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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Organize and Clean - Turn Your Clutter Into Cash

Organize and Clean - Turn Your Clutter Into Cash

Have a Garage Sale to Unclutter Your Life and Home

If you have an abundance of clothing, household goods, sporting equipment or basically anything you don't need, use or want, there is someone else out there who would love to have it. Garage sales have become a permanent fixture in neighborhoods from spring through early fall because more and more people are realizing they can organize their homes and make some good money doing it. Like everything else in your life, the more organized and prepared that you are for your garage sale, the more successful you will be.

Organize Your Items

Group everything that you are selling in categories such as kitchen, bathroom, toys, etc. The easier that you make it for your customers to find things that they are looking for, the more you will sell. There is no reason to have stuffed animals mixed in with purses or shoes!

It is also a good idea to make sure everything is clean. Just because you're selling something used does not mean that anyone wants to buy it dirty, especially if your garage sale stuff has been collecting dust and grime in your garage. If you are a smoker, you should also freshly wash any clothes, even if they are clean. Non-smokers are very sensitive to items that have been in a home around cigarette smoke.


There is nothing worse than going to a garage sale where items aren't marked and you have to ask how much something is or make an offer. Many consumers would prefer to just leave and move onto the next one down the road. Small colorful stickers are handy if you don't want to write a price on everything because then you can just designate a price to every color, make a chart that's easy for people to read and simply designate a color to all your items.

It's always a good idea to have a free table with some items on it. Most people won't take something for free unless they also make a purchase and it is an easy way to attract customers when you advertise.


Of course, the traditional sign on poster board stuck at the end of your street with eye-catching balloons will always attract people driving by but if you have a lot of stuff to move and you don't really want this sale continuing on for a week, you should do a little extra advertising. Newspapers are always effective as are online listings such as Craigslist. This way, if you have collectable items, you may attract people specifically looking for your products. Mention your hours and a general idea of what you are selling. It is always a good idea to have someone to help you and make sure you have shopping bags or boxes, money to make change and even consider having refreshments like ice tea or lemonade available.

Clutter can be turned into cash that you can spend on getting your home organized.

What Is Importance of Air Conditioning Services?

What Is Importance of Air Conditioning Services?

Air conditioning is a technology which alters air properties into a condition that is favorable and comfortable. It is therefore very important in everyday living and without it the quality of life can be reduced to great levels. Today, the air conditioning units have become very popular and very important in all households. They are used in all climates and, usually, servicing of such units is required so as to make sure that they remain in the best working order at all times.

Air conditioning repair has become as essential as the units themselves. There are many service centers within towns and cities as well. There are even those that have gone the extra mile to put up websites that can be used to contact them when the need arises. It is important to choose a company with trained professionals so as to get the best quality services.

Why air conditioning is essential

Efficiency: according to research, air conditioning has been shown to increase a person's efficiency. When one is working within a temperature that is normal, there is a limit to the quality of work delivered. When conditions improve, efficiency goes up incredibly. A person is able to work fast thereby delivering more.

Good health: in places where it is installed, the air is filtered and cleaned. There are many kinds of particles and dust that come naturally in the air and they can harm human health in a negative way. It takes care of these quite effectively. There are conditioners that have been designed so as to filter all sorts of microorganisms, smoke and bacteria. This means that it can add to the value of life and keep diseases at bay.

Low noise: in areas without ac, people prefer to use fans. Fans can create noise and they can disrupt the normal working conditions. This makes air conditioning more popular than the fans. In areas with air conditioning, the doors and windows stay closed and therefore the outside noise is kept low. It isn't noisy either, so work or sleep cannot be disrupted unnecessarily.

There are many advantages of using good ac. It is therefore important to ensure that it stays in the best working conditions at all times. Accessing quality services can bring about a lot of satisfaction.

Some of the services that are provided

There are different services that are provided and they include:

· Gas logs

· Electronic thermostats

· Installation of carbon monoxide detectors

· Air cleaning

· Hot water boilers for residential places

· Refrigeration equipment

· Cooling at low temperature

· Water heaters

· Filtration and high efficiency systems

· Maintenance of heat exchanger

· Detection of Freon leak

· Analysis of energy survey

· Duct cleaning

The best service providers only hire highly qualified personnel at all times so as to guarantee the quality of the work provided. The best air conditioning services should be based on effectiveness and efficiency. They should be able to offer system installations and maintenance. A professional will always check your controls and thermostats during the maintenance times. The fans bearing lubrications should also be checked and only professionals can be able to carry out such tasks efficiently.

Tips and Ideas for Valentine's Day

Tips and Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is near, what are you planning to do for your love one? I know you've read somewhere from the internet that you should surprise your love one by making your date creative, be interesting, plan well, and have sense of humor when doing all the above.

But what many people want to know about Valentine's Day tips are, what gifts should you choose? What ideas should you have to do for your surprises?

Here are 5 gifts tips for women to men:

1. Hi-tech gadgets and toys - this gift tips is suitable for 80% of men in the world! Get him some toys like Robo Sapien Robot, Paint Ball Kit, iPod. Pocket PC, Mp3 Players ... etc

2. Car accessories - Is your men a car craz? Get a car magazine from your near bookstore and start looking for tips to shop for the best car accessories. This works only for men who are obsess with cars, so please do know your men.

3. Computer parts - Like men who love Hi-tech gadgets, there're as high as 80% men who love computers, you can know when men start to lecture about their geek hobby in computers. Get ideas from computer magazine and shop for the perfect computer upgrades parts as a gift.

4. Clothes - Some men have special taste in clothes. Forget the tie, get your man a stylish shirt, I'm sure he has lots of ties to go with it.

5. Perfume - If your man owns more clothes than you do, giving perfume as a gift will be a good idea.

Here are 5 gifts tips for men to women:

1. Write personalized love letter or poem - There is no shortcut; spend some time creating words from the bottom of your heart. I'm sure you can do it if you REALLY love her so much. And please do not copy from else where, dumb blonde may not be so dumb nowdays.

2. Flowers go with card, chocolates or jewelry - Some experts may say giving these may be showing you're predictable. But no doubt women still love men giving them these gifts, every woman loves attention from men.

3. Romantic Dinner - If you want to become a romantic Romeo of Valentine's Day, plan a romantic evening by having a dinner with your lady.

4. Lingerie - This works best only if you're very close with her. Do not get your lady lingerie for knowing her 3 days. Also, giving only lingerie might looks like an invitation for sex, and this will disappoint her by thinking all you have in mind is SEX.

5. Best gift, combine all from the above - a love letter in a card with roses, and a romantic dinner. Remember to use your creativity as there're many men out there might be doing the same. For example, give strawberries dipped in chocolates instead of just chocolates or choose the best bottle of red wine can be interesting to start your lovely evening.

Okay, enough for the gifts. How about some ideas for Valentine's Day? How to keep a Valentine's date interesting? Here're some ideas for you to start one:

1. Prepare a romantic dinner yourself, I'm talking about DIY You can easily pickup any cookbook from your nearest bookstore or just buy any e-cookbook online. Then pick the best 5 out from hundreds of recipes, from fine cuisines to exotic drinks.

2. Plan romantic activities, start from dinner to dance, then end the evening with a wonderful love affair. It can be done in your own house or just go out and have fun.

3. Do something special like in the movie, have a romantic picnic at the beach, on a boat, on a plane (if you're rich enough), on a roof top, ride horses to your dinner date, use trained animal to pass your gifts.

I'm sure by now you already have tons of creative ideas in your mind. Do not be afraid to try new things, it's Valentine's Day!

Heating and Air Conditioning Unit Information

Heating and Air Conditioning Unit Information

There is a lot of information available on the internet to find the right heating and air conditioning unit for your home. You will have to decide on the manufacturer that best fits the system you want to buy. Also make sure that you check out the warranty that comes with the system to see if it covers parts and labor cost or just parts. Read all the fine print in the warranty because somewhere it should say that you have to have a qualified service company perform a preventive maintenance at least once a year.

Keep those records in a folder so that if your air conditioner was to break you can show that all maintenance has been performed correctly by a service technician so that your warranty will cover the cost your repairs. Due to the cost of having your heating and air conditioning unit repairs down, even if you do not have a warranty your system still needs regular maintenance. Having a preventive maintenance done two times a year is best. A lot of repairs can be prevented by having your system cleaned by you or a service technician.

Having repairs done on your heating and air conditioning unit can be costly when it comes to replacing a compressor, indoor coil, outdoor coil, fan motors and leak repairs. Replacing the major components of your system has to be done by a service technician as per EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) standards. This is because the major components deal with refrigerant in the system having to be reclaimed or dropped out of your system before you can remove the bad part.

Remember when it comes to replacing parts or performing a preventive maintenance always think of safety and turn off the power first.

How to Earn Easy Cash by Taking Surveys Online

How to Earn Easy Cash by Taking Surveys Online

Many people automatically assume that any opportunity online that involves making money by taking surveys is a scam. Why? Because unfortunately the amount of shady methods of making money online by taking surveys far outweigh the legitimate ones. You really can not blame people for being wary because so much of what is on the internet in terms of earning cash online are downright scams.

Despite the overwhelming majority of fake "get rich quick" schemes on the internet, there are a few hidden gems. It is very possible to make a nice side income, or even a full time income, just by voicing your opinion and filling out surveys online. The hard part of making money online through surveys is not taking the surveys themselves, it's actually finding an honest program. And this is what detracts so many prospective money makers from pursuing there goal of earning some money online. They realize that there are tons of people making money but it is just too much of a hassle to actually find a system that works.

It is really a shame because once you find the right survey program online, it can really be a life changing experience. Legitimate survey opportunities have allowed so many people to attain the financial security and independent lifestyle that they have always wanted. As I said before, this method of making money online can in fact become a full time income. And this is why so many people have benefited so much from online surveys.

How Is It Possible To Make So Much Money On The Internet Just By Taking Surveys?

The reason why it is possible to make so much money just by voicing your opinion is because your opinion is highly respected by big name companies. Companies are eager to see what you, the consumer, are interested in and what you think about different things. And companies are willing to pay top dollar for you opinion. Why? Because they're on it. Without your opinion companies would fail miserably at providing their services to consumers.

This is what is so great about filling out surveys. It is not only a dynamic experience that can be enjoyable but it can also earn you some serious cash online. What other money making opportunity allows you to earn tons of cash simply by voicing you opinion?

Your Happiness IQ

Your Happiness IQ

We all know that happiness is a state of mind but we seem to keep forgetting this. Regardless of our circumstances, we can work to become happy just as sure as we can change our state of mind. Here are some pointers.

A common belief is that happiness is a place we need to get to and that the acquisition of certain things will take us there, be it a new job, more money, a vacation in paradise. Millions of people from all walks of life through history have told us that this is not true, so sure there must be some truth to it? The smart thing to do is find those triggers that will make us happy regardless of our current circumstances and most often these are things that we have never tried, be it a yoga or exercise class, painting, photography, volunteer work or a thousand other things like them. If we have never tried these things, with a little bit of work and determination we may find one of them unlocking our real selves and leading us to a much wider and more fulfilling sense of being filled with wonder, curiosity and creativity we never know we had.

Many of us unfortunately want something and we go through endless visualizations of ourselves in possession of those things. Be it a flashy car or a new house, no sooner than we get those things, they lose whatever attraction they had that hooked us so hard in the first place. This is a destructive cycle that, taken to its logical conclusion, means we will never, ever be happy. The truth is that we were rightfully excited and aroused by those things to begin with and we simply need to force ourselves to focus on those things again. They attract us for good reason and if we try hard, we will reignite our passion for that sleek look in the car or the sexy growl of its engine which speaks of a different standard of workmanship. Why not find out more about the people who designed and made it? What were they thinking and how do they feel about it now? Could you improve on anything? And how about the golf course view that drew us to the house-wouldn't it be interesting and kind of fun to take a photo of that view every week for a year, make a calendar out of those photos and compare how every week looks every following year, making notes as we go for our children and grandchildren to marvel over and treasure decades after we are gone? Would not you love to find something like that your great grandmother wrote?

We have everything right now and I'm sure you can think of a hundred other things to do to light the fire.

Withheld Calls - Tracing Tips and Methods

Withheld Calls - Tracing Tips and Methods

The use of cell phones has risen exponentially with the consequent fall in the prices of hand sets and call charges. The advances in telecommunications technology has made distinctions insignificant and we can now communicate to any one in any corner of the world effortlessly. The advantages of cell phones are innumerable, but then there is one nagging problem associated with cell phones which is withheld calls or anonymous calls. All these calls harassment people without revealing any thing about the caller and are being used to intimidate and extort hapless people. We now will have a look at the best and efficient methods of tracing such calls without spending much from our pocket.

Landline users can obtain information on the anonymous callers by dialing * 69 which provides the caller number and address immediately. Cell users find it difficult to trace anonymous calls and they have to use the services mentioned here to get the information of the caller.

All with calls calls come without any number that can be identified by the receiver. Such calls can not be identified with our hand sets and only the service provider that is routing the call will be able to tell the exact number. All service providers maintain a log of calls routed through their network and will have in place relevant equipment to trace any number used to call any other number. If you change your number to avoid such calls, it will be a waste of time and money. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the number you have changed can not be accessed again by the anonymous caller. Frequent changing of numbers also makes your number unavailable with your friends and business acquaintances, and results in losing communication with them.

You can use the services of a reverse mobile phone look up website, which by virtue of technology can trace any with call call successfully. Some of these sites are free and some charge for the rendered service. They take all pains and provide the name, address and if possible, email id of the anonymous caller. In my view paid websites are better as they offer service faster and efficiently. You have to register in reputed sites that can do the work and for this; you can try your own number for the authenticity of the results. Once satisfied, you can proceed to find the mysterious caller.

You can answer the phone personally to know the caller, but if the caller does not reveal his identity, it is certain then that this is a mischievous call. If this persists for days, you can approach the police for help. Police personnel will be able to trace any phone and initiate measures to protect you from these calls.

You can also try through a search engine of the internet which searches all the available websites and provides information, if the number is there by any chance. Some of these anonymous people place their number on the net with the impression that no one will get their number, which is false thinking.

All these methods are efficient and you can try any one or all the methods to get peace of mind from the pranksters.