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Friday, October 12, 2018

Top Money Jobs

Top Money Jobs

If America is going to recover from this recession and ever produce top money jobs it's going to come from the people, not from the government. America needs a new productive capacity if it is to again become the shining light of innovation it once was. The government and huge multicultural corporations are not the ones to do this. Where have all the jobs gone, overseas? What we need is good old fashioned American innovation.

If the economic downturn of the last couple of years has produced anything positive it has been that it forces people to turn within, rely on themselves, and come up with new ways of doing business. Entrepreneurs are successful because they pay close attention to huge emerging trends and then position themselves and their business directly in front of them and profit in a big way. Entrepreneurs are creating this new productive capacity. Enter the new economy.

Now, if you are currently unemployed and looking for a job, entrepreneurship may not be for you just yet because, in order to really leverage your efforts you need to have that steady income coming in while you build your new business. But if you are someone who has a job, you possess an entrepreneurial spirit and know that there has to be a better way to find top paying jobs, I'm going to show you how to build a six figure income in your spare time by leveraging the two most powerful trends in the world, technology and the internet.

What if I were to tell you that on the internet there is no recession? Every day there are millions of people logging on to the internet searching for ways to make money from home online. If you had a way to position yourself in front of these people with real solutions that would solve their financial problems could you make a lot of money? That's exactly what entrepreneurs do, they solve people's problems for a profit.

The home based business industry is booming right now. It requires no college education and no experience, only a computer, a cell phone, and a burning desire to succeed. With a low start up cost and almost no overhead you can create a six figure income from the comfort of home. You do have to do your home work when searching for top money jobs online. There are a ton of legitimate businesses out there, but like any other industry, some companies are better than others.

Right now I want to introduce you to a team of professional internet entrepreneurs who have made it their mission to help ordinary people create extraordinary incomes in this industry. They will provide you with the coaching, mentoring, and cutting edge systems that can legally transform your financial future. You have to be willing to take ACTION on information and by doing that you will already be way ahead of MOST people who will do NOTHING with this information.

If this is the kind of person you are, you're ready to take action, put an end to your search for top money jobs in this economy, and create the kind of income you know that you deserve for yourself and your family, take a look at this free report by clicking here:

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Weight Transfer

Weight Transfer

This article focuses on the third Concept Golf principle, weight transfer. Before I explain weight transfer and its importance, I would like to discuss the whole Concept Golf idea of ​​what the golf swing is really all about.

The five Concept Golf Swing Principles are the definition of the golf swing. They create a total, complete definition of the swing. They create an understanding that allows you, the golfer, to make an effective swing without thinking about your body or the process. The focus of the five principals is never on the mechanisms of the five principles; it is always on the understanding of the total idea of ​​the athletic motion or, in this case, the golf swing.

With that being said, let's examine the weight transfer principle. The first two principals, Address Position and Alignment, are the static principles that take place before the swing motion begins. Weight transfer is the first of the dynamic principles.

Weight transfer is the foundation of the entire swing motion. Without proper weight transfer, nothing else in your entire swing will work properly! This is the foundation upon which the whole golf swing is built. If the foundation of your swing is made of quicksand - such as the few hundred so-called "perfect" positions in which you "must" hold your body - a slight shift in the wind will cause the entire swing to crumble. If your swing is built on a rock-solid foundation consisting of sound, fundamental ideas, you can withstand all that the world throws at you and still hit good shots.

The great players have that solid foundation. Nicklaus, Hogan, Nelson and a few others have that unshakable underpinning that they can not be talked out of. When the principals of the swing make sense and work, it is very unlucky that you will try to "fix" your swing because of a few bad shots - or even a few bad weeks.

Weight transfer is simply the moving of the body's weight to the back foot and then back to the front foot. The baseball pitcher moves his weight to the back foot and then to the front foot in order to utilize the strength of his body and his legs in moving his body around. In the same way, you must use the strength of your body to move your body around. You use your legs to cause the trunk of your body to move, which in turn causes your arms to be moved so that they do not have to move themselves.

Virtually all athletic gestures are based on the legs using the feet to move the body. Once again, consider the earlier example of the pitcher throwing the ball. What does he use to cause the body to move? He uses his legs, through his feet. The ground provides the resistance for the feet so that the legs can do all of the work. The arm does not move itself in order for the pitcher or the golfer to be effective.

Without proper weight transfer the other principles are meaningless. The whole purpose of having the feet and legs move the body is to keep the arms relaxed and allow them to have maximum speed and consistency, returning the club through the ball for a true shot. Most bad shots are a result of the arms trying to do all of the work.

If the arms try to work independently of the body and move themselves, the muscles will tighten and then move more slowly. When the arms tighten, the immediate result is a real loss of club speed which results in poor shots. Very frequently the club will hit the ground before it can get to the ball.

For good, consistent shots the arms must be followers, not independent leaders. The arms can (and will) follow the body effectively because they are attached at the shoulders. They will be swung along the path through the ball to the target. Weight transfer is a simple concept: weight to the back, weight to the front. When working with students, I have them assume a good address position, then simply pick up the front (left) foot, followed by the back (right) foot in order to understand the concept and the rhythm of the weight transfer motion. One hundred percent of your weight goes to the right foot, and then one hundred percent to the left foot. This creates the swing; the arms simply follow.

Some will say that the problem is that the head is moving with the body and not staying perfectly still. Now, that is a real problem - especially for Curtis Strange, a back-to-back US Open winner. He has a very generous lateral movement of his whole body to the right. We've been told that the head MUST stay perfectly still during the swing or you will miss the ball. Or worse than that, your buddies will say, "Youlooked up." I think we have been taught this "Myth of The Still Head" because the good ball striker "felt" like his head did not move when he swung. This myth started before the advent of movie cameras and it became a "law" that the camera could not undo. People tend to accept what they are told - not what actually takes place - as truth. We have accepted the myth of a perfectly still head because it has been told to us so many times. However, it is not true and never has - so feel free to move your head with your body as your body moves to the right and to the left. NEVER try to keep your head still; it will ruin your whole swing.

Proper weight transfer is a pure lateral movement to the right and then to the left. It's a very simple motion with no attempt to turn. Do not try to turn the body, just move your weight over to the right foot and then over to the left foot, keeping the front of your body facing the ball. Some of you may ask, "That's just fine, but do not I have to try to turn?" I would say, "No." Most golfers think of a turn as the whole body (the shoulders and the hips) turning. The shoulders will rotate without you consciously trying to make them turn. There are a couple of reasons you do not want the hips to turn.

The "coiling" (creating greater strength) of the body comes when there is resistance. The shoulders rotate but the hips and lower body resist and the body gets stronger. You want the hips to remain facing forward so that the right leg and foot can stay in a position of strength. If the hips turn, they will pull the right foot out of position and put your weight and pressure on the outside of your heel, rather thankeeing it on the inside front part of your right foot. You can not throw a ball with any speed or power if your weight is on the outside of your right foot; it deadens the lower body. Try throwing a ball and getting your weight to the outside of your right foot. You have no power. You do not want to try to turn the entire body; just let the shoulders rotate.

Since proper weight transfer is so important, how do you begin? Stand as if you were having a conversation, but with your feet spread shoulder-width inside your boots. Next, simply pick your left foot up in the air. Notice how all of your weight goes to your right foot. Now lift up your right foot. Notice how all your weight goes to the left foot. It's not overly complex, but it is very effective. That's all there really is to the weight transfer principle. Stand on the right foot, then stand on the left foot - without any attempt to turn.

If you are still convinced that weight transfer is not for you because it breaks too many "rules," let's examine a swing with the body turning and one that uses the proper lateral motion of weight transfer. With the "turn swing," the swing is made with a conscious effort to turn in one spot while keeping the head still. Notice the path the club travels with that type of swing. It goes inside very quickly and returns to the ball, then back to the inside very quickly (See the illustration below). It is on line to the target for only a moment.

The "turn swing" also makes you have a reverse weight shift: weight to the left, then to the right. A reverse weight shift is a "power robber" and has the club on the line to the target for a very short time. On the other hand, proper weight transfer makes you powerful and will keep the club on the target line a long time. This works (See the illustration below).

Weight transfer is one of the five fundamental principles which form the foundation of an effective golf swing. In fact, it is the foundation of the entire swing motion. Without proper weight transfer, nothing else in your entire swing will work properly! Build your golf game on the rock-solid foundation of the five Concept Golf swing principals.
Concept Golf is a revolutionary golf instruction system unlike any other, producing immediate, life-long, dramatic improvements in any golfer from beginners to Pro's.

Money Transfers Online: Remittance Made Easy

Money Transfers Online: Remittance Made Easy

Sending money back home to friends and family overseas is increasingly common in the modern world as people broaden their working horizons.

Some 320,000 people left the UK in 2014 alone and it means that more than five million Brits now live abroad.

Add that to the increasing number of people immigrating into the UK, and it leaves high demand for services offering an online transfer. Money has never been so important!

Sending money around the globe to aid friends that are facing financial strife has existed for decades, but the internet is definitely enhancing the process.

Now money transfers can be completed online, those overseas are able to support each other from wherever they are, providing extra financial assurance.

Where are all the Brits?

Nearly 1.5 million Brits have set up base in North America and a similar number now call Oceania and many different European countries 'home'.

The British influence stretches to other parts of the world too though with almost 350,000 now at home in Africa and nearly 330,000 Brits in Asia.

For all of expatriate Brits, the option to make money transfers online ensures they can send earnings back to the UK just as easily as those that remained at home can send finances out to them.

Finding the best services

A wide range of services enable funds to be transferred and the majority will be secure and quick - after all they tend to be the first factors considered when looking for a facility to use.

However, there other factors to consider too, all of which can influence the sort of deals that you might find when looking to send money back home.

Exchange rates will vary for example so looking out for the best rates can mean people receive more for your money. But the best rates can also come with hefty fees that accompany these transactions.

If you're opting for an online transfer, money matters should be top of your priority list so always check for discounts or promotions that could be of benefit.

Popular options

Funds can be transferred between bank accounts - most transactions are done in this way - but for people without accounts, a number of flexible options exist.

Some services can send money directly to a home via a delivery service or by using a mobile phone - enhancing the speed and ease of the process.

This ensures family members and friends can get their hands on the money they need with the minimum of fuss.

No matter where they are in the world, flexible options means expats can make fast money transfers online without the need to worry about transfer limits and fees.

Regardless of whether someone wants to transfer £1, £100 or £1,000, the options exist to make a quick online transfer. Money can even be received by the recipient on the same day depending on the service used and the amount being transferred.

What Is Actually Sound Isolating Earphones?

What Is Actually Sound Isolating Earphones?

Sound isolating earphones are becoming more popular today since they are the perfect accessory for portable media electronics specifically when users love traveling. They are having compact and stylish design. You can use these phones at any time with no worries because they do not need batteries to block out the external noise.

Sound isolating headphones are very different from the standard earphones which come with an iPod or other portable media player. They typically have a bit of a spongy membrane which helps them fit comfortably in the wearer's ears.

Earphones sound isolating avoids noise from entering the ear naturally. A foam, rubber, or plastic sleeve surrounding the earphone allows it to fit into the ear instead of resting outside of it. They create a seal with the ear canal, like earplugs, which prevents any external sound from ruining the vibe.

The noise isolation and reduction works as dampers, for example most in ear earphones with noise isolation can reduce up to 25 Db of ambient noise. The foam sleeves reduced overall noise by 93%.

The most common complaint with this type of headphones is comfort; finding the right size cone takes a bit of trial and error. Too small of a tip, and the ear buds will not isolate the sound nor stay in the wearer's ear. Too large, and the same is true except the buds are even more uncomfortable. The good news is most of latest brand of earphones comes with a variety of interchangeable tips to combat wearer discomfort.

The sound isolating earphones is come in the variety of price ranges. You can expect to spend $ 50 for the low-end, and on the high-end users spend up to $ 600 for a set of 'buds. Since they can do an effective job at keep the noise out, it will become the right answer for dissatisfied of standard earphones.

Earn Easy Money Doing Surveys Online

Earn Easy Money Doing Surveys Online

There are a lot of ways people can earn income online. If you are knowledgeable with article writing, customer support, data entry, video production and editing, and web designing; These are endless possibilities to earn online. The good thing with these online jobs is that these are done right at the comfort of your home without fees, and the only essential equipment needed is the possession of your own computer and fast Internet connection. Among these many jobs offered in the Internet, making money doing surveys online are the easiest to complete.

Online surveys are accomplished by collecting different views from people of all walks of life. Several questions make up the survey and people are requested to give their honest answers and opinions to the questions being thrown at them. Most of these surveys are offered by product and research companies in answer to what people want the most in their products and what must be done to improve them and their services. People who are asked to answer the surveys are paid accordingly.

The beauty of completing online surveys with a fee is the ease and convenience of doing them. The tasks, such as answering questions and leaving comments about a certain product or service, can be easily done without any difficulty as well as doing it without leaving your desk or your home for that matter. The target crowd for completing the surveys online can easily be spotted with the use of online surveys. Product research companies make it a point that those people participating in the surveys will be the targeted group who will create the correct profile for the product they are developing or planning to produce.

Completing online surveys provide a steady stream of income for those who actively participate in accomplishing them in a regular manner. One completed survey offers a payment of more than $ 5 on the average, and this can be easily completed in just less than 15 minutes. Aside from that, participating in online surveys can be fun and relaxing, especially those that involve mystery shopping and movie going.

However, there are also drawbacks in doing these online surveys. Sometimes, with so many of the companies offering to complete surveys, you can not anymore discern which are the ones that are legitimate and scams, as well as the one who pays good or not. There are also online surveys that are too lengthy, poorly organized, pays small, and just simply a waste of time.

Therefore, before completing an online survey, be sure that it is offered by a reputable company, collects views in an honest and organized manner, as well as worth the time and effort, and pays generously.

A Credit Report Can Help To Go A Long Way With Financial Deals

A Credit Report Can Help To Go A Long Way With Financial Deals

Free credit reports are very essential components in the business of financial transactions. It helps to keep track of all the business related facts and information of an individual. It helps to put all previous transaction under one page thus facilitating the proper outflow of information to the banks or other financial institutions. Is not credit reports for free one of the occurring processes in financial set up?

Well, it is, as it helps to keep track of all the transaction. The free charge credit score is provided by any of the three bureaus and it takes around 15 days to finish of the whole process, after which the representative bureau sends it across to the person concerned. This is the main opportunity for the person concerned to go through the report carefully and find out the mistake (if any). In case of any questions or mistakes the person can follow up the bureau and appeal for rectification of the mistake. Any invalid entries or line items can be removed from the record through a dispute letter. By doing this once per year, a consumer can keep his record clean and most likely raise that number a little bit as well. Free credit score is essential as it helps the bank or other financial institute to understand your potential to repay the loan. So get a free credit report and enjoy the confidence of all financial institutions and get easy loans. So are you absolutely ready to get a free credit report done?

How to Start an Event Planning Business

How to Start an Event Planning Business

Through the communication benefits, networking opportunities, and educational components of regular corporate events and conventions, it becomes quite evident that businesses and organizations rely on their regular events. Hosting and attending meetings and conventions is ingrained in our culture. It's just the way we do things.

So, how can you benefit from this as an event planner?

It's very evident that a great deal of organized planning must go into each and every event-no matter if it's large or even just a gathering of a few. The opportunity today is prime for those thinking about starting their own event planning businesses.

Consider the facts for a minute:

• Even in today's constrained economy, businesses and other organizations are still holding just as many meetings and conventions. The scale might be slightly toned down, but the events are still taking place.

• So many conventions, dinners, banquets, and other events revolve around profits. There should be little surprise in the fact that businesses continue to host events of all scale for this very reason. Conventions make them money, hosting that dinner for clients increases customer loyalty-regardless of the concept, so often it's a profitable arrangement for those holding the event. They want to get it right and need someone to make it happen without a hitch!

• As so many corporations and organizations have downsized their roster of employees-and very often those in charge of organizing and planning events-they are now obliged to outsource their event planning needs.

• If you happen to be a recent victim of the layoffs or downsizing mentioned above, it's definitely worth considering all of the options available to you now. Things might seem discouraging at the present moment, but for those thinking about starting a small business-like an event planning business, for example-the time is actually pretty good to do so. After all, some of the most successful businesses of recent times have been launched during economic downturns.

How do you actually start an event planning business?

If you're the go-getter type-someone who is organized with great people skills-then launching a new event planning career could very well be right up your alley. The other really bright side of the road here is that there are practically no start up costs involved with starting an event planning business. As long as you have a phone, computer, transportation, and plenty of ambitious spirit, the barriers to entry are slim to none.

Where to begin? First and foremost, you'll need to learn the ropes about starting a business in your unique locality. Spend a weekend at the local library or bookstore doing a little background research on the requirements. Order some basic business cards online. Pick up an accounting ledger from your local office supply store. Just remember, keep it simple; it definitely does not have to be complicated.

There's no need to spend a fortune on fancy business software or make any other high ticket business expenses right away. This is because the more time and energy you spend on actually making the phone calls, following up with leads, and actually making sales for your new event planning service, the less need you'll find for all of the extra stuff that just eats up your budget and time.

All you really need to drive a successful event planning business right now is yourself and the bare essentials. The extras (like expensive event planning software) can definitely come later after you've landed a few deals and covered a few inaugural events. You'll definitely appreciate having waited until you've had the opportunity to have out exactly what you'll need.

Speaking of clients-what better place to start your business development than with your previous or existing colleges and clients. If the time is right to do so, then by all means, get the good work out there that you are an event planning expert and that you are in business. Make some phone calls and spread the word. Your existing professional friends and contacts will likely be the catalyst that helps you drive your first few event planning gigs. And from there, it only gets easier.

What types of events should you specialize in?

The scope of events you can specialize in is practically unlimited. There's no need to stick exclusively with professional event opportunities. For example, these are all different occasions that could benefit from your event planning expertise:

• Birthday Parties
• Weddings
• Rehearsals
• Educational Conferences
• Civic Events
• Reunions
• Anniversary Celebrations
• Trade Shows
• Retirement Parties
• Political Rallies
• Dinners
• Social Mixers
• Theme Parties
• Fundraising Events
• The sky is the limit!

In today's overstressed world, for so many, the thought of trying to put together, plan, and host that next big event that's coming up is simply more than they can possibly take on right now. Fortunately, the help is out there-it's you! Starting an event planning business might just be your opportunity of a lifetime.