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Monday, January 7, 2019

A Guide to Sizing a Diesel Generator

A Guide to Sizing a Diesel Generator

Note: Diesel Generator applications can be quite complex, involving many different site specific elements to be considered. This article presents a basic guide to sizing a diesel generator. It assumes basic knowledge of power calculations.

Diesel Generator sizing involves calculating the following load factors:

1. The continuous load operating at any given time

2. Derating factors

3. Transient performance

4. Non Linear loads

The size required will be determined by the maximum demand from one of the above load factors. We will now expand on each one.


· Calculate the total kVA for all motors and machinery that will be operating at one time

· Calculate the total kVA for all heating / air conditioning that will be operating at one time

· Calculate the total kVA for all lighting that will be operating at one time

The run kVA (rkVA) equals the sum of the maximum possible load demand at one time.


Common de-rate elements are:

· Altitude

· Ambient temperature

· Dust

· Humidity

· Power Factor

Each diesel generator will have their own de-rate characteristics to each item, since their technical data must be referred to. If more than one de-rate applies the multipliers become cumulative.

When de-rates apply the continuous rating of the generator is reduced by the multiplier.


When a motor starts its initial kVA (start kVA) is larger than its run kVA. This occurs due to initial inrush current required to start the motor. The skVA can be several times the rkVA causing an initial larger load demand and resulting voltage voltage at the terminals. In general, a voltage dip greater than 25% can cause the generator to stall / shutdown, since becoming an important element to consider. Generators have specific starting voltage characteristics that must be considered.

Various starting methods are used in applications to reduce the skVA.Each will have their own performance characteristics and will provide their starting impact. Technical data can be obtained from the manufacturers.

Motors that come on line at various stages, calculations are based on the highest possible demand scenario. When there is more than one motor starting simultaneously the total skVA is the sum of each of the motors skVA


Non-linear loads (NLL) are defined as electrical equipment that draw non sinusoidal current from the supply source (diesel generator) causing harmonics in the current waveform, which in turn causes distortion in the voltage waveform. Current distortion (ID) is a function of the number pulses. The degree of distortion can cause instability in the loads control system and generators excitation system.

For a diesel generator to be able to limit the voltage distortion (VD) the alternator must have a sub-transient reaction (X "d) at a level (lower the better) that allows for this.

There are several guide / charts that take input of ID% and acceptable VD% and provide the X "d that must not be exceeded.

The diesel generator selected must have an alternator that operates within the X "d limit. For applications where the NLL is a high percentage of the total load an oversized alternator may be required.


Once the maximum kVA for each of the load factors are determined the size of the diesel generator will be that of the highest demand and hence meeting demands of remaining load factors.

As it can be seen sizing a diesel generator can be quite complex. This guide is basic and was written to provide awareness to the considerations required when sizing a generator. This discussion can be expanded into great detail, in which consideration may be required to provide the correct sizing of the diesel generator.

Former Energy Trader Discusses Fuel Efficiency and Water4Gas Hydrogen Generator to Save Thousand

Former Energy Trader Discusses Fuel Efficiency and Water4Gas Hydrogen Generator to Save Thousand

High fuel prices, low fuel prices, stabilizing fuel prices. When will the chaotic state of the United States economy finally come to a level where we can see high gas prices come to an affordable level. From my experience as a former energy trader, I can say that relying on government bailouts or politicians is not the most pro-active thing we can do and we need to take things into our own hands. Especially when it comes to cheaper fuel.

Well as part of me being a guinea pig for things that I see on the Internet or "As seen On Tv" products, I have heavily invested my time into seeing what the potential benefits and upside would be of using Water4Gas.

And before you decide to run online and test the waters, I will share with you some of the interesting things that I think will benefit your gas use consumption and your wallet!

Water4Gas guides on how you can utilize and harvest the power of water to make your car more fuel efficient. Most cars only utilize about 20% of the gasoline they fill up with so if you can set up an easy intermediate link to maximize your car's road and highway mileage, it only makes sense

The installation of Water4gas is quite easy to implement and do not take too much brain skills. Just a trip to your local Autozone or Wallmart is all you need to be on the path of increased fuel efficiency.

Also, without you knowing it and for all you eco-conscious save the world types, you are in fact planting a seed to be environmentally friendly and health conscious for you and your family.

With Water4gas you are utilizing less emissions and CO2 that is polluting the planet.

Plus your car runs more smoothly on top of everything else.

If you want to know more about saving money on gas and living the "Better Than Perfect" lifestyle, please visit my quality of life website at

It's Finally Your Turn to Complete Surveys For Much More Money

It's Finally Your Turn to Complete Surveys For Much More Money

I remember when I would complete surveys and be perfectly content with making a few pennies. That was until I realized that there are a whole lot of these penny pinching websites out there. What I found out was that there was also a small fraction of sites that paid much, much more than those places to complete surveys, and I'm going to show you how I did it.

You will not even need to break a sweat to get this accomplished. If you have a few extra minutes to spare, that's all you need to incorporate this trick and completely change around the types of survey sites you find. It all starts with something pretty drastic: Take whatever search engine you normally use when surfing the web for survey sites and chuck them out of an imaginary window. They do not work at finding the top dollar websites.

If you've used them I the past to complete surveys, now you know why you've been learning so little from the websites you found. None of the better paying places come up in their search results any more, because of the onslaught of penny pinching site. I have one more tip for you, though, which solves the other half of this ongoing problem: Start using big forums to your advantage, because they hold the key to the door of the top paying websites. That's right. If you want to complete surveys for real cash, pick a big forum and jump into it.

They are filled with honest knowledge about various survey related topics and those topics can easily found in their archives. Hundreds of different topics will be there and they all have their own available info, because people have been sharing everything and anything about the sites that they've found, the payments that they get to complete surveys and so much more. You will not find spam and false info here, because the large forums are very good at stripping that stuff out. It's the only step you need to take, because it ensures you find out about the real money makers.

Its well worth the couple of minutes, because it really increases the amount you get to complete surveys.

Used Welding Equipment: Ensuring Productivity For Businesses

Used Welding Equipment: Ensuring Productivity For Businesses

Welding is a process that involves melting of base metal, followed by addition of a filler material to form the joint. Companies use different welding methods like arc, gas, resistance, and laser or energy beam welding, among others to assist their clients in various welding related tasks.

While some of these methods need inexpensive equipment, such as arc welding, others require the companies to buy costing welding equipment, like resistance welding and energy beam welding. It is an option for large enterprises to invest in such expensive machines, and later on, hire apt manpower to operate them. However, this is typically not an option for many small to mid-size businesses. This is where used welding equipment becomes a feasible alternative.

Used welding equipment is a cost-effective alternative to buying new machines. Businesses leakage them to tap the benefit of cutting edge technology. Reduced manpower, cost savings, etc., are some of the major benefits of buying these machines, which ultimately lead to better business productivity.

Benefits of used welding equipment

By opting for second-hand welding equipment, you can expect a myriad of advantages that absolutely lead to increased productivity for your business. Here are some of their key benefits -

New like performance: Expert welding repair technicians can recondition used welding equipment to deliver enhanced performance. They can restore the equipment to a new like, immaculate condition. Moreover, these machines make way for a low initial cost and increased profits.

Reduced human intervention- The right equipment reduces labor cost and lets businesses avoid maintaining a sizable staff. Depending on the type of welding machine, whether MIG, TIG or Stick, companies can ensure that their workforce has the right tools to perform tasks.

Availability of the latest machines at reduced cost -Vendors can get the latest, professionally maintained used welding equipment at a fraction of the price of new pieces of equipment. These machines, though they are second-hand, are from branded manufacturers, and often have very few hours of operation on them.

Multiple options to choose from: With internet playing an active role in this industry, companies operating in the welding business offer all their used welding equipment for sale on their respective websites. The customers receive the opportunity to visit these websites; choose their preferred machines; and compare them on various criteria, including price, working condition, functionality, ease of use, and so forth. This helps them in buying the equipment that is most relevant for their business.

Make Money With Love Poems and Quotes Using Twitter

Make Money With Love Poems and Quotes Using Twitter

Every year there are dozens of websites becoming popular everyday and some of them actually do it within the course of months. Twitter is one of those websites that has surpassed the mark of not being visible on the internet and now even celebrities use it to stay in contact with their friends. The internet has changed into a social bonanza that has created a military of social internet marketers digging through huge amounts of niches through the internet. Twitter links these kind of marketers all the time simply because they are dealing directly with people using the platform everyday so the potential of growing a business on Twitter is endless. Innovation takes place when individuals use there personal talent in order to achieve great things and you hold this in your own possession for recreation. One awesome talent that many have yet to realize that they posses at this moment is the ability to write love poems and quotes for money.

Social networking is an overused platform that many use for no significant reason however some individuals use it to represent products or services that people use daily. What this means for you is that you have the opportunity to make money from your talent which is even high and open to ever grow a sustainable business. What you need to do is begin utilizing Twitter as a tool so regular users of the platform can be drawn into what you are offering. The first step for you to do is sign up for free at Twitter so you can create a legitimate account and then your visitors can view your profile. Once you have achieved that step add a photo and a few details about yourself so people will not feel as if they are dealing with a total stranger.

After you have finished creating a Twitter account you need to start following a few Twitter members so that you are an active member. The option of following popular Tweets is represented to you while signing up for a Twitter account in which I recommend you add a couple of Tweeter superstars who already posses over one hundred thousand followers. Soon people will begin following you back and eventually it will snowball overtime depending on how you represent yourself. Once you have become a lot more popular the time comes around when you can enhance the visibility of your newly found talent by introducing your love poems and quotes through tweets.

For instance, if you have over 20,000 followers all you need to do is tweet and they will see what you have posted on there front page which is the real power of Twitter. Write a nice love poem and tweet it to your followers while leaving behind a link so that your Twitter followers can visit it to see your work. Using this strategy will evoke people to visit your website and if you have targeted visitors they may buy something related to your poetry niche. Another great way that you could make money from Twitter visitors is add Google AdSense code to your website in which the ones interested in the ads will click and you make a percentage per click.

Try out Twitter search to use different keywords that is related to poetry and you will notice that other Tweeters may be discussing what you have searched. Join the discussion immediately and you will notice how the database is constantly being updated every 10 seconds. There is a good chance that the people who are utilizing Twitter search are using poetry keywords to find and follow you which is good. The idea behind Twitter search is to use related keywords in order to keep the community updated on what everyone is talking about. Take this opportunity to research the individuals using Twitter and there true interest so you can emerge upon a better ideal service to present your followers.

Love poems sell easy because people may need to use them as a gift for there love ones and Twitter provides an open space to bring individuals inside your business literally. Remember that you can include a link from your profile to the website about the poetry that you represent. When thousands of Tweeters visit your page the link is going to be sitting right in front of there eyes so become a real expert at what you do. The important thing you need to understand is to stay fresh on your post and always be professional at all times. Once you have written nice love poems and quotes for your readers they will soon be begging for more to read. Twitter can be that partner that supplies more eyesball that can possibly turn into quick cash for you so get on the ball and start writing.

Car Shopping Tip - Save On Fuel And Get $ 1000 From The Canadian Government

Car Shopping Tip - Save On Fuel And Get $ 1000 From The Canadian Government

Here is a car shopping tip you do not see everyday. In March 2007 the Canadian Government announced in their budget that a rebate would be available for fuel efficient vehicles, referred to as the ecoAuto Rebate Program.

The idea is to reward those drivers who are trying to help with the environment by driving vehicles that are more fuel efficient. So here is a win / win car buying tip for anyone in the market for a new vehicle, drive a vehicle that is more fuel efficient and then get $ 1000 back for your new car purchase!

If you are in the market for a new car you can follow the link at the end of this article for a list of vehicles that are included under this program. Keep in mind that the 2008 model year vehicles have not been released as of yet, but keep visiting the site and in time the 2008 model year will be included.

The an outline of the ecoAuto Rebate Program is as follows:

The progam is applicable to anyone buying or leasing a vehicle after March 20, 2007 as long as the car you purchased is on the list.

Only cars bought or leased in Canada are eligible for the Program. If you purchased your car in the USA then you are not entitled to the rebate.

Individuals, businesses and organizations can apply under the EcoAuto Rebate Program, again as long as the vehicle bought or leased is on the list of eligible vehicles.

It's a pretty simple process however there is no indication as to how long it will take for you to receive your ecoAuto Rebate, understand however that this rebate comes directly from the Canadian Government it is not associated with the car dealership where you purchase or lease your new vehicle. You can get the forms from the Dealership where you initially purchased our vehicle or again follow the ecoAuto Rebate Program link below for all the information you need!

How To Play Time Management Games Online For Free

How To Play Time Management Games Online For Free

1. First a warning, playing games can be addicting so remember to manage your playing time. Also be sure to download time management games from sites that you trust and always keep your anti-virus program up to date.

2. Check your browser some time management games require the Internet Explorer browser and will not work with Firefox and some other browsers.

3. Decide if you want to play time management games online or download them and then play. Please check our "Times Management Games" section for resources that is updated regularly.

4. Let us look at some of the games that you can play for free online. As you will see there are many time management games to choose from so take the time and try several of them, you will soon find out which one you like the most.

Belle's Beauty Boutique:

'Belle's Beauty Boutique' you must help run a beauty parlor single-handedly. The owner, Belle, needs your help to give all of her customers the treatments they want. Help her wash, cut, shampoo and color a crazy cast of characters. Watch them gossip, flirt, and help Belle realize her dream of creating the ultimate beauty salon.

Big Island Blends:

After arriving on Big Island you discover that the "fortune" you've just inherited is an orchard? Well, what better way to turn your fields into a real fortune than opening a smoothie stand Serve your delicious fruit concoctions to the thirsty inhabitants of Big Island in level after level of fast-paced fun. Then, use your hard-earned money to purchase a wide variety of sparkling upgrades to make your smoothie stand the best on Big Island! Colorful, fast, and fun, try Big Island Blends for a unique taste of the tropics.

Burger Island:

Help our heroine Patty turn around a run-down burger stand located on deserted Mount Tikikola Beach in 'Burger Island'. Juggle orders from demanding customers, purchase over 30 exotic mouth-watering recipes, unlock more than 40 delicious ingredients, combining up to 9 per order, all while keeping an ever-watchful eye on the clock. With 60 increasingly challenging levels, see if you have what it takes to help Patty build the best burger stand on the island!

Burger Shop:

After receiving a set of strange blueprints in the mail, you build an extraordinary food-making contraption and open a restaurant. Your goal? Make food and satisfy customers until you discover the truth behind the mysterious blueprints. Burger Shop is a fun and addicting time-management game with several play modes including: Story Mode, Challenge Mode, Relax Mode and Expert Story Mode, each with different trophies you can collect. Utilize unique food making devices to make over fifty different food items during your quest. With four play modes, over sixty upgrade items and ninety-six trophies, you can play Burger Shop forever!

Cake Mania:

Baking runs in Jill's family. Help Jill upgrade her kitchen with state-of-the-art baking tools, while serving her ever-increasingly difficult customers. Help Jill earn enough to reopen her grandparents' bakery in this fast-paced culinary crisis.

Cake Mania 2:

After re-opening the Evans Bakery, and sending her grandparents on an exotic Hawaiian cruise, Jill is back in an all-new, out-of-this-world adventure! Explore six far-flung bakery locations; serve up deliciously original creations to 18 quirky customers, ranging from Federal Agents to mysterious Aliens, and choose the path Jill will take in 'Cake Mania 22!

Delicious 2:

Uncle Antonio needs Emily's help to get out of a financial fix. Help Emily rescue her family's finances in five all-new restaurants, each with a unique menu and theme. Use your earnings to purchase decorations sure to make your customers smile. Emily's friends and family are on hand to help, but it's going to take your serving savvy to get Uncle Antonio back on track. Featuring two game modes, all-new customers, and hours of fast family fun, 'Delicious 2 Deluxe' is just the thing to satisfy your craving for fun.


* Two Game Modes

* Five All-New Restaurants

* 60 Challenging Levels Featuring New Customers

* Decorate Your Restaurant Your Way

Delicious Deluxe:

Join Emily on her quest to make her dreams come true in two game modes and seven different restaurants. Success means more tables, bigger restaurants, and a menu full of uniquely delectable items. Tasty treats may keep your customers happy, but it's going to take quick clicks and careful timing to get Emily's ambitions off the ground. Take a bite out of Delicious today!


* Two Game Modes

* Seven Different Restaurants

* Bonuses Like Bigger Trays, Chocolate, and Stars

* Five Types of Customer

Diner Dash:

Diner Dash is the action-puzzle that brings out the entrepreneur in all of us. Poor Flo! Sick and tired of pushing paper in the world of finance, she ditched her desk job and is setting out to build her very own restaurant empire. Flo's on her own now and heading for the top! It won't be easy, though. To get there she'll have to start on the ground floor and she needs your help to survive and thrive. Diner Dash combines fast-paced puzzle action with a build-your-restaurant-empire theme. You'll start with a run-of-the-mill greasy spoon and end up in a dream restaurant that will take your breath away!


* 40 challenging levels of addictive, skill-based game play that allows you to grow your restaurant through 4 complete re-models

* Five different types of customers, each with different behaviors

* Two modes of play: Career and Endless Shift

* Fun sounds, cool visual style, flashy effects, and humorous animations

* High score tracking and automatic game save

Diner Dash®: Flo on the Go:

Flo trades in her apron for a passport to paradise! But will our hard-working waitress get a chance to relax? Seat customers, take orders, collect tips and dress up Flo in hundreds of vacation outfits in the all-new Flo's Closet".

Wedding Dash":

Help Quinn, a hopeful wedding planner, make wedding bells ring! Featuring the hilarious ups and downs of wedding day drama, 'Wedding Dash"' incorporates the plate-spinning fun from the 'Diner Dash®' series with the added challenge of pulling off the perfect wedding reception. Can you keep the bride and groom happy and Quinn's business afloat? Help couples select all the details - from tasty cakes to gorgeous flowers - but once they've tied the knot, lookout for obstacles preventing the perfect party, such as tipsy guests, falling cakes, and catty bridesmaids. When the going gets tough, keep an eye out for extra help from everyone's favorite server, Flo! It's a fast-paced challenge to execute a flawless event, but for the determined Quinn, it's all in a day's work!

5. There are several types of games available, some give you resources that you have use or spend to advance to the next level. Some time management games you must complete a number of tasks within a fixed period of time while in other games you have a certain number of lives, when you have lost them the games are over. Also there are games where you can continue to play until you figure out how to advance to the next level.

6. By now you have decided what time management game you want to play. Before you start the game check the game options, select the easiest level or story mode (where available) first time so you time to become familiar with the game.

7. As you become more experienced move through the different levels or game modes. Remember one of the advantages of playing time management games online is that you can communicate with other people playing the same game, so you can always ask for help.

8. Have fun but remember playing time management games can be addictive so take a break away from your PC every now and then.

Shortly we will look at time management games that you can download and play for free, so please re-visit or subscribe to our blog.

Warm regards,


PS. Where can you find the games mentioned above? Please go to: