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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

You can easily get a free auto repair manual for whichever repair need you might have. You need an internet access and have to follow a certain procedure searching for auto repair manuals, but when you have done this procedure a few times it will be very easy to find the right instructions for do it yourself auto repair and it will not cost you a dime.

There are four types of automated description documents that you will need to choose from when you want to do a repair;

  • General manuals
  • Diagnosis descriptions
  • Repair manuals
  • Maintenance manuals

General Manuals

In addition to some general manuals, most of these are related to the make. Here you can get step by step guidance on how to repair most of the makes in the vehicle market. Let's say you have a Honda Acura 2002 model and you want to find a manual for that make and model. What you do is perform the following search in a search engine: "free car manuals + Honda Acura + 2002". Then you will have a long list of sites that provide you with all kinds of descriptions for your Honda Acure 2002 model, and you can choose what you want.

Diagnosis descriptions

Automotive diagnosis manuals can also be sub-divided by make and model. But it can also be divided by the area of ​​the vehicle that is affected, for example engine take problems, brake problems, cooling problems, exhaust problems, start or stop problems, transmission problems etc. Let's say you have a start problem. Your search would be "car diagnosis manual + start problem", then you should get more than enough repair information to choose from. You can even get diagnostic trees where all options are covered for nothing.

You have probably more than one time heard some annoying noise from somewhere in your vehicle, without finding the source of it. This is one of the most kinky situations to run into because you do not know if it is a serious signal or just a small thing. Some websites gives you the opportunity to diagnose vehicle problems by the noise, sound and vibrating signals - and that is great. The sooner you find it the sooner you can fix it and then you can relax. When you search, you can describe the sound, for example "whine noise" or "shifter knocks" or "driveline vibration" plus car diagnosis manual plus the make.

Repair Manuals

In addition to regular manuals you can also get very instructive and detailed descriptions in other internet document or websites like articles, etc. The natural way to sub-dispute such repairs before searching, is by the area of ​​the vehicle that is going to be repaired, for instance body repair, exhaust repair, suspension fix, interior repair and even general car repair.

You do the search the same way as above; "car repair manual (or description) + the area of ​​repair and go through the list of resources you get.

Maintenance manuals

Although vehicle maintenance is closely related to your vehicle make and model, there are some maintenance issues that are pretty much common wherever you have a Cadillac, VW or a Mercedes, for example changing oil, changing air filters, engine wash, fluid maintenance, tier maintenance etc. You can get access to maintenance descriptions by searching for the kind of maintenance plus "car maintenance manual (or description)" plus occasion your make and model.

I think you'll be amazed at the amount of automated repair free stuff online.

The True Meaning of the Word Freedom

The True Meaning of the Word Freedom

Freedom is a very powerful word. Webster's dictionary defines freedom in many different ways, but this is the one that really stuck out to me. Freedom is the state of being free - liberated from slavery, restraint or the power of another. When I read this definition, the Bible verse Acts 12:7 ran through my mind- And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. Can you imagine the delight in Peter's heart as those chains released his hands and he was no longer in captivity?

You too have the opportunity to escape captivity and live in freedom for the rest of your life. Can you imagine actually being free financially, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically? For most people that seems completely unrealistic, but I'm here to tell you it can be your reality. Remember, inside the word impossible is possible. It is possible for you to have freedom in every area of your life!

In the United States, we observe Independence Day on the fourth of July. There are fireworks exploding in the air across America in celebration of our freedom, which was made possible by the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. When that document was signed, it was "declared" that America was free. Let me ask you a question. When will you declare your independence? When will you declare your freedom? Before you can achieve it, you must believe it so say it out loud now... I DECLARE THAT I AM FREE IN EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE! THE SHACKLES ARE GONE! I AM FREE!

After you declare that you are free, you need to understand exactly what freedom is to you. If you don't know what it is, then how are you going to achieve it? What is freedom to you? I'm going to break down each letter of the word F-R-E-E-D-O-M, and I want you to visualize what it really means to you.

The first letter in the word freedom is 'F', which stands for focus. Are you focused on being free in every area of your life? If not, then you need to shift your focus and become focused on your freedom. Most people don't become truly free in their lives, because they are comfortable or simply aren't courageous enough to stretch themselves beyond their current life boundaries. Take advantage of getting uncomfortable and stretching yourself, because to be free you have to do things differently than most people.

Just imagine standing inside of an average size circle every single day. Your current job, friends, habits and overall way of life are also in the circle. Can you feel it getting tight? Don't you have the urge to step outside the circle? Now, imagine extending your foot, stepping outside of the circle and feeling an ultimate sense of relief. You have room to move and make decisions that you couldn't make inside that circle. Sadly, you will never get to leave that circle because it's the limit that you've placed on your life unless you make the decision get focused on your freedom and stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Whatever you focus on everyday will determine whether or not you achieve freedom in your life. One of the main objectives that you should focus on is taking advantage of every single minute in your day. If you are scheduled and plan your day, then you are forging forward towards freedom. On the other hand, if you lay in bed at night, reflect back on your day and have no idea what you did all day long, then you are allowing time to take advantage of you. I often hear people say, "I have no idea where the time went." It's one of those moments when I have to bite my tongue, because I want to tell that person that they are wasting their time instead of investing it.

Time is our biggest form of currency so we must spend it wisely. If you focus on freedom and invest your time wisely, then you are one day closer to being free instead of remaining entrapped. While working with one of my coaching students, I asked her to show me her planner. I wanted to know where she was investing her time, because she was stuck in a rut. Surprisingly, she had every single minute of her day scheduled. This woman knew where she was every minute of the day and led an extremely busy lifestyle. However, I looked closer at the actual activity and saw the issue. I explained to her that just because she was active didn't mean that she was productive. She filled her day with meaningless tasks that created activity instead of accomplishment. Just because your calendar is full doesn't mean that you are investing your time wisely. I encourage you to sit down and take a good look at where you're spending your time and how some of those insignificant, waste of time activities are pushing you further away from your freedom.

Another determining factor in whether or not you become free is what you actually look at on a daily basis. I love to take photos with other champions at events and have built a Why wall in my office in South Florida. This wall is filled with not only pictures but also letters, art, cards and many more positive, inspirational things that I have received from people all over the world. In my home office or as I prefer to call it my "construction zone", I have pictures of my own dreams and goals. I focus on these things every day as I sit in my construction zone and build my business. No matter the obstacle that I encounter, I'm constantly reminded of my Why in life, because I see it in front of me.

What are you looking at? If your answer to that question is "nothing", then that's exactly what you are doing to achieve freedom in your life...NOTHING. In my favorite book, The Bible, it states that a man without a vision will perish. Another way of saying it is that a person without focus in pursuit of his dream will fail. I cringe when see someone reading those garbage books and magazines that highlight all the gloom and doom in the world. Can you really expect to achieve freedom in your life if you are focusing your mind and eyes on that trash? I challenge you to throw out the garbage and start reading positive, inspirational material. You can also take it a step further and hang some pictures of your dreams and goals in your construction zone. You won't believe how quickly your results will skyrocket when your focus is shifted!

If you're saying, "That sounds easy. All I have to do is organize my planner and hang a few pictures then I will be focused on achieving freedom in my life." YOU ARE WRONG! It's not a one step process. It's daily focus in every area of your life. When I say that you have to be focused, I don't mean that you just simply think about freedom sometime during the day. You need to be focused like a sniper with a laser pointed at his target...laser-focused! If you let anything or anyone distract you, then your target (freedom) will no longer be in sight.

Instant Background Checks - 5 Facts You Need to Know Before Doing a Background Search

Instant Background Checks - 5 Facts You Need to Know Before Doing a Background Search

The online background searches, also called the instant background checks, have become very popular over the last few years. The information on these online searches is compiled from public data made available through state, local, county, and federal governments. It is thus a reliable source of information.

Performing instant background searches is much cheaper than hiring a detective to do a search for you. Sometimes online information is available without any charge but they generally give you the general information.

These are just some of the topic you searches are performed:

- Birth Records

- Death Records

- Marriage Records

- Divorce Records

- Criminal Records

- Warrant Search

- Bankruptcy Records

Here are a few facts about performing public background checks:

#1. If you need a more detailed report, you can take the services of companies specializing in doing background checks. You don't even have to go to the company yourself to avail their services, you can communicate through e-mails or online chatting.

#2. It has become very important to do online background searches in most businesses today. Many employers like to do a background search of the potential employees to know about their past and other information which could affect their work and also other employees.

#3. If you are in the renting market, don't be surprised if your landlord does this check to verify your credit worthiness or to check if you have a criminal record. A click of a mouse and you can find more about your friend or your lover or your life partner.

#4. Instant background checks can be done by anyone. You don't need any special equipment for doing so. The only thing required is access to Internet. A membership to an online instant background check service will make things easier for you.

#5. Their charges are low and within two three days of the request you can get results. Sometimes you don't even have to wait that long. Some companies have facilities of data storage for all the background checks that you have requested from them. You can access them anytime you want.

In the present Internet age, the availability of information is on demand and it is available in just a few minutes without any hard work. So if you are interested in searching something or someone then the easiest, low-cost, fastest way to do it is online instant background checks.

Three Tips on Getting a Black Coach Canvas Bag

Three Tips on Getting a Black Coach Canvas Bag

Knowing women, we shop like we will never see a shopping mall again. Yet, not all are impulsive shopper. There are still girls who insanity are far better than the others. That is why, even if they are going to give in to the compulsion of shopping, they would still think of shopping but within practicality. Therefore, if you are looking for a good Back Coach Canvas bag here are some tips on finding a good one that you can afford.

Tip # 1
When you are shopping for a Coach Canvas bag or any tote, make it a habit to ask yourself: "Do I need this?" This will be your guide on buying. This brings you to reality. Some girls just want a canvas tote because they just want to buy something from Coach.

Tip # 2
It would be better to get a Coach Canvas bag that you could use every day. Coach is just too good to lay sitting on your cabinet. This is more than a fashion tote but they are more of an every day tote-unless you have a lot of Coach handbags in your wardrobe that you can alternate. So, pick a design which you know you can use every day. It should be spacious enough for your everyday belongings and not those small little purse that are used only for gimmicks and parties.

Tip # 3
Look for a good bargain. Well, there are many people who sell their Back Coach Canvas tote online. It is not because they are damaged, but some just need the money. Well, others do it for a business. It would be better to buy from outlet stores too. That would surely give you a good price and bargain.

You should be practical nowdays. Spending on a Canvas tote could be expensive. But you make your purchase worth it if you follow those tips above. Happy shopping!

Mercedes 126 Repair - Forgotten Fluids, Part I

Mercedes 126 Repair - Forgotten Fluids, Part I

While most responsible Mercedes owners remember to change their engine oil reasonably frequently, not everyone remembers to look after the other lubricants on the car. This article focuses on arguably the most severely neglected fluid: the gear oil in the rear differential.


Most Mercedes 126 cars have "open" differentials, though a few of the later models came with limited-slip differentials. The former do not require much attention and are, in fact, extremely robust. Hot-rodders have found that the rear differential on the 380SE can handle as much as 800hp through the rear wheels. But, that does not mean we can forget about it completely. The gear oil should be changed at roughly 100,000-mile intervals, or every 50,000 in severe service. If left in too long, it will eventually lose its ability to lubricate and starts to resemble frothy pea soup! (It does not smell too good, either!)

Fluid capacity is only about 1.5 quarts, so there's no excuse not to use the "good stuff." Amsoil, Redline, and Royal Purple all make high-quality synthetic gear oils, typically with 75W-90 viscosity. Just as with an oil change, this is best done with the fluid at operating temperature. The two plugs in the differential - upper fill and lower drain - take a 14mm hex key and are usually extremely hard to budge. A long breaker bar will be required. Make sure that you loosen the filler plug first, because if you remove the drain plug and then find the filler is stuck, you've got a bit of a problem. Melting an ice cube in the filler plug's 14mm-fitting may help loosen it through thermal contracting.

Refilling is much easier with a small oil pump. Simply fill until the gear oil is level with the filler hole; when it starts to see out of the threads you know you're done. To ensure an accurate fill, the car should be level during this operation, though this is not critical. If you leave the rear of the car up on jack stands, a slight overfill will ensue. Torque the plugs to 50Nm (37 lbs / ft).

Seniors Need Income, Not Payments

Seniors Need Income, Not Payments

When I create my personal balance sheet, I list all my assets and liabilities. The assets include bank deposits, investments, retirement accounts - and my home. Of course, my liabilities include credit cards, student loans I signed for (I have three in college), and my mortgage. That's my picture at age 54. But for retires, the home does not always appear as an asset, even if it is free and clear of any mortgage. Folks consider it "wealth", but it really is an asset that has a zero rate of return. Some think that because real estate values ​​rise, that means they "made money" on their home. This is simply not true.

No doubt retirees find much security in having their homes paid off, not having a monthly mortgage payment to make. That is great for cash-flow. But for many retirees, their home is the only asset they have. Many different agencies report that as many as 70% of retirees have less than $ 25,000 in retirement funds, and an equal amount depend on Social Security benefits as their sole source of income in retirement. This is a very sad statistic.

So how can that home, that proverbial "nest egg" turn into an income-supplementing asset? Before I answer that, I want to point out that many seniors say their home is their nest egg, and that it is where they would turn to for cash. Well, there are two ways to get money out of your home - you can sell it, or you can take a mortgage. If you take out a mortgage, you can have a monthly payment, or do not have a payment.

Recently I met with a client, age 75. She needed to supplement her income. Her husband of 50 years passed away, and she found out that she will be living on much less income than before. Her husband's pension ended upon his passing, and of course the SS benefits decreased as well. Seven years earlier her bank recommended she take out a HELOC. That worked well for a while, until the payments started to increase and she approached maxing out her line. She absolutely was left with a payment and no income - just the opposite of what she came in asking for. Now HELOCs are a fine way to access a home's equity, but it is not a solution for supplementing income, especially in retirement age.

A much better solution would have been a reverse mortgage line of credit. There are no monthly payments (interest accrues). The line actually grows (currently about 4% a year), and can never be called in. Credit requirements are minimal (not credit score driven, no debt / income requirements).

In this client's case we are extinguished her current mortgage, eliminated her monthly payment, and still provide her to provide a significant line of credit. But the improved cash flow was enough for her to maintain an excellent quality of life.

Finally, a reverse mortgage is not something that should be sold. It is a financial tool that can improve the quality of life for seniors, reserve assets, and eliminate much potential financial and emotional duress for the senior and their families.

For more information, contact me or visit to see what you can qualify for.

Campers Motorhomes - Understanding the Role of the Leisure Battery

Campers Motorhomes - Understanding the Role of the Leisure Battery

Have you ever thought of purchasing a motorhome and enjoying the associated lifestyle. Good idea, it's a pursuit practiced and enjoyed by many around the world, but be aware of the difference between living in a motorhome compared to living in your domestic house. Do not jump into buying a brand new motorhome without thinking it through and being comfortable with your new found responsibilities.

The basic principles of a motor home and a domestic house are the same in that you have four walls, a roof over your head, admittedly much less space in your leisure vehicle, but it is a space in which you can live in and travel in for a lengthy period, with the correct planning. Like a domestic house you have running water and power - and these are the two key components of the motorhome you must understand.

Electricity in a domestic house requires no maintenance, until something breaks. Electricity and your supply of power in a motorhome requires constant attention. Unless you are plugged in to a mains electricity supply at a campsite, your power supply is coming from a limited source. These sources include, your vehicle battery, your leisure battery, generator power and solar power. These all require constant vigilance. Your leisure battery is generally intended to provide a small amount of voltage supply for a long period of time, for example the power required to light the living area of ​​your motorhome. But it also does power the 12 volt points such as 12 volt televisions, dvd's, toilet flushing, water pumps etc. It recharges when the vehicle engine is on (via the alternator) or when plugged in to camp site mains electricity. The leisure battery may, in some cases also be powered by solar panels.

Managing your leisure battery in your motorhome does take some care and attention, but once you take care not to run it down completely, you should avoid embarrassing confiscances. Do not forget to care for your battery in the winter time - take time to charge and discharge it during those cold months.