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Friday, March 29, 2019

Why Does Your Small Business Need a Dedicated Server?

Why Does Your Small Business Need a Dedicated Server?

In a small business, the standard peer-to-peer networking model used in homes very small offices eventually becomes insufficient once user demands-such as access to shared storage drives and printers-increase beyond its capabilities. Your business may need a dedicated server for a variety of reasons. Mainly, businesses use dedicated servers because it's the best option for large scale operations. However, small businesses can also take advantage of a dedicated server if their profits are high enough to warrant their usage. See, in the hosting genre of business, companies usually choose the hosting option that is closest to their financial bracket. A small business could opt for shared resources but there is always the fear and doubt to deal with in the back of their mind.

You know you need a dedicated server when...

Managing e-mail for an increasing number of people. Many small businesses start out using free cloud-hosted e-mail services such as Gmail™ or Yahoo!® Mail. While they get the job done for offices with few points of contact (1-5 seats), manageability decreases as the number of seats increase. Implement a dedicated server running Microsoft Exchange to meet those e-mail needs and more. An Exchange server eliminates your reliance on Web-based e-mail clients and allows you to easily add in-boxes for an ever-growing office.

Multiple users need to access the same data. Even small businesses need a centralized data storage location. A dedicated storage server is a type of server equipped with a large storage capacity and the software to manage data.

You Start to Use Applications that Require a Secure Database. A database stores information that can be accessed and updated by programs. Storing important data on an unsecured storage solution such as a USB drive introduces risk into your systems.

Managing shared resources across the workspace. Printers, optical disc drives, and programs are a few examples of shared resources. Servers can take over the print sharing duties of a router and also allow for the use of older unsupported printers. While a drive connected to one computer can be shared with the network, it may have a different drive letter for the other computers. A server can assign a drive letter shared by every client computer.

One computer to do the job of multiple systems. A server can assume the functions of some devices, such as the router, the NAS device, backup storage drive, and firewall. With a server, you can virtualize the functions of multiple devices to run simultaneously on the same machine.

If you're still tangled about your decision, read on for five reasons why a dedicated server might be the best choice for your business.

Better performance

A dedicated server provides an exclusive, isolated platform with no contention for resources. It is for your business' use and yours alone. This means that your dedicated server will perform faster and more efficiently than a cloud-based option, which is not exclusive; a cloud-based provider's resources are shared between all of its users.

Better value for money

Dedicated web servers are the most cost-effective option - and value for money, of course, is an important factor in any business decision. While it may appear to be more expensive than a cloud-based server, a dedicated server offers a much higher amount of resources, and the price is highly reasonable once you realize the true value offered by this type of solution.

Ability to purchase specific server hardware

With a dedicated web server, you are free to choose your own specifications. You can select exactly what sort of hardware you want according to the particular requirements of your website and its content and traffic.

Easily customizable

There's a lot of flexibility in what you can do with a dedicated web server. It's a customizable solution, which is what you want as a growing, changing business.

Compliance and security benefits

A dedicated server is a single-tenant solution, not a shared solution like a cloud-based server. If your business places high importance on compliance and security (and it should), a dedicated server is the only choice for you.

These are some of the key reasons why you should opt for a dedicated server. Apart from these, you can also enjoy improved technical support while opting for a dedicated hosting services, since a group of experienced and trained professionals will help you solve all sorts of technical problems easily and quickly.

Exterior Painting Preparation Ideas

Exterior Painting Preparation Ideas

Take extra time to prepare properly for your exterior painting project is a direct investment of your time and money. Good exterior painting preparation has been proven to help the paint last longer, look better and prevent other related problems such as mold growth, chipping and peeling. Get started on your successful exterior painting project by reading and following the exterior painting preparation steps below. If you just are not up to painting on your own, then make it easy on yourself by finding a professional and reliable painter in your city.

Prepare Yourself

Exterior panting preparation is a dirty job, so you should wear clothes that you do not mind dirtying. Furthermore, you will be getting wet, so keep that in mind as well when you select your clothes for this project and prepare for it before one day. It is also essential and safe that you wear protective goggles, especially during the scraping process. Chipped-off paint and other materials could easily fly into your eyes and cause serious damage to your eyes. Do not take any chances to be safe: Prepare properly by having a good pair of goggles or protective glasses. Work gloves are also necessary and important for protecting your hands during the prep process in your home or offices.

Spray the Dirt Away

This is essential because paint will not stick well to any type of dirt, especially the outdoor kinds of dirt like grime and dust. While some recommend using a power washer for this step, others caution that it can cause more harm than good. This is because it could also drive water deep into or behind wood siding or trim. If the soffit gets too wet, the wood will swell and quickly cause the new paint to peel off. Even if you do not have wood siding, it still may be a better idea to use a hose with a strong water flow rather than a power washer.

For even stronger cleaning than just a hose, use a special brush attachment for the hose along with liquid soap; just make sure to rinse off all of the soap. You may want to consider using rags and sponges, depending on the amount of dirt on the exterior of your home. The more dirt, the more scrubbing you'll need to do. If there are any areas with mold or mildew then it is advisable to wash with an anti-fungal cleaner. These types of cleaners can be found at hardware or home improvement stores easily in your near market.


Make sure to have your goggles on when you scrape any loose paint over wall. To be most effective, use a paint scraper, putty knife or wire brush will be more effective and less time consuming. For stubborn paint, or for scrapping multi-layered paint, consider using a heat gun or rotary paint remover. A heat gun looks like a hair dryer and reaches very hot temperatures, as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to wear gloves to protect your hands and keep the heat gun away from all fresh paint, paint fumes, paint cans or paint thinner / cleaner to avoid fire hazards. Another option for removing stubborn paint is a rotary paint remover, which can be attached to an electric drill. The stiff wire tines on the rotary quickly remove large areas of paint. Take care when you are using this tool, as it should never come into close contact with your body parts. Consider practicing on a small piece of wood before working on the siding.

Sand & Repair

For wood siding, fill any gouges or holes with patching compound; make sure the compound is exterior grade. Sometimes this product is called plastic wood, so keep that in mind when you go to purchase this product. You will also need to sand the edges of the area of ​​removed paint to help the new paint cover and hide the edge. Caulk any cracks, seams or gaps with paintable exterior caulk. It's important to be meticulous near the doors and windows so that the paint will stick properly in these tricky areas.

Taping & Covering

This is the final step before getting into the actual painting. You will need to tape off any areas that are not painted, such as around windows, with painter's tape. Place drop cloths everywhere that you do not want paint dripping, including shrubs, bushhes, porches and the like.

Cheap Beats

Cheap Beats

Over the last few years, inexpensive technology has lowered the barrier to those who want to create beats and instrumentals for music. While this lower barrier to entry allows more and more people who want to make beats do so, it also can create a challenge for serious music artists looking for quality beats.

At the same time, the amount of new beat makers gives artists the opportunity to find cheap beats that they do not have to spend a ton of money for. This can be good because most new up and coming singers and rappers do not have a significant amount of money to invest in rap beats, hip hop beats, or r & b instrumentals.

If you are an artist, then there should be a balance when looking for affordability and quality in your music instrumentals. You do not want to just go and pick up any cheap beats that you find.

Just because you find cheap beats does not mean that they will do your talent justice. When dealing with new artists, I teach them the importance of being willing to invest in your talent, but at the same time I can understand when new artists are putting in tons of effort and simply do not have the funds to pay full prices.

So again, there must be a balance. You should focus on quality first, price last. A lot of times, new beat makers think that the best way to get people to buy their beats is to make them super cheap. The thing is, serious producers have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars in equipment and lots of time to perfect their beat making craft.

After reaching a definite point and building a number of clients, some of us reach a point where we can afford to offer cheap beats for a limited time time to artists who want to try their hand at singing or rapping. These are the types of beats that you should look for if you are looking for inexpensive instrumentals.

This is one component of the balancing act in searching for cheap beats that are professional quality.

Petrol Vs Diesel Engines - Which Is Better and Why? Part I

Petrol Vs Diesel Engines - Which Is Better and Why? Part I

After covering an article on the volatility of petrol and how fueling at different times of the day may cause you to receive less value for your money, I would like to clarify that the same does not happen to diesel because it is heavier and less volatile. Also, while petrol burns easily and then produces more power and faster propulsion, diesel burns slower - actually it does not even burn at all. Not that petrol burns either: it is the vapor that burns, but when it comes to diesel it will not vaporize easily and even when it does the vapor still will not catch fire. Combustion occurs in a diesel engine only when the diesel is injected into hot compressed air, and the energy output in this case is more of toque rather than power. Yes - torque is the 'might' to move a mass of load while power, better off described as horsepower, is the force that moves a car from one point to another, fast.

Since diesel is heavier, more cumbersome to deal with and involves lots of pressure and tension, the engine running on it must have made tough components to withstand these forces and the abuse that comes with neglect and poor servicing, especially because most owners of diesel -powered cars abuse them more than the owners of petrol-powered cars. This could be because most of them are commercial and heavy-duty cars and the owners do not mind as long as they get the job done while the petrol-powered cars are for leisure and everyday use, but either way, diesel components are more resilient and so more expensive but they also wear out faster due to the stress they undergo, and as a result they demand more frequent servicing than the components of petrol engines. That is true, but if you think that diesel-powered cars are slow, stink and produce fumes like a coal locomotive, Henry Ford is long dead and Bedford trucks are no longer in production - welcome to the 21st century.

Volkswagen engineers have been in the news lately about their flawed diesel software, but what I want to focus on is that these engineers of the world's second best-selling automotive company are running their cars on diesel. Why would they if diesel was as awful as some have been made to believe? Mercedes too has diesel variant models that boast of as low as 5L / 100 km on the combined cycle, while the Prius with all its fanfare does about 4.4L / 100 km. Modern diesel-powered cars are clean, efficient, quiet and sometimes fast. Of these, the greatest attribute is efficiency. The Mercedes engine which efficiency I mentioned above is the 2014 E350 CDI, a very powerful engine and its hybrid version will sip only 4.0L / 100 km. Where does that leave the Prius? In a dumping area behind a Chinese restaurant.

Want to Design a Love-Laden Valentine's Day Flower Bouquet? Here's How to Make It Happen

Want to Design a Love-Laden Valentine's Day Flower Bouquet? Here's How to Make It Happen

Valentine's Day is one such occasion when couples, much in love, can present different Valentine's Day flowers to the love of their life and convey to each other the deepest feelings of their hearts.

Different flowers have different meanings and so, it is the best idea to present them all in a bundle so as to convey different feelings. This bunch can definitely become an augury of a great love life ahead. One can make a beautiful bouquet by collecting different colored roses and attach each of them with a love note that the particular rose conveys.

Let's read through the article to find out what message people can convey to their love and how each of the roses present in the bouquet will open a corner of their heart.

1. A Love Message with a White Rose

White Roses Meaning -True love, purity, respect and admiration

There's something so truthful and pure about loving and being loved. And, Valentine's Day is the perfect time to express those sweetest feelings. The white rose in the Valentine's Day gifts bouquet will seriously express the purity and the truthfulness of love.

Love Note: People can write a message according to the level of their relationship, but the best message would be something that shows the childlike pure and innocent love hidden in the heart.

Message: "The best thing that happened to me is you, and you can clearly see the purity of my heart in my eyes."

2. A Love Note with a Pink Rose

Pink Roses Meaning-Friendship and the tang of sweetness in the relationship

For any relationship, it is important to first develop that sweet bond of friendship and then love will fonder. The pink rose in the bouquet will convey the recipient that the everlasting sweet bond of friendship is something that adds that sweet and mellifluous voice to the relationship.

Love Note: It's better to make a DIY small friendship card with a special message of love and friendship that's the best part of the whole process of falling in love.

Message: "Over the years, it is that sweetness of our friendship that has turned our relationship into a never-ending love"

3. A Love Note with a Yellow Rose

Yellow Roses Meaning-Friendship, celebration, happiness and joy

The joy and happiness that one feels for all the love and affection received from his / her partner indubitably need to be celebrated. The yellow roses present in the bouquet will overwhelmingly celebrate that whole process of falling in love.

Love Note: Take a yellow chart paper to cut out a small love note out of it, stick some pets of yellow roses and write a beautiful love message over it.

Message: "Since I met you, I have fallen in the idea of ​​love. Nothing can give me that happiness which I get after looking into your eyes."

4. A Love Note with a Red Rose

Red Roses Meaning -Love and passion

A red rose is really considered the symbol of a true love and Valentine celebration is synonymous with the tradition of gifting red roses. Add a couple of red roses in the bouquet to convey that passion in love.

Love Note: Make a DIY greeting card by sticking fresh petals of roses over it and embellishing it with glitter stickers. Also, stick some of the pictures that depict the most memorable moments spent together. The message here needs to be a little longer !!

Message: "For me, love is something that gives me the strength to be what I am. Your love gives me that strength to be peaceful and be calm even in the hardest of the times. so beautiful. I want to live every bit of my life with you. "

So, these are some of the choices of roses that one can perfectly make for the loveliest Valentine's Day celebration. These types of creative Valentine's Day gifts are perfect for conveying the pure feeling of one's heart. People can also buy some online gifts and present to their sweetheart along with this with this love-laden flower bouquet.

What is High Power LED?

What is High Power LED?

LED is short for Light emitting diode that is semiconductor device, when electricity flows through in the direction direction, it emits light of different color. High power LEDs are one type of LEDs that has higher power and brightness and of course are more expensive comparing to the small power ones.The regular LED current rating is 20mA, mainly LED with current current higher than 20mA can be called high power.Generally rating power has 0.25w, 0.5w, 1w, 3w, 5w, 8w, 10w and so on, the brightness is measured in lm while for small power are are widely applied on auto lights, flashlights, lighting fixtures etc.

The classification standard for high power LEDs has three types:

The first type is to classify according to rating power of finish product after packaging, it can be 0.5W, 1W, 3W, 5W, 10W .... 100W.

The second is by package techniques: large dimension epoxy package, simulated superflux epoxy package, MCPCB package,

The third is by luminous decay amount, it can be low and non-low luminous decay ones.

The shape of high power LEDs has available in both Star and O'Ring configurations. Both configurations offer the best possible color rendering capability and color temperature. With a nominal correlated color temperature of 3200K, close to traditional indoor light source, it is particularly suited to architects and light designers.

They are developing rapidly in recent years and creating a new approach for future lighting.

Managing Your Money on Your Trip to Ireland

Managing Your Money on Your Trip to Ireland

If you are planning a holiday to Ireland you will need to decide how you will manage your finances while you are there. ATMs and banks are widespread so you will never be too far from a source of cash.

If you are traveling from another Eurozone country you do not have to worry about exchanging currency. However, if you are traveling from the United States or the United Kingdom you will need to convert to Euro.

You have a number of choices on how you manage your money while you are away. The most traditional way to bring money is traveler's checks. However, this is one of the more expensive options with responsibilities as high as six percent, but they can be replaced if they are lost or stolen.

Making cash withdrawals is probably the cheapest and most convenient to access cash on your holidays. You can use your credit card, debit card or bank card to make withdrawals in Ireland. Most ATMs in Ireland will accept all three.

With debit cards or bank cards you usually pay a commission of about 1.5 percent. However, you can save money by lodging money into your credit card account before you go and withdraw it while you are away.

All major credit cards, including MasterCard, Visa and American Express, are widely accepted at shops, hotels and restaurants all over Ireland.

It is a good idea to buy some Euro before you leave your country so you have some money for essentials like travel to your hotel when you arrive.

However, try not to carry too much cash at any one time. Ireland is a reliably safe country but a small number of tourists are robbed there every year. Be vigilant and try to bring a spare card in case yours is lost or stolen.