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Saturday, October 20, 2018

1000 Ways to Improve Your Business

1000 Ways to Improve Your Business

One of the best things you can do for your business is to give information away. Information empowers your customer and brings them back for more. There are many great ways to give information to current and potential customers, which will instill confidence in your business. Many send out newsletters or email online newsletters to keep customers in their minds. It is important to keep customers aware of what is going on and tell them you appreciate their patronage. Some businesses send out gift certificates and Christmas Cards. But there is an easier and better way. One I think you might be aware of.

I recommend writing articles about things in which you have lots of knowledge in, areas of expertise where you are either an expert or borderline expert. Many companies and professionals write articles or have columns in industry rags or trade journals. Some write articles in their newspapers. But the very best way I have found to get the word out is this fast growing really cool company called where you can post your articles for free and people from all over the world come to see them and often reprint them on their websites , their company newsletters, the ezines and even read them on the Radio. This is especially good for someone like me, who has the perfect face for radio as I was once told by a former girlfriend.

Since it costs no money to post you can post as many articles as you would like. So I tried it at first by posting 2 articles and I was surprised when I searched "ME" on the Internet and found someone else liked my articles and posted them on their websites. So then, I thought; HA so I posted 10 more. Wow, again I saw three of my new articles on the Internet and people actually contacted my business within only 4 days. So, I posted some more. Then I got addicted, because it is so fun. So over the next 8 weeks, I posted 1000 articles. Today. I have searched and found at least one of my articles on about 45 websites, but I am sure it is much more, those are just the ones I could find. And in that time all my articles total have received 85,000 hits or views. I have had so many people contact my business, I had to take my website off the bottom my articles. But they still find me. I travel so much; I can not call everyone back. HELP. It works too good.

As a writer I am not very good really, but each time I write an article I get better and actually some people like my articles even though my writing skills are not so great. I think everyone for their business should write one article per day at least so that they will have 30 articles per month and in no time they will be getting contacted by people all over the world who might like to do business with them. That is how it works you see, I know because they keep contacting ME.

I can not believe the power of writing articles on the Internet. I wish I knew about this sooner. If I can do this and I am not even a writer really then you can too. I still do not believe it, you have to admit it is pretty cool. But each article brings me business and in 8-weeks I already have 85,000 hits and hundreds and hundreds of stars next to my articles on people actually like what I wrote? Cool. All these people are coming to my websites and my Internet traffic has gone up a lot.

Each article brings me new contacts and since I have posted 1000 articles; that is 1000 ways I improved my business. I am averaging over 2700 article views per day now and that is almost 1 million article views per year; it works, 1 million people will read my articles in the coming year. Write more articles everyone, increase your business today, what would you do with one million potential new customers? I think I will write some more articles tomorrow. Think about it

Men Who Are Too Forward - 6 Ways to Stop a Man Who Wants to Be Physically Intimate With You Too Soon

Men Who Are Too Forward - 6 Ways to Stop a Man Who Wants to Be Physically Intimate With You Too Soon

6 ways to stop a man who wants to be physically intimate with you too soon! "He is too forward," Christine's mouth twisted in disgust. "Just image, I just met him and he wants to touch me up. What does he think I am - a tramp?" Her indignation was beginning to grow into mixture of anger and embarrassment. Another girl told me how utterly despicable this guy was because all he seem to want to do is have sex and they had just only met. She crossed him off immediately. Should you reject a man because he makes sexual advances on you before getting to know you properly? Well this is what Christine (and most women) did. Do you agree? Well on the surface of things she is probably right.

However let's drill down some more. After much studied thought I am slowly coming to the conclusion that a lot of women are missing out on having a great relationship and a good man because of something that can be fixed. First let me say that most men in one way shape or form entertain a remote idea of what it would be like to have sex with you. Most men - thank goodness - manage this thought and feelings. They don't let you know that, because they realize that you may be offended like my client. By the way if you are attracted to the man you will think likewise but you won't show this because you don't want to appear like a common prostitute. FACT: most men are psychosexually programmed for sex. This has nothing to do with him being nasty, earthy etc. It is simply when his seminal vesicles (the part of his testicles that store sperms) are full; he gets a strong biological urge to have sex. This may be when he goes on the "prowl". It is similar to the urges you get around your menstrual cycle.

That said most men make an intelligent effort to control it. Another reason when some men try to push your hot buttons is to test you. He wants to find out how easy it is to score on you. Of course if you give in he will have a great time but you ratings in his eyes will drop significantly. Of course if you give in he will have a great time but you ratings in his eyes will drop significantly. What can you do? How to you handle this?

1. First you must be clear about your boundaries and principles.

a. When do you feel safe to begin physical contact. No I don't mean sex. Holding hands, kisses, necking petting

b. Determine if you want a good night kiss and what type of kiss you will allow eg peck on cheek, light mouth peck etc

2. Also be clear about how many dates or how well you want to know a guy before having sex e.g 2,3,4 months or dates. My strong suggestion is never to have sex on the first few dates.

3. If a man begins to touch you in uncomfortable places, do not get angry, simple take his hand and gently but firmly move it back on his leg, calmly explain that you don't feel comfortable doing that at this point.

4. Tell a story of one of your friends who gave in to a guy recently, fell pregnant and the guy didn't want to know. Explain how cheap and worthless she feels now. Emphasise that it's never a great idea for a woman anyway since may be just a test.

5. Be sure to be light hearted about it all. Indicating through you attitude that it good to have fun and even do things together with him but you are not about to go down that (necking, petting and sex) road at this point.

6. If he continues get up and immediately terminate the date or meeting. Here the attitude you should adopt when men try to hit on you. "Sex is great but I don't feel comfortable doing it unless I am in a secured relationship."

Saving Money Wisely

Saving Money Wisely

Young newly married couples often have the time of their lives to spend money in any way they choose to. The first few years of marriage gives them not much to worry about especially when they have their own carers and big paychecks in their hands. For some well off families, new couples are more fortunately because they get monetary support as they are starting out on their own. And then there are the cash gifts that the newlyweds received on their wedding day. It could sometimes get so exhilarating when you have in your hands so much money to spend that you forget to take control of your spending and you squander everything on mostly unnecessary purchases.

Well, the wedding ceremonies are over now. You're settling in together. It's time to face the facts and live in the real world. In the real world money matters have to be given much careful attention. In the real world there's our future and the future demands a lot of preparation on our part. What can we do with the money we have? We can stop with our unnecessary spending to begin with. Then have a look at other more beneficial options and alternatives.

1. Open a joint account. It encourages unity in financial matters. The couple gets to work together in setting and accomplishing their financial goals. Any conflict with regard to how much one gifts is preceded because money is valued as "our money". Every minor expense like monthly bills, grocery shopping, house and car repairs, and more comes out of this account. Even major purchases are decided on together because it's easier to measure the funds available for the couple to spend. There is regular and open communication between spouses when it comes to their finances and the bond of partnership is continuously enhanced and strengthened.

2. Open a separate account. Some couples can choose this option because each one gets a free hand on his / her own finances. The husband and the wife can set up certain limits and gets to control his / her own spending. Minor expenses and major purchases are split up between the two so that everyone contributes a fair amount to their financial concerns. Couples are not accustomed to talk regularly about money and each spouse, after giving his share of the payments, can keep for themselves the remaining amount to spend on personal purchases. Each one has privacy over what he / she spends and how much savings they both have and there is more independence on both sides. In our modern world, couples would rather choose such an alternative because they get to take care of their personal shopping and at the same time help each other out in the household financial responsibilities.

3. Open a joint account and a separate savings account at the same time. This alternative may have more advantages than the first two. Everything that has to do with household expenses, major and minor that is, comes out of the joint account. Everything that has to do with personal shopping and purchases come out of personal savings. If one spouse encounters financial difficulties the other spouse has available money to help out.

Basic Financial Principles for Married Couples

Band Press Kit - What You Need

Band Press Kit - What You Need

Band press kits have long served an important role for bands, booking agents, managers, record labels, and media outlets. Essentially, musicians are best presented to the public when they maintain a degree of control over the way their look, sound, and style are discussed by others. The primary objective of a press pack is to clearly demonstrate these characteristics in a simple, easy-to-follow way.

Respecting Tradition

Prior to the internet, narrow protocols dominated the creation of a band's press materials. Most bands included a black-and-white photograph, a one-page written bio at around a 500 word count, and a CD copy of a 3-song demo or recent album release.

The photographs usually included a white border at the bottom with contact, label, and management information. However, these customs are less important in the Information Age as labels, media representatives, and concert promoters are likely to rely on services like Google to find out further information.

Choosing the Right Group Photo for Your Band

The photograph will probably be the first item in your press pack to get pored over by the recipient. Music industry professionals put serious consideration into the looks of the artists with whatever they work. This is an unfortunately wonderful reality. It is wise to spend some money and hire a professional photographer. If the funds are not there to do this, you can always get a friend with a nice camera to take some shots. Witty or quirky photos are acceptable, as they help your band stand out among the many submissions professionals typically receive. However, take care to ensure that each band member can be seen clearly in the shot as the primary purpose of the photo is to demonstrate their appearance.

Writing a Bio

You may choose to write your own bio or to pay a professional writer to do so on your behalf. Either option is acceptable provided that the results are of sufficient quality. A traditional bio is written in the third person. It is probably a good idea to keep your bio at or around 500 words in length. Anything longer risks going unread, and anything shorter claims that the band does not have much history. The tone should express a band's attitude in a fun and readable way while also demonstrating key career benchmarks. If you play over 200 shows a year, have a music video, or have an album out on a prominent label, these pieces of information should appear in the bio. These specific details are what artist reps at musical equipment companies look for when determining who should be offered free equipment in exchange for an endorsement.

Choosing Songs for Your Demo

Bands often have lots of different songs with different sounds. It can be hard to choose the ones that best represent your sound. The most effective choices are those that your audience enjoys the most. Choose songs that have a clean, crisp recording; poorly recorded demos might dim some of the excitement in a band's sound. Songs that feature exciting parts in the beginning are especially useful as many music industry executives skim through the first seconds of each track when evaluating the styles of bands.

For labels, management companies, and booking agencies, online statistics are often more important metrics to consider when judging the commercial liability of bands. As a result, press kits are becoming less critical when interacting with these types of professionals. Electronic press kits are an alternative that might be more compelling to music industry execs. However, music news websites and magazines prefer physical press kits as many reviewers enjoy collecting CDs and materials from bands. Build a great press kit and introduce yourself to the music industry in your own unique style!

How to Make Money Online With No Money

How to Make Money Online With No Money

Landing a job nowdays can be tough. Here, more and more people are looking for additional opportunities or jobs online. This is more than just a sideline to add to one's current pay check. In fact, making money online has become a full time job for most people.

The ability to make money online is now an attractive option for many. The internet has become a profitable industry, so a lot of people are taking advantage of the opportunity to earn money online. Newbies in the industry tend to ask questions mostly about capital (or the lack ofof). Well, get this: regardless of how much capital you have or do not have, you can start an online home business.

Another popular question among the aspiring with regards to making money over the internet is the level of difficulty. Is it hard? Is it easy?

To answer all the questions, remember these three things and you are on your way to earning those coveted dollars easily.

1) Time and Effort: A Worthy Investment

To make any kind of business venture succeed, you will need to work for it. Depending on the amount of effort you put into this, it can make or break the future of your project. So get ready to roll up your sleeves, get hands on and get involved!

2) Getting "it" all systems go and operational

The proverbial 'it' will have to be no less than the system by which your online business will operate upon. One needs to be either ingenious or lucky enough in order to get it right.

Having a working system is crucial to getting your business off the ground. Keep yourself abreast with the changes in trends and demands to keep your business afloat. Be aware of what works and what does not, and what needs to be improved.

3) Keeping a positive attitude and proper mindset

In relation to the previous item, getting everything right and working requires the proper mentality to get the ball rolling. Brace yourself for both the good and the bad times in internet marketing. Don not be temped to switch, change or quit even when the going gets tough!

With these three steps in mind, it should be a cinch to be able to earn up to $ 5000 every month for the first six months. Success would mean a lot of hard work and solving problems. There will be mistakes to be made. So keep your chin up high and you should be all set!

Understanding How Anti-Virus Software Works

Understanding How Anti-Virus Software Works

A computer virus is a self-replicating program which installs itself on your computer without your consent. It does so by inserting itself into other programs, data files, or the boot sector of your hard drive. Once this happens, the affected areas are said to be 'infected'.

The vast majority of viruses perform some sort of harmful activity on their hosts. A virus may access your confidential information (such as your banking details), corrupt data or steel hard disk space or processing power, log your key-strokes and spam your contacts. If you are extra lucky, however, it may only display humorous, scatological or political messages on your screen.

Anti-virus software is used to detect and remove computer viruses. It consist of two basic types: signature scanners and heuristic detectors. Signature scanning is used to identify known threats, while heuristics are used to find unknown viruses.

Infected files

In the old days ... less than a decade ago ... most viruses were contained in executable (or program program) files, ie files with extensions such as .exe or .com, so anti-virus software only had to check these kinds of files. Nowadays anti-virus software has to check a greater variety of files, including Microsoft Word documents and other non-executable (and seemingly harmless) files.

In MS Word, a macro is a set of instructions you record and associate with a shortcut or name. You can use a macro, for example, to save the text of a legal disclaimer. You can then add the text to any document you are writing (without having to retype the disclaimer) by just pressing the particular shortcut key combination or clicking the macro name.

After the time they can save, macros present a risk. Rogue programmers can use them to hide viruses within documents which they send as email attachments to unsuspecting victims. Once they open the attachments, the victim's computer is infected.

Nasty little programs can also be embedded in other non-executable files, so that opening these files can result in infections.

Some email programs, such as MS Outlook Express and Outlook in particular, are vulnerable to viruses embedded in the body of an email. You can infect your computer just by opening or previewing a message.

Identifying viruses

There are several methods which antivirus software can use to identify files containing viruses: signature scanning, heuristic detection, and file emulation.

Signature scanners

Signature-based detection is the most common method of identifying viruses. It involves searching the contents of a computer's boot record, programs, and macros for known patterns of code that match known viruses. Because viruses can embed themselves anywhere in existing files, the files have to be searched in their own heritage.

The creators of the anti-virus software maintain the characteristics of known viruses in tables called dictionaries of virus signatures . Because thousands of new viruses are being created every day, the tables of virus signatures have to be regularly updated if the anti-virus software is to be effective when it checks files against these lists.

To avoid detection, rogue programmers can create viruses that encrypt parts of themselves or that modify themselves so that they do not match the virus signatures in the dictionary.

In practice, the signature-based approach has proved very effective against most viruses. However it can not be used to find unknown viruses, or viruses that have been modified. To counter these threats, heuristics need to be used.

Heuristic detectors

Heuristic-based detection involves trial-and-error guided by past experience. Heuristic detectors will, for example, look for sections of code that are characteristic of viruses, such as being programmed to launch on a particular date.

The use of generic signatures is a type of heuristic approach that can identify variants of known viruses by looking for slight variations of known malicious code in files. This makes it possible to detect known viruses that have been modified.

File emulation

File emulation is another heuristic approach. It involves running a file in a sandbox , an isolated part of a computer in which untrusted programs can be run safely, to see what it does.

The actions the program performs are logged and if any of these are deemed to be malicious, the anti-virus software can carry out appropriate actions to disinfect the computer.

Memory-resident anti-virus software

Memory-resident anti-virus software installs programs in RAM that continue to operate in the background while other applications are running.

A computer's hard disk is where computer programs and files are stored, while RAM (random access memory) is the memory that programs use when they are running. When starting, a program is first loaded into RAM. Once programs have finished running they exit RAM. In addition, RAM is volatile, ie when the power is turned off everything in RAM is wiped out. By contrast, the programs and files on your hard disk remain when your computer is powered off.

Memory-resident anti-virus programs monitor a computer's operations for any action associated with viruses, such as downloading files, running programs directly from an internet site, copying or unzipping files, or trying to modify program code. It will also be on the look out for programs that try to remain in memory after they've been executed.

When they detect suspicious activity, memory-resident programs halt operations, display a warning message, and wait for the user's OK before allowing operations to resume.


Despite its undetected benefits, antivirus software has a few drawbacks. Because it uses computer resources, it may slow your computer down a bit, though this is not usually very significant.

No anti-virus software can provide full protection against all viruses, known and unknown. Once installed, however, it can lull you into a false sense of security. You may also find it difficult to comprehend the prompts and decisions the software throws up on your screen now and then. An incorrect decision may result in an infection.

Most anti-virus software uses heuristic detection. This must be fine-tuned in order to minimize false positives , ie the misidentification of non-malicious files as a viruses.

False positives can cause serious problems. If an antivirus program is configured to immediately delete or quarantine infected files, a false positive on an essential file can render the operating system or some applications unusable. This has happened several times in recent years, even with major anti-virus service providers such as Symantec, Norton AntiVirus, McAfee, AVG and Microsoft.

Anti-virus software can also pose its own threat, because it typically runs at the highly trusted kernel level of the operating system, thus creating a potential avenue of attack. It needs to do this in order to have access to all potential malicious process and files. There have been cases where anti-virus software has itself been infected with a virus.

Finally, it's best to remember that not all heuristic methods can detect new viruses. This is because the rogue programmers, before booting their new viruses into cyberspace, will test them on the major anti-virus applications to make sure that they are not detectable!

Friday, October 19, 2018

3 Best Ways to Make Money Online From Home

3 Best Ways to Make Money Online From Home

Have you been thinking of the best ways to make money online and earn some extra cash for yourself during your free time and you do not have a clear cut idea on how to start up?

You can do so many things like Article writing, Freelancing, Blogging, Internet marketing, Affiliate marketing etc

Making money online is not very difficult, in most cases you do not need to own a website or online platform, or even sell products. Depending on your specialty and the skill you possess, you can make money online through any of the following ways listed below and much more;

1. Freelancing.

Being a freelancer is one of the best ways to make money online. Freelancing involves being skilled in a particular aspect, where people in need of your service can hire you to do a job for them in exchange of money for services rendered.

If you are skilled in areas like article writing, photoshop editing, graphic design, website design and development, video editing & animation services and much more, you can sign up on popular freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Odesk, Upwork, Freelancer, PeoplesperHour etc

These platforms provide the opportunity of showing your capabilities, making it easier for people in need of your services to locate and hire you.

2. Blogging.

For people with particular interests in any subject, you can decide to start up a blog on areas like Cooking, Dancing, Fashion, Fitness etc

But first, before you can be able to earn money with your blog, you need to grow your audience and blog readers. After you have successfully grown your blog audience, and your daily traffic has increased significantly you can proceed to monetize your blog through any of the top website monetization platforms like Google AdSense,, Chitika, and

These website monetization platforms pay you for clicks and impressions generated from advert units placed on your blog or website.

3. Paid Surveys.

Paid surveys are one of the best ways to make money online. There are so many companies and firms that are willing to hear your opinion about their services and products in exchange for a reward.

Companies use paid surveys as a valuable tool to gather information on the quality of their goods and services. They also accept all types of feed backs, both negative and positive.

The statistics retrieved from these surveys are used as guidelines to improve their standards.