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Friday, January 11, 2019

Law of Attraction Love - How to Attract Love

Law of Attraction Love - How to Attract Love

Most people do not realize that the law of attraction works for everything. It's not just about attracting money, or that new job or car, or any other material thing you may want, it's about using it to attract everything you want in your life, including appealing love. Since the law of attraction is always on and you're attracting everything into your life already, why not do so consciously.

Law of Attraction Love

In using the law of attraction to attract love, you must have a clear vision of what you want in your ultimate relationship. We're talking here, not generalities. And if you do not define exactly what you want, you may end up with a prince that turns into a toad or a witch disguised as a princess.

Attracting The Prince or Princess

The thing to realize about Law of Attraction Love is that you will be attracting to you exactly how you feel about yourself. How you feel about yourself, how much you love yourself --- will be mirrored to you by the person you attract. So it is very important that you ...

Love Yourself First

Every relationship we have, be they the ones from work, play, our communities or our private lives - all of these relationships reflect back to us the love we give ourselves. They will tell you or not whether you are loving yourself first.

While this may seem selfish, it is imperative if you are going to partner with someone else. If you do not love yourself, how can you love another? If you do not love yourself, how can they love you? When you are in a relationship, you will find that the way that person loves you is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.

It really is that simple.

All relationships are mirrors of our own self- love.

So how do we attract love? By loving ourselves first.

This can be an incredibly challenging endeavor for most people. They have no clue where to begin. And it is not an uncommon problem. I find it everywhere I go.

One of the biggest problems in the world today is a lack of self-love. Once you learn to love yourself, you have the ability to be compassionate and caring toward others. Until you love yourself, you do not really have the capacity for compassion. If the lack of self-love is at the core of your life that will be reflected back to you every one you meet and in every thing that you do.

I think that's why people struggle for the best house, the best clothes, the best car, the best body --- because there's something missing on the inside.

Having all these material things are great --- but if you seek them to fill the hole inside, you'll find that hole is really a black hole that continuously consumes everything around you. It affects and warps the energy field of everything in your life.

There's only one thing that fills the black hole inside and it is self-love. There's no magic pill you can take that can fix it, but if you pay attention, apply your consciousness and start to love yourself first, watch out, because your life will change for the better.

You'll experience a forward momentum and soon find yourself with your own law of attraction love match.

Here's How To Use Some Sneaky Holdem Tricks To Make More Money

Here's How To Use Some Sneaky Holdem Tricks To Make More Money

These sneaky Holdem tricks can be used by anyone on anyone. You can steal pots, money and cash from your opponents. Read this article now to discover how.

Sure, you can diligently practice your poker skills, climbing up the ladder to become a seasoned poker player and then earn your gold coin the hard way, or, you can just use these sneaky Holdem tricks to steal money from players.

I mean, there are long term strategies and there are short term strategies. When you want cash in your bank do what it takes to get it there.

Sneaky Holdem Tricks # 1

Let's go fishing! The best way to make money is to just hop tables to find weak players, and then take advantage of them.

You can do many things, but the best is to sit down on the left of them. This way you'll have position over them.

Then, when they are in the blinds or are not playing at a pot, bet aggressively to steal their chips.

Sneaky Holdem Tricks # 2

Another thing you can do at any table is perform a blind steal. When you are in the cutoff and no one contests a pot just make a large bet out, say 5xbb, and you should take the pot.

Sneaky Holdem Tricks # 3

More tricks include semi-bluffing, bluffing, covering up with aggressive play. You need to learn how to do this properly and timing is everything.

Or you can just play hyper-aggressive bully tactics. I suggest you start at a lower limit to get the hang of this.

You can just table hop. That is, jump on a table, bet aggressively, win a few little pots, get off the table. Rinse and repeat. It's sneaky and kind of dodgy but when you want to make money, well, you do what it takes.

But seriously, do not live your live doing sneaky Holdem tricks. Do work on your game so you can play anytime, anywhere, against anyone and win the respectful way.

Telekinesis - Law of Attraction

Telekinesis - Law of Attraction

Telekinesis has been regarded for years as fantasy or myth, and as of laTely, even being considered a scam through the Internet, for attention or publicity. Although, much like any other faith, or religion, it must be experienced, in order to believe. It is easy to point at something, and call it fake or illusion, just because you do not understand it, or refuse to take a leap of "faith" in an area which is unfamiliar to you. Often peoples greatest comfort in these sorts of areas is science, but it in itself is a religion like others.

There is a distinct difference though, between conventional religion and science. Where those who point a finger, taking a stance next to science believing that all the facts have been accumulated and presented, showing a certain lack of evidence of telekinesis or any phenomenon like it. This is where the line is drawn. Those who point a finger, follow science, and science, never stops looking. A true scientist will acknowledge the possibility that somewhere out there, they could stumble upon evidence, even if what they have overlooked so far, suggests telekinesis is not likely.

That's exactly what has happened. Evidence, is now present that Telekinesis, is not only plausible, but probably an occurrence, that happens on a daily basis. Quantum Physics has begun to take a look at the world, on a much, deeper level. Down to the very molecule, atom and even particle. It has discovered that everything in this world, is energy. Everything. From the chair that you sit on, the cup that you drink from, and the very thoughts that roll through your mind as you read this. All of them, are energy.

Along with this energy, each object that you see, has it's own vibration. This vibration acts as information, which separates something like paper, from steel. Because of the distinct difference in vibration, the two act differently. This also accounts with thoughts. Your thoughts give off it's own energy, and vibration. The more you think, the more you send out energy and vibrations.

This information is becoming quickly public and soon it will be common knowledge. In the law of attraction, it suggests that things are similar, attract to one another. And if you give off energy and vibrations with a thought, then in essence, those thoughts will travel out, and attract other things that are similar to the ones you sent out. This is where Law of Attraction becomes very important.

Most people when they think about something, it's often in a daydream. They dream about stuff they do not have, but want. This sends out a vibration, which the information within it says, 'You want something, but you do not have it.' Which returns to you something 'You do not have, but you want'. It's an evil circle ... Do not feel bad though, we all do it. I daydream all the time about things I do not have or want. But, I'm learning how to take that time in which I think and turn it into a visualization, and construct it in a manner, in which it will return to me, well, constructively.

When you think about Telekinesis, you need to think about it in a positive and constructive manner. For 2 reasons. 1 it will help return successful results to you. And 2, it will help program your subconscious to accept it more fully.

Remember to Use the Law of Attraction everywhere. It is an important part of Telekinesis, if you are pursuing it.

Myanmar Casinos

Myanmar Casinos

Located in Southeast Asia is the country of Myanmar. Myanmar is frequently referred to as Burma, the language in Myanmar is Burmese, and the capital of this diverse region is Naypyidaw. The country has over 50,000,000 inmates, many of which enjoy the fine pastime of gambling. To serve the needs of gambling residents and tourists that are gambling enthusiasts, there are four Myanmar casinos available. Each casino has an adjacant hotel, thereby offering both accommodations and entertainment to the fine people of Myanmar and the people that visit there.

Myanmar Casinos are located in two cities in Myanmar, Techilik and Thahtay Kyun. In Thahtay Kyun visitors can find the Andaman Club and Casino as well as the Treasure Island Casino. Meanwhile, located in Techilik, one can easily visit the Allure Resort Casino or the Regina Entertainment Resort. All four Myanmar casinos offer the finest in gambling entertainment.

The Allure Resort in Techilik is located at Baydar Street in the Ponghtoon Quarter. It holds 133 slot machines for gambling enjoyment and 16 table games. Visitors can enjoy dining at the Maesai Café where Thai cuisine is served. After a strenuous day of gambling and relaxation, visitors can return to one of the 90 luxurious rooms at the Allure resort!

As an alternative to the Allure Resort in Techilik, visitors are bound to enjoy the Regina Entertainment Resort, also in Techilik. While the Regina Entertainment Resort's gambling offerings are bit smaller, they are nonetheless enjoyable: the Regina Entertainment Resort in Myanmar offers 30 slot machines and 12 table games and the site is open 24 hours a day.

Tourists and residents in Thahtay Kyun Myanmar are often seen enjoying gambling endeavors at the Andaman Club and Casino. The Anadaman Club and Casino hosts some typical gambling favors including Bacarrat, Blackjack, and Roulette, and holds 25 gaming tables for gambling enthusiasts to taste the thrill and excitation of their favorite pastime. One of the finest Myanmar casinos, the Andaman Club is also a hotel, so every need is taken care of for the guests of the club.

The Treasure Island in Thahtay Kyun is by far the largest casino in Maynamer. Fitted with 130 slot machines and 22 gaming tables, tourists and residents frequent the Treasure Island Casino for the exciting atmosphere it exudes. Also, some 52 rooms are available and visitors greatly love the amenities offered at the Treasure Island.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Secret and the Law of Attraction

The Secret and the Law of Attraction

The Secret, the movie based on the Law of Attraction has been fantastically successful since it's launch in 2005. The promise is a simple one, by focusing on the things that you really want in life, by using visualization you 'attract' or 'manifest 'them into your life. But are we any closer to establishing whether it actually 'works' or not?

The subject is certainly a divisive one, mention 'The Secret' to someone and you will either get an enthusiastic conversation or else you might find yourself being ridiculed for holding such 'airy-fairy' beliefs.

Many people who believe in the power of the Law of Attraction in manifesting the things that they want in their lives do rather let themselves down in their attempt at explaining how the process works. They introduce quantum mechanics into favor of their argument. This is a major no-no, and here's why.

Do you fully understand quantum mechanics? No, I did not think so, and nor do I. Nor, I am reasonably certain, do any of those people who use concepts that very few people in the world can claim to understand to back up their view-point. The reason they use the 'Quantum Mechanics' arguments to underpin their reasoning is that certain speakers in the movie of 'The Secret' used it. I personally do not think the theory holds any water, and a quick Google on this subject will show you that most of the scientific community would agree with me. so, we will leave it there.

If you have read this far, you could have forgiven for thinking that I am a naysayer, that I am about to tell you that I believe 'The Secret' to be poppycock and a complete and utter waste of time. Not so.

I actually do believe that it DOES work, not in the way that some people would have you believe, but work it most certainly does.

I am not just talking about positive thing here either, it does much, much deeper than that.

The largest question to ask is why the Law of Attraction looks to work for some people and yet others achieve spectacular results time after time. Are these people someone just 'luckier'? Who do they have achieved those results with 'The Secret'?

The answer is a simple one, those people who have failed to make the 'Law of Attraction' work in manifesting money, or attraction a life partner or any one of a million things people wish for is that they lack one vital element.

They do not know how to do it.

Let's face it, if you do something the wrong way once or a hundred times, you are going to get the same results. so they just assume that the 'Law of Attractrion' is a myth and give up. What they do not know is, using a few simple techniques can make the difference between success and failure.

There are an increasing amount of well thought out, intelligent works out there that fill the knowledge gap and can help people to use the Law of Attraction to manifest into their lives the people and things that they really deserve, which anyone struggling to make 'The Secret 'work for them would be well advised to seek out.

4 Car Diagnostic Tools You Need To Have

4 Car Diagnostic Tools You Need To Have

The modern cars are complex and require some expertise to know the problems that they are having. The cool thing is that there are many tools in the market that you can go with in order to identify the problems that your car has. These tools include:


A multimeter helps you to test the electrical current through your car. The sensors on your car convert the multimeter readings to voltages that the car computer can understand. Using the tool you will be able to check the sensor's output voltage in order to verify a faulty wiring system. You will also be able to know if your system has a bad part that is creating out-of-spec signals that might be problematic in the future.

Vacuum-pressure gauge

The tool helps you to identify a problem in your engine. When the engine has problems, the problem is usually due to fuel, air or spark. The tool covers the air department so that you are able to work through the maze of vacuum lines in order to identify a leak or cracked tube that might be causing problems.

Fuel pressure gauge

The unit helps you to know whether the engine is getting enough or too much fuel. This helps you to eliminate some of the problems that your engine might be having.

OBD code reader

If you own a car you know the panic that comes in when the "Check Engine" light comes on. The first thing that many car owners do is rush to the nearest garage to have the car inspected. With the OBD code reader, you no longer have to panic when the light comes on. All you need to do is connect the tool to your car and you will know the exact problem that your car is having. This saves you money as you do not have to hire someone to do it for you. You also avoid the guess work game that results in more problems.

There are many types of OBD code readers in the market that you can go for. You only need to choose the one that is ideal for you. If you want the most advanced tools, there are those that connect to your phone and send you all the details that you need to know about your car.


These are the diagnostic tools that you need to have to identify the problems in your car. For ideal results ensure that you properly use the tools.

Top 3 Reasons to Play at Online Casinos Vs Land Based Casinos

Top 3 Reasons to Play at Online Casinos Vs Land Based Casinos

Depending on whom you are and if you enjoy gambling, you have probably visited a land based casino at least once. For the regulars out there who enjoy playing at casinos and go there often, I have complete respect for those people because the satisfaction and joy of gambling at casinos is unbeatable. However, I am going to talk about the 3 main reasons of playing at online casinos, and by the time I am done, you may never play at a land base casino again.

First of all let's talk about bonuses at land based casinos. When you first walk into a land based casino for the first time, you head over to the desk sign up and they give you a rewards card. They might say like "good luck" then they proceed to the next person in line. Well there is something wrong about this scenario, a rewards card is worth nothing and you did not receive any free money when signing up. Well at online casinos they treat you as if you were walking down the red carpet, because at online casinos, they give you massive bonuses when you first sign up and deposit. On top of that, they enroll you automatically into a generous rewards program.

Next, the convenience at online casinos is unreal. Just imagine getting up from bed, wearing your pajamas and taking some spins at the online slot game with real money. You could win progressive jackpots that are in the millions from the comfort of your own home. This brings another point that the progressive slot machines in land based casinos are much smaller because there is only a limited amount of machines that count towards it. Whereas at online casino's, the slot games are on a big network, therefore thousands of players are increasing the progressive slot jackpots by the second. In fact, in October 2011, a casual slot player with initial of A.D. won $5.2 million dollars at a progressive slot game called Mega Moolah.

Moreover, the payout percentages at online casinos are a lot higher compared to land based casinos. A payout ratio is the expected amount of cash a player will receive over a long period of time. Most players don't realize the payout ratio when they play slots at land based casinos. It should be one of the most important factors when deciding which to play. Just think about it, the average payout ratio at a land based casino is 80-85% which is horrendous. This means, that if you were to wager $1000 at a land based casino, you could expect to get back $800-850. Land based casinos don't advertise these numbers to the public because they are really low, it is actually embarrassing. At online casinos, you can expect to get 95-97% payout ratios, which translates to $950-$970 back on your $1000 deposit. It will be much more profitable to play at an online casino in the long run and your money will stretch further.