terms of employment. If you have a positive outlook on your work, then you will make the best of your existing job and feel a greater sense of fulfillment. Of course this is not always the case, and if your job really is making you unhappy then you need to address the situation and determine what you can do to change this.

History of the Diesel Engine

History of the Diesel Engine

The diesel engine has a long history that is intertwined closely with economic and other issues of the time. The diesel engine was created by Rudolph Diesel. He conceptualized the diesel engine and thought up the principle of its operation. He thought up the concept of the engine that compresses air to the degree where there is a resulting rise in temperature.

The concept followed the principle where when the air enters the chamber with the piston the air ignited due to the high temperatures. This causes the piston to move down and eliminates the need for an ignition source. When Diesel designed his engine it was in a time when there was a demand for a more fuel efficient engine as the steam engine was no where close to efficient.

It was on February 27th, 1892 that Diesel filed a patent in the patent office in Germany for his method and design for the combustion engine. He sourced contracts from companies that manufactured machines and began his experimentation stage. During this stage he constructed working models of his design in an attempt to construct the most efficient engine of that time.

It was in the year 1893 that he was successful in putting out the first model that was able to run with its own power and with an efficiency of approximately 26%. This was more than double the efficiency of the steam engines of that time and was a great stride for the efficient engine and a great start to the engines of today.

It was in February of 1897 that he accomplished a great achievement and produced a diesel engine that ran at 75% efficiency. This was the first one of its kind that was deemed feasible for practical use and was demonstrated at the Exhibition fair in France in the year 1898. This engine in particular was run on peanut oil and in Diesel's vision was great for the small business owners as well as farmers as it used an economic fuel source that was a biomass fuel. It was his use of a biomass fuel that continued until the 1920's and is starting again today.

In the past the diesel engine was not considered to be small enough for anything but use that was stationary in nature as they were very heavy and cumbersome. Common uses were on ships and industrial uses. Rudolph Diesel disappeared in 1913 and it was not certain whether he died a natural or unnatural death. Many thought his death was related to the politics of the time and the vast knowledge he possessed and was willing to share with enemies of the German government of the time.

In the 1920's the engine was redesigned into a smaller and more compact version. This allowed it to be used for a wider range of applications and even in the automobile industry. The development of the diesel engine continued and it was made better and better by other inventors such as Clessie L. Cummins who worked out many of the bugs of the diesel engine such as those relating to size and weight as well as the instability of the fuel system .

Make Money Easily With Forex Trading Software

Make Money Easily With Forex Trading Software

Forex trading software was made to help people make more money in a shorter amount of time. Many times this software is programmed to constantly monitor the markets and adjust to them to make a profit. This is easier then having a human do it because this software uses a high tech system to analyze all the markets at once.

Forex trading is different then the normal stock trading because the markets are open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. This means that people are trading regularly even while you are sleeping. The problem is that sometimes you may miss a great opportunity to make a lot of money because you either were not at your computer, or did not know what to look for. Using forex trading software can help you with both of these problems.

Like I mentioned before, the software can be run on your computer 24 hours a day even while you are sleeping. This allows you to let the software make decisions that will make you money while still letting you get stuff done during the day. The forex trading software is able to work with any forex market and is able to be run by itself. This means you do not have to sit at the computer trading and worrying that one decision you make could cost you a lot of money.

If you are looking into forex trading you should give a look to what software is available today. There are many great review sites out there that show you the best software available so your decision is easier to make.