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Monday, January 7, 2019

Fleet Managers Using Geofencing to Monitor and Track Company Assets

Fleet Managers Using Geofencing to Monitor and Track Company Assets

Asset monitoring using geofencing is a cost effective way for businesses to track inventory and high valued content.

Asset monitoring and protection is an important part of fleet management.

An essential part of monitoring and protecting your company's equipment, fleet, or high valued content is being able to know where they are and what they are doing at all times.

This is what makes geofencing so valuable.

Geofencing or geo-fencing, is the process of using GPS tracking software to create a virtual boundary around a specific geographic location to be tracked using GPS tracking hardware.

Aside from just being a way to track activity within a specific geographic location, geofencing is a powerful tool used in establishing driver accountability, improving daily operations, and increasing overall company productivity.

Creating geofences to efficiently begin monitoring activity into and out of a specific location is very simple.

Step One: To begin creating your geofence, select the polygon radio button. Then give your geofence a name.geofencing

Step Two: Draw a polygon around the geographical location you want your geofence to encompass.

Step Three: After completing the polygon shape, type in a contact name and email for the geofence alert to be sent to. Click 'Set Geofence' go create.

NOTE: When creating a geofence, you want to make sure to create an entry / exit point to be used to trigger incoming and outgoing geofence alerts. If the location you are creating a geofence for contains a wash area, make sure to create an entry / exit point for it to trigger it's own event when trucks / vehicles are done unloading and need washing before being reloaded. Geofence alerts can help businesses to further manage a positive customer experience with real-time data about a drivers current location and whether they are loading, unloading, or even in a washing event.

Once a geofence is established, anytime traffic enters or leaves that specified area, alerts will be sent to fleet management specifying either an entry into or an exit out of the location.

Geofence alerts and reports allow dispatch to not only know where their fleets are, but also gives them the ability to know if their fleet, whether it is a vehicle, loaded trailer, or a piece of equipment, is moving or not.

This is especially important in cases where construction equipment left on a site sets off a geofence alert after-hours.

It may also indicate a possible theft or off-hours use of company equipment by an employee or someone else.

Either way, asset monitoring using geofencing means being able to catch both instances of activity and could mean a savings to the company bottom-line.

Benefits of Car Cameras

Benefits of Car Cameras

Be it your home, business, or family; you always want complete security for each one of them! You take appropriate measures at home, select hotels with apt security arrangements, and so on. So, why to leave your car unprotected? Yes! You can safeguard your car with a dash cam or a car camera.

Justifying its name, a car camera sticks on the dashboard or on the windscreen and records everything inside & around the car. The dash camera not only helps in providing evidence in case of an accident, but also proves to be useful in many other ways.

Here is a deeper insight into the uses of the dash cams:

Offer Proofs in case of a Car Accident

Worried about the other party changing their story in front of the police? Well, then dashboard cameras can come to your rescue. These cameras provide authentic and relevant evidence in the case of car accidents. They help to escape any false allegations and would let the truth be known to everyone.

Knows who dinged your Car

Finding your beloved car scratched by someone in the parking lot is a nightmare. A dash camera is the perfect equipment to know exactly who did that damage to your vehicle. Whether it was the work of a neighbor or some untrained driver struggling to park his car, nothing will be left hidden.

Who's playing the Insurance Game?

Some drivers or even pedestrians intentionally do accidents in order to claim that fat accident insurance. This thing not only affects insurance companies at large, but also takes its toll on honest car drivers! So, dash cams can step in to prove who's at fault!

Faster Insurance Claims Processing

While filing insurance claims, each party speaks up their own story and often embellishes the facts to support their point. However, supreme quality video surveillance can produce the real facts and there won't be any delay in your claim processing and you will get paid soon.

Check for Vehicle abuse or misuse

When we lend our car to other people, our mind is never at peace. The idea of reckless driving or some other kind of vehicle abuse keeps haunting us. Getting dash cams will give the exact account of the way your car was treated. Dash cameras with built-in GPS can also record speed as well as street routes.

Set the Careless Drivers Right

Each one of us encounters rash driving cases while moving on the roads. And, reporting about these bad drivers is really important, but one can't do it without a proof. Dash cams can help in such matters and prevent the case from going cold.

Travel Diaries

The car cameras are not just meant to collect proofs; in fact, you can capture some beautiful things on your dash cam. You can document your road trip; capture something weird, amazing or special that you might come across while traveling. So, having these security cameras in your car can also be fun!

The Bottom Line

To sum it all up, a car camera is a highly beneficial investment. Not only is it cost-effective, but also designed to cater to your security requirements. You can simply install these cameras on the dashboard or the windshield within a few seconds, all thanks to their suction cup, and start video monitoring right away.

Moreover, there is a wide array of dash cameras to choose from and you can select as per your budget or needs!

Money Management Tip - Paper Or Plastic?

Money Management Tip - Paper Or Plastic?

Think carefully about your spending patterns. When you are going into your purse or wallet to pay for a product or service do you pull out cash or a plastic card with a magnetic strip? If you are in debt, there is a very high likelihood that you are pulling out plastic to pay.

Maybe what I am about to say is blatantly obvious, but read it anyway. One of the reasons why we end up in debt is because we know all the "obvious" things but we do not change our behavior that that knowledge.

Do not Use Plastic ... Only Use Cash!

Here's why:

1.There is no emotion associated with spending money through plastic.
2.When you pay cash you can see and feel the money going away.
3.You can see how much is left and your next purchase will be considered carefully.
4.Credit cards incur Riba / Interest. Since you are in debt, obviously you can not afford what you are buying on credit.
5.Fees, fees, fees ... Save on those gosh darn fees!

If this is not enough to convince you then let's try a little experiment. It would be best to try this as of your next pay day, but if it is more than 3 days away, then start this experiment tomorrow (I really want you to try this).

• For the next one month, act as if there is no such thing as plastic cards. The only means for you to purchase something is cold, hard cash. Also there is no such thing as checks for the next one month.
• Document your emotions as there is less and less money in your purse or wallet.
• Document your spending during the month.
• Compare it to the previous month which was mostly plastic. That should be easy because all the activity is available online.

After the month is over, you will see then that giving up plastic while in debt, is like staying away from an addiction while in rehab.

What to Consider When Buying Used Forklifts and Renting Cleaning Equipment

What to Consider When Buying Used Forklifts and Renting Cleaning Equipment

Just like any other big investment, buying a forklift could seem like a daunting task. Before spending a lot of money on buying a brand new forklift with all the bells and whistles, it might be a good idea to consider buying a used or refurbished forklift instead.

Not only will you save thousands of Rands when buying a used forklift, the warranty you get would most probably be better than that of a brand new forklift. The reason for this is that the majority of South African forklift companies not only sell them second hand, they also inspect and repair the equipment and put it on the market again for a much better price. All the while ensuring that the forklift you purchase is in an excellent working condition. In the current South African economic climate, this is especially useful when you need new equipment but have a tight budget to work around.

When in the market for used forklifts, as with any purchase, it's always wise to compare before you buy. Be on the lookout for companies that offer extensive coverage on their forklifts. This proves that they serviced their equipment, that it is in a good condition, and that they are willing to legally stand by it by means of a warranty. Look for companies that advertise brand new forklifts as well. More than likely they will also deal in used forklifts, optimizing your chances of trading in and thus securing a more competitive price for you.

The same applies to cleaning equipment rentals. Whether you need to clear an outdoor building site or indoor storage facility, there is bound to be a machine out there to make the task at hand easier. First assess what type of cleaning and clearing services you require. Take note of the conditions, the environment and exactly what needs to be done in terms of cleaning. With all the options available in the cleaning and clearing equipment field, you need to find a company with services to suit your needs.

After all, regardless of whether you are in the business of importing, exporting, constructing or even retail, you need to focus on your business, your clients. Getting caught up in the cleaning and clearing industry, with all its regulations, could make you lose focus of your company's aim and mission. By making use of clearing equipment rentals, there wont be any need for you to buy additional equipment or vehicles, or invest in warehouses and storing facilities. A professional cleaning equipment rental company will know what type of machinery and chemicals to use for the services you require. They would also be able to provide you with follow up assistance and after care services, taking the trouble out of what could have been a high risk commercial activity. Basically this means you will pay once-off costs, instead of a long term financial commitment.

In the long run you would not need to worry about the maintenance costs of the equipment and machinery. Also, you would not be spending any money buying a piece of machinery you might need now, but which will most likely be deemed worthless in the long run. This could literally save you thousands of Rands which could be better spending improving your own company ..

Why Does Not Your Website Make Any Money?

Why Does Not Your Website Make Any Money?

If you are actually expanding energy to build, run and do I dare say pay for a website, you should be at least getting your money out. Seriously, a lot of webmasters fail to look at their websites as businesses and just let all their traffic go to waste. I used to know this girl that had a blog about her family that had received over a million hits! She did this simply by putting pictures of her family gatherings or just random stuff about her. But when I knew her, she was broke! Why?

All that traffic to her website for absolutely free because she never spent a dime on advertising, and she never made a penny on the website. I mean it was obvious to me the simple things she was not doing. She was significantly throwing tens of thousands of dollars down the drain. And I see many webmasters doing this. Do not do that. Seriously! I know you could use some money. Here are some simple ways to monetize your website:

Get a Google AdSense account, and just plug the code on your website. This is if you do not really want to do too much work, just copy the code and insert it in your web page. They pay you each time someone clicks on the ad. The amount of money you get depends on how much the keywords on your website are worth and what the advertiser is spending on the ads. AdSense is not something you can expect to make a great deal from, but its not wise to leave loose ends. Make sure that every place a customer clicks on your site is to your benefit in some way.

A more involved way of making money on your website is to advertise affiliate products for a commission. is a good source for digital products; commission junction at is the best source for more tangible products. There are a lot of affiliate programs available online, but I only use these two without if I find something interesting that people will buy on my website.

Most affiliate programs are free to join. The best way to monetize my opinion through affiliate programs is to write reviews about the programs and get interest in them on your website. Just putting ads on your website I notice is kind of ineffective for some affiliate programs, especially clickbank. It's far more successful to upsell the product to customers so improving your click through and conversion rates.

There are pay-per-play ads available online that pay you per impression. The pay rates are kind of low, but that's a good way of making consistent money if you get a lot of traffic to your website. I do not usually go to those but you can do a search on Google and you will see many available.

The best way of making consistent money with your website traffic is to build up a list of interested visitors by capturing their email addresses. There are a few ways of doing this, but the best in my opinion is to offer a free product or newsletter. Then you can have a list of interested subscribers ready to bite at whatever you offer. Just do not abuse your members and spam as many will remove themselves from your list. It takes a bit longer to get a list going from start to advertising affiliate products. But the advantage to lists is that it takes about average about 7 return visits before a sale is made. The list allows you to keep in contact with visitors.

You can also make money through selling email advertising to other websites. I would be more careful with this approach as too many ads will sure cost you some subscribers. The list is endless on how this is beneficial for your website. I just hate to see good traffic go un-mined.

CNC Horizontal Lathe: An Introduction

CNC Horizontal Lathe: An Introduction

CNC machinery plays a crucial part in the manufacturing world, and I will not be lying if I say the manufacturing industry revolves around CNC machinery.

Over the years, CNC or Computer Numerical Control machines have taken the market single-handedly because they have reduced the manual workload tremendously.

So, let's begin with what are lathe machines?

Somewhere around 1300 AD, a two-person lathe machine already existed which was created by the Egyptians . Two major primary task got completed with it,

1. Turning off the woodworking piece mainly by a rope.

2. Cutting wood in shape by the use of a sharp tool.

As civilization dawned upon us, the machine went through extensive changes. Due to the growth in technology the lathe machine also went through configurations in its traditional system.

The production of rotary motion is the most notable highlight of today's lathe machines.

They are controlled by a computer with a menu-type interface, they are designed to use carbide tooling / processes, and it's modern versions.

This is all about what is a lathe machine, so now let's dig into what is it used for? And where are they used?

They are multi-skilled machines and which are resourceful for a wide range of industrial operations like Acrylic Spinning, Metal Spinning, Metalworking, Woodturning, Thermal Spraying, Pottery and a lot other.

The reason why lathe machines are so extensively used is that they are easy to set-up and its operations are simple .

Automotive, electronic, sporting, manufacturing and firearm are a few industries where they are put to use.

Here are some significant examples of the same-

1. Bowls

2. Cue Sticks

3. Dining Table and Chair Legs

4. Musical Instruments

5. Baseball Bats

6. Cam-shafts

7. Crank-shafts

Even though it's easy to operate it should be used strictly by professionals.

Now, there are two types of CNC Lathe machine-

Horizontal Lathe and Vertical Lathe

So, here we will further discuss about CNC horizontal lathe, and its uses.

So, what's a CNC horizontal lathe?

Wikipedia defines it as " A lathe tool rotates a workpiece about an axis of rotation which performs a variety of operations such as cutting, sanding, deformation, drilling, facing and turning with the help of tools that are applicable to the workpiece for the creation of an object with its symmetry about that axis. "

Well, you must be wondering what parts are used in Horizontal Lathes?

Lathe might or might not have legs which help it to support itself while placed on the floor and levitate the lathe bed to the necessary height needed while working.

It might be small to fit on a workbench or table which is why it does not need to stand on its own.

Almost all the lathes have a bed, that's a horizontal beam which makes it sure that chips or filling of stones falls off smoothly.

There's a lot of diversity available in horizontal lathes.

Some of the notable ones are -

  • Ornamental turning lathes
  • Woodworking lathes
  • Glass-working lathes
  • Duplicating lathes
  • Metalworking Lathes
  • Transcription, or recording, lathes
Woodworking lathes are the oldest in the game and are also addressed as turning lathes.

Evolution of the machines has been done in a very promising way.

Metal lathes are an excellent example of horizontal lathes that come in various shapes and size depending on what operations they perform. The drilling machines are a notable tool to which the horizontal lathes are combined.

Technology is getting smarter day by day. Therefore, CNC horizontal lathes are also getting smarter and growing fast, making work considerably easy.

Manufacturer and industrialist are contented to see the production time cutting down due to horizontal lathes.

One person is all that you need to set up and monitor the lathe. The operator is solely responsible for specific tasks for a given period of time.

Lately, CNC horizontal lathes have become more technologically advanced, which did not hamper the design.

Horizontal lathe machines or CNC machines, in general, are completely closed, for safety and health purposes.

Most of the horizontal lathes are automatic which requires little to no human involvement. The modern technology programming and automation has rejected in very few errors which increased the production percentage by 25%.

Horizontal lathes have advanced technology and do not need a regular movement of its parts, or its location. Improvements like these have brought down the delay it used to take in the production.

Bitcoin Brokers - Understand the Benefits of CryptoCurrency Trading

Bitcoin Brokers - Understand the Benefits of CryptoCurrency Trading

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which can be sent, saved, or invested, and it can be stolen too. Trading with Bitcoins was considered to be risky, but the current trends show that it has become a big hit the binary options sector. This decentralized currency is not regulated by any Government, or by any central authority.

What determines the price of Bitcoins?

Bitcoin's price is determined according to the supply and demand ratio. Price increases when the demand increases, the rates plummet downwards when the demand falls. Bitcoins in circulation are limited, and new ones are created at a very slow rate. Since it does not have enough cash reserve to move the market price, its price can be extremely volatile.

Bitcoin trading is popular because of -

  • Low inflation risk - Inflation is the largest issue for traders, because all the currencies lose some of their purchasing power when the reserve banks keep printing more currency. With Bitcoin minting system being limited to just 21 million Bitcoins, it hard gets affected with inflation.
  • Low collapse risk - Currencies fluctuations depend on government trade policies, which at times cause hyperinflation, and even lead to the collapse of currency. Bitcoin is a virtual universal currency, which is not regulated by any government.
  • Simple, safe and cheap - The Bitcoin payments take place between peer-to-peer without any intermediary, which is why it is simple and cheap.
  • Easy to carry - Bitcoins worth million dollars can be transported in your pocket, in a memory stick. This can not be done with gold or cash.
  • Untraceable - Issuance of Bitcoin is not regulated by any government, so the risk of seizure is nil.

Binary options Bitcoin trading platform

Binary options brokers are getting familiar with the popularity of these Bitcoins, and its constant fluctuating values. Therefore they are using this opportunity to offer traders with the latest volatile crypto-currency as an additional payment method. Bitcoin brokers providing crypto-currency as trading option include -

  • One touch option - Bitcoin trading can be done with AnyOption or one-touch option. For example the current popular currency pair is BTC / USD.
  • SetOption - The latest option available for asset trading is BITCOIN / USD.

Bitcoin brokers provide a simple trading online platform. All you have to do is visit their website, enter your details, and create an account. You can start with demo account to understand the market action.

The trading screen is simple.

  • Pick the price direction (UP / DOWN)
  • Select the timeframe

Is Bitcoin trading secure?

Bitcoin network is probably the world's vast spread computing project. The most common weaknesses here is the user errors. Bitcoin wallet files can get lost, stolen, or deleted accidentally just like any other files in the digital form.

However, users can use sound security strategies to protect their cash. Alternately, you could choose the service providers who offer high-level security, as well as insurance against loss or theft.