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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Make Money Online With Your Own Internet Business

Make Money Online With Your Own Internet Business

The Make Money Farce

You have seen them and probably received thousands of them since you have begun internet marketing. They come out the wood works, don't they? Opportunities promising that you too can make money online with little to no effort. You then invest your money into the opportunity only to find out there aren't any pies in the sky... only the cold hard reality that you just spent some of your rent money on someone's new car.

Yes, this is the reality many internet marketers face. I have been there. I started in this business with my father and let me tell you... we have seen every scam under the sun. Why? Because we were those people who had a dream and wanted to help other people through success only to find out there ain't no free lunch in business. The cold hard truth is that "business is business". Period. There are a million work from home opportunities contrived each year. There are many more gullible individuals who buy into the dream. In the end, they are left like me and my dad... a few thousand dollars shorter.

But, It's Online And It Has To Be TRUE

Here is a revelation. People who scam lie. They don't just lie a little, its more like lie a lot. They want you to trust them, and to believe their story. But when it comes to delivering... well. You know. You've been there a thousand and one times. You've spent your money on the magic potions of the internet only to realize that you are out of money and now have a rash (the legendary rash of discouragement).

I'm not here to sell you a pie in the sky. I am here to be your jolt of reality. Sleeper, it's time to wake up! The internet is not some new invention that defies the laws of business. It is business on steroids. Imagine the business rules you know and then multiply them by the sheer volume of variables now introduced by the online component. The internet can allow you to become very wealthy or very broke.

So... Can I Make Money Online Or Not?!

You can young Jedi. I know some of the things I've said may be a little cheeky but I am serious. There is no money like "internet business" online money. The thing is you have to see it for what it is. Your internet business is just that... a business. Do not enter the online business field with any other mindset than "I am going to run MY business".

There is nothing more rewarding and satisfying professionally then running your own business. And if ran right, your internet business can feed you and your family. You may be looking for quick ways to make money. Once you setup your business depending upon the model you use the money can come quick. It all comes down to you and your imagination. Add hustle, grind, and grit and you got something.

Some Common Mortgage Loan and Finance Terms Explained

Some Common Mortgage Loan and Finance Terms Explained

The common terms used to describe a mortgage involve the "creditor", the "debtor" and "mortgage broker." It may be self-explanatory as to what those terms mean, but there are other terms involved with a mortgage as well that a homeowner may not be completely familiar with. Let's cover some of them here:


The creditor is the financial institution, typically a bank, who provides the money in the form of a loan for the mortgage amount. The creditor is sometimes referred to as the mortgagee or lender.


The debtor is the person or party who owes the mortgage or the loan. They may be referred to as the mortgagor.

Many homes are owned by more than one person, such as a husband and wife, or sometimes two close friends will purchase a home together, or a child with their parent, and so on. If this is the case, both persons become debtors for that loan, and not just owners of the property.

In other words, be careful of having your name put on the deed or title to any house, as this makes you legally responsible for the mortgage or loan attached to that house as well.

Mortgage broker, financial advisor

Mortgages are not always easy to come by, however, because of the demand for homes in most countries, there are many financial institutions that offer them. Banks, credit unions, Savings & Loan, and other types of institutions may offer mortgages. A mortgage broker can be used by the prospective debtor to find the best mortgage at the lowest interest rate for them; the mortgage broker also acts as an agent of the lender to find persons willing to take on these mortgages, to handle the paperwork, etc.

There are typically other parties involved in closing or obtaining a mortgage, from lawyers to financial advisors. Because a mortgage for a private home is typically the largest debt that any one person will have over the course of his or her life, they often seek out whatever legal and financial advice is available to them in order to make the right decision. A financial advisor is someone who can become very familiar with your own special needs, income, long-term goals, etc., and then give you the best advice on what your loan needs may be.


When the debtor can not or does not meet the financial obligations of the mortgage, the property can be foreclosed on, meaning that the creditor seizes the property to recoup the remaining cost of the loan.

Typically, a home that is foreclosed upon will be sold at auction and that sale price applied to the outstanding amount of the mortgage; the debtor may still be liable for the remaining amount if the property sold for less than the outstanding balance of the mortgage.

For example, suppose a person still owes $ 50,000 toward their mortgage, and their home is foreclosed. At auction, the home is sold for only $ 45,000. The debtor is still liable for that remaining $ 5,000 difference.

Most banks and financial institutions will try to avoid foreclosing on any of their debtor's property if at all possible. Not only do they run the risk of not being able to sell the home at auction for any price, but there are also additional costs and risks incurred when the home is vacated by the previous owners. This includes vandalism, squatters (persons who trespass onto vacant land or into vacant homes and stay there until forcibly removed), fines from cities for unkempt yards, and so on.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The APR is not to be confused with a mortgage's interest rate.

The APR is a loan interest rate plus the added costs of obtaining the loan, such as points, origination fees, and mortgage insurance premiums (if applicable).

If there were no costs involved in obtaining a loan other than the interest rate, the APR would then equal the interest rate.

Breakeven Point

The breakeven point is the length of time it will take to recover the costs incurred to refinance a mortgage. It is calculated by dividing the amount of closing costs for refinancing by the difference between the old and new monthly payment.

For example, if it costs you $ 5,000 in fees, penalties, etc., to refinance your mortgage, but you save $ 300 per month on your payments with your new mortgage, the break-even point is after 17 months (17 months x $ 300 per month = $ 5,100).


This refers to an Adjustable Rate Mortgage; a mortgage that permits the lender to adjust its interest rate periodically.

Fixed-Rate Mortgage

A mortgage in which the interest rate does not change during the term of the loan.


ARMs have fluctuating interest rates, but those fluctuations are usually limited by law to a certain amount.

Those limits may apply to how much the loan may adjust over a six month period, an annual period, and over the life of the loan, and are referred to as "caps."


A number used to compute the interest rate for an ARM. The index is generally a published number or percentage, such as the average interest rate or yield on US Treasury Bills. A margin is added to the index to determine the interest rate that will be charged on the ARM.

Since the index may vary with ARMs, many people considering refinancing do well to keep aware of the standard interest rate as set by the federal government, as this is typically used by lending institutions to calculate that index.

Prime Rate

The interest rate that banks charge to their preferred customers. Changes in the prime rate impact changes in other rates, including mortgage interest rates.


A homeowner's financial interest in or value of a property. Equity is the difference between the fair market value of the property and the amount still owed on its mortgage and other liens, if that value is higher.

In other words, if the fair market value of the home is $ 200,000, and your mortgage (and other liens, if applicable) is only $ 150,000, then the home has $ 50,000 in equity.

Home Equity Loan

Loans secured by a specific property that were made against the "equity" of the property after it was purchased.

Using the illustration above of a home that has $ 50,000 in equity, a homeowner may take out a loan up to that amount, using the home as collateral for that loan. A lending institution knows that if the homeowner defaults on the loan, they can seize the property and sell it for at least that much, getting back their loan amount.


The gradual repayment of a mortgage loan, usually by monthly installments of principal and interest.

An amortization table shows the payment amount broken out by interest, principal, and unpaid balance for the entire term of the loan. These tables are useful because when a payment is made towards a mortgage, the same amount does not get applied to the principal and interest month after month, even when the payment amount is the same. This is often a difficult concept for those not in the real estate or banking business to understand, so an amortization table that spells out how each payment is applied to the debt over the life of the loan can be very helpful.

Cash-Out Refinance

When a borrower refinances his mortgage at a higher amount than the current loan balance with the intent of pulling out money for personal use, it is referred to as a "cash out refinance." In other words, the mortgage is not simply for the home itself but an additional amount of money is being financed as well.

Appraised Value

An opinion of a property's fair market value, based on an appraiser's knowledge, experience, and analysis of the property. The appraised value of the home is a key factor in how much the home can or will be mortgaged for.


The increase in the value of a property due to changes in market conditions, inflation, or other causes.


A decline in the value of property; the opposite of appreciation.

Appreciation and depreciation are important concepts to remember; as we've just mentioned, the appraised value of the home is a determining factor in the home's mortgage. When refinancing, it's important to understand that your home may have appreciated or depreciated in value since the original or first mortgage was obtained.


An agreement in which the lender guarantees a specified interest rate for a certain amount of time at a certain cost.

Lock-in Period

The time period during which the lender has guaranteed an interest rate to a borrower.

This is a different concept than a fixed rate mortgage, as the lock-in period for a mortgage may be temporary rather than over the life of the loan.

As we said previously, many of these terms you may already be familiar with, but it does not hurt to review them and see how they are all tied in together with your mortgage and the refinancing process.

So now that you have these basic terms in mind when it comes to a mortgage and the lending process, let's discuss the process of refinancing in greater detail.

3 Ways to Increase Semen Volume Naturally

3 Ways to Increase Semen Volume Naturally

Increasing semen volume not only provides a thrust to male fertility by improving the sperm count but also helps increase pleasure on ejaculation. This is largely because a larger volume of semen requires stronger contractions to release it on ejaculation which help intensify pleasure.

Moreover, women also tend to consider men who produce more semen as more virile and potent. No wonder, semen volume is being seen as a measure of your manhood.

Here are 3 Natural Ways to Increase Your Semen Volume:

Increase Semen with Certain foods

There are some foods that are known to enhance semen volume in men. Semen is composed of a combination of proteins, vitamins, minerals and body fluids. Foods such as celery, oysters, pumpkin and sunflower seeds can do wonders for your semen production.

Not only this, green barley which is a young shoot of the barley plant can also be a great help. It is highly rich in nutrients.

Moreover, there are certain foods that are rich in zinc. They are extremely important for the production of testosterone and semen. Low testosterone levels not only result in reduced libido but also affects semen volume and sperm count. It is important to note that almost 70% of the zinc in your body is contained in your semen. It is but obvious that you lose it on ejaculation and hence it becomes important to replenish it with your diet.

Foods that are rich in zinc include shellfish like oysters, animal protein like lamb, beef etc., dairy. poultry products etc.,

Include EFA's in your Diet and have Plenty of Water

Essential fatty acids are also extremely important for semen production since a fat deficient diet results in low testosterone levels. Moreover, dehydration also leads to reduced semen volume. Hence, it is important to have at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Not only does it help increase semen volume but also rids your body of harmful toxins.

Natural or Herbal Supplements

Finally, it is important to take some natural or herbal supplement. It is not possible to stick to a diet that can help increase semen largely due to our lifestyle. Hence, it becomes all the more important to take some supplements that can ensure increase semen production and overall improved sexual function.

Natural semen enhancers are prepared with a potent mix of time tested herbs and other nutrients that not only increase semen volume but also ensure rock hard erections, increased sex drive and improved ejaculatory control. Over and above, there are some high quality supplements that are clinically approved and do not have any side effects.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Developing Mobile 3D Games Doesn't Start and End With Technicalities, But Creative Insight

Developing Mobile 3D Games Doesn't Start and End With Technicalities, But Creative Insight

There are in-numerous mobile 3D games flooding the industry some of which can proclaim to be on par with international standards of gaming, but in terms of popularity, what gives a particular game that edge over others becoming viral and the chief topic of discussion among the global fraternity of gamer who can make or break a game.

What does it take to make a 3D game?

To explore the entire process of 3D game development, the technical aspects are easy enough for all to see. Effect a search on Google and a world of technical data will be at your fingertips concerning the very process of coding and technicalities used by any good mobile game development company.

It is the extension of this technical process that is important for every developer to understand. You may be a technical genius in languages such as Java, HTML and of course the all encompassing UNITY but unless you don't understand how to implement such knowledge in terms of user experience, your work will always be futile for any company.

The five steps of mobile 3D games development and manner of implementation

1. Requirement and groundwork

2. Development

3. Design

4. Quality

5. Delivery

It should be the most basic norm of any team working in a game development company to correctly evaluate the feasibility of an idea. The creative aspect of any fantastic gaming concept needs to possess enough room to address both factors of user interest and profit. How lucrative can your game be is just as important as its creative popularity.

The development process, how do you look at it?

During the development process of mobile 3D games one needs to be cautious enough to understand every element of coding so that you can zero in on the best possible platform to develop your game. Currently UNITY 3D is one of the most powerful cross platform environments being used to develop 3D games for mobiles as well as laptops and tablets. Always ensure a draft and never forget to incorporate level design and UI elements that would never require a user to face any sort of glitches in your games.

Acquiring feedback from quality teams and colleagues is imperative for any game development company, but above all, never perceive your game in terms of a technical entity just concerned with developing and completing the final product. You need to view your game development strategy as if you were a user yourself so that you know what you would expect in overall experience.

Optical and visual factors of design

Most factors of Game design do not address the substances of visual and optical appeasement. A stunning game isn't one with packed graphics and functions so jumbled to confuse a gamer. You need to possess an eye for visually appealing optics to create a game design that will amaze a user as well as make it functional and viable for easy use.

The quality of a game should involve five factors:

  • Technical excellence

  • 100% percent functionality

  • Awesome creative concepts

  • Visual appeal

  • Lucrative feasibility for profit

  • When a mobile game development company has addressed all of these factors discussed, then truly you will have created a stunning and viral game.

Best Ecommerce Platform for Your Online Business

Best Ecommerce Platform for Your Online Business

The ecommerce industry has shown a remarkable growth across the globe. During the early ages of ecommerce, there were just a handful of online stores that would deliver at specific locations. But with the rapid growth of ecommerce, several entrepreneurs have converted their business ideas into reality. Along with the improved logistics and payment channels, the ecommerce business can now go beyond the border. If you are one of those entrepreneurs planning to step into the world of ecommerce, then you need to initiate by choosing an ecommerce platform. It is the first and the most significant step where you can't afford to make any mistake.

Deciding on a suitable platform for creating an online store should be the priority. But how can you determine which platform is ideal for making your business successful?

Here is a set of few questions which you must ask before choosing a suitable platform for your online venture.

Is the platform scalable?

Your business can progress with time which means that having a future-ready platform is a necessity. Hence, it is always a good choice to pick a platform that can not just meet the current business goals but also turns out to be a good choice for the long run. The ecommerce platform should let you handle the demands of the growing traffic. A scalable platform prevents your site from getting slow or unresponsive when high volume traffic is present on the site. Hence, it is essential to ensure that the platform you choose is scalable to meet your business needs.

Does it provide security?

Security can be stated as the primary concern when it comes to online business. The internet is full of intruders trying to steal the confidential data. Ensuring the safety of the confidential details of the customers during online transactions is a must. The payment details like, like credit/ debit card number and passwords should all be encrypted so that it is of no use even if someone manages to get hold of these details. Any loopholes in the security provided by the ecommerce platform can make the customers lose their trust and affect the sales of your online store. Hence, you should go for a platform that maintains a secure environment while processing online transactions.

Does it provide shipping solutions?

When we talk about ecommerce, shipping is undoubtedly a part to consider. For making an online business successful, it is necessary to have strong supply chain management. While creating an online store, you should be aware of all the logistics needs and the entire supply chain management life cycle. An ecommerce platform that provides easy integration with a third party shipping partner is always a good choice. Simple and automated shipping solutions can reduce manual intervention thus reducing the pain of logistics and helping you in focusing on various other factors that may result in the growth of your online business.

It can be a difficult task to find a platform that can be a complete solution for all the mentioned questions.

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - Is it Worth to Use Free Reverse Cell Phone Lookup?

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - Is it Worth to Use Free Reverse Cell Phone Lookup?

So many people feel enticed by the word free. You can not really blame them for it. I mean, you have free Internet access with tons of free information, free coke with your movie tickets, free trips to Europe, etc. We love the free stuff.

When I realized that, I decided to take a second and write this little article. See, the problem is that free does not really work with reverse cell phone lookup.

Of course you can find some places that will do people search for you for free, but ...

1. They are not really free.

I know this sounds crazy ... free? Not free? What am I talking about?

See, a lot of those free reverse cell phone lookup places will tell you that you can conduct searches for free, but right before you submit your query, the site will ask you to make a small payment. It will not be much, but still not free.

2. Free reverse cell phone lookup name search not always accurate.

That's another thing. See, paid reverse cell phone lookup services generate the cash necessary to keep their databases regularly updated. That ensures that the information they give you is actually top notch. In other words, if you see a strange phone number in your spouse's phone, it will give you the actual name of the user of that phone, not someone who used it a year ago.

3. Free sometimes equals dangerous.

This another thing to consider. If you use those free cellphone lookups, you'll most likely be followed everywhere you go. What I am saying is it is very possible that the administrators of the service will watch every step you take and record the information they gather about you. Some of them will try to resell that data to anyone that pays for it. And before you know it, someone knows what you've searched for, has your address, your first and last name, and without even trying very hard can cause a ton of damage to you or your family.

Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. The same holds true for people search. If you're happy with mediocre results, then go ahead and get the free stuff.

Again, I am not sure what your personal reasons for trying to find out who owns a certain phone number are. I do not want to know those reasons really, but I am sure you have some solid ones, and that's why you are looking into reverse cell phone lookup. Trust me and invest a few dollars into something that will actually get you the results you want.

If you want more accurate results. Fast and you want to keep all your information private and confidential. And you do not mind paying a small fee for the service then click here and conduct your reverse cell phone lookup now.

Successful Organizations - Five Keys to a Successful Organization

Successful Organizations - Five Keys to a Successful Organization

Many companies long to learn the secret to success. While business has many critical aspects - from vision to strategic planning to customer service - the one that is often given the least attention, yet can be the most expensive, is people.

Your people have the ability to drive customers to you or away from you. To make work fun and simple, or miserable and riffled with issues. They can cause problems or save time and money with their creative solutions. What's a company to do?

Here are 5 keys to make your Organization Successful:

1. Hire the right people - when it comes to hiring, many organizations miss the mark by:

  • Failing to identify and agree upon the position requirements
  • Neglecting to plan
  • Asking illegal questions
  • Asking few follow-up or clarification questions
  • Succumbing to the pressure to fill the position
  • Letting individual biases and stereotypes get in the way
2. Give them the tools to do a good job - Put yourself in your employees' shoes. Would you be able to do a better job if:

  • You had a faster computer?
  • There was a file cabinet for pertinent documents?
  • The printer / copier was close to your desk?
  • You had a database program to track customers?
  • There were bins to organize inventory parts?
  • You had some help developing a report to track tasks?
  • The supplies were not locked up and you did not have to requisition every paperclip?
3. Provide them with positive, constructive feedback - many companies have a formal performance review process, but rarely use it. Constructive feedback is one of the best ways to grow a company! People want to know:

  • Know they are doing a good job.
  • Understand what and how they should improve.
  • Understand how they affect company success.
  • Know how they can affect their status and pay.
  • Learn how they can get ahead in the company.
  • Be heard and appreciated for their efforts.
  • Have open dialogue with their managers.
  • Have input into their goals.
4. Develop them - Keep in mind, companies do not grow; companies are not entities that can grow by themselves. A company can improve productivity, gain new customers, capture new markets, acquire new technology, increase efficiencies, develop creative approaches, increase profitability, etc., but only through one prime ingredient - it's people. Invent in their continued learning and they will help the company grow.

5. Reward them - How do you reward your people for doing a good job? Most would say money, right? Yes, people want to make a good living and be well paid for the job they do. That's a given. But money is only part of the equation! Different things motivate different people, learn what is important to your people and reward them appropriately.

Keep in mind - the number one reason employees leave their jobs is due to a poor boss. They stay because of good leadership that recognizes the needs of the people, and provides praise and recognition.

Remember, companies do not change and grow. . . people do! So be sure to reward and recognize the behaviors you want to see. Catch people in the act of doing things right and reward them on the spot with a heartfelt "thank you"!