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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Few Guidelines When Buying a Laptop

Few Guidelines When Buying a Laptop

When purchasing your next laptop, in addition to the choice of material or brand or characteristics, it is advisable to ensure the following features:

Weight: a laptop obviously will be transported, therefore it is essential to choose the lightest possible. Be careful however, sometimes the weight is stated without the external devices as DVD Writer.

Autonomy: The autonomy of the computer is directly dependent on the consumption of its components and the characteristics of the battery.

Type Ni-Mh battery: are more powerful than nickel-cadmium batteries.

Type Li-Ion battery: rechargeable batteries fitted to most laptops. The Li-Ion batteries offer excellent performance for a modest cost. In addition, the Li-Ion batteries do not suffer from memory effect, which means that it is not necessary to empty the battery completely before recharging the unit.

Type Li-Polymer battery has performance equivalent to the Li-Ion batteries, but much lighter as the liquid electrolyte (or ionic solution) and the micro porous separator of Li-Ion batteries are replaced by a much lighter solid polymer (polyacrylonitrile). However this type of battery is not an asset because the charging time is greater and their life is relatively low. It typically defines the autonomy of the laptop by the average time of activity of the laptop in standby / use.

Temperature of operation: The various components of a laptop work results in an increase in temperature that sometimes could be really high. Overheating could appear too, especially when the laptop works with the screen closed, because this could prevent a good heat dissipation (Joule effect).

Noise: For some models of laptops, the fans used for heat dissipation could be really noisy. It is also the case for the motors driving the rotating hard drives or CD / DVD. It is strongly advised to seek information on the noise level of the computer when it works.

Laptops are more practical than the desktops. You will have the ability to work wherever you go and this could be fun. Probably you will spend a bit more than for a desktop, but if you want to save some money there are always refurbished laptops offers.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Owner Builder Construction Loans Made Easy to Understand!

Owner Builder Construction Loans Made Easy to Understand!

Congratulations on your wise decision to build and / or contract the construction of your Dream Home! Provided you follow sound construction wisdom and building practices you will find this decision to be one of the most profitable and enjoyable experiences of your life!

One of the most vital aspects of the home construction process is the construction loan and it's structure! Over the last 3-5 years Owner Builder Construction Loans have come along long way and despite the sub-prime mortgage woes and credit crunch there is still plenty of money to be lent to owner builders! From a lenders vantage point, construction loans have proven to be some of the lowest risks, best performing loans for lenders because people who build a home generally LOVE those homes and are more likely to live in the home longer than non-owner built homeowners! So the first thing you want to understand is that the banks really DO WANT YOUR BUSINESS! (Provided you have good credit and assets!)

Qualifying for a Construction Loan is really not much different than qualifying for a standard real estate loan but there are some additional considerations that you need to think about. Things like the total cost, the type home of you will build and whether you will have Builder overs or not. I strongly suggest that at a minimum you pay to have a builder of record who assists and / or manages the construction site, trades and project for you. You also want to identify and gather all of your income, checking and other financial data so that you are well prepared for the application process.

There are (2) primary types construction loans:

# 1 - Interim Construction Loan - this is a short term loan, that must be refinanced or paid off entirely at the completion of construction. The downside to this particular loan is that your closing costs are higher due because you have two separate closures and they are higher risk because you can not lock the interest rate of your end loan. The primary benefit to an interim construction loan lies in that it allows you to pull out (or access the equity and get cash) of the home upon completion. In most states this is accomplished via a home equity line of credit. I personally only advise accessing this equity when you have had a basic assessment since the beginning of construction and / or you plan on investing the proceeds into good low-risk cashflow producing real estate!

# 2 - One-time Close Construction Loan - this loan is quickly becoming the industry standard because of the numerous advantages built into the loan. For starters, this loan has no interest rate risk because you can lock the interest rate the day you are approved and that interest rate can be reserved as far as 1 year in advance! (HUGE BENEFIT!) Another major benefit over the Interim Construction Loan is that the one-time Close Loan only has 1 closing so you only have to pay closing costs once! When structured properly you can also roll all of your soft costs (soil tests, surveys, engineering & plans) into the loan as opposed to paying them in advance out of pocket!

Now that we know what the (2) primary options are for financing our Custom Dream Home, let's look at some tips and strategies to be mindful of as you go about planning your project. Now there are several Owner Builder Construction Loan programs that will literally lend you the money and let YOU manage / build your own Custom Dream Home without any other builder oversight ! (certain states have Builder requirements) Personally I recommend against building without any builder oversight unless you are a builder yourself because the loans that allow this tend to be very expensive and most do not offer the One Time Close option so you end up spending several thousands dollars in additional interest and lender costs that could have been saved! I also recommend against this because it is an extreme amount of financial risk and liability to build a home if you have never built a home before !

Here are a few other money saving considerations to be mindful of respecting Construction Loans:

  1. Structure your loan so that you do not have ANY payments during the construction period!
  2. Add the "Float-down" option when locking the interest rate so that if rates drop during construction you can get the new lower rate!
  3. Confirm your building schedule with your builder to ensure that you have enough drawings. (draws = check disbursements)
  4. Be sure that you have a survey completed once the home construction has been completed. (the mortgage company will need it!)
  5. Always add additional time to the interest rate lock period as construction always takes longer than planned!

Any one of the (5) tips above could save you thousands and thousands of dollars and a gang of headaches! I have seen people lose plenty of money and time because no one shared these Essential Owner Builder Construction Loan tips! But you on the other hand are well-equipped with this information but this still only scratches the surface of the full scope of building your Custom Dream Home! In my practice I see people who take the time and invest in their education and I also see those who throw caution to the wind and ignorantly jump in head-first with no guidance! Months later, the results always seem to show that the cream rises to the top and those who have not thoroughly equipped themselves, hired a professional team of experts and followed their advise seem to have lackluster results at best and a huge financial catastrophe at worst!

I wish you the best on the construction of your Custom Dream Home!

Choosing the Right Gold Refiners

Choosing the Right Gold Refiners

Is there anything hotter than gold right now? Probably not! With the price for this precious metal soaring through the roof thanks to the uncertainties in today's world economy, it's more important than ever to choose the right gold refiners to help you maximize your investment. Whether you are a jeweler who is capitalizing on people's trade-ins or you run a business that creates gold scrap or sweeps as a by-product of your manufacturing process, here are some things to look for that will help you know you are choosing high quality gold refiners.

Longevity in the Business: Yes, there are refiners out there who exist strict because of the current market. You only want to deal with a service that has been in business through all the ups and downs and who has earned longevity in a competitive business through hard work, extensive knowledge and integrity.

You Can Watch the Process from Start to Finish: There should be no secrets in the gold refining process. A good company will allow you to accompany your materials and watch them turn from gold into cash for you!

Variety of Payment Options: These are difficult times, and everyone has a different system for keeping an eye on their bottom lines. Insist on going with a company that offers a variety of payment systems, ie cash, check, wire transfer, bullion or even exchange of products that will give you the flexibility to do business your way.

There are distinct differences in range of services, customer attention and other important factors when you are choosing among gold refiners. It's worth taking your time to do a little research-and-compare among possible candidates.

The 2nd Revolution

The 2nd Revolution

Today, we live in a world filled with deception, deceit, and lies. The United States government continues to perpetrate gross unjustifications on the public. Sadly, though there really has not been a unified effort to make our government accountable for all the travesties that they have imposed on the American citizen. Remember the 99% movement of just a few years ago. That protest never got organized for if it did maybe just maybe things would be a little bit better today. It is the public though that have been so indoctrinated in accepting whatever the government mandates. There have been countless numbers of unfunded mandates imposed on the American citizen all of which have put financial strains on practically every American. That is just part of the issues facing us today.

The biggest crisis facing us today requires us to realize that there are two groups of men in the world today. On one hand there are men allied with the Creator. Then there are those who alien themselves with the Created. A battle for supremacy as one would put it, men allied with life and living versa men allied with things other men created like money and corporations. It is this battle that has been waged for centuries. We always have a choice between what is truly valuable, like life, health, family, food, homes and communities. Others look at what is valuable in quite a different scope. An illusion if you will where they feel corporations, money and all else that substitutes itself for what is actual. For thousands of years, Mankind has been living in an illusion, half-asleep, unconscious, manipulated, and abused. It could not be any truer than right in the United States.

To many people do not realize that the United States is basically a corporate instrument of the international banking conglomerates. What this means is that every American are owned by the corporation aka, the government of the United States. This also means that the corporate United States holds ownership of all your assets, your property and even ones children. Think about all the bills we are forced to pay, all those different taxes and fines and even licenses we have to pay for. And, all this started in 1871.

When congress passed the Act of 1871 and subsequent legislation we the people have been deceived ever since thinking we are free and independent when in actuality we continue to be slaves and servants of the corporation. Our ignorance of the facts has led to our silence and our silence has been construed as our consent to become beneficiaries of a debt we did not incur. The fact of the matter is that treason was committed against the People with the passage of the Act of 1871. Through lust for money and power this act was never corrected. We the people have lost more freedom than we realize due to the corporate infiltration of government.

Our ignorance of the law has led this nation to the brink of disaster. It is everyone's responsibility and our obligation as an American to learn about the law and how it applies to everyone. The government has for decades count on the fact that most people are either too distracted, lazy or uninterested to see what is actually happening to the nation. We the People have been for too long mentally conditioned to allow the illegal government to act with impunity.

Today, it is though no one really cares to know just what the Act of 1871 has done to the very core of America. Just think of all the wars and courageous men and women who laid down their lives for the preservation of the ideals of our founding fathers. When in fact those ideals were tossed away by the lust for money and power. What we need today is a Revolution in thought and in our thinking if we are to ever have a chance to right the wrongs imposed by unscrupulous individuals who continue to act in accordance with the welfare of the Corporate United States.

Psychic Insights and Predictions for 2018

Psychic Insights and Predictions for 2018

We are in for a challenging period with lots of planets in earth signs, a more sober time of consequential events. Closer to home, what if it turns out that people have a lot less voice, less money to spend, and less comfort in the United States? And that might be small potatoes compared to what's happening in Europe! Here's what we can do about it if there's tough times ahead, according to an early December vision:

What first appeared was a picture of Americans' nature and spirit in decline, and people choosing to turn away from the displaced around them, not wanting to encounter them or anyone much - not wanting to connect. Americans, traumatized by the barrage of fear-creating news, beliefs, and new realities coming at them, may choose to defend themselves from it by disconnecting, not letting it really register. However, other messages going back to 1989 show a steady development of grassroots activism. Maybe we will snap out of our trauma and all become activists!

Until then (and ever more), this is the most actionable response: "Be nice. Be nice to yourself, and especially if no-one else has done so - or we have not done so ourselves so far. as a policy. To be nice is to turn the other cheek, to not react to the past, but to choose to be a certain way in the world, to have a certain atmosphere of respect and security and civility around you, which you demonstrate and emanate by being nice. It will raise the vibration of your world, and extremely, at each level you experience the world. "

About grass roots and what the 99% can do in 5 minutes to influence their world: Grass roots are the densest, the strongest weave, and what is akin to that formidable placeholder is if every single person finds a way to communicate with government officials, just Google it, and let their will be known. That unrelenting activity will make representatives always know and feel the pressure of millions of people, creating a grassroots weave in the airwaves.

"Get to work!" is the saying for the year. For those seeking spiritual and professional success, here are words of wisdom from a 14th century Middle Eastern scholar: "Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it."

The atmosphere surges with energy to put knowledge into action this year - lots of itchy entrepreneurs and innovators! For everyone, a lot can happen and a lot can get done by taking responsibility for your life. Being quick to explore your options and in more areas of your life, will serve you well in 2018.

According to one of the psychic pictographs for the year, Americans may be testing one of Einstein's theories. He states: "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development agreed the individual." As the have and have-nots in America continue to grow farther apart, we'll see a devalued and dispirited people become more of a colorless or muted mass.

Monster Winds in 2018: Raging winds become more frequent ... plus earthquakes. We live as if our well-being depends on our access to money and power. Nature appears to be teaching us differently. "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature", warned the popular ad campaign years ago. Uranus, planet of shocking upheavals, moves into an earth sign on May 15th for an eight year stay. This signifies that powerful and destabilizing earth changes continue to upend.

More about May 15th: Not only does Uranus change signs on that day, it's also new moon in Taurus, and Mars goes into Aquarius, all conspiring to create changes in how we deal with money (Taurus rules money and finances.) People seek new forms of contracts and exchange. Mars in Aquarius also portends an important year for technological developments and innovations. People are going to be bold, try new things, and change fundamental aspects society. Cultural mores change around beauty and romance, and societal standards associated with love and the arts are open to accepting new forms.

Personal guidance from the spirits about 2018 (channeled on 11/11/2017): These messages are not about the society we live in, but describe the raw energy of the year and how we can use it to manifest what we want.

"You've arrived on new ground. And look all around ... make sure you are with people you want to be with ... that's how the year begins, a radical sorting out of your private affairs.

Being one with Nature this year gives great pleasure. Even for people who have not much noticed Nature before. Something wakes up in people about their world, their environment, and how precious it is.

We're all here together for one reason: to be free, and to be able ... you name it when it comes to being able ... what do you want to do? Whatever it is, it will occur to you month by month as the year unfolds: whatever needs to receive to your love. Any part of you can now come forward to be integrated.

Strength! Resilience! Force Power! They're all energized in people this year. Make sure to shepherd your consciousness so this access to power become tools for your benefit and also for others. "

What Does It Mean When a Guy Tells You He Has Been Thinking of You? Learn Why He Said This to You

What Does It Mean When a Guy Tells You He Has Been Thinking of You? Learn Why He Said This to You

At first, you get ecstatic when you a guy tells you that he has been thinking of you quite often. However, you begin to ask yourself what he really meant when he said that - thus, the confusion. This article will tell you what a guy really means when he says that you've been in his mind.

Step one: He loves you
Why would a guy think about you for a long time if he doesn't love you? He wants you to know that he cares by giving clues - like saying that he's been thinking of you. He might be scared to say that he loves you upfront, which could explain the situation.

Step two: He really means what he said
If the guy looks very sincere, and has a good reputation, then he really means what he said. This is a good thing, because confessing to someone that you have been thinking of them quite often is no easy task. It requires courage.

Step three: He wants to be with you
If the guy is someone who is not your ex-boyfriend, then it means he wants to be with you. You are a potential girlfriend for him. He is also thinking of pursuing you, depending on your response to his statement.

Step four: He wants to get back with you
An ex-boyfriend who tells you that he has been thinking of you probably has intentions of getting back with you. He probably has thought things through, and has decided that he actually wants to have you back in his life. It should go without saying that if he was the one who broke it off in the first place, he is likely apologetic for his mistakes.

Step five: He may also want to have sex with you
Some guys think about sex all the time. If a guy tells you that he has been thinking of you, it may mean that he wants to have sex with you. Take things slowly, though; try to bide your time until you have a better idea of what he wants - and what you want, as well.

Step six: He is serious about you
A guy is genuinely serious if he tells you that he is always thinking of you. He doesn't want to play around, and he's sure that he just wants to be with you.

Step seven: He cares for you a lot
A man who always thinks of you is a man who really cares for you. He is always wondering what you are doing, and watches out for your well-being. The reason why he always thinks of you is because he wants to make sure that you are doing all right.

Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaners

Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaners

Honeywell electronic air cleaners have always been highly rated by consumers. One of the best distinctive features of Honeywell electronic air cleaners is it's near silent operation. They are easy to use and meets the American Lung Association Health House guidelines.

Honeywell electronic air cleaners work by capturing small microscopic particles such as smoke and dust. It does this by using a electric charge which attracts dust and other small particles. It works similar to a magnet by attracting air pollutants to it.

Honeywell electronic air cleaners provides other features as well. They have a wide range of air cleaner products to suit your needs. From whole house air cleaners, to room air cleaners to portable air cleaners, you can find just about any type of electronic air cleaner for your needs.

Honeywell air filters can last longer and only needs to change every two or three years. You can clean the electronic air filter easily using water and Honeywell electronic air cleaners has an feature called optional air watch which will remind you when to change the air filter. This can help you save money in the long time and makes it low maintenance.

One of the features that differentiate Honeywell electronic air cleaners from other brands of electronic air cleaners is the near silent operation. I'm sure you know when air cleaners particularly the larger models are in operation, they emit a humming sound that can be quite irritating after some time. Though I will not say Honeywell air cleaners are totally silent but they produce less noise than other brands I have used.

All Honeywell electronic air cleaners comes with 5 year warranty and is priced affordably. If you are thinking of getting an air cleaner for your home, why not try Honeywell electronic air cleaners.