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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Moneygram Fraud

Moneygram Fraud

Moneygram is a business enterprise allowing people to transfer monetary funds to relatives and friends almost anywhere in the world. While serving an important need with a huge demand for its service, it offers the opportunity for fraudsters to defraud people of their money.

Fraudsters communicate with people, set traps, and unwittingly lead individuals to send money. Since the popularity of the Internet, it has provided fraudsters another avenue for using Moneygram to swindle people of their money. While previously fraudsters may have wrote letters or the telephoned people to make contact, the Internet is now a popular medium for using Moneygram to defraud people of monies. Most Moneygram frauds involve no face to face contact, the fraudster persuades the victim to send money for an agreed purpose. Often follows contact made through the Internet, be it a 'spam' email, an ad placed on a website by the victim seeking to promote a service or contact made by the victim in response to a fraudsters' advert. This could be for example when a:

  • Victim applications for a job, the fraudster request money through Moneygram to cover costs of equipment such as uniform before departure of the job.
  • A tenant or landlord takes an interest in a property, requires money to secure it or the fraudster making payment which in turn require the victim to send money through Moneygram.
  • Dating experience where fraudster communicates with someone on the Internet, after a while requests the victim to wire funds to pay for something like the medical costs of an unfortunate accident or emergency.
  • Persons making contact with a senior citizen claiming to be their grandchild in need of urgent financial assistance in an emergency, wanting monies to be transferred via Moneygram.
  • Auction or commercial websites selling goods where payment is demanded through Moneygram transfer.
  • The common 419 scam, the fraudster seeking to transfer dormant funds from this country to that of the victim but requesting funds wired by Moneygram to carry out administration duties.

The victim and the fraudster usually exchange communication through email, build relationships, and the fraudster persuades the victim to send money through Moneygram. Of course once the money has been sent via money transfer and the relevant identification details are given, the fraudster is free to access the money. It should stress Moneygram provides an invaluable service, if used in ways advised, provides a safe and easy means of transfer funds to close friends and family.

Friday, February 22, 2019

How to Compare Auto Insurance Quotes and Get the Most for Your Money

How to Compare Auto Insurance Quotes and Get the Most for Your Money

If you want to be successful in finding cheap auto insurance, the best way is on the Internet, of course, not by phone or crossing the street to go into an office. As soon as you find time to take a seat in front of your computer, you can start searching for it. You must understand that you should compare as many quotes you can in order to find the cheapest one and the one that will suit your needs. This is important if you want to save money on your car insurance.

First, find trustworthy websites.

You should start typing into Google phrases like ¨cheap auto insurance quotes¨, or¨heap auto insurance rates¨. These two keywords take you straight to a bunch of websites where you will be able to compare many different quotes / rates. You should search carefully for the best websites, and the ones that seem trustworthy to you. How do you know which sites are the best? Well, the ones that have many "likes" are sure to be popular, and also the ones with many comments, both positive and negative, are likely to be good. The important thing is that the site allows comments: that normally means they are good and professional. The companies with these kinds of websites feel confident about the product they sell.

Just positive comments ... turn the page.

Good companies know that negative comments are not going to affect them, since the positive comments will outnumber the negative. Also, if you see just positive comments, it means that the moderator of that site deletes the negative comments, and that's not good. If you just see positive comments, then turn the page. The websites you choose to compare different quotes should have positive and negative comments. Sometimes negative comments give you better ideas about what you really need. You should also notice the way the website looks, as I mentioned before. Websites that are professionally designed and kept up are more likely to represent a good company. This does not mean that all websites with a lot of information are professional, but usually they are pretty good.

Use the first three pages of your Google results.

An idea is to choose a few websites in the first two or three pages of your Google results. It means that of the 20 or 30 websites on these pages, you should choose the best 5 or 10 and then start comparing all quotes between them. Another good idea is to take a paper and a pencil and draw a simple table with columns and rows, and then write the number of each company and all different quotes that you see for the car you have and the insurance you need. You may also check quotes for liability auto insurance in case you want that. The more quotes you can get, the better your results will be. You should do this with every website you selected. That may take you 40 minutes, and if you're in a hurry you are not going to be successful.

It doesn't matter what you choose.

The comparisons are always very important. Even rich people do it-they do not throw away their money on a substandard company. It's always good to save as much money you can (ask any rich person), and it does not matter what you choose as long as you don't affect a third person's life. The money you save from comparing different companies could be the money you use to buy a plane ticket to go on vacation.

Amazon Gift Cards - Where to Buy Amazon Gift Cards

Amazon Gift Cards - Where to Buy Amazon Gift Cards

Now obviously you know that you can buy Amazon gift certificates at Amazon itself, so the question about where to buy Amazon gift cards that occurs to most people is really about where to buy them offline. Sometimes you just can not buy one online. Often, if you have a party you suddenly need to attend and so you need a last minute gift, it is just easier to find a place locally where you can buy a gift card, rather than futz around with figuring out how to do it online .

Thankfully, a lot more stores today are selling gift cards that can be used online as well as at your local brick & mortar store. CVS, for example, carries gift cards for dozens of different companies, including Amazon. All you need to do is take the gift card to the cash register and the clerk will activate the card once you pay for it. You can usually find Amazon gift cards at CVS for the values ​​$ 25 or $ 50.

If you do not have a CVS pharmacy near you, there are several other chains that carry Amazon cards too. Rite-Aid and Longs Drugs both carry them as well, in the same dollar amounts. So just get a nice birthday card to go with it, and you will be all set. They work just as well for anniversaries and wedding gifts too!

If you are in a pinch and none of these stores are near where you live, or they are just out of the gift cards you want, Coinstar also issues Amazon codes when you turn in your change. Many supermarkets now have Coinstar machines so you should be able to get that gift card taken care of before you have to arrive at the party.

Price of Gold Stocks in the Stock Market

Price of Gold Stocks in the Stock Market

Currently, the gold stock value is at the greatest it has ever been. Theres lots of money to be made investing in the gold market. What does stock value mean? Well, gold is uncommon metal that has high cost. The cost of which has only been increasing since it has been put on the investment market and shares were available for sale. The last couple years have had the most rewards on the value of real gold. It has amplified dramatically and has often continued to do so. One of the most beneficial business sectors in the stock market is the investment in the gold stock market. It is one of the most protected and constant increasing markets in the stock exchange. The time is now for investing in gold and assuring yourself a promising future investment in the gold stock market.

Gold stock prices, just like any other type of investment can go up or down. Whether it's a loss in its cost due to a big discovery of gold or a price jump due to the scarcity for a long period of time. There are lots of fakes out there that insure to be selling "gold coins" for investment, that will grab your money and send you nothing. The most risk- less way or access real gold is through the bank. Nonetheless, knowing how the gold stock prices react after reading the info posted here will give you some knowledge as to why the prices of gold are the way they are, and to why the gold investment is something advantageous to create incoming.

Others figure with the price of gold mostly on the rise, it is scarcely at a low end, and has almost now that it can go, but upwards. According to some investors, investing in gold is nothing but an "anti-dollar" that, as the worth of a dollar goes down, the price of gold goes up. The high cost could be due to gold becoming more uncommon to dig up and find. Make the right option for your investment mission regarding the price of gold.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Pneumatic On-Off Valve: The Classification and Features

Pneumatic On-Off Valve: The Classification and Features

In real life, the pneumatic on-off valve can be found in many applications. This article will discuss the 5 main types of pneumatic on-off valves, explaining their features.

A pneumatic valve is driven by the compressed air. It can control the flow of different liquid types, such as air, water, steam, corrosive medium, slurry, oil, liquid metal and even radioactive medium.

1. Ball valve: the ball valve is developed from the coak valve. Normally the all valve is suitable for open-close function, but the modern ball valve is capable of throttling and fluid control. The ball itself controls the on and off status.

It features in:

  • low fluid resistance, the resistance coefficiency is the same to the pipeline which has the same length.

  • total sealing can be realized even at high pressure or high temperature.

  • fast open and close feature.

  • better corrosive resistance due to total separation between the ball and the sealing surface of the valve seat when the valve is totally opened or totally closed.

  • simple structure, easy to maintain, replace and repair.

2. Butterfly valve: a butterfly valve opens and closes in a left-right way with a disc.

It features in:

  • small fluid resistance, fast opening and closing.

  • simple structure, small footprint and easy installation.

  • can be used for large size valve.

  • can be used to transport slurry.

  • poor sealing performance.

3. Gate valve: this valve has a valve plate which moves vertically along with channel axis.

It features in:

  • small fluid resistance, small flush and corrosion resistance from the medium to the sealing surface.

  • labor-saving.

  • flow direction of the medium is not restricted, pressure is not reduced.

  • simple structure, short size, good technology and wide application.

  • not wearing resistance.

4. Stop valve: its closing part moves along with the centre line of the valve seat. Once the stop valve is opened, the sealing surfaces of the valve seat and valve clack do not contact with each other. This characteristic makes stop valve an ideal device for cutting and regulating medium.

It features in:

  • better wearing resistance.

  • small footprint.

  • usually has one sealing surface only, meaning that the maintenance is easy.

  • large fluid resistance, easy pressure loss.

5. Membrane valve: there is a flexible membrane inside the valve body, the sealing is controlled by the upside and downside movement of the membrane.

It features in:

  • easy dismantle and maintenance.

  • the medium is clean because the mechanism is separated from the medium channel.

  • the material inside can be various, widely applicable to the different medium.

  • it can not be used in the high-temperature environment.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Do You Know How to Get Rid Of Body Fat?

Do You Know How to Get Rid Of Body Fat?

As long as I can remember, I was never comfortable in my own skin. I was very self-conscious about the way I looked and was constantly comparing myself to others, and wishing how I looked like them. I was very skinny all the way through high school and definitely was not cheer leader material.

People always said "Oh, she is beautiful!", But then beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I did not behold myself well!

Everywhere you look today there are smiling models on magazine covers, on television ads, in the shows and movies you watch. Why do we compare ourselves with them? Is that the way we are expected to look? Here in Hawaii, go to any beach I do not care if you are in Waikiki or at Makaha Surfing Beach, you WILL NOT see a beach full of lean and toned bodies!

No matter what your age, you can be in your twenties, thirties, forties all the way up to your seventies and you can still look good, be in good health and have a toned body. Just look at Jane Fonda or Susan Lucci! They are older than me and look better than me. Of course I am sure that they have the means to keep their looks as well. So is it a matter of money that keeping you from being happy with what you see in the mirror? Money has nothing to do with it, it is about knowing how.

Most of my twenties I spent at the gym toning up. I thought I was overweight at 115 and 5 foot 6 inches! LOL! But your muscles do have memory, so you can easily get yourself back into shape, and without all the hours spent at the gym.

It may surprise you that many of the foods recommended that we eat to be healthy and the exercises that we do will actually not flatten your tummy or give you 6 pack abdominal muscles. How you lose weight and tone up can simply be a matter of re-educating yourself and have an open mind on losing that fat that you find so unsightly. It is a matter of fact that after the age of 40 you start to lose muscle tone.

How can you tone up and lose weight?

Here are a few facts about fat. Here is what one research a doctor did find out. All of us are born with a certain number of fat cells. When you gain weight your fat cells swell up like balloons until they can not get any bigger. Then they divide and create new fat cells. Take a moment and just grab onto a stubborn area of ​​fat you would love to get rid of for good. Your belly, thighs, or your love handles and see what it feels like. It is both soft and firm. You see before and after photos of people who have shrunk their waist, you think it just melted away. In fact it takes just 2 short days for this transformation to start happening.

No matter what your age, you can be in healthy and tone your body.Cleaning your home or washing your car, doing yard work is all exercise! The secret to this is your mindset. Yes, mind over matter. Pull in your stomach and try to touch your spine with it while you are working. Keep in mind you are burning calories while you work! A study was done on this with maids who clean hotel rooms. Half of them were given a cheat sheet on how much calories their duties burn, and the others were not told. Guess what? The maids that knew they were burning calories all lost weight in two weeks and the other half stayed as they were!

I found all of this information very useful to me after two recent abdominal surgeries. How can I lose this new belly surgery created for me? I educated myself on what to eat and when, and how to exercise and when, and yes, slowly but surely, I am almost happy with what I see in the mirror.

Yes, you can do it too!

Top 10 Things To Remember When Considering Online Banking

Top 10 Things To Remember When Considering Online Banking

1. The Features Available Can Vary Widely - Online banking can be found with a wide variety of features available. Determine which features you want and need before you start looking for online banks. This will allow you to make sure the bank you choose offers the specific features that you are looking for.

2. Physical Branches May Not Be Available - Some online banks are simply an extension of a traditional bank with physical branches while others are exclusively located online. If you frequently receive paper checks or money orders then you may want to choose a bank that is present online and locally.

3. There May Be Transaction Limits In Place - Some online banks offer a very low transaction amount each month while others may offer unlimited transactions. Make sure you know how many transactions you are allowed each month without being charged additional fees. These fees can add up if you do a lot of banking each month and only have a small number of transactions allowed.

4. The Account Types Available Can Vary Widely - The accounts available for online banking can be different from one bank to the next. Some banks may only offer savings and checking accounts to customers, while others may offer money market accounts and other types for a diverse range of products.

5. Physical Deposits And Account Set Up May Take Longer - If you choose a bank without any physical locations it can take longer for you to set up the account and to deposit physical financial instruments like checks and money orders. In some cases these items must be physically mailed and this can cause a delay of up to a week before the funds are credited to your account.

6. Internet Only Banks Usually Have Lower Costs - Remember the cost savings that you can see from choosing an online only bank. These financial institutions do not have the same overhead that physical banks do, and the savings are typically passed on to the customers.

7. Bill Payments Can Be Automatically Scheduled - Online banking allows you to schedule online bill payments with the click of the mouse in most cases. This saves you the time and expense of writing out a check and using a stamp.

8. Protect Your Financial Information - Make sure that any online bank that you choose to do business with uses a website that is fully encrypted and completely secure. Your financial information is very valuable to thieves and you want to ensure that no unauthorized access is allowed. The most up to date security methods and features should be used to protect your financial and account information.

9. Compare Online Banks To Find The Best One For Your Banking Needs - Do not open an account at the first online bank that you come across, or choose a bank simply because they offer you a free toaster. Take the time to compare the options so you can be sure you get the best banks for your specific banking needs.

10. Interest Rates Offered Can Vary Significantly - Some banks will offer better interest rates for your money than others. This is a consideration with online banking and one that you need to remember when evaluating each banking choice.