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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

What is a Social Media Article?

What is a Social Media Article?

It will seem intriguing to write a 'social media' article unless perhaps the article is about reviewing one of such sites. There are rules to write a press release, a business plan, a story, a resume and even an obituary, if you ask me.

And yes over the past decade or so we've come across web content optimized for search engines using keywords as weapons in the armor. Again there are certain rules to write search engine optimized articles.

But social media article? How does that fit in a proclaimed writing style? Are there rules - or at least clues if not rules - about how to write one?

Seems there are as we'll explore in this article, and they're from experts who have successfully exploited the increasingly relevant social network marketing.

The one point that stands out is there is no way one must ignore the social media. It is the 'in thing' in these times. For if incidentally an article is digg-ed or stumbled upon or furled among many available options, chance is there'll be torrent of viewers embarking on it in a short time and may be even later.

To talk examples, there are instances where after an article is digg-ed by someone, it has fetched as many as 100 'diggs' in just under 5 minutes - and who knows how many visitors!

That ought to be reason enough to get unabashedly attracted to social media if only to induce short-term viral marketing at perhaps negligible cost.

To me however it's still a mystery as to what may qualify as a good social media article. How do you know which article of yours is a good click for social media visitors and which is not? Hanging about in social network sites will surely offer some clues. But wisdom says there's indeed a bigger picture in all this.

To get a feel of that I've been looking at a few articles by bloggers who have seen it and done that.

Briefly, here are my takes:

  1. Social media articles are those that thrive on fresh news. People like reading them especially if they're dipped in juicy narration. If there's some tangible benefit to be had, nothing like it, but served of course with catchy details.

  2. Hanging about social networking sites is a big help. That gives fair idea about what succeeds and what doesn't.

  3. As far as feasible, it's better to stick to one's own style while writing a 'socially relevant' article and not try something so offbeat that it puts off core readers.

  4. Social networking traffic is in most cases unpredictable. Today you've a torrent you can barely manage. Tomorrow they're gone! Too bad, won't you say?

Well, that to my understanding is what a social media article is in present time. What the future holds for it is anybody's guess. Readers' views are welcome.

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (HBP) is common among senior citizens in the United States and is a serious condition that can significantly increase the likelihood of having coronary heart disease, a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems and risks. In literal terms, "blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against arterial walls while the heart pumps out blood. A large force over a long period of time is called HBP and it can cause extensive damage to the body. It is very important that senior citizens understand what their blood pressure means and how they can effectively prevent and, if necessary, treat HBP. People who participate in the elderly care of senior citizens should also be familiar with HBP and how they can encourage behaviors that facilitate healthy blood movement.


In the United States, about one in three adults have HBP. By itself, HBP has no apparent symptoms; it could have damaged the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other parts of the body for years without any obvious signs. Because of this, knowing your blood pressure is important regardless of how you physically feel. That way, you can take the necessary steps if your pressure is too high. Senior citizens and those involved in their elder care should monitor blood pressure regardless of what range it is in. If it is normal, you should work to keep it in that range. If it is high, you should seek treatment to minimize and prevent damage to your body.

Blood Pressure Numbers

The numbers that make up the pressure reading include systolic pressure, which is the pressure when the heart is pumping blood, and diastolic pressure, which is the pressure when the heart is resting between beats. Often, your blood pressure will be written and described as systolic over diastolic. For example, you might see 120/80 mmHg, which someone would say aloud as "120 over 80."

The following table presents normal numbers for adults and shows you which numbers place you at a greater risk for health problems. BP may fluctuate, but if your numbers are consistently above normal, you are at risk for developing high blood pressure.

* These ranges apply to adults without short-term serious illnesses, which could temporarily change blood pressure.

Levels above 120/80 mmHg raise your risk, which continues to rise as the numbers increase. "Prehypertension" implies that you are prone to developing high BP if steps are not taken to prevent it. If you have been treating HBP and your numbers have been in the normal range, your BP is under control, but you still have the condition. Therefore, it is important to continue the treatment to maintain normal levels even if you achieve a healthy blood pressure at some point.


High blood pressure is common in senior citizens because blood pressure tends to rise with age unless you take steps to prevent or control it. For this reason, it is important that senior citizens and those involved in their elder care monitor blood pressure to ensure that it remains in or return to the normal range.

There are certain medical problems that may raise blood pressure levels, such as chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea. Some medicines may also raise blood pressure. These include medications for asthma (corticosteroids) and even over-the-counter cold-relief products.

Some women experience a raise in blood pressure if they use birth control pills, become pregnant, or use hormone replacement therapy. For women going through menopause, taking hormones to reduce symptoms can cause a small rise in systolic blood pressure. If you already have HBP and would like to begin taking hormones, you should discuss the risks and benefits with your physician. If you decide to follow through with taking hormones, it is important to find out how to control your blood pressure and how often you should get it checked to prevent more serious health problems.

Risk Factors

Many risk factors for HBP exist, including certain hits, conditions, and habits. The major risk factors for HBP are described below.


Since blood pressure increases with age, senior citizens have a higher risk of developing HBP. In the United States, over half of the senior citizens have HBP. The most common form of HBP in senior citizens is isolated systolic hypotension (ISH), which is defined as having high systolic pressure (top number) only. About two-thirds of senior citizens with HBP have ISH. Although many senior citizens have HBP, it is not necessarily a normal part of aging. There are many ways to stay healthy and maintain blood pressure at a normal level as we age.

Race and Ethnicity

Anyone of any background can develop HBP, but it is more prevalent in African American adults than it is in Caucasian or Hispanic American adults. In relation to these groups, African Americans:

  • Tend to get HBP earlier in life
  • Often have more more HBP
  • Are more likely to be aware that they have HBP and to get treatment
  • Are less likely than Caucasians and about as likely as Hispanic Americans to achieve target control levels with HBP treatment
  • Have higher rates than Caucasians of premature death from HBP-related complications, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure

HBP risks vary among different groups of Hispanic American adults. For instance, Puerto Rican American adults have higher rates of HBP-related death than all other Hispanic groups and Caucasians. But, Cuban Americans have lower rates than Caucasians.

Overweight or Obesity

If you are overweight or obese, you are at a higher risk for developing HBP. Being overweight is defined as having extra body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and / or water; obesity is defined as having a high amount of extra body fat.


More adult men than women have HBP, yet younger women aged 18-59 are more likely than men to be aware of and seek treatment for BP. Women over 60 have the same likelihood as men of being aware of and seeking treatment for HBP, but among the group of women over 60 who are being treated, control of blood pressure is lower than it is in men of the same age group.

Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits

Certain lifestyle habits can be risk factors for HBP. Senior citizens and their caregivers should minimize and discourage the following unhealthy behaviors:

  • Consuming too much sodium in salty foods or drinks
  • Drinking an excess of alcohol
  • Insufficient potassium intake
  • Insufficient exercise or physical activity
  • Smoking
Other Risk Factors

A history of HBP in your family may increase your susceptibility to developing HBP. Long periods of stress may also contribute to your risk.

Signs and Symptoms

In general, high blood pressure by itself is not accompanied by any noticeable symptoms. Infrequently, you may experience headaches if you have HBP. It is possible to have HBP for years without realizing it. This does not mean that it is not doing harm to your body at this time; on the contrary, HBP can damage the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and other parts of your body without your knowledge.

Often, people learn that they have HBP only after they experience a heart attack or stroke or develop coronary heart disease. Having your blood pressure checked regularly and knowing your numbers is very important in preventing damage as well as more serious health problems. Maintaining a normal blood pressure or working to lower a high blood pressure can significantly lower your risk of developing more serious health problems.


Over time, high blood pressure can cause:

  • Enlarging or weakening of the heart, which can lead to heart failure - a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood through the body
  • The formation of aneurysms-abnormal bulges or "ballooning" in the arterial wall-in blood vessels (Aneurysms commonly form in the main artery that transfers blood from the heart to the body; arteries in the brain, legs, and intestines; and the artery that leads to the spleen)
  • Narrowing of blood vessels in the kidneys, which may cause kidney failure
  • Narrowing of arms throughout the body (especially in the heart, brain, kidneys, and legs), which limits blood flow and may lead to a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or amputation of part of the leg
  • Bursting or bleeding of blood vessels in the eyes, possibly leading to blindness or changes in vision

Treatments for HBP include lifestyle changes and medication. The goal for treatment is to attain and maintain a blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg.

Lifestyle Changes

One way senior citizens can control blood pressure levels is to develop healthy habits, including:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting enough exercise
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Quitting smoking
  • Managing and learning to deal with stress

A combination of these measures works better than any one habit alone. It can be hard to change your lifestyle, but if you take it slowly and change one thing at a time, changing your habits can be more manageable. Those involved in senior citizen elder care should encourage and help facilitate these healthy changes.

Sometimes it is possible to control blood pressure levels with lifestyle changes alone, but some senior citizens may need to take prescribed medicine on top of maintaining the lifestyle changes that they have adopted to help lower blood pressure. The goal for people with HBP is to control blood pressure as much as possible, so it is important to keep up a healthy lifestyle even after beginning to take medication.

Follow a Healthy Eating Plan

Your doctor may recommend the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan if you have HBP. The DASH eating plan focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other foods that are heart healthy and lower in sodium (salt).

This eating plan is low in fat and cholesterol. It also features fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products, fish, poultry, and nuts. The DASH eating plan suggests less red meat (even lean red meat), sweets, added sugars, and sugar-containing beverages. The plan is rich in nutrients, protein, and fiber.

To help control HBP, you should limit the amount of salt that you eat. This means decreasing low-salt and "no added salt" foods and seasonings for the table and when cooking. The Nutrition Facts label on food packaging shows the amount of sodium in the item. You should eat no more than about 1 teaspoon of salt a day.

You also should try to limit alcoholic drinks. Too much alcohol will raise your blood pressure. Men should have no more than two alcoholic drinks a day. Women should have no more than one alcoholic drink a day.

Do Enough Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can lower HBP and also reduce your risk for other health problems. Senior citizens often feel anxious about beginning an exercise routine. It is helpful to check with your doctor about how much and what kinds of activity are safe for you. Without your doctor tells you otherwise, try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most or all days of the week. You can do it all at once or break it up into shorter periods of at least 10 minutes each.

Moderate-intensity activities include brisk walking, dancing, bowling, riding a bike, working in a garden, and cleaning the house. If your doctor agreements, you also may want to do more intense activities, such as jogging, swimming, and playing sports. Those involved in the elder care of senior citizens should help facilitate and encourage appropriate physical activity for the senior.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Staying at a healthy weight can help control blood pressure and also reduce your risk for other health problems. If you are overweight or obese, aim to reduce your weight by 7 to 10 percent during your first year of treatment. This amount of weight loss can lower your risk for health problems related to HBP. After the first year, you may have to continue to lose weight so you can lower your body mass index (BMI) to less than 25.

BMI measures your weight in relation to your height and gives an estimate of your total body fat. A BMI between 25 and 29 is considered overweight. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. A BMI of less than 25 is the goal for keeping blood pressure under control.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can damage your blood vessels and raise your risk for HBP. It can also worsen health problems related to HBP. Smoking is bad for everyone, especially those who have HBP.

If you smoke or use tobacco, quit. Talk to your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit.

Managing Stress

Learning how to manage stress, relax, and cope with problems can improve your emotional and physical health. Physical activity helps some people cope with stress. Other people listen to music or focus on something calm or peaceful to reduce stress. Some people pray, learn yoga, or mediate.


It is very important to take all the blood pressure medications your physician prescribes. Know the names and doses of all your medications, and ask your doctor or pharmacist questions if you have any. Order refills of your prescriptions before they run out, and take your medicines just as they were prescribed (do not skip days or take more or less than the recommended dose). If you experience side effects, talk to your doctor about them. There may be a better medication or dosage for you. Trust your doctor-it is not a good idea to stop taking medicines without consulting with a health-care professional.


If you have normal blood pressure, you can make changes or maintain healthy habits to prevent high blood pressure. These habits include:

  • Eating a healthy diet, which includes limiting sodium and alcohol intake
  • Losing weight if you are overweight or obese
  • Getting enough exercise or physical activity
  • Quitting smoking
  • Managing and learning to deal with stress

These steps, whether done individually or collectively, can help reduce the risk of developing HBP. To be most effective in delaying or preventing HBP, following most or all of the steps is suggested.

If you have high blood pressure, you can still make changes to prevent more serious effects of HBP. The healthy habits listed above, along with medication, can improve your quality of life. It is important to closely follow the treatment plan suggested by your physician-this will delay or prevent serious health problems including kidney disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

Living with High Blood Pressure

A diagnosis of HBP means that you will have to treat and control it for life-even if treatment successfully lowers your blood pressure, you still have the condition. Making lifestyle changes, taking medicines as prescribed, and getting ongoing medical care will become a part of your life.

Although treatment helps to control blood pressure, it is not a cure. Stopping treatment will raise your blood pressure again, which raises your risk for other health problems. Working towards a healthy future means closely following your treatment plan and working with your health-care team to gain lifelong control of your blood pressure.

Ongoing Care

See your doctor for checksups or tests as often as he or she recommends. Your treatment plan as prescribed by your doctor may change over time, and regular checksup allow you and your doctor to know whether your blood pressure is rising so that your treatment plan can be quickly altered as necessary. During checkingups, you can ask your doctor or health care team any questions you have about your lifestyle or medicine treatments.

Keeping track of your blood pressure is vital. Have your blood pressure checked on the schedule your doctor advises. You may want to learn how to check your blood pressure at home. Your doctor can help you with this. Each time you check your own blood pressure, you should write down your numbers and the date.

Interior Designing With Proper Architectural Structural Support in Mind

Interior Designing With Proper Architectural Structural Support in Mind

Support Products and the Presentation of Design in Interior Design can work well together.

Are you always looking for a unique design feature in Interior or Exterior design that allows you to step out of the box?

When choosing a unique feature that provides substance and a sense of design it will allow you to reflect your design ability and express yourself at the same time. When you are able to design and step out of the box in the installation of structural necessities, such as, permanent light fixtures, or better yet, something as common as support brackets for shelving or granite support, you will find great satisfaction in bringing in function and design. Hand Forged Wrought Iron Angle Brackets or Metal Corbels are necessary for many purposes in Home Improvement or Home Decor. Fireplace mantels usually need a form of support and when you are able to incorporate that function of support with an architectural element at the same time you have established function and design.

You may find areas in interior design that do not actually need the function of support but by installing a product like Forged Iron Brackets under your upper cabinets in your kitchen or bathroom area you are creating a visual focal point of interest. It is really a simple task with dynamic impact. You can take the ordinary to extraordinary in an easy step. Again, keep in mind, you may not need support you just need a design element or feature. That is what quality Hand Forged Wrought Iron Angle Brackets provide. Your Home Decor or Decorating may be just fine but you feel it is lacking that pizzazz that will take it over the top. Do you think it could use a little facelift with some Iron Angle Brackets to bring some attention to your counter tops? How about replacing the wood brackets under your counter with Iron?

There is beauty and high end quality in many Hand Forged Brackets that are available only on the internet and not sold in stores: they are stunning and very affordable. I would just suggest never think that the weak and flimsy bracket that you would buy at your local hardware store will do. That can take your dynamic impact to cheap and ugly. Find weighty and quality brackets or corbels for the job. You basically want to do a presentation that encompasses the whole look of the room. Cheap and flimsy will not work or do the job.

Quality Iron Angle Brackets will come in several styles and finishes. Find your style and then decide the finish you desire. Find a company that is available for conversation and willing to work with your size and style needs. Not all companies out there are available for their customers. Many inferior products are made overseas and are mass produced. Believe it or not there are still smaller companies making American Made and more than happy to work with their customers. Something else to keep in mind; you may not be in need of the product but you know of someone who is. Pass along information to others, that is good for the company that is providing a great product and for the consumer looking for that quality product.

It's a great day when you find products that meet the structural support needs and it's a even better day when you find those support needs that are architectural elements of design. The presentation that reflects both support and design is like hitting a home run.

Article Marketing for SEO? Stop! The Big Lie About Creating Offsite Content You Must Not Miss

Article Marketing for SEO? Stop! The Big Lie About Creating Offsite Content You Must Not Miss

Is article marketing for SEO a smart strategy? Can I really improve the rankings of my website or blog by submitting content to the article directories? Doe the search engines "reward" anchor text links from article submissions? If not ... WHY not? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at one of the largest MYTHS about creating content for off site SEO that there is, as well as answer some common questions many neophyte article marketing entrepreneurs have as well. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Will submitting articles help my OWN website or blog rank higher in the search engines?

Good question! (and a very common one as well) The truth is, it will not, and if you are creating content for syndication for the purpose of building back links to boost your blog or website in the search results, you will be sorely disappointed in the results.

Remember, the primary purpose of the search engines is to provide relevant content to the questions of their users.

They understand that publishers like you and I can "contrive" whatever anchor text we want when we write these articles, and therefore .... it's NOT really a natural or authoritative metric to measure how relevant our site really is. With that in mind, and from my own experience, they tend to simply place very low priority on these types of incoming links, and have for many years.

(And I've submitted more than 5000 unique articles that have demonstrated this fact in my own business to boot!)

Does that mean that content syndication is dead?

Absolutely NOT. As a matter of fact, I still spend at least 60 minutes a day writing articles very much like the one you are reading right now, and it's still my favorite way to build my brand, my blog, my business and my bank account to boot ! The truth is, you have to have a STRATEGY when it comes to article marketing that is supportive of a bigger and bolder goal. For me, that goal is always to use my content to build my community. So I really do not care about SEO, or incoming links, or anything like that.

I ONLY want to get traffic to my landing page, which is almost always a simple form that allows folks to sign up for my list, and allows me to build a real relationship with my friendship.

Remember, people who are telling you that article marketing is an effective way of optimizing your blog for specific keywords are a bit behind the times.

(And if you put yourself in Google's "mind" for a minute, it makes perfect sense WHY they stopped rewarding this approach years ago as well)

But, there is still no better way than content creation to move a stranger into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a fan, friend, follower, and absolutely a new client and customer for your business as well.

(And that's the BIGGEST reason why I still write articles everyday ... and so TOO should you!)

CakePHP Development - Best Open Source Framework for PHP Web Development

CakePHP Development - Best Open Source Framework for PHP Web Development

CakePHP is by far the best open source framework for PHP development as it offers a number of unique features that make web development easy and enjoyable.

CakePHP is easily the best form of PHP for developing websites. PHP is a very flexible coding language, but at times it is the very PHP that leads to haphazard and untidy programming. The friendly PHP community and flexibility make web development using PHP fulfilling experience, but when programmers insert files and codes from diverse sources in the PHP code, things can get a little messy. PHP in the right hands is an excellent tool; PHP, in inexperienced hands, can create a lot of trouble.

PHP is an evolving language and, with the passage of time, new positive changes constantly increasing the utility value of PHP. There are numerous frameworks in the market; these frameworks add value to PHP, make it possible to do a lot of new things with it, and enhance its functionality. These frameworks make coding for PHP more manageable, and programmers can take full advantage of PHP development by using these frameworks.

Among the open source PHP frameworks, CakePHP development is easily the best bet for developers or developers who need a reliable and tested framework to simplify their web development process. What makes CakePHP development so suitable for development? It is the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture separates business logic from presentation and design, and this makes CakePHP development the most apt framework for web development.

CakePHP development has gained wide acceptance since it was launched in 2005, and the growing dominance of PHP in web development has made it one of the most well known open source frameworks for web development. Another important reason for the spread of CakePHP development is that programmers across the world can use it to create striking website paying next to nothing. Also, CakePHP is totally compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5; Also, programmers can integrate it with CRUD to get a complete solution to their database management problems.

CakePHP development also brings home the usual advantages of PHP: there are a number of new trails the programmer can blaze. It brings excitement and flexibility to programming, and at the same time it provides a strong structure which ensures that the code does not become haphazard. Other open source PHP frameworks like Symfony, Prado, CodeIgniter, Agavi, Kohana, and Zend Framework are unable to provide this perfect balance between flexibility and structure.

If you need to develop a website using PHP, CakePHP is your best bet because it is easy to license, you will benefit from its MVC architecture, the code will be automatically generated (using Bake), you will have a flexible control list, you will be able to resolve all your database management issues by integrating CRUD in the framework, you will be easily able to compress and store data, and most importantly, you will get good support from the helpful CakePHP development community.

As PHP becomes the preferred language for web development, and as its evolves to include object-oriented programming, CakePHP development will gain greater following, and this in turn will create a larger community of CakePHP developers. If you are planning to develop a website using PHP, CakePHP is your best option.

Online Articles Information

Online Articles Information

Writing online articles and submitting them to article directories has been proven to be a very effective way to help market a product or service for a website. The need for online articles has really gotten quite large. Websites that hire search engine optimization firms can get the online articles that they need to be submitted to article directories for a fee.

Having online news that point back to your website is a great way to get new customers coming to your website. Online news that are submitted to article directories are a very effective way to get back links. A certain amount of back links are needed when you are dealing with the need to do search engine optimization. When the search engines see a number of back links they tend to rank your site as being more relevant. When your site is ranked as being relevant, the search engines will bring it up when people search the keywords associated with your product or service.

Many website owners can write their own online news and submit them to article directories. However, writing online articles can take a lot of time. Certain keywords should be used and they need to be used a certain number of times according to the total number of words in the article. Many amateur writers are finding writing jobs on the internet. They write online news for affiliate marketers, website owners, SEO firms, online magazines, etc. People can write online news and have them published on certain websites to help build their writer portfolio too. They can then use their online news in their resume to help them find better paying writing jobs on the internet.

There is a huge demand for online news. The main reason is that online article marketing is very effective. You can achieve the ability to get targeted traffic coming to your website when they read articles that have your website link inserted within the body of your articles. When people read your articles they will come to your website if they are really interested in your product or services. Visitors that come to your website via your online articles are more likely to buy your product than not. If you do not have the time to write your own articles you can always hire someone to write them for you and submit them to the article directories or sign up with an SEO firm for their services.

Financial Software Forex Trading - My Journey to Financial Freedom

Financial Software Forex Trading - My Journey to Financial Freedom

Online trading has been redefined! No more do you have to sit for hours in front of the computer trying to figure the best foreign exchange trade options for you. With the development and launch of financial software forex trading, you can now relax while this intelligent program, which is a Forex robot, does all the work for you.

Financial software forex trading has been specifically designed and developed to automate the foreign exchange trading system. This program continuously analyzes the Forex market, selects the best trade options, and makes the trade for you. Incredible, is not it!

However, as with every break-through innovation, it had to go through a lot of criticism. Many people felt that this program was scam software and could in no way provide consistent trading benefits.

This intelligent and resourceful program, financial software forex trading managed to strike back at the critics with a bang! Forex robots will definitely have the ability to legally double your money in a month. Well, most people will not admit it, but almost all of us dream of making thousands of dollars in a short period of time and without much effort too. With best automated forex trading software, your dreams can actually turn into reality.

Financial software forex trading will do all the work for you while you play, sleep, watch television, or go out for a party! Probably, this easy way of doubling money is one of the reasons why people think that it's scam software. However, you should realize that this easy way of making money is not a scam; it is the genius of the creators of this clever Forex robot.

Most of the creators validate back test results with live forward trading. This simply means that if this automated forex system shows a demo profit of 100 percent in one month while back testing; it is able to produce anything between 80-100 percent in live trading.

This is exactly the reason why we should think of forex trading software to make passive income stream and make a happy family.

Forex robots have a bright future for itself as well as those who try it out!