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Friday, March 29, 2019

How I Become A Football Manager With No Previous Experience

How I Become A Football Manager With No Previous Experience

I was always the last player to be picked for football as a child, so I never considered myself a good footballer. I dabbled in amateur football when I was in my late teens, but a spate of unforced emergencies including two broken wrists, a compound break to my arm and a sprained ankle saw me leave football and try other activities. I reached the age of thirty feeling I had never gotten involved in a sport in the way I would have liked.

I am a big fan of a well-known football management simulation where I have spent hour after hour trying to lead my favorite team to virtual glory. Notifying my aptitude for organization, planning and attention to detail I set about contacting local Sunday league football teams, asking if anyone needed help with running their club. After a short time I was contacted by a team who asked to meet me and discuss this further.

After meeting the manager I was installed as his assistant manager and my job was to fill in the team sheet, fill the water bottles before the game, help pick the team and ensure we collected all of our equipment at the end of the match. It was not glamorous, but I eagerly grasped the opportunity and thought to prove myself as a reliable helper.

The team manager left our club in the summer and rather than choose a new manager the players asked me to take over. I am now manager and in charge of the whole club. I was recently contacted by a team who play at a slightly higher level on a Saturday and asked to discuss joining their club in a management capacity. Their club chairman had noticed how I had improved the organizational structure of the club and this led to him getting in touch.

For those of you who may think that there is no chance of getting involved in football management if you have not had a strong professional or amateur football career then think again. It is possible and I would suggest it can be straightforward if you find out who the right people are to approach in your nearby league and offer your assistance to anyone who might be interested.

Running a grassroots football team is a time consuming task. Most clubs will be happy to accept your help. Always be punctual and reliable as this will be a huge asset to any club. You will be surprised at how difficult it is for managers to get their players to turn up to play on occasion, so having reliable management assistance will be very valuable to your new club.

You will find that these qualities are in demand right across the sport, so expect other offers to follow once word spreads that you are an asset to your club.

Background Check at Absolutely No Cost at All!

Background Check at Absolutely No Cost at All!

The progress and development of high technologies made it easier for lots of people to pretend to be someone they are not. I am talking about identity theft which is one of the major white-collar crimes nowdays. Identity theft as the word itself means, using the identity of someone without his knowledge and use it for his personal interest. This commonly happens through purchasing of goods and services and borrowing money or loan with credit. One should not wonder why this crime is increasingly becoming popular and easier to do. With everyone using the internet all over the world, the availability of their personal information can easily be hack down by these criminals. That is the reason why you have to be careful and smart dealing with strangers. Do not just easily give in to a stranger's sweet words and convincing powers. Make use of the resources available for you to verify someone's real identity. Go browse on the net and look for background check services.

There are lots of websites that offers free background check. Yup! You read it right! Free background check. They let you have access to their extensive database without paying anything at all. But, here's the drawback. Using free services on obtaining personal and relevant information of a specific person may not be a wise choice. Most websites offering free background investigation does not really update their databases. The chances of you returning obsolete information are so high. However, if you wanted to be secured and to give yourself peace of mind, for only a few bucks you can have relevant and accurate information without going through the risk of obtaining outdated and unreliable information.

Smart Shopping Tips for Used Trucks

Smart Shopping Tips for Used Trucks

Driving a truck can define your lifestyle. Plenty of Americans could not get in their day-to-day life without one, whether they need it for hauling, towing, off-roading, or just moving objects. For this investment, buying brand new is not always an option. Buying pre-owned makes more financial sense. There are plenty of used trucks, in great condition, available at a fraction of the price of their new counterparts. There's a stigma associated with buying pre-owned, but buying used does not have to be a gamble if you know what to look for in a vehicle. Below are a few key points to look for when looking at vehicles.

Previous Use

Try to find out how the previous owner used the vehicle. If it was used for hauling, heavy towing, or off-roading, it might have taken a beating and be in worse shape. If the information is not readily available, try to look at its physical condition. How's the paint around the bed? How's the bed itself? Plenty of information about a used trucks' past can be found through careful observation. If the one you like looks pretty rough, it might have done a good amount of heavy hauling.


While lower mileage is more promising than high mileage, the trick is to look at how the mileage accumulated. Fewer miles with heavy loads are harder on a vehicle than more miles with lighter loads. You also want to try to find out if most mileage was done on highways and freeways or done in stop-and-go traffic. This answer might not be available available, but you may be able to tell by paying attention to the condition of the truck's body and tires.

Clean Title

Today, most vehicle history reports can be found on the internet. A quick search will let you know about previous accidents, repairs, and specific mechanic information. Severe damage or irresponsible repairs can significantly lower a truck's price, but can also signify that the truck will require more work in the future. For buyers who enjoy their own automated repairs and feel comfortable working on their own vehicles, this might not be a deciding factor. Many people, though, want a vehicle they can start using comfortably right after buying.

Future Use

What are you planning on doing with the truck? If you need it for heavy hauling or towing, you want to look into a diesel engine, which will both be stronger and have a better lifespan than gasoline engines. If you only need it for daily errands or commuting to and from work, a gasoline engine will save you money on fuel.

If you know what to look for, looking at used trucks can both save money and find a great vehicle that will serve you, your work, and your family for years to come.

How To Find Storage Unit Auctions In Your Area

How To Find Storage Unit Auctions In Your Area

As we all know, the economy in this great country is not what it used to be. More and more people are looking to supplement their income. At the same time TV shows like "Storage Wars" have bought to light the idea of ​​storage unit auctions.

Although they have been around for awhile, storage unit auctions are gaining in popularity. The concept is pretty simple. Someone rents a storage unit and defaults on their monthly rent. The storage unit company holds an auction to clean out the unit and recover the lost rent. People go to the auctions and buy the contents of the unit. Then they sell the items of the unit either online or in a brick and mortar store. Many of the people that attend theses auctions on a regular basis know how and where to sell the items to make a pretty decent profit. The trick is knowing where to find the auctions.

Finding Storage Unit Auctions In Your Area

There are several ways to go about finding these auctions: online, in phone books, and publications. Before you start you may want to invest in a notebook or journal to write down the information you are going to find. Things such as the addresses of the companies, when they are holding auctions, their phone numbers and email addresses.


There are two sites that you can start with, other than Google of course! The first one is, it is kinda along the lines of a phone book. You type in your city, state, or zip code in one box and what you are looking for into the other. In our case "storage unit" or "storage units." When the results come up, look for the units closest to you and jot down their information in a note book or journal.

If the lists have web addresses, visit them. Look for anything that might tell you when they are having their next auction. See if they have a "Contact Us" page. If they do you can leave them a message asking when the next auction is and your contact information. You should at least be able to find a phone number where you can reach the company or manager of the company.

AuctionZip is another website you can visit to locate auctions in your area. Along with AuctionZip there are other websites that will give you up to date information about local auctions. Some may require a monthly fee. This may be easier if you do not have time to go and locate individual auctions through the other methods in this article.

Phone Book

This should not need any explanation. Grab your local phone book and go through the yellow page under "storage unit" or other suitable term. You may already have an idea of ​​storage facilities in your neighborhood and just need their phone numbers. Once again, a notebook is an excellent way to organize phone numbers and other information you may find out.

When you do get to talk to these companies, either on the phone or through email there are some things you should ask about. You could ask if they would be willing to fax you their auction schedule, sometimes companies will do this. Obviously, when will they be having an auction. Next ask them what are there terms as far as paying for units you may win. Most companies have you pay right then and there with cash. Also, what are their expectations when it comes to cleaning out the unit, usually they give you 24 hours to clear out your winnings. Bottom line is to not be afraid to ask questions, especially if you are new to storage unit auctions.


If you do not have access to the internet or you do not like computers you can look in publications such as newspapers for local auctions. Storage unit companies will often advertise in newspapers and platforms about when they will be having auctions. It is wise to subscribe to these publications as the information will come to you, instead of you having to go chase it!

The Winter Safety Check List For Drivers

The Winter Safety Check List For Drivers

I hate the winter! OK so despite I sound a little aggressive but you know what I mean, the ever unpredictable yet always extremely cold weather, the dark nights and constantly feeling blue; if it was not for Christmas, this season would be a real dud! I'll tell you what I really struggle with during this half of the season the most and it beats everything hands down ... driving!

Do not get me wrong, driving is a fantastic skill to have and being able to take charge and get yourself everywhere is not only a great feeling but a hugely convenient during the constant hustle and bustle of everyday life however driving in the winter can easily be a tremendous challenge.

Limited visibility that is affected by harsh weather conditions which can result in tricky and dangerous conditions can make driving in the winter months a challenge for even the best of them. Without we somehow manage to switch with the Australians and get their heat for the next six months or choose to hibernate like a turtle, winter driving although can be limited, can not quite be absolutely unavoidable.

We can never be sure what the road conditions will be like until they actually hit but what we can do is ensure that we are as prepared as possible in order to avoid any issues and preventing danger. Not sure what kind of preparation is the winter driving? Below is my ultimate road safety checklist that should get you started ...

· Service - Making sure that your car is in the best condition possible is the most effective way to ensure that you will not face an unsuspecting breakdown or any other kind of hassle whilst out on the road. Knowing that your car is working properly will not only provide a great piece of mind but will help to ensure that you can face anything the winter throws at you without increasing your risk of danger!

· Tires - As the foremost part of your car that will come into contact with the road, it is important that your tires are in the best condition. From tread depth to general wear and tear; are you taking care of your tires? Consider either rotating your current tires or even opting for a new replacement tires and always make sure that you have an inflated spare in your boot just in case.

· Ice scraper / de-icer / antifreeze - We may or may not get snowfall but it is a given that during many mornings and evenings you will be faced with the dreaded layer of ice on your windscreen. Always be prepared with de-icing equipment and ensure that, if your car is parked in the drive or outside of the office all day that you have kept your levels of antifreeze topped up to avoid a frozen engine.

· Driving Style - It is important to note that amongst your entire safety checklist you put yourself on there too because as the driver, your style of driving and manoeuvring will play a major part in your on-road safety. Avoid harsh breaking and accelerating to prevent skidding, pull out in second gear if on a hill and avoid driving on desolated and un-scratched roads. As much as the above points are critical, it is important that you also monitor your driving skills as they can play a huge part in your safety while on the road.

The winter can never be as fun as the summer, particularly when it comes to driving and it definitely is not as safe so be prepared and ensue that both your driving style and your car are ready for the unexpected. Opt to include an emergency first aid kit in your vehicle too as it is always better to be safe than sorry!

Some of the Best Ideas On Making Money Through Affiliate Marketing

Some of the Best Ideas On Making Money Through Affiliate Marketing

If you are not sure what direction to go in with affiliate marketing, then you want to start learning as many tips as possible. People seem to become more focused and have an idea with what they want on their sites when they understand ways they can succeed in affiliate marketing. So take a look at this article and see what inspires you.

Consider weekly or monthly prizes. Visitors will keep coming back to your site to see what the prize is. Do not forget to keep their interest by providing relevant information that they want to learn about. This is also a good way to get sign-ups to your newsletter; tell them you will notify them about the prize through e-mail.

If you have a website for your business, your domain name should be on everything that you own. Use your own personal vehicle, t-shirts, stationary, email signature and more, to permanently put the name of your website out there. Constant reminders will stick in people's heads and make them want to look it up.

Look for easy to sell products when you first start out. In the beginning, you do not want to be advertising for something no one has ever heard of. It puts pressure on both you and the consumer. The best way to go is to look at what products are currently "hot" and start with those. Once you have established a base, you can move to more challenging sales.

Stick with an affiliate marketer that consistently churns out products. If you want reliable contracts and new product promotion opportunities from a reputable, solid affiliate company, look for one that continually produces new products for you to promote. Fad products tend to work well for only a short period of time. Therefore, they are not good for a stable income.

To get a wider range of visitors to click through to your merchants, give them choices. Rather than sell just one hairdresser, sell five hairdryers and let them choose them favorite. Giving your visitors options makes them feel in control of the situation. Providing choices also increases your chance of appealing to visitors with specific criteria in mind.

In order to make money through affiliate marketing, you need to have an understanding of the basics. You should do all you can to make sure that your website or blog is ranked as high as possible with the search engines. This will earn you better affiliates, which leads to additional money.

A great affiliate marketing tip is to promote good products on your web site. By promoting good products, your customers will trust you even more. On the other hand, if you promote an inferior product, you may lose the trust of your customers, which is definitely bad for business.

Hopefully you have a better understanding of the direction you want to go in when it comes to affiliate marketing. Just remember to pick a topic you know about and continue to expand your knowledge on it as well as learning new tips on how to succeed with affiliate marketing.

Auto Repair Manuals

Auto Repair Manuals

If you are an amateur auto mechanic who loves to dig in the car engines until the wee hours while most people are under their blankets, entails the spirit of the "do-it-yourself" -doer and are not afraid to get grease on your hands or if you are in an emergency situation, a very handy resource is the availability of the right auto repair manuals.

There are two types of car repair manuals:

  • Online downloadable manuals
  • Printed manuals
  • Online Manuals

    The best thing about online manuals are that whatever manual you'll need for whichever car brand, it is only a few mouse clicks away; you can load it down from the internet in no time.

    If the time is a significant factor for you, for instance if you are in a situation that require repairs information immeadeatlY and your knowledge about the specific problem is limited, the fastest and cheapest solution is to go online to find high quility vehicle repair manuals.

    Some of these manuals include not only repair information, but also updated technical service information and some of them even include approximate business hours. This is valuable info if you decide to take your car to a mechanic: You'll know in advance how much you could expect to pay for the repair. Most of these websites charge a minor fee for their service, but compared to what you'll get back, it is worth it.

    Good vehichle repair manual sites also features updated diagnostic and maintenance information. Their manuals are Original Service Manuals Written by the manufacturers and contains the original workshop repair descriptions. Therefore many professional auto technicians are using quality downloadable manuals. .

    Good manuals contain thousands of pages of diagrams and all the necessary detailed information for the specific vehicle and car part repair.

    Printed manuals

    I have chosen to make a brief review of three of the best printed motorcar fixing manuals available on the market today. If you chose these instead of the online alternative, expect some time for shipping and handling.


    • the target is the experienced mechanic, and is considered by many experts as the hands-down best reference.
    • probably the most detailed car repair book available
    • Unfortunately, Bentley focuses on European models mostly, not US models.


    • The target for these service manuals are factory certified mechanisms, and unfortunately not amateurs
    • may require access to special tools only available to authorized mechanisms.


    • Simple step-by-step procedures, easy-to-follow standard format their target audience is the average, general backyard mechanic
    • focusing on maintenance and basic repairs
    • containing lots of sequential photographs and graphics to simplify maintenance and then make the job easy and fun.
    • new cars are treated with thorough attention. Older cars however, get lumped together and the instructions for these are a little more generalized.