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Friday, March 1, 2019

How to Install a Manual Boost Controller Without Blowing Up Your Engine

How to Install a Manual Boost Controller Without Blowing Up Your Engine

Prior to installing any manual boost controller, it is important to have already added a high flow exhaust and an aftermarket air intake / air filter. This will ensure the car is able to breath, and will allow the turbo to spool easier.

It is imperative to have installed an aftermarket boost gauge. Most stock boost gauges are not accurate, even at stock boost levels, and lose further accuracy once stock boost is increased. Without an aftermarket boost gauge you risk damage to the engine from overboosting.

How It Works:

The wastegate actuator determines your stock boost levels. The boost controller interrupts the pressure line that runs into the wastegate actuator, allowing you to increase boost over stock levels.

Step 1:

Find your wastegate actuator which is normally attached to the turbo, unless you are using an external wastegate. The wastegate actuator will have a vacuum line port that runs to a boost source. The boost source is usually either the turbo's compressor housing, the intercooler pipes, or the intake manifold. This vacuum line is where the manual boost controller will be installed. If there is a T fitting in the vacuum line between the boost source and the wastegate actuator, it will have a separate vacuum line that runs to the boost control solenoid. If you have the T fitting, remove the line that runs to the solenoid, but leave the solenoid plugged in.

The barb on the boost controller that connects to the wastagegate actuator will have a small hole drilled into it. It is important to leave this hole open, and never switch the wastegate barb and the boost barb.

Boost controllers typically come with approximately 3 feet of vacuum line that you can cut into 2 pieces of desired lengths. The first piece will connect from the boost barb on the controller to your boost source. The second piece will connect from the wastegate barb on the controller to the wastegate vacuum port. Tip: if you have difficulty sliding the vacuum lines onto the barbs, use a little bit of oil to lube the barbs. Block off any open boost sources with vacuum caps and use cable ties to secure all vacuum line connections. We recommend using Premium Fuel with all turbo cars, especially once you have increased your stock boost.

Step 2:

Now that the boost controller is installed, it's time to test the car. We recommend leaving the adjustment knob exactly where it was when you received and installed your MBC when you begin testing. Turning the adjustment knob clockwise increases boost, turning the adjustment knob counterclockwise decreases boost. This step is very important to keep an eye on your boost gauge to make sure you do not overboost and cause any damage to your motor.

Drive your car in an isolated area where you will be able to stop and go multiple times without interfering with traffic. Slowly press the gas and watch your boost gauge climb. If the boost gauge does not hit your target, increase the boost. If the boost begins to exceed your target, decrease the boost. Repeat the steps as necessary. It typically takes between 5 to 10 adjustments to get the boost exactly on your target. We recommend starting by adjusting the boost knob in 1/2 turn increments, and as you get close to your target you may need to make smaller adjustments. Never adjust more than 1/2 a turn at a time.

Each car has a maximum safe boost level, depending on upgrades to the vehicle and the characteristics of the fuel system, specifically how much fuel your pump and injectors can provide. It is important to research and know what the maximum boost level your specific car can safely run.

This guide serves as a basic starting point for manual boost controller installation. If you have an external wastegate or twin turbo vehicle, the installation technique may vary slightly.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Money Has a Cost

Money Has a Cost

When I speak about the "cost of money" I am talking about just that. Allow me to explain it here to avoid boring you by repeating the same definition whenever I talk about it. All money has a cost

Money is either used to make you money or you have lost the opportunity for your money to make you money. Or at least to make you as much as it could.

If you are borrowing money to operate your business this money has a price. The price, of course, is the interest you are paying on the money while you are borrowing it. If you have money that you are holding in the form of cash in a low interest bearing account or short term investment, this money may also be costing you money.

How? Simple. Let's say you are in a good cash flow situation and you have a cash balance of $ 50,000. You know this money will be needed for operational expenses in the near future so you let it sit in your business checking account or a short term liquid investment account. Let's say you are learning 1/2% interest during this time.

It might seem that this money is working for you making money, and indeed it is. But the question is whether or not this is the most effective use of that money. If your money is in one place it can not be in another at the same time. Obvious right? Well, if your money is tied up in the bank you must ask yourself - is this the best place for it? Is there another use you could put this money to in order to earn more money?

For example, you can pay some bills off early and take a trade discount of 2%. I will cover this in future articles but for now think and understand money has a cost. If your $ 50,000 sits in the bank earning 1/2% interest you will earn $ 250 per year. Now I know I have not factored in compound interest but I want to give a simple example of how you should think.

If you have the cash sitting for 30 days you will have earned 1 / 12th of this $ 250 or $ 21. But what if you had used that $ 50,000 to pay off bills early and get a 2% discount? A 2% discount on $ 50,000 is $ 1,000. A simplistic example to be sure, but even using this you have increased the return on your money significantly.

Leaving your money in the bank had a cost to you. A lost opportunity cost. An opportunity to use this money to make you more money. But you must consider your cash flow, no matter how effectively you might otherwise use your money, you only have so much of it to use and there before the availability of cash must be considered.

Money does not have a cost. If I have used $ 10,000 to pay an invoice early that offered me a 1% discount I have saved $ 100. If I used that same money to pay a bill early that offered me a 2% discount I have doubled my return on the use of that money as I have saved $ 200.

Do you see my point? Now put aside any cash flow questions for a minute while I make another

Now what if I did not pay any bill off early, but instead put that $ 10,000 in an investment for 12 months paying me 1%? Have I not done well by perception $ 100 on my money? It would seem so, but this is not the case.

By paying off an invoice early to take advantage of an early payment discount, you will save much more than the discount. When you earn a 2% discount by paying an invoice early, you are earning a return far greater than 2%. Unless you understand this there will be no way you can properly determine whether the best use of your money is to pay the invoice off and take the discount or not.

The formula is simple so do not despair. Here is the formula:

365 x discount rate
Effective annual interest = ---------------------------------------
Number of days payment must be
made ahead of the due date to earn this discount.

So if a supplier offers you terms of "2/10 net 30" what is the effective rate of interest? Well, first
of all, he is offering you a 2% discount if you pay in 10 days. The normal terms are 30 days. This
means that to get the 2% discount you must pay 20 days early.

For this example we are assuming that you would normally comply with the 30 days terms.

For the sake of this example let us say the amount of the bill in question is the same $ 10,000 we have been talking about. This is what your formula looks like:

365 x.02
Effective annual interest = -------------- = .365

Your effective annual interest rate is 36.5%. Obviously, even if you had to borrow the money to pay off this invoice your rate of return will be well worth it.

Do not think I am suggesting paying off discounted invoices as the only option you want to look at. I have simply chosen this often overlooked strategy as an example.

You must always consider all your options for using your money. The goal is to seek out the most profitable option available to you at any given time.

Never forget that money has a cost. How you use it can make a great deal of difference to your bottom line.

The Secrets to Making Millions Online As an Affiliate

The Secrets to Making Millions Online As an Affiliate

What's the secret to making online?

Wow, what a great question and I know many people want to know the answer, because the answer will be life changing for many, many people ...

Now who knows the answer ?? Well, ask any Internet Millionaire and they will tell you that there are a few options to be successful but the most proven, most effective and by far the most profitable business online today, is to become and Affiliate Marketer.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to generate high volumes of consistent cash on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. In fact many newbie Affiliates are eaching anywhere from $ 1000 up to $ 10,000 per month with no website, product or list of their own.

There are hundreds of programs that will show you how to become an affiliate online, but I can tell you now that most of them, or at least 90% of them are full of crappy e-books, up sells and fake promises that leave you more confused and more frustrated than ever before.

The best way and the only true way to learn something, is to learn it from someone that has achieved the results you are looking for or better still someone who is currently achieving them.

Introducing you to Michael Cheney, who is one such person approaching Millions of dollars a year as an Affiliate Marketer. He has many years of experience in this area and has a wealth of knowledge to share as a teacher and mentor for anyone who are seeking to create a solid "up your boss" income on the internet. Michael has created an unbelievable program that is by far one of the best Affiliate Marketing Programs online today and is guaranteed to make you a very successful and wealthy Affiliate Marketer.

Watch over the Shoulder of one of the Internets Top earning affiliates, who currently earns millions online every year as a super affiliate. Michael has created this amazing program for the first timer or the expert and has left nothing out. There is incredible detail with guidelines the Gurus do not want you to unforgettable. It will feel like Michael is right beside you holding your hand and leading you step by step to your financial destiny. You will find easy to follow instructions, methods and strategies that will in no time have you generatingenough money so you can live the life you have always dreamed of and no doubt will soon be saying a few magic words to your job or boss.

Included in the program are videos, PDF's, Audios & some surprise bonuses, all which are very easy to understand and follow and very soon you will be attending large sums of cash. This is a, I need this now purchase for 2010.

You will get Rich with this System if you take action. Everything you need to start earning huge affiliate commissions online is covered in detail through this entire program.

Three Things You Can Do With Gold Bullion Coins

Three Things You Can Do With Gold Bullion Coins

Those who acquire gold bullion coins will be faced with a dilemma when they finally arrive at their house: what on earth are they to do with them? There is so much you can do with gold bullion coins that it can be difficult to know what use to put them to first.

If you are stuck for ideas on what to do with your gold bullion coins (GBC), then here are a few suggestions. The great thing about gold bullion coins is that they can be put to an infinite amount of uses. This list is by no means definitive!

1. Collect them

The number one use for these coins is for collection purposes. Some people collect stamps, some people collect football trading cards, some people collect gold bullion coins.

If you are a collector then the first thing you will want to do is view them in-line with the rest of your collection. Your collection may be stored in your safe, or at the local bank. A GBC collection is never really complete, but it sure does feel satisfying the more you add to it.

2. Use them as currency

Some gold bullion coins can actually be used as currency in their respective countries. The Gold Panda, for example, is legal tender in the People's Republic of China, which is why they are issued in the condemnation of Yuan.

There's no better feeling than taking your coins to your local store and using them to pay for everyday items, such as bread and milk. Be aware though, some stores will not accept them as currency, so if you are desperate to cash them, you'll have to take them to a bank or specialist trader.

3. A paper weight

One unconventional function for GBC is as a paper weight. Paper plays as bigger role in our lives now than ever before. Even with the growth of the internet, paper is still the cornerstone of any good office.

GBCs make a great paper weight. They are dense and heavy; which helps them make sure the paper they are weighing down stands no chance of going anywhere. They also look great on your desk and are sure to grab the attention of any visitors or passers-by.

These are the three main uses of this product. As we state though, this list is not Gospel! Try asking around your friends if you run out of ideas for uses for your GBCs.

Hire Web Developer - 10 Important Points to Ponder Upon

Hire Web Developer - 10 Important Points to Ponder Upon

Nowadays it is almost an outdated thought to run a business without online presence! Besides that people know that online presence increases or just double the Return on Investment for all the businesses! Also institutions or organization do also keep their presence online to establish or spread themselves to the world. And to make the effort of building a website there are lots of web development companies who offer the customer or the clients to hire web developer. In this way the website building process has become easy and affordable too!

But there are some aspects in website development. One of those factors is to hire web developer who is or is really helpful or worthy to be hired. This is the reason I am trying to put down just 10 important points that always come in consideration at the time of hiring web developers. Let's have a look on the points:

  1. Before you decide to hire web developer, just assess your requirements. It is very important to know what kind of development you are looking for. Do you need a simple static website or e-commerce site. Depending on these you have to search for the web developers.
  2. Are you looking for open source development or the hard code? It may be the case that your projects can be best done in open source or vice-versa. So before you go to hire web developer make sure that you have determined the technologies / programming languages. It is essential because there are developers who are expert and specialist at open source or the hard code. You need to choose your ones.
  3. You need to find out the expert and experienced people for your projects. You should never hire web developers who are having little experience in the kind of development you are looking for. Why not check out the portfolio of works? It will let you decide the quality of people you are choosing.
  4. Try to assess the knowledge base and the professionalism of the developers you are considering to hire. You should clear the queries about the project you are thinking to offer to the developers. Again the work ethics or the process of work (stonestone deliverables, project documentation etc) will let you know the developers. So when you hire web developer never forget to take interview.
  5. When you are thinking to build a website you should find the market trend to know if the project can be given to a local developer or it is best to think of outsourcing. These days it is best to hire web developer from offshore companies. Not only the cost but also the growing competition has facilitated the availability of best services from anywhere in the world.
  6. You may hire web developer as dedicated to your projects or may go time-based hiring as you require. Both are good. But dedicated hiring is the best ploy as in this case your headache is less to complete the project. Even the flow of project is smooth and time of development becomes less.
  7. You may hire web developer from a company or a freelancer. If you hire from a company you will get many types of developers or the specialist altogether and the development process becomes smooth. But in the matter of freelancers you have to be very much choosy and careful to know the professionalism or the quality of work of the particular developers. Sometimes multiple hiring of personnel becomes essential in the case of freelancers.
  8. It is very much important to know that you hire web developer from somewhere that has proper infrastructure to complete your project. It is particularly essential as many a time it is found that you go for hiring a freelancer who does not have access to latest technologies and tools or the true setup to finish the projects. So proper search and confirmation of the infrastructure has become mandatory (also for companies).
  9. Try to find out how is the reputation of the developer in providing support to the project both through the project completion and afterward maintenance. Never hire web developer with poor record in support or do not forget to judge the communication level of them. Otherwise total investment in the project may go in vain.
  10. When you decide to hire web developer, do not go behind affordability always, care for the legal issues too. It is fact that affordable web development is now very possible. But it is not all the companies provide best service at affordable cost. Find out the reputed companies who do not only provide affordable service but also clears legal dealings, say money back guarantee issues, copyright, document & resource transfer and all.

Hope after going through the above points, you will understand how important it is to be careful in the process of hiring developers for getting the best development of the website you are thinking to build. Always remember the responsibility of best website development never only rest on the developers. It is also your discretion to hire single web developer from multiple companies or team of developer from one company. However, never feel helpless if you find the things little lengthy. You may take help of directories and tactfully choose the request a quote process for searching and getting best developers. Never hurry but be steady in the website building initiative - you will be successful.

What Are The Best Indoor Heating Options?

What Are The Best Indoor Heating Options?

Most of the people start planning for their heating equipments to be used even before the arrival of the winter season as it can not bear the cold without them. Apart from inglenook and heaters, there are new and more advanced options that are being considered by the people now. These options including underneath floor heating are trouble free, inexpensive and can prove to be the permanent answer to intensely cold weather. There are a lot of options available to you when it comes to indoor heating.

Forced air / central heating system : The boilers heat up the air which is then shoved out of the vents with the help of air channels. The central point of the home is involved in the humidification, dehumidification and filtration of the air. This system is very economic and its settings can be adjusted for hot weather. The major drawbacks of this unit include maintenance on regular basis and creepy noise of air channels.

Radiant heat : The hot water tubes installed under the floor are used to distribute the heat evenly. The boilers (oil, gas, electricity) are utilized in heating the water tubes. Although this system is known for efficient generation of heat, it may take longer to warm up the rooms.

Hydronic / hot water based board system : Similar to the radiant heat, the hydronic heat is delivered to the rooms through heated hoses. The boilers are used to heat up the hoses but unlike radiant heat system, these pipes are placed in the small baseboard systems fixed in every room of the house. The heat is even delivered but it takes too much time to warm the rooms.

Steamers / boilers : This system uses the radiators to heat up the place and only one or two pipes are involved in the process. The pipes are heated using different techniques such as electricity, gas, and oil. Minimal maintenance is required by this system and they are available in different sizes.

Geothermal : In this system, the heat is taken from one place and propelled to another place. Even though much waste of resources is avoided by this system but it can be very costly.

When making a selection, you should consider all the aspects of each home heating system and then decide accordingly. Many companies are providing different packages of indoor heating systems with installation and you can also avail the offer of after sale services by just paying some more money.

Top 10 Reasons For Using The Easy Email Way to Transfer Your Email

Top 10 Reasons For Using The Easy Email Way to Transfer Your Email

If you need to transfer all emails from one computer to another, from one email client to another or from one operating system to another you can easily get a simple and easy guide needed to transfer your email.

There are probably many perfectly beneficial ways of transferring your email but here are 10 extremely good reasons for working with the transfer email guides:

1. These guides are written specifically with regards to your needs eg Thunderbird to Outlook 2007 as well as Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail. There's no guesswork, it really is an accurate match.

2. It really does not work! (typically the obvious here but a good deal advice the user gets for free on the internet does not work or merely offer you aa half answer) When the guide you may need is written it means that it has been tested that's why it works.

3. There's no need to shop for any software - this amazing method uses free software

4. It's very easy to follow along with, you do not need to be a technical pro

5. Making use of this system you will not come up compatibility issues - even if you're moving email from a PC to a Mac or Linux to a PC

6. What's more, it shows how one can move your contacts and signatures

7. There's a money back guarantee - if you can not get it to work you get a refund

8. There's a support forum anytime you need help it's actually there

9. You will not waste time shopping around for other solutions that may or may not exactly work (be careful of "free" advice, it may possibly cost you ")

10. Should you use way more than one computer and you want to synchronize your email once you have performed the initial transfer, it's an easy next step towards the Easy-Email synchronization setup.

You will be able to see these guides if you follow the links provided below.