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Monday, February 4, 2019

Online Bitcoin Trading: Discover The Keys To Earning A Formidable Income Trading Bitcoin

Online Bitcoin Trading: Discover The Keys To Earning A Formidable Income Trading Bitcoin

Step 1 - Understanding Bitcoin And The Block-Chain

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system, otherwise known as electronic money or virtual currency. It offers a twenty-first century alternative to brick and mortar banking. Exchanges are made via "e wallet software". The bitcoin has actually subverted the traditional banking system, while operating outside of government regulations.

Bitcoin uses state-of-the-art cryptography, which can be issued in any fractional denomination, and has a decentralized distribution system, is in high demand globally and offers several distinct advantages over other treaties such as the US dollar. For one, it can never be garnished or frozen by the bank (s) or a government agency.

Back in 2009, when the bitcoin was worth just ten cents per coin, you would have turned a thousand dollars into millions, if you waited just eight years. The number of bitcoins available to be purchased is limited to 21,000,000. At the time that this article was written, the total bitcoins in circulation was 16,275,288, which means that the percentage of total bitcoins " mined " was 77.5%. at that time. The current value of one bitcoin, at the time that this article was written, was $ 1,214.70 USD.

According to Bill Gates, "Bit coin is exciting and better than currency". Bitcoin is a de-centralizedized form of currency. There is no longer any need to have a " trusted, third-party " involved with any transactions. By taking the banks out of the equation, you are also eliminating the lion's share of each transaction fee. In addition, the amount of time required to move money from point A to point B, is reduced formidably.

The largest transaction to ever take place using bitcoin is one hundred and fifty million dollars. This transaction took place in seconds with minimal fee's. In order to transfer large sums of money using a "trusted third-party", it would take days and cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. This explains why the banks are violently opposed to people buying, selling, trading, transferring and spending bitcoins.

Only.003% of the worlds (250,000) population is estimated to hold at least one bitcoin. And only 24% of the population know what it is. Bitcoin transactions are entered chronologically in a 'blockchain' just the way bank transactions are. Blocks, meanwhile, are like individual bank statements. In other words, blockchain is a public ledger of all Bitcoin transactions that have ever been executed. It is constantly growing as 'completed' blocks are added to it with a new set of records. To use conventional banking as an analogy, the blockchain is like a full history of banking transactions.

Step 2 - Setting Up Your E Wallet Software Account

As soon as you create your own unique e wallet software account, you will have the ability to transfer funds from your e wallet to a recipients e wallet, in the form of bitcoin. If you would like to use a bitcoin ATM to withdraw funds from your account, essentially you will link your e wallet 'address' to the chosen ATM machines e wallet 'address'. To facilitate the transfer of your funds in bitcoin to and from trading platform, you will simply link your e wallet 'address' to the e wallet 'address' of your chosen trading platform. In actuality, it is much easier than it sounds. The learning curve in relation to using your wallet is very short.

To set up an e wallet, there are a myriad of company's online that offer safe, secure, free and turn-key e-wallet solutions. A simple Google search will help you find the right e wallet software for you, depending upon what your needs are exactly. Many people get started using a "blockchain" account. This is free to set up and very secure. You have the option of setting up a two-tier login protocol, to further enhance the safety and security, in relation to your e wallet account, essentially protecting your account from being hacked into.

There are many options when it comes to setting up your e wallet. A good place to start is with a company called QuadrigaCX. You can find them by doing a Google search. Quadrigacx employs some of the most stringent security protocols that currently exist. Furthermore, Bitcoins that are funded in QuadrigaCX are stored in cold storage, using some of the most secure cryptographic procedures possible. In other words, it is a very safe place for your bitcoin and other digital circles.

In order to withdraw money in your local currency, from your e wallet, you are required to locate a bitcoin ATM, which can often be found in local businesses within most major cities. Bitcoin ATM's can be located by doing a simple Google search.

Step 3 - Purchase Any Fractional Denomination Of Bitcoin

To buy any amount of bitcoin, you are required to deal with a digital currency broker. As with any currency broker, you will have to pay the broker a fee, when you purchase your bitcoin. It is possible to buy.1 of bitcoin or less if that is all that you would like to purchase. The cost is simply based on the current market value of a full bitcoin at any given time.

There are a myriad of bitcoin brokers online. A simple Google search will allow you to easily source out the best one for you. It is always a good idea to compare their rates prior to proceeding with a purchase. You should also confirm the rate of a bitcoin online, prior to making a purchase through a broker, as the rate does tend to fluctuate frequently.

Step 4 - Stay Away From Any Trading Platfrom Promising Unrealistic Returns To Unsuspecting Investors

Finding a reputable bitcoin trading company that offers a high return is paramount to your online success. Earning 1% per day is considered a high return in this industry. Earning 10% per day is impossible. With online bitcoin trading, it is feasible to double your digital currency within ninety days. You must avoid being lured by any company that is offering returns such as 10% per day. This type of a return is not realistic with digital currency trading. There is a company called Coinexpro that was offering 10% per day to bitcoin traders. And it ended up being a ponzi scheme. If it's 10% per day, walk away. The aforementioned trading platform appeared to be very sophisticated and came across as being legitimate. My advice is to focus on trading your bitcoin with a company that offers reasonable returns such as 1% per day. There will be other companies that will attempt to separate you from your bitcoin using unscrupulous methods. Be very cautious when it comes to any company that is offering unrealistic returns. Once you transfer your bitcoin to a recipient, there is literally nothing your can do to get it back. You must ensure that your chosen trading company is fully automated & integrated with blockchain, from receipt to payment. More importantly, it is crucial that you learn to differentiate legitimate trading opportunities from unscrupulous "company's" that experts are when it comes to separating it's clients from their money. The bitcoin and other digital contexts are not the issue. It is the trading platforms that you must exercise caution with, prior to handing over your hard-earned money.

Your ROI should also be upwards of 1% + per day because the trading company that you are lending your bitcoin to, is most likely earning up to 5% + per day, on average. Your ROI must also be automatically transferred into your "e-wallet" at regular intervals, through your contract term. There is only one platform that I feel comfortable using. It pay each bitcoin investor / trader 1.1% per day in interest as well as 1.1% per day in capital. This type of a return is staggering compared to what you would earn with traditional financial markets, however, with crypto currency, it is common. Most banks will payout 2% per year!

If you are required to conduct tedious activities such as logging into your account, sending e mails, clicking on links etc, you definitely need to keep searching for a suitable trading company that offers a set-it-and-forget-it type of platform , as they absolutely exist.

Red Dye Diesel - A Red Diesel Fuel That Costs Less

Red Dye Diesel - A Red Diesel Fuel That Costs Less

If you own a construction company or use farm equipment, you may be paying too much for your diesel fuel. Red dye diesel fuel has the same chemical composition as diesel #2, but red pigment has been added. Red diesel fuel costs less because it can be used for any diesel engine powered vehicle that does not drive on the roadways, and is therefore exempt from state road tax. In California, for example, red dyed diesel fuel is about.40 to.50 less per gallon than diesel #2 due to the absence of the state road tax. Here's a closer look at the types of off-road vehicles that use red diesel and the businesses that could benefit most from switching to red dye diesel.

Construction companies rely upon diesel fuel to power their backhoes, cranes, bulldozers, Bobcats and even for their diesel generators. Moving large objects like loads of rebar, soil, and steel beams are no match for large pieces of equipment like these. However, with off road construction vehicles like these, the gas is burned in large amounts. According to the Nebraska Test Laboratory Web site, construction vehicles vary widely in their gallons used per hour depending upon the size of the vehicle.

With the smallest bulldozers using just under 4 Gal/hr and the largest devouring 18 Gal/hr, a day's work can cost thousands of dollars in fuel costs! For just one large construction vehicle operating 9 hours per day at 18 Gal/hr (at $3.00 per gallon), the cost for diesel #2 would be $486.00 per day. If red dye diesel were used instead, the cost would only be $396.90 for the day at $2.45 per gallon! Savings: $89.10 per vehicle, per day. With multiple construction vehicles in operation, a construction company can save thousands of dollars every day in diesel fuel costs.

Farmers are another type of business that can financially benefit from using red dye diesel fuel. Farm equipment including tractors, bulldozers, harvesters, Bobcats, and diesel powered generators can all use red diesel instead of diesel #2. The Nebraska Test Laboratory states that a new John Deere 9230 tractor uses about 11.5 Gal/hr on average. For multiple tractors and farm equipment running their diesel engine from sun up to sun down, the savings can add up significantly each day! At $3.00 per gallon for diesel #2 versus $2.45 per gallon for red dyed diesel, a 10 hour workday can cost $63.25 less per vehicle!

Though some people use red dye fuel in their diesel engines on state roadways, it is illegal to do so. The California Highway Patrol has paper dipsticks to test for the presence of red dye in consumer vehicles and will fine the driver heavily if the stick comes out of the tank with the classic red hue. Off road farm equipment and construction vehicles can all use this less expensive fuel and business owners can begin saving money immediately. In this poor economy, saving money is more important than ever. Other businesses that can benefit from using this fuel instead are traveling shows that use diesel generators such as road shows, carnivals, and fairs. Start saving money today by switching to red dye diesel!

Bitcoin Basics

Bitcoin Basics

For someone not familiar with Bitcoin, the first question that comes to mind is, "What is Bitcoin?" And another common question that is often asked relates to the Bitcoin price. It started out a under 10 cents per Bitcoin upon its introduction in early 2009. It has steadily steadily since and has hovered around $ 4000 per Bitcoin recently. So regarding Bitcoin value or the Bitcoin rate this is a remarkable remark of value and has created many, many millionaires over the last eight years.

The Bitcoin market is worldwide and the citizens of China and Japan have been particularly active in its purchase along with other Asian countries. However, recently in Bitcoin news the Chinese government has tried to suppress its activity in that country. That action drve the value of Bitcoin down for a short time but it soon surged back and is now close to its previous value.

The Bitcoin history chart is very interesting. Its creator was an anonymous group of brilliant mathematicians (using the pseudonym Satoski Nakamoto) who designed it in 2008 to be "virtual gold" and released the first Bitcoin software in early 2009 during the height of the USA economic crisis. They knew that to have a valuable value, it like gold had to have finite supply. So in creating it they capped the supply at 21 million Bitcoin.

Bitcoin mining returns to the process by which new Bitcoin is created. With conventional currency, government decides when and where to print and distribute it. With Bitcoin, "miners" use special software to solve complex mathematical problems and are issued a certain number of Bitcoin in return.

A question that then arises is, is Bitcoin mining worth it. The answer is NO for the average person. It takes very sophisticated knowledge and a powerful computer system and this combination of factors makes it unattainable for the masses. This applies even more to bitcoin mining 2017 than in past years.

Many wonder, who accepts Bitcoin? This question gets asked in various ways, what are stores that accept bitcoin, what are websites that accept bitcoins, what are some retailers that accept bitcoin, what are some places that accept bitcoin and where can I spend bitcoin.

More and more companies are beginning to see the value of accepting cryptocurrency as a valid payment option. Some major companies that do are DISH network, Microsoft, Expedia, Shopify stores, Newegg, Payza, 2Pay4You, and others.Two major holdouts at this time are Walmart and Amazon.

Ethereum is the strongest rival to Bitcoin in the cryptocurrency market and many wonder at the question of Bitcoin vs Ethereum. Ethereum was created in mid-2015 and has gained some popularity but still ranks far behind Bitcoin in usage, acceptance and value.

A question that often comes up often related to Bitcoin scam. This author has a friend who made a purchase from a company that promised 1-2% growth per day. The company website listed no contact information and after a couple months the website simply vanished one day and my friend lost all the money he had invested which was several thousand dollars.

One has to know how to buy Bitcoins, how to purchase Bitcoin or how to buy Bitcoin with credit card in order to get started. Coinbase is a very popular site to do this. Their fee is 3.75% and the buying limit is $ 10,000 per day. This would probably be the easiest way to buy bitcoins.

Others would like to buy Bitcoin with debit card. Coinbase also provides this service and has clear step by step instructions on how to proceed with either your debit or credit card.

There are those who would like to buy Bitcoin instantly. This can be done at Paxful, Inc. and can be done through W. Union or any credit / debit card.

Other common questions that come up are what is the best way to buy Bitcoins, the best way to get bitcoins or where to buy bitcoins online. The easiest way is probably to purchase it through a digital asset exchange like the previously mentioned Coinbase. Opening an account with them is painless and once you link your bank account with them you can buy and sell Bitcoin quite easily. This is quite likely also the best place to buy Bitcoins.

One must know what a Bitcoin wallet is and how to use it. It is simply the Bitcoin equivalent of a bank account. It allows you to receive Bitcoins, store them and send them to others. What it does is store a collection of Bitcoin privacy keys. Typically it is encrypted with a password or otherwise protected from unauthorized access.

There are several types of digital wallets to choose from. A web wallet allows you to send, receive and store Bitcoin though your web browser. Another type is a desktop wallet and here the wallet software is stored directly on your computer. There are also mobile wallets which are designed for use by a mobile device.

A question that occasionally comes up is that of Bitcoin stock or how to buy Bitcoin stock. By far the most common way to proceed in this area is to buy Bitcoin directly and not its stock.

There is one entity called Bitcoin Investment trust which is an investment fund that is designed to track the market flow of Bitcoin. Some analysts are still calling this a risky way to become involved in this marketplace.

The Bitcoin exchange rate USD is a closely watched benchmark both on a daily basis and long term over the last 8 years since its introduction to the world's financial marketplace. A popular company to receive the most current rate in Bitcoin valuation is XE. They show Bitcoin to USD valuation and also the complete Bitcoin price chart, the Bitcoin value chart and the Bitcoin to USD chart. If you ask, "How much is one Bitcoin?" you will always know from their continuously updated charts.

Similar questions that come up in this area relative to the bitcoin rate history, the bitcoin price chart live, the bitcoin to dollar exchange rate, the bitcoin dollar chart and the bitcoin 5 year chart. The previously mentioned website, xe, is also a good source for answers to these questions.

Regarding Bitcoin cash, ie. to get USD from selling Bitcoin, Bitwol is one company that enables you to do this. WikiHow is another company that will take you through this process.

Bitcoin projected value is a subject often discussed. In January of 2015 the price of one bitcoin was $ 215. Currently it is around $ 5000. This is a phenomenal increase and one far beyond what most experts would have projected at that time. Currently in reviewing forecasts from experts around the world a common answer looks to be that the top value will settle in at around $ 10,000 and one expert even projected a value reaching $ 100,000.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

2018 Is the Year of the Masternodes Cryptocurrencies

2018 Is the Year of the Masternodes Cryptocurrencies

Digital treaties such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are in the news headlines everyday. The properties that make these cryptocurrency unique is their abilities to act as a store of value, and lightning quick transfer speeds, or at least with the introduction of the lightning network for Bitcoin, and Ethereum 'Casper switch to pos and its smart contract capabilities allow cryptocurrency to be more than just money. Now Masternodes coins are all the rage due to the added incentive it gives to owning a percentage of a certain currency.

If you could imagine your good old blue faced hundred dollar bill being on stereoids then you would be close to imagining a masternodes coin. In the world of cryptocurrency, proof of stake is the method of confirming transactional hash that contains the consensus and keeps all the notes on the same page, so that there can not be double spending of any certain transactions and all is well with the network consensus. Staking your coins is a way of utilizing the amount of currency you own and syncing your digital wallet with the network to help maintain it, and in return you receive an incentive for helping validate the transactions. To run a masternodes, one must have a set of coins running on a network and follow the Masternodes setup instructions for whichever currency you are planning on investing in. The added incentive is amazingly more than just staking your coins, in some cases, upwards of 1500 percent annually. It is these astronomical return on investments that is really bringing a ton of attention and investment into the Masternodes market.

One crypto planning on releasing a Masternodes coin early 2019 is the Tattoo Allince Token, to be a side chain on the Egem blockchain, whichs on disabling the tattoo industry by creating a tokenized rewards system for both people wanting to buy tattoos and the artists who look forward to applying the artwork in return for the token. I believe this will be an amazing and refreshing idea and a great way to add long term benefits for tattoo artists who up till now have no 401k or incentive program in place. I am optimistic about this crypto since it drives to achieve great rewards and add value to a cash heavy industry. I believe that alongside the Masternodes capabilities, it will also have staking and a smart contract protocol as well as offering decentralized autonomous governance and a memberships rewards program. Look for more on TAT Masternodes token, coming early next year.

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Comments: Automotive Repair Manuals - Auto Mechanic Tips and Information

Unique Ideas for Personalized Jewelery

Unique Ideas for Personalized Jewelery

Personalized jewelery is such a great gift for someone you love on a special occasion. From engraved rings that carry a personalized message to charm bracelets that have a carefully chosen selection of charms, we've got some great ideas on great ways to add to that extra extra special to your gift.


Trollbeads are a wonderfully unique gift. Each charm has it's own story and origin and crafted with only the finest silver, 18 carat gold, Murano glass and precious stones. Because each piece has it's own story, it is easy to find a beautifully unique piece of jewellery perfect for someone special.

Trollbeads have received recognition all of the world as not only wearable pieces of jewelery but also as works of art and have been exhibited as such.

When choosing one or a selection of Trollbeads for a bracelet or necklace, consider the person you are giving it to and think of their favorite colors, their birthstone, whether they wear gold or silver and what pieces are inspired by what they like.

A unique bracelet with a hand picked selection of charms

A charm bracelet is a great gift as it not only is something you can personalize with a selected number of charms, but it also is something that they can add to and you can continue to give them for years to come.

When choosing charms, think about the things they enjoy, hobbies they have and their favorite colors. There are so many charms to choose from that you are sure to be able to find almost any type of charm you are looking for. Some charms include precious stones and gemstones which can also look great on a charm bracelet.

An engraved piece of jewelery

Engraved jewelry is a great way to say something special to someone and make sure they remember that message every time they wear that piece of jewellery. Diamond rings are always a gift that will never disappoint, but by adding an engraved message you are adding something extra special to your gift.

Just keep in mind that some metals can not be engraved and if it is a ring or bangle you are wanting to have engraved, keep in mind it needs to be of a certain width to be able to have the engraving service done.

If you are stuck for a message, a great idea is to look on the Internet for quotes and personalized messages.

Something you design yourself

Many jewelers have a service where you can discuss with them a design you want and together create a wonderfully unique piece of jewelery. This makes a wonderful thought gift and something the person you are giving it to will treasure.

Just keep in mind that this process may take time, so make sure if you are wanting to design something, you need to start the design process months in advance to make sure you have it by the date you want to give it.

Jewelery is such a wonderful gift. By personalizing it, it becomes something even more special. I hope we've inspired you with some great ideas on how to personalize your gift next time you are buying something for someone special.

Electrical Engineering Technology

Electrical Engineering Technology

In order to succeed in their jobs, electrical engineers have to familiarize with a variety of electrical engineering technology. To deal with various aspects of electrical engineering technology, electrical engineers must become familiar with various theories of communications, electricity, and electronics. Electrical engineers can use electrical engineering technology to help them develop new systems, test systems, and make older systems more effective and efficient. Electrical engineers learn the drafting, designing, and technical skills that they will need to put their ideas as an electrical engineer into action.

One type of electrical engineering technology that electrical engineers must be very familiar with is the technology of circuits and how they work. In its simplest form, an electrical circuit is a connection of electrical elements that is in a closed loop to allow the current to pass through continuously. Electrical engineers learn how to predict where the current is in the circuit and the voltage that is in the circuit, as well. In today's world, it is much easier to design circuits than ever before due to newer electrical engineering technology that has software called circuit simulation software, to design the circuits safely and effectively.

Digital and analog electronics is another form of electrical engineering technology that engineers must be well acquainted with to perform their jobs. Both digital and analog electronics are used in computers and phones, however, digital electronics are becoming more widely used as analog electronics is becoming more and more outdated. This form of electrical engineering technology requires that engineers understand Boolean algebra, digital circuits, and how logic gates work. Even those that deal with digital electronics must also understand the electrical engineering technology of analog electronics as well. Digital electronics are usually built with various analog components, so understanding how analog electronics work is essential.

Another type of electrical engineering technology that electrical engineers must be familiar with is opto-electronics. This technology deals with how light interactions with devices that are electric. Various forms of light that may be used to interact with these devices include X-rays, infrared, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays.

Electronic engineers also have to familiarize themselves with the electrical engineering technology that deals with control systems as well. Control systems are used to control electrical devices as well as regulate and command them. Engineers must know the differences between sequential controls and linear controls and how to properly and effectively use these control systems. This type of electrical engineering technology can be used in a variety of ways from controlling your computer to controlling aspects of a space shuttle.

If electrical engineers are going to be effective in their jobs, they must understand electrical engineering technology and how it works. There are many different technologies that they must use together in their work each day. Because of the knowledge required, becoming an electrical engineer is not for the fault of heart. It takes years of study and work to be able to implement various forms of electrical engineering technology in order to successfully complete electrical engineering jobs.