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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Home Security Alarm System & Burglary Prevention - Why You Must Have Quality Burglar Alarm System

Home Security Alarm System & Burglary Prevention - Why You Must Have Quality Burglar Alarm System


A recent study by a major New York-based online review organization on home security, sought to find the role and place of monitored alarm system in modern home security. And, in that regard, considering the very TOP PRIORITY that Americans place in home safety and the security of their homes, more especially in today's desperate economy, the very PRIMARY question that the reviewers FIRST sought to find out, was simply this: is a good and dependable burglary alarm system (just assuming a consumer can find one) an effective tool that can deter and prevent home break-ins or burglaries?

It turned out, however, from the researchers' findings, that the answer to that important question is YES, it is, and in a Huge Way...

In deed, many numerous investigations, studies and statistics, reviewed by the researchers, immediately show, empirically, that there's a high degree of effectiveness for the use of a monitored electronic security system as a deterrent to home break-in and prevention tool to combat burglaries. Such data and studies include the following:

- A recent 2009 Rutgers University study by its School of Criminal Justice, using five years of data, the most comprehensive of its kind ever conducted, scientifically proved that burglars, by a margin of as much as 30 to 40 percent, tend to avoid homes with burglar alarm systems, as the study further found that "an installed burglar alarm makes a dwelling less attractive to the would-be and active intruders and protects the home without displacing burglars to nearby homes."

- That, in deed, in an earlier study in 1994 that was based on interviews with burglars, "Burglars on the Job," which had been published by Northeastern University Press, researchers had made a similar finding, and had concluded that, "Most offenders, though, wanted to avoid alarms altogether and, upon encountering such devices abandoned all thought of attacking the dwelling."

- That, according to a Temple University study headed by Professor Simon Hakim, Director of the university's Center for Competitive Government, a monitored alarm system makes a home three times less likely to be burglarized versus a home without an alarm. Businesses without alarm systems are 4.5 times more likely to be burglarized than the ones with electronic security system. And, finally, losses due to burglary average $400 less in residences without alarm security systems.

- That, according to confession made by the burglars, 9 out of 10 convicted burglars admitted that they would avoid making a burglary attempt altogether on a house that's protected by an alarm system. (U.S. Department of Justice study, 1999).

- That, an effective home security system (but one from a reputable home security company) makes a home 3 times LESS LIKELY to be burglarized, according to a National Burglar and Fire Association study (2004). Additionally, however, the 2009 study by Rutgers University, first cited above, found that though having a residential burglary alarm system in a home does, in deed, decrease crime by as much as 30-40 percent, it does so, though, not just on the property only that has the alarm system, but in the ENTIRE surrounding area.

- That installation of electronic security products by Americans, and use of professional services (and the spending) on them, has been growing at an estimated 4.3 percent per year (STAT Resources, Inc., a Newton, Mass, full service market research

organization specialized in such matters).

- That 94 percent of home alarm owners are satisfied with their alarm systems (Prof. Simon Hakim's study of Temple University).

- That 90 percent of the Police believe that alarms deter burglary attempts. (STAT Resources study).

- According to a Board Resolution passed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1994, alarm systems, providing, though, they are professionally installed and monitored, are useful instruments to deter crime and provide peace of mind for both residential users and business owners. (International Association of Chiefs of Police, Alexandria, Va.).

It's Probably the Single Most Effective Solution to home burglary....

In point of fact, having a good monitored burglary alarm system is not only vital and effective as a burglary deterring tool. But, according to security experts, pound-for-pound, having a monitored home alarm security system, which they strongly emphasize MUST be a good and reliable brand, is perhaps the best and SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION that one could institute in having a home that scares away potential burglars and keeps them away from your home, and your family safety.

And why is that?

Because of it's tremendous "deterrent effect" power or factor. Says Chris E. McGoey, an internationally acclaimed expert and probably one of the foremost authorities on home security management in America who often works with the media on home violence, crime and burglary prevention and is a frequent expert witness in court cases on such matters throughout America, who was consulted by study's reviewers, among other sources, "alarm systems deter burglaries because they increase the potential and [provoke in the potential burglar the] fear of being caught and arrested by the police. The deterrent value comes from the alarm company lawn signs that are placed in the protected premises, and from the alarm decals on the windows. Home and apartment burglars will usually bypass a property with visible alarm signs and will go to another property that does not have such a sign."

BOTTOM LINE:Overwhelmingly, by the overwhelming amount of data accumulated by the expert researchers of this New York investigative office, the almost conclusive finding of the researchers is that the mere fact of just having a good, professionally installed and monitored ELECTRONIC HOME SECURITY SYSTEM ALONE, DRASTICALLY REDUCES the possibility of having a BURGLARY in a home, and hugely DETERS BURGLARS from hitting a home. (Just as it does, as well, in respect to other important risk and

emergency situations).


ONE OTHER CRITICAL FINDING OF THESE RESEARCHERS, THOUGH IS THIS: That, what is probably of the most critical importance of all, however, is that you choose an electronic system that is of THE RIGHT brand from a quality company. Like any other industry, there are good brands and companies, and there are bad brands and companies.

In deed, according to this finding, as a homeowner or consumer if you choose the improper or wrong home security system, or, even worse than that, the wrong or unreliable company which provides or installs the system for you, you stand a serious chance of sustaining serious break ins, and even risk to life, that is just primarily attributable to that specific factor alone! And, further more, that you may, in stead, possibly find yourself in even worse shape than you were before you first went for the home security system.

So, for the homeowner interested in getting that GOOD home electronic home security system that you must have, how do you know or find it? This, in deed, is the critical task and test that confronts such a home owner. Choosing a home security and burglar alarm system, especially a high quality one that is the most proper and fitting type for you, and which will be unfailing and dependable, can be one of the toughest and most difficult things for any homeowner ever.


This is primarily due to the fact that there's such a great multitude and wide variety of house security and alarm systems and security companies in the market. Just perusing local telephone directories or Internet searches, will quickly yield you a large number of home security companies in any one of the major cities, which can often be most confusing for almost all but the most expert of security eyes.

In fact, there are, by the same recent study, some moderate to major 2,500 to 3,400 outfits that present themselves as security companies or marketers of such items across America. And out of these, a consumer or home owner is supposed to pick out just ONE to secure his or her home or property. Furthermore, just as importantly, in trying to compare the various security systems to pick out the best and proper one for you, you must also be able to have a pretty good idea and understanding of exactly which types of important security features are offered by each option.

A 1997 market research report, for example, by STAT Resources, Inc., a Newton Mass full service market research organization, found there was an average of 13,100 businesses nationwide that were classified as "alarm installing entities." (Dependable alarm installing entities).

Hence, the toughest part of all aspects for consumers in trying to get a home security system, is the consumer being able to pick out just ONE company out of such a huge number of different security systems, as well as the companies which sell them, each of which is hotly competing with the others to see which can out-do the other in making fabulous advertising claims about their own individual products -- through a constant flood of advertisements on the Internet, by radio and TV, by newspapers and bill boards, etc. And each of whom, of course, will claim excellence and high quality for the brand they provide customers, and all of whom will say, of course, that their own particular brands of product (and the related services), is the very greatest and the very best quality! So, how the heck can the average person tell the good ones from the bad ones?

Best of the best home security system reviewed, scored, ranked & revealed

In short, the CENTRAL question for the average home owner, is: how do you know enough to know which ONE out of the several thousands of brands that exist today in home security system is any good, and which one is reliable and of the right pick quality? Consequently, the work of the independent researchers in this latest study, led them to devising a systematic program by which they assembled all the major home alarm systems from across America, and tested, evaluated, graded and ranked them to arrive at the best of the best home security system for consumers in the United States today.

It designates, through an objective, data-based, set of criteria and mathematical formula, the best of the best home security monitored electronic systems available among the whole global pack, and methodologically evaluates, scores, rates and ranks them to produce the Top Dozen Home Security Systems, and then the Top Number #1 Home Security System in the whole industry.

Find Out How to Trace a Mobile Phone Number Online - The Most Reliable Fast and Easy Way From Home

Find Out How to Trace a Mobile Phone Number Online - The Most Reliable Fast and Easy Way From Home

Many people are now becoming their own detectives and the one question they are asking is how to trace a mobile phone number?

There are many reasons I would want to locate the owner of a cell number. My main reason would be my husband. If my husband is having some suspicious activities going on, I would want to get to know the people he is calling.

So what is the best way to trace cell phone numbers?

I like to call it the best cell number tracing tool. It is the reverse cell phone look up.

There are many ways that seem to offer to trace an address or name related to a number for free and many people fall for those. Some may work, for example if you Google the number correctly you can always get the information. You can also get the information on a cell number from volunteer directories.

However such information is normally not accurate and outdated. What if the person moved and you end up with a wrong address and the wrong target. You got to play smart.

For the most part what you will get from the free searches is the location. To get the exact name and address, which is what you want, you need a reverse cell phone site. A reliable reverse phone site that will help you trace a mobile phone number, with accurate up to date information, that will help you.

A reliable phone look up site will give you some free preliminary information like the location. However to nail down to the name and address you must pay a fee. The reason you pay is because the sites have a contract with phone companies not to share private information for free.

Be warned. Most people will end up falling for scams. Those sites that promise to look up cell phone numbers for free and instead deliver a virus in your computer, steal you information or redirect you to a purchase.

Be on the safe side and tread carefully while you try to get the right information on the owner of a cell phone number.

New Business Model for Success

New Business Model for Success

In today's economy, it can be challenging for a business to stay ahead of the curve and remain successful. Sometimes, if a company is beginning to flounder, the answer lies in establishing a new business model that will lead to increased success. There are a few important things to consider, however, before making the big switch.

These days, most companies that need to make a change find that the best solution is switching to an e-business model. This means incorporating more of a digital foundation for the business and conducting the majority of interactions online. In order to make the transition smooth, it is a good idea to hire a web designer as well as an IT expert to guide everyone through the process.

If the idea of ​​retraining an entire company seems too daunting, it may be best to select leaders from each department. These leaders can be trained in all of policies and procedures that go along with the new business model and then transfer that knowledge to others in their department. This not only makes the process more efficient but it gives new employees an opportunity to step up to the plate and grow within the company.

There are many things that go into a new business model but it is best to keep most of the focus on client relations. The idea is to make the business more successful and changes that make things more complicated for the customer are likely to do just the opposite. Look into several different ways to communicate with clients, from a more efficient call center to a live online chat option.

Of course, in any type of business, the bottom line always comes down to the cost. Changing business models can be pricey but with a bit of research, companies can keep the cost to a minimum. Look into different vendors that can offer products and services at more competitive prices and explore the possibility of partners who can help with the costs.

A new business model is often all a failing company needs to get back on track for success. Consider choosing a few outstanding employees from each department and let them lead the way as far as training the rest of the company in the new procedures. Keep the focus on the client and look into more affordable ways to run the business in order to keep the company on a steady incline.

Corporate Credit Ratings Are Effective Tools to Determine the Financial Standing of the Company

Corporate Credit Ratings Are Effective Tools to Determine the Financial Standing of the Company

When you have a business, what you project to the world is important. That is why corporate credit ratings are important because it reflects the financial standing of your company without giving much detail, specific details, that you do not want the public to know. Investors know with just one look if they want to invest in your company or not. That is how strong corporate credit ratings are.

Actually, everything affects the ratings. Even the country where you business is at will will affect the ratings by a point or two. The ratings are affected by a number of factors. There are factors that are controllable while there are others which are not. That is why everyone should protect the credit scores as much as they can. There are ways by which it can be done. It is the reason why there are financial analysts hired to be able to do their job and that is to make the numbers look good as much as possible.

Aside from investors, the corporate credit ratings are the number by which lenders will use to determine whether they will grant you the loan or line of credit to a company. There are many organizations that offer assistance when it comes to credit ratings. They will give you reasons why the numbers are low and how you can improve it. This can be considered as an investment so your company will be able to improve its financial standing. Improved numbers mean more investors. More investors mean more money.

Business in London

Business in London

London, alongside New York City and Tokyo, is one of the three powerhouses of world economy which clearly makes it an international center for commerce and for many businesses. In spite of being the capital city of a tiny island, London has in its favor the fact that English is the dominant language of most businesses and the fact that the most common and important contract law in international business is English law.

The largest industry in London is finance, with over five hundred overseas banks, insurers and accounting firms. Canary Wharf, in the Docklands area in the east of the city, is fast developing into the second financial district in the London, playing proud host to the global headquarters of HSBC and Barclays, as well as Reuters and Clifford Chance, the largest law firm in the world. In spite of the current economic world crisis, London is still a highly influential center of finance, although many jobs have unfortunately been lost in the recession.

Second to banking and finance, the most important industry in London is the media industry. The BBC and other broadcasting companies are based in London, while most of the national newspapers are edited in the city. The BBC is not only one of the largest news centers in the world, but also makes numerous documentaries, films and television series which range from sitcoms and dramas to gardening and cooking programs. Many films are shot in London, both in the streets and studios, and this not only creates revenue from the film production, but also encourages people to visit the places that they see on cinema screens.

Another important industry in London is tourism. The millions of people who flock there every year have made it the most popular city in the world; more popular by far than the cities of Bangkok and Paris which are ranked second and third. Millions of pounds change metaphorical hands every day as people from all over the world come to spend money, make money, nurture money and all too often, steal money as well.

Heathrow Airport in London is said to be one of the busiest centers of air traffic in the world. This is not surprising as thousands of people arrive every hour from many different places to do business, to visit, or to catch a flight connection: logically just as many people depart every hour otherwise within days London would be packed to overflowing with surplus humanity. If planning a business trip to London, you may want to find accommodation close to the airport, or close to the office. Whatever location you choose, will be able to provide you with a wide choice of cheap hotels to make your booking an easy one.

Student Loan Debt Consolidation - Save With Less Rates

Student Loan Debt Consolidation - Save With Less Rates

Student loan debt consolidation is defined as the act of merging multiple loans, turning them into a single loan with the intent of decreasing the monthly installments or stretch the repayment term. There are many reasons why people consolidate such as savings incentives, lower monthly repayments, fixed rates of interests and deferment options.

Indeed, it is obvious that student loan debt consolidation has so much to offer to prospective borrowers. That is why many college and university students are now having a field day searching for the right lending companies that can offer them the appropriate for their needs and even offer them a great number of loan benefits and advantages. However, one benefit that can be enjoyed is the savings that one can get from the new interest rates.

Once a student borrower considered consolidating student loans while he steadfastly remain on his debt payment plan, it can be possible that the borrower will be able to lock the interest rates of the loan with the kind of current rates of the student loans. This in the long run will help in enjoying significant amount of savings.

Of course, with a merged new loan, a student borrower does not have anything to bury himself in dealing with different loan companies. With student loan debt consolidation, he is in effect dealing with just one lending company instead of the previously several ones.

Other benefits that can be borrowed about by debt consolidation are the great opportunities of enjoying financial bonuses such as reductions on payment and rates in the event that you are able to pay up your debts on a timely manner. All these financial advantages and benefits are likewise possible for you to enjoy if you happen to automatically withdraw your payments every month from a savings account or a checking account.

What's an Opportunity Transfer?

What's an Opportunity Transfer?

Not long ago, an acquaintance who works for the Los Angeles School District apparently upset his superiors and the administration with a grievance and critique. As he told me the story of his ordeal, I was blown away with what had happened to him. Yes, things happen, of course, he'd been a thorn in their side, but they realized they couldn't lay him off or fire him due to tenure and his high performance ranking, so they gave him the old; Opportunity Transfer!

Rather than telling him it was his punishment for giving them such a hard time, they actually had the tenacity to explain to him that it was an "Opportunity Transfer" which added insult to injury of course. It turns out they sent him to one of the poorest schools in the entire Los Angeles School District, in a neighborhood known for gangs, drugs, and super high dropout rates. That doesn't sound like much of an opportunity to me, nor did it to him.

However, the higher-ups of the school district explained this would give him a chance to shine, to do his best work, and they knew they could count on him. Of all the malarkey I've heard of in this world, this is how they treat people that question their authority. Indeed, the Los Angeles school district has a tremendous number of students under their control, but they are not exactly batting 1000, even recently there was a molestation case where they put the entire faculty in one of the schools on temporary leave, while they arrested two or three teachers for suspicion of molestation.

That's not exactly building confidence with the public, nor the parents of students who are in the Los Angeles School District. Although the school district doesn't have the highest dropout rate in the country, I assure you it is amongst one of the top districts for dropout rates, and they are still having challenges with union tenure, no child left behind act, and students graduating who cannot exactly write a decent paragraph - oh but they can text message up a storm.

And yet, when the LAUSD's judgment is question from within what do they do; they provide opportunity transfers for anyone who questions their moral authority. Indeed, I would submit to you that the problem is much bigger than this one problem with a single school teacher who wants to see the district improved. The moral of the story here of course is; be very wary of the old "Opportunity Transfer" trick. I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.