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Monday, October 15, 2018

Real Estate Investment - Thinking Big

Real Estate Investment - Thinking Big

When it comes to real estate investment, a negative reaction is always given when buying commercial properties is suggested or even stated. They always say that it's for the pros and the big shots-that being a newbie, you can not possibly penetrate it and succeed. They say it takes a lot of money and experience before one makes it here.

But this is where many are wrong. Buying commercial investments, when done properly, is one of the most stable investments you can make. You need to think big in order to win big. This cliché is true when it comes to investing in commercial real estate. But of course, simply putting your money in something big does not guarantee you success. Most of the time, it gives you more risks as the higher the investment, the greater the risk. But you can minimize the risks by preparing for them.

Buying commercial investments is not a joke-even if you do have money to spare. Thinking big is a philosophy that you need to adapt when you're targeting commercial real estate. You need to have a vision. But this is not enough; you also need to have a game plan. And the first thing you need to do is to research, investigate and validate.

Research the commercial real estate industry and try to come up with a list of prospects-meaning the sectors that have promise. Then narrow it down by exploring. You can interview bankers, brokers and any person experienced in real estate to get a clear picture of the sectors you've shortlisted. From here on, choose one sector. Then validate the information you've gathered by cross-checking them with other references and by interviewing those that have been successful in this field. You must also study the laws and various technicalities that go with your particular sector before buying commercial investment.

Once you've completed this first phase, move on to establishing your game plan. Again, you have to make use of your research skills. Study the various strategies that you think will apply to this sector. Remember that there are a lot to consider before you pinpoint the best way to buy investment property. And when you finally do, managing it and making it grow are more difficult. But even if you lack experience, as long as you know how to research then you're good. Also, do not forget to know your limitations and as for help when you think you're way in over your head. There are a lot of commercial real estate investment experts out there-just make sure you get the real experts and not the phonies who sell themselves as gurus and make empty promises.

Now, once you've mapped out your plan, it's time to put it into action. Know the time when to stick with the plan and when to deviate from it to accommodate the changing times. Be firm yet flexible. Always be aware of what's happening around you. Monitor commercial real estate news. This is one way of preventing opponents. Do not get overly excited and start buying stuff you do not actually need or advertise in places that's not appropriate for your market. On top of all this, you need to be confident that you can do it. Keep your vision in mind and continue to think big; but do not be in a hurry. Success is achieved through careful planning.

Website Design - Hardware and Software Tools You May Need

Website Design - Hardware and Software Tools You May Need

Before you get started with your new website or editing your current site, you need to consider which hardware and software tools you may need to support your efforts.

When it comes to hardware needed this can be very simple or reasonably complex depending on your particular needs. Of course, if you plan to create a new website (or even view your new website later) you need a computer. Simple enough, right? Not necessarily. We prefer to work with Apple Macintosh (OSX Leopard on MacBook Pro) as we do a lot of intensive graphics work and have previously invested in Adobe Creative Suite software (Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc.). It is just as easy to create your new website using your Windows PC but we would suggest you stay away from using Windows Vista (any version) and migrate to Windows 7 or stick with Windows XP. These operating systems are just much more stable and reliable.

Another consideration for hardware should be some sort of backup hard drive or removable USB memory stick(s). It is important that you back up all of your website data to a removable drive in the event your computer crashes, is broken or is stolen. When you create website files, most of your data will be stored on the website hosting servers but, in many cases, you will have many other "builder files" that usually never make it to the hosting servers. If you lose this data you will be forced to start from scratch in many cases. Another piece of hardware that many forget about is a HD Video Camcorder. If you plan to include video on your site, you should be investing in something half decent; you can normally pick up a good video camera that also captures "still photos" for under $500.00.

When it comes to software needed, this can be somewhat more complicated, again depending on what your website design goals are. At the very least, you will need some sort of text editing software, FTP (file transfer software), graphics creation software and then a variety of other tools as you progress.

Here are some of the most common subjects you should consider when planning the design of your website product.


Do you currently have a computer that can process large files (i.e. - video files) quickly and efficiently?


Are you planning to host your own website portal? If so, do you know what type of hardware and server software you will need?


Do you currently have some sort of backup hard drive equipment or plan?


Will you be creating custom videos for your website and, if so, do you have a HD video camera ready to go?


Are you planning to make your website "mobile web friendly"? If so, do you have an iPhone and an iPad? Android phone? Blackberry device? These will be needed for testing purposes!


Do you have any website creation software (i.e. - Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Front Page) installed, licensed and ready to use?


Are you planning to create your own website graphics or edit pictures? Do you have the necessary software (i.e. - Adobe Photoshop or Photo Studio)?


Are you planning on creating a database for your website and, if so, do you know which software to use for this purpose?

Great Ways of Making Money Online

Great Ways of Making Money Online

A Guide to the Most Popular Methods of Making Money Online

More than 90% of the individuals who start an internet business fail. There are many reasons for this, but the most common is a lack of direction. Many people do not take the time to develop a business model beforehand and just jump right on in to things. Not only are they not prepared, they are also inconsistent. They try one money making venture, give up on after a short period of time, and then try another one. Everything is done with no sense of direction, which only results in failure.

If you want to work from home, you need to come up with a business model and decide how to best implement it in order to reach your goals. Both your short term and long term goals need to be defined. It's ok if they're not specific; you should still have some idea of ​​what you hope to achieve, neverheless. It's essential that you have at least some understanding of what you want to achieve and how you're going to get from A to Z.

Here are three of the most well known business models on the internet.

Affiliate Marketing
This is probably the easiest type of business to start, since you do not need to have your own products. Affiliate programs such as Linkshare and Commission Junction are free and all you have to do is find one or two that suit you. You can then promote the products or services offered by that program. Since you do not have to have your own inventory to participate in an affiliate program, you do not need any start-up money. However, you still need to invest a lot of time in promoting the products. You will receive a percentage of every sale you make, so learn about internet marketing and product promotion techniques.

Google AdSense
There are a lot of people who've been making outrageous incoming from Google AdSense within the past few years. This is a great way to make money if you consider yourself an expert on a particular hobby and want to create an informative website where you can share content with others. Write articles, tips, guides, etc. on your interest (s) and put it on your website. It's easier to write than you think, especially if you're familiar with the topic.

People with similar sites are willing to pay a lot of money to have their ads displayed, and if you sign up with Google AdSense, they will be displayed on your site! You can earn money whenever visitors visit your site click on the ads. If your website becomes really popular, you can potentially earn a lot of money.

Creating Informational Products
If you're going to create a website based on a topic in which you have a lot of interest, you can write an e-book, make software packages, etc. and sell informational products. However, you should still offer some of the information for free on your site in order to get people interested. If they like what they read and you get the point across to readers that you're an expert, you can expect the visitors to pay for extra information! People are willing to pay for anything these days. No matter what type of information you want to sell, you can be sure that there are people out there who have an interest in it!

While there are other ways to make money online, these are the three most popular. Make sure you pick the right business model for you and devise a plan around it. You do not need a whole lot of money to run an internet business, but you do need to put in some time, effort, and hard work!

The US Government Debt: Objective Reality or Pyramid?

The US Government Debt: Objective Reality or Pyramid?

With the beginning of the world financial crisis, remarks about necessity of a new world monetary system started to arise at G20 meetings in 2008-2009: the credibility of the U.S. economy had shaken. Have the international concerns about the U.S. future been serious enough and how to handle them? What would be recommendations for investors in this concern?

Let's start with the sources. By the middle of the XX century the U.S. had about 70% of the world gold reserves. The Bretton Woods Monetary Management System was set up in July 1944 and primarily resulted in recognition of the U.S. dollar as the world currency, while the fixed relationship of dollar to gold was set up as $35 per ounce of gold. The countries participating in international economic relations could freely exchange dollars for gold at a fixed rate, and their currencies were pegged to the dollar. Such a system could function smoothly until the U.S. had enough gold reserves. However, by 60s the dollar reserves of countries' central banks caught up with the U.S. gold reserves. As a result, when one or another country tried to exchange dollars for gold, the U.S. first exchanged and then restricted the exchange and devalued the dollar against gold. By early 70's while the major world's gold reserves were concentrated in Europe, problems with international payments raised as gold production could not keep up with the rapid growth of international trade. The U.S. lost their dominant position in the financial world, which, among other things, was complicated by the country's balance of payments deficit.

As a result the Bretton Woods system proved to be inadequate. A new system of international settlements was established in 1973, the Jamaican Monetary System operating today. Since then, the currencies have not been tied to the U.S. dollar and the dollar has not been pegged to gold. Instead, the IMF introduced a new international reserve asset, the Special Drawing Rights (SDR). In addition to the SDR, the reserves could be held in gold, U.S. dollars, JPY, GBP, SHF, FRF and DM.

Today we can observe that despite the refusal to use the U.S. dollar as the main world reserve currency, about 85% of world's foreign currency exchange transactions involve the U.S. dollars. Besides, more than half of the international reserves of countries' central banks are held in dollars. Thus the dollar, although not secured by gold, has kept the status of the world reserve currency, for the following reasons: will of the U.S. government; the infrastructure created for dollar trade and risks hedging; the size of the U.S. economy (almost a quarter of the world economy). A choice of a currency for international transactions is a question of confidence: America had been trusted prior to the crisis.

Why does the international community question the U.S. economy? Let's consider these complex reasons. Today globalization has spurred the rapid development of the international economic relations. Exports of the U.S. goods and services in 2010 were $1.83 trillion USD, import - $2.33 trillion and a similar pattern has been observed for a long time. However, trade deficit by itself is not a primer reason of concern of international investors.

A trade deficit (the excess of imports over exports) can be tolerated and last for an indefinite time provided that a country attracts enough investments and borrowings to compensate it; the country did not lose confidence; there is no capital outflow in form of withdrawals made by foreign investors or investors' reluctance to lend. In this concern, the 2010 balance of payments data show the U.S. situation as stable: the country receives enough credits and foreign investments to compensate the trade deficit.

Moreover, the capital inflow to the U.S. is strong enough to keep gold reserves. For instance, as per U.S. Treasury report of February 11, 2011, U.S. reserve assets were $132.9 trillion. The U.S. model of international relations presumes high volumes of imports and consumption while creating a favorable investment climate. Such a model will exist as long as there is confidence in the country. The components of government policy in this model of "confidence" are currency stability, favorable foreign investments legislation, moderate taxation, transparency of economy, etc.

Let us consider the second aspect of confidence in the country, its domestic fiscal policy. In 2010, the U.S. budget revenues were $2.2 trillion, the expenses were $3.48 trillion, and the budget deficit was $1.28 trillion. Since the 1970, a budget surplus was recorded only 4 times, during 1998-2001, while during all the other years America had a chronicle short money supply.

Finally, we've come down to detect the main cause of anxiety of foreign investors, the U.S. enormous external debt. The website was purposely created to keep track of debt and to provide related statistics. By January 31, 2011 the U.S. Federal Government debt was $14.1 billion. Considering the debt structure, around 33% was held by foreign states while the rest was internal residents' debt. The ratio Debt /GDP was 96.5%. Historically, this ratio reached its maximum in 1946, when it was 121.2% of GDP. If to look at the debt statistics, the U.S. debt had grown more for the period of ten years from 2000, than for the period of 60 years from 1940 to 2000 inclusively.

In the long run, is it any hope for the reduction of debt? The structure of the U.S. project budget for 2020 is as follows: expenses on social security, elderly health insurance programs, free medical aid to poor and interest on debt make up $3.56 billion which is equivalent to 81 % of the total budget revenues ($4.4 billion). That correlation was 61.4% in 2011. Defense and other government expenditures in 2020 will be financed by government borrowings.

According to the government forecasts for the next 10 years of 2011-2020, the total U.S. budget deficit will reach $10.6 trillion, meaning that the U.S. debt will reach almost $25 trillion (14.1 + 10.6, existing debt plus planned debt). The GDP forecast for 2020 is $24 trillion. To achieve this level of GDP the economic annual grow rate should be at least 5%. This value seems to be too high for a developed country.

Alternatively, the government budget forecast may underestimate the prospective social expenditures. On January 1st 2011 the first Baby Boomers will reach 65 years old. The ratio of retired workers versus active workers will grow steadily during the next ten to fifteen years, provided that the state demographic policy remains the same. The U.S. has undertaken colossal expenses related to special medical insurance programs for the retired. At the given rates of economic growth, tax structure and projected Social Security expenditures, the budget revenues would show negative dynamics if adjusted for social expenditures. The recommendations in this concern would be as follows: to raise taxes, although it could have a negative effect on the economical growth rate; or reduce the scale of social programs in order to cut social expenditures. In fact, the latter would be a challenge for most politicians. Need to note, that the issues discussed have not been resolved up to the present date. It seems that the projected medical insurance reform shall be seeking for related budget cuts first, instead of increasing the availability of medical services to Americans.

It is suggested, that the country's debt can be analyzed better if to look at the Debt/GDP ratio, rather than consider debt separately. For instance, Debt/GDP ratio in Greece is 176.8%, in Portugal - 231.2%, in England - 428.8% and in Japan is over 200% for 2011 (source: CNBC). What is a proper benchmark for a secure level of debt? The ratio Debt/GDP in Germany and England is considerably higher compared to the ratio Debt/GDP of the U.S. Nevertheless, these countries continue to grow. Certainly, it is a matter of confidence. Nor Germany neither England act as global warrants or serve 85% of world currency transactions.

Comparing to Japan's Debt/GDP ratio which is two times higher than the U.S. equivalent, it is notable that about 95% of Japan's debt is owed to the country residents: local banks, households, pension and insurance funds, industrial enterprises. This defines a very low risk of foreign capital outflows. The U.S. situation is different, as 33% of debt is financed by foreign countries; China holds about 8.2%, Japan 6.3%, GB 1.9% and Russia about 1%.

To keep its international confidence, the U.S. as a global currency warrant should not accumulate debt. The U.S. is approaching the 100% Debt/GDP ratio. This situation has a negative psychological effect, bringing anxiety in the world. Moreover, as it has been already stated, the world community is concerned not only about the debt size, but also by its growth rate, which is being unprecedented in the U.S. history. To finance the budget deficit in the future, the U.S. will have to depend on foreign countries, primarily China. This situation may become dangerous due to the risk that China and other countries may eventually stop buying U.S. treasury bonds. This would result in sharp increase of interest rates, lack of means to finance debt and possible cascade of defaults on the U.S. treasury bonds of different issues.

Another reason of anxiety is that even if countries and institutions would continue buying U.S. treasury bonds despite an increased debt, the interest on debt may exceed the levels that the U.S. budget can afford. In the U.S. budget of 2011 the net interest payable is about 6,7% of the total budget expenditures, defense expenditures - 22.7%, social security expenditures (excluding medical programs Medicare Medicaid) - 19.6%. Based on this U.S. budget structure, we conclude that the current debt settlement expenses are not as burdensome as other expenditures. However, while about $250 billion is assigned for interest-on-debt payments in 2011, this amount will increase nearly fourfold to $912 billion in 10 years.

Thus, there is a probability that the U.S. interest rates will grow. Although inflation which influences interest rates dynamics can be handled by the U.S. without difficulties (deflation is a more apparent issue now), credit risk growth can be barely managed. The U.S. debt has been growing much faster than the economy has, so the investors may be unwilling to get interest revenues which do not reflect actual level of risk. Let us consider the dynamics in the U.S. cost of borrowing.

The U.S. interest rates have been decreasing since 1994. Thus the U.S. debt has become cheaper along with its overall growth. This proves confidence in the U.S. economy. At the end of 2008 when the financial crisis became apparent investors rushed to buy out American treasury bonds in hope to preserve their savings. That caused the rates of return to fall down to 2%.

The current U.S. dollar value has almost reached its historical minimum. Obviously, this means higher investment risks. The U.S. is a net importer meaning that its imports exceed its exports, and it finances the trade deficit by external borrowings and investments. One of the characteristics of a strong and opened for foreign investments economy is a strong currency. Weak dollar risk implies that the interest of foreign investors to the U.S. assets may diminish, causing the U.S. to lose important means of trade deficit financing.

Another current threat to the U.S. dollar is appearance of alternative world reserve currencies. In January 2011 the Bank of China began direct sales of RMB to the U.S., while the Chinese Yuan was traded on the MICEX in Russia December 15 of 2010. The fact that the Yuan has started to be subject of international transactions, shows that China has been implementing competent foreign and domestic economic policies. By promoting its currency, China has become more integrated into the world monetary system. At the same time, China has been shifting the core drivers of its economic growth towards domestic consumption (from exports and infrastructure). In 2010, it was actively discussed that China had overtaken Japan in respect to the size of its economy. If we take Purchasing Power Parity for calculations, the size of the U.S. economy is $14.62 trillion, the size of the Chinese economy - $10.08 trillion, the size of Japan's $4.31 trillion, according to the International Monetary Fund data. Thus, in terms of real purchasing power, China's economy has been ahead of Japan's economy for a long time. Indeed, the Chinese GDP per capita is far lower than that of Japan. However, a country as a world leader and guarantor is not solely defined by the GDP per capita value, but by the absolute size of its economy and its ability to influence international relations. China has been realizing this strategy with honor, although the full convertibility of the Yuan's has not been achieved yet. Another important competitor to the U.S. dollar is Euro, as the EU's economy and the U.S. economy are comparable in size. Thus, the U.S. dollar is being stalked.

The question of choice of the most appropriate international reserve structure is being actively discussed by all countries. At present, more than a half of current reserves are denominated in the U.S. dollars. The theory suggests that a structure of reserves should depend on the country trade partners. For instance, given that 30% of the total country's international trade and investments are made with China, 30% of reserves should be held in Yuan. This theory hasn't found a practical application though for a number of reasons, like non-convertibility of currencies; political risk, etc. Reduction of the dollar-denominated reserves by countries would have dire consequences for the dollar, as the U.S. treasury bonds are included into international reserves of many countries.

Thus, we have considered the U.S. investment risk factors. They may not present any threat if taken separately, but create discomfort for the international community if taken altogether. The worst case scenario would be the U.S. default on its debt. Let us consider this scenario.

It is unlikely that anyone could see a point when American creditors may lose patience, say, a month prior to that. The famous investor Warren Buffett has confirmed that the system can remain in such a state for indefinite time. A factor triggering the U.S. default may be just "a spark" that would cause a domino effect, like, for instance, treasury bonds withdrawal by a large international creditor. Crises are likely to start when there is a circumstantial evidence of something being wrong, and to be triggered by a spark, causing a further cascade of events, including those of a psychological nature. For example, while the global oil demand fell by no more than 5% following the recent crisis, the price of oil fell by more than 3 times. This is the psychology of the market.

If the U.S. declared a default, the world would suddenly lose trillions of dollars. International reserves denominated in dollar would depreciate, while international capital flows would plunge into chaos until the situation is resolved. Today, the probability of the U.S. default is small due to the fact that nobody is interested in it. For example, China is the largest holder of U.S. treasury bonds and could lose more than half of its foreign exchange reserves denominated in dollars. At the same time, we can observe China has actively started to invest reserves in real assets: gold and securities of companies around the globe. China Investment Corporation was created to manage a part of the international reserves of the country. During the ten months of 2010, China imported over 200 tons of gold, which is five times the volume of purchases of the precious metals made by the country for the full year of 2009.

The consequences for the U.S. in case it declares default would also be sharp budget shrink; social programs cuts and falls of living standards of all layers of the society, especially those who are financially dependent on the state. The dollar would be devaluated and lose status as a world currency; investment in the country would sharply decrease. Outbreak of inflation would be possible, and the U.S. would do their best to preserve national wealth, even at an expense of growth. But in the long run, America will survive. The future of the global economy is Technology, and the U.S. Technology will persist even in case of default. Thus, even if it had lost the status of the world monetary power, America would have remained the technological power. Such scenario would stipulate a launch of a new era in the U.S. economical and political development.

The recommendations to investors, holding assets in the U.S. dollars, are as follows:

• Monitor growth of the federal budget deficit and national debt of the United States

• Monitor the dynamics of demand for U.S. treasury bonds from major foreign creditors, primarily China

• Track yield on the 10-year U.S. treasury bonds, watching for the rates to reach 5% or more

• Make investment portfolio diversification; invest globally by buying stocks and bonds of U.S. corporations, looking for international companies with the U.S. sales share which does not exceed 25-30%.

History of the Computer - Cache Memory Part 2 of 2

History of the Computer - Cache Memory Part 2 of 2

(Times and speeds quoted are typical, but do not refer to any specific hardware, merely give an illustration of the principles involved.)

Now we introduce a 'high speed' memory with a cycle time of, say 250 nanoseconds between the CPU and the core memory. When we request the first instruction, at location 100, the cache memory requests addresses 100,101,102 and 103 from the core memory all at the same time, and retains them 'in cache'. Instruction 100 is passed to the CPU for processing, and the next request, for 101, is filled from the cache. Similarly 102 and 103 are handled at the much increased repeat speed of 250ns. In the meantime the cache memory has requested the next 4 addresses, 104 to 107. This continues until the predicted 'next location' is incorrect. The process is then repeated to reload the cache with data for the new address range. A correctly predicted address, when the requested location is in cache is known as a cache 'hit'.

If the main memory is not core, but a slower chip memory, the gains are not as great, but still an improvement. Expensive high speed memory is only required for a fraction of the capacity of the cheaper main memory. Also programmers can design programs to suit the cache operation, for instance by making a branch instruction in a loop take the next instruction for all cases except the final test, maybe count=0, when the branch occurs.

Now consider the speed gains to be made with disks. Being a mechanical device, a disk works in milliseconds, so loading a program or data from disk is extremely slow in comparison, even to core memory - 1000 times faster! Also there is a seek time and latency to be considered. (This is covered in another article on disks.)

You may have heard the term DMA in relation to PCs. This refers to Direct Memory Access. Which means that data can be transferred to or from the disk directly to memory, without passing through any other component. In a mainframe computer, typically the I/O or Input/Output processor has direct access to memory, using data placed there by the Processor. This path is also boosted by using cache memory.

In the PC, the CPU chip now has built-in cache. Level 1, or L1, cache is the primary cache in the CPU which is SRAM or Static RAM. This is high speed (and more expensive) memory compared to DRAM or Dynamic RAM, which is used for system memory. L2 cache, also SRAM, may be incorporated in the CPU or externally on the Motherboard. It has a larger capacity than L1 cache.

The 15 Best Google Chrome Extensions to Install Right Now

The 15 Best Google Chrome Extensions to Install Right Now

There are over 1 billion active users of Google Chrome. It is the most popular web browser of all time. However, many of its users are unaware of Google Chrome Extensions. A Google Chrome extension is a small software program that enhance your web browsing experience. These extensions are easy to install and often easy to use.

To install a Google Chrome extension, first you must go to the Chrome Web Store. Once you are there, search for an extension you want. When you find it, click the "Add extension" button next to the extension. To use the extension, just click the extension icon that is located to the right of the address bar.

There are thousands of ways Google Chrome Extensions can positively benefit your daily life. Extensions can make it easier to stay on task, easier to make lists, and easier to see how much time you've spent on a website. They can help you take notes, or cite your sources. They can help you condense your tabs, and take some of the weight off of your processor's shoulders when it comes to running multiple tabs in the background.

Extensions can make your Google Chrome browser look nicer and run faster. There are extensions that can play ambient noise to help you focus or relax and others that can make viewing videos easier, and make enlarging pictures as simple as hovering your mouse over the desired image. To get the most out of Google Chrome's extensions, it is best to think about what you want out of your browser, then go to the webstore. However, we have saved you some time and compiled a list of our favorite 15 Google Chrome Extensions for 2017 to download right now.

15 Best Chrome Extensions in 2017

1. Gmail Offline

This extension is pretty self-explanatory as it allows you to read your inbox offline, as well as type out and queue a message to be sent next time you connect to the internet. Considering that over 1 billion people now use Gmail, it is easy to see why this extension is so popular.

2. Momentum

Momentum allows you to transform the "new tab" page into your own personal dashboard. The new tab page will display the time, a personalized greeting, inspirational quotes, weather reports, to-do lists, links to your favorite websites, and more!

3. Ultidash

Ultidash is similar to momentum, but tailor for those of you who work on the internet. It transforms the new tab page into a center for productivity. You can view how much time you spent on a specific website, you can block distracting websites, and use a "concentration timer". The extension also features visually interesting photos, weather predictions, and inspirational quotes.


For the busy-bodies out there, this extension is a helpful to-do list. It can sync with other apps and your desktop to flawlessly create a to-do list. You can create new lists, reminders, notes, share tasks, all with a drag and drop interface that is easy to use.

5. Strict Workflow

Do you struggle with spending too much time on social media, reddit, and other distracting websites? Strict workflow is an extension designed to limit the time you waste on the internet. It sets up a 25-minute countdown that blocks popular time-wasting websites like YouTube, Facebook, etc., When the 25-minute timer is done, you are allowed 5 minutes of free time before the timer restarts. This extension is a great way to force yourself to be productive!

6. Noisli

This unique extension plays ambient noises in the background. You can choose which ambient noises you prefer. Some are better for concentrating, others are better for relaxing. Finding the right ambient noise for you is a great way to increase the use you get out of Google Chrome.

7. OneTab

If you always have way too many open tabs in your browser, do yourself a favor and go download OneTab extension immediately. This extension compresses every open tab into one tab. This frees up space in your browser, while still keeping those old tabs in a place where you can easily go back to.

8. The Great Suspender

If you need to download OneTab, go ahead and download The Great Suspender as well. Open tabs drain your PC's processing power quickly. The Great Suspender extension suspends the need for your processor to be spending so much energy on all of the tabs. This will allow your device to function well for much longer.

9. Cite This For Me: Web Citer

A must-have for college students, this is another self-explanatory app. This app allows you easily cite what you're reading in MLA, APA, Chicago, or Harvard and save those citations for your clipboard, so they're easy to refer back to later.

10. Turn Off The Lights

This extension darkens the lighting in your browser when you view videos. This makes video viewing a more atmospheric experience, while making it easier on your eyes. This will also save your battery life if installed on a mobile device.

11. VideoStream

VideoStream allows you to stream videos from your PC, tablet, or mobile device to a Chromecast or Android TV without any other software needed. VideoStream supports subtitles, and can stream 1080p resolution.

12. The Camelizers

For the avid online shoppers, The Camelizers is an unobtrusive Chrome extension that saves price history information from websites you visit. It also allows you to sign up for price alerts.

13. Honey

Honey is another great extension for online shoppers. Honey automatically finds and applies coupons for you whenever you check out. All you have to do is hit the "Find Savings" button prior to checking out.

14. AdBlock Plus

Are you tired of pesky ads ruining your internet experience? Get rid of them with AdBlock Plus. This free extension will block ads before YouTube videos, pesky pop up ads, and sidebar ads.

15. Hover Zoom

This extension zooms over any picture you put your mouse on. This eliminates the need to open new tabs or clicking on thumbnails. This is especially recommended for those with bad eyesight.

Android Games - Tips to Get the Best of It

Android Games - Tips to Get the Best of It

Do you wish to kill your free time when the only company you have is your Android phone? Did you know that Android games are the most interesting and fun filled stuff to cram your phone with? Go through this article to know more about these games and their fun factors.

Android games are diversified into many categories; informational, educational, shooting games, puzzles, sports, racing, augmented reality games, location-based games and more. All these types are available for both high end and low-end Android phones.

There are low specification games for those low-end models so that you can enjoy them in your budget phones as well. This includes the lesser graphics content games that does not take much of your space. It is suitable for Android phones with low GPUs and smaller screen size as well.

Both freemium and premium games are available in the stores. Premium are paid-for games and freemium is the free games which often contain in-app purchase at certain levels. So it is advisable to monitor if someone other than you (like your kid) is using your phone; don't click on those purchase options without knowledge.

To enjoy the best high graphics and well-designed gameplay, it is better to get a high-end model with a bigger screen and good GPU. Even you can enjoy those high-quality gaming effects by increasing the performance of your low spec, budget Android phones.

First and the simplest method to increase your low-end smartphone performance is by killing the applications that are running in the background before you start the game. You can use several task killer applications for this, as well. Most of the Android phones contain many applications that are of no use to an average user. These applications can be disabled which in turn increases the performance of your phone.

All you need to do is, go to settings, select 'apps', then select the applications to be disabled and click the 'disable' button. All these applications can be enabled in the future if you need them. Usually, the uninstalled applications or your internet browser often leaves behind junk files. These cache data often reduces your phone performance. To clear these data, go to 'settings' and click 'storage option', then select the cached data button and press okay.

Always opt for a class 10 SD card to increase your phone's gaming performance. Using these SD cards will increase the read and write speed and hence reduces the loading time and other lags that any high graphics game would demand. Those rooted Android phones have more facilities to increase their performance. The background task killer applications work to their fullest only if they are in a rooted Android version. Seeder software can be installed in a rooted Android phone, which reduces the lag during switching between applications.