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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Professions In Construction - Management

Professions In Construction - Management

Management is an important task in every endeavor. The same applies to construction. The following are the main forms of management professions in construction:

· Construction Management: This is the ultimate management profession for the construction industry. It is concerned with the overseeing of the three main pillars of the construction project. These are:

· Money: construction costs a lot of money. As such, there is need to account for every penny that gets into the project. Furthermore, it is important to budget and establish when a certain amount of money will be required for the project. This is especially so with projects funded by financial organizations. This is the responsibility of the construction manager, obviously with the assistance of other players, especially the client and architect.

· Men: This refers to the human resource input into the project. Although there are many persons involved, the construction manager is mostly involved with main professionals, contractors and specialists. Here he will advise on the requisite resources, their roles and assist in negotiating their fees.

Of importance is the selection of the contractor to undertake the work, usually through a tendering process.

· Machines: This category includes both materials and plant. The role here is basically adisorial, especially in consultation with the architect and the engineers.

The following are also responsibilities of the construction manager:

· Time: Apart from controlling the construction finances, the construction manager is charged with the responsibility of controlling project time. The overall project time is very crucial and this needs to be keenly controlled. Loss of construction completion time means loss of revenue from the finished product.

· Quality: Owing to the fact that many materials are put together by many hands to achieve the desired product. There are therefore many chances of compromising on the quality of the finished product, and by extension, loss of value for money input into the works as well as high costs of repair and maintenance. The construction manager, through the assistance of the necessary technical engineers.

· Site management: This can be seen as a subsidiary of construction project management but on a lower level. The site manager is concerned with overseeing the daily goings-on on the site of construction. They take direction from the construction manager or architect if they are on the client side or from the contractor. The site manager is charged with the following main responsibilities:

· Site organization

· Document storage

· Material storage

· Visitor hosting and direction

Top Financial Tips for Millennials

Top Financial Tips for Millennials

Are you a millennial who feels overwhelmed trying to manage your finances? Are you getting the most out of your money? Financial literacy is not often taught in schools and they don't do a great job preparing their graduates to manage their finances. So when you're out of college and start real life, it can be a little overwhelming and it is easy to get yourselves into debt and other financial trouble.

Most millennials are currently in their 20s and 30s - a time when many young people are ready to make major financial decisions in their lives, like home ownership, long-term investment activity, etc. If you're currently a part of this generation here's your crash course on what you should do to improve your financial wellness:

Take online financial courses

Since most young adults have the propensity for technology it is suggested you take a few basic online courses in economics, accounting, and any other financial topics that may be of interest to you.

Embrace Technology

When it comes down to managing your money there is probably an app. To help you do that. These apps. Can categorize your spending habits and help you manage your spending. These insights can help you save money each month and then transfer that money directly to your savings. Online financial apps can help you make a workable budget for your lifestyle and ultimately change your net worth.

When it comes down to managing your money there is probably an app to help you do that. Mobile apps like Clarity Money can help you track any wasteful spending habits. Digit and Stash can recommend where you can save money each month and then transfer that money directly to your savings. Online financial apps can help you make a workable budget for your lifestyle and ultimately change your net worth.

Examine Your Current Bank Accounts

Are you paying fees? If so, for what? Monthly maintenance and minimum balance fees should never be a fee on your account statement. Free checking accounts, are available, especially at credit unions and these accounts will help you keep more of your own money in your pockets. So don't settle for anything else.

Build Your Credit and Understand the Impact of your Credit Score

Early on, you may only have a student loan or a credit card on your credit report. But now it's time to start building your credit. Ask your credit union about a Credit Builder Loan to help jumpstart your credit. And if you already have some active loans, make sure you're making payments on time every month. You'll need that good credit history when you want to make big purchases in the future like a car, rent an apartment, or get a mortgage for your first home.

It's also important to know that if you are planning on opening up a business your personal credit may be the defining factor in your ability to access necessary working capital.

Repay Debt Tactically

Since we are on the topic of credit, a lot of young adults have credit cards with very high interest rates. Focus on paying off those debts first! If possible, transfer those balances to a lower-rate credit card. It's much easier to pay down debt when more is going toward the balance.

Track everything to obtain your whole financial picture

Just as businesses manage their cash flow, individuals need to do the same by tracking their income, expenses, assets and liabilities. There are many online tools to help you like Mint, Quicken and Personal Capital.

Build an Emergency Fund

Unplanned/unfair/unfortunate events can happen in the blink of an eye. You may get in a car accident, have unforeseen medical expenses or lose your job. That's why it's important for everyone to have an emergency fund. The best way is to set up an automatic savings plan where you pay yourself first by depositing a portion of your paycheck into a separate savings account. If you forget it's there you won't be tempted to spend it.

Create a Long-Term Savings Strategy

An emergency fund is a short-term strategy, but you also can't forget the big picture. Does your employer offer a matching 401(k)? If so, be sure to take advantage of that opportunity. It's fundamentally free money, and it's an investment in your future.

Get yourself a financial mentor

Even though there is an overabundance of information and apps on the Internet to help with your financial security, it is far superior to pick the brain and bounce questions off a trusted friend or colleague. Their pertinent insights will most likely be tailored to your specific requirements.

Use these financial tips listed above to get your finances on track while you're still young. You've got a bright future ahead - so start now and stick with it. Your financial well-being will thank you! Although these tips are targeted at millennials, they're useful for all ages.

Medicare Supplement Plans - Three Little Known Ways to Save Money on Your Plan

Medicare Supplement Plans - Three Little Known Ways to Save Money on Your Plan

Many people are talking about saving money these days. It is a primary topic of discussion. Prices for some things seem set in stone though, as if there is no way to reduce your costs. Most seniors assume that Medicare Supplement plans fall into the "set in stone" category; however, that is not necessarily the case, as there are several significant ways to save money on your Medigap plans.

Below, we have listed three way to save money on your Medigap insurance that many people may not recognize or know about:

  1. Household (husband-wife) Discount - This is probably the easiest way to save money - to have the same plan as your spouse. Not all companies offer this, but the majority of competitively-priced companies do. It is an incentive to keep all of your business (both you and your spouse) with the same company. If you ARE with the same company and are NOT receiving this discount, you should ask your current company about it - or, possibly, find a new company that would be less expensive and/or offer this discount.

  2. Payment Mode Discount - Companies handle this is different ways. Many are less expensive when you pay monthly by bank draft; however, some are still less expensive if you pay annually or semi-annually. Regardless, this is something to look into.

  3. Early Enrollment Discount - A few companies offer an early enrollment discount for those who enroll in their plan within a certain time period after turning 65. This discount usually is reduced over time; however, when enrolling at or near age 65, the discount can make one company's rates better than another.

Keep in mind that the actual rate for Medicare Supplement plans is set. One agent or broker cannot offer a better rate than another. However, these company-offered discounts can affect the rates a good bit and make one companies rates more competitive than another.

If you are not getting all, or any, of these discounts and you feel like you should qualify, we recommend comparing your coverage to see if there is another company that offers the discounts and would be more advantageous to you financially.

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

You've just got yourself a new rifle scope, fitted it and let me guess...for some reason your shots are landing nowhere near the crosshairs?

Sadly there's more to rifle scope sharp shooting than just plonking the scope on the rifle and forever after shooting like an SAS sniper! You have to "zero" it.

Think about it. It's like a bike wheel. If you tighten the bolts wrong, too much on one side for example, it spins wrong and rubs the brake pads. It's the same with a Rifle scope. If it's not set up correctly it will be offline and even at short air rifle, airsoft and paintball ranges this is going to throw your accuracy right off. At longer ranges you'll miss by a mile (well figuratively anyway!)

What Does "Zero a scope" mean?

Zeroing a sight or scope means getting the crosshair in position so that when you shoot. Ground zero if you like. The point of impact.There's a lot of discussion amongst shooters on the best way to zero a scope or sight. What I've written below is what I've been sending out to my eBay scope buyers for the last year or so and received a lot of good comments back about it so I know it's OK!

How to Zero a Rifle Scope

First of all you need to set a firm foundation by fitting the scope mounts well.

  1. Put the scope mounts on the rifle first with the top brackets removed.

  2. Tighten them into place using 1/2 turns at the time so that they sit solid and level as best as is possible, i.e., the downward pressure is as equal as possible. At this stage don't tighten them fully as you might want to slide them up and down a little.

  3. Now take scope and place it on top of the open rifle mounts.
    • Make sure the windage and elevation turrets are one up and one to the right (these are the "turrets" on the sight. You use them later to make micro adjustments and in the field adjustments for wind)

  4. Then put the top mount brackets on and tighten - Again use partial turns to tighten up.
    • Don't tighten fully at this stage, you may yet need to adjust a little.

Zero the scope

  1. Lie in your normal shooting position and check that you can see through the scope well...

    • The distance between your eye and the rear scope lens is called Eye Relief.

    • Unlike cartoons you do not use a scope by pressing your eye up against the scope lens!

  2. Once comfortable complete the screwing down of all mounts so that your set up is solid -
    • take care at this stage to keep the final turns partial and one by one to ensure pressure is equal.

Now it's time to zero the scope for shooting:

  1. Load the rifle

  2. Adopt your standard prone/lie down shooting position.
    • Prone is the best way as if you test shoot from standing or kneeling positions you waver more and it's harder to do a "true test".

  3. Put some sort of target in place at say 20 yards - or whatever you think your "standard" range will be.

  4. Using cross hair on target centre - Take 2-3 shots - Where do do they fall in relation to where you want them to? Right, left, up, down - dead on (lucky you!)

  • 2-3 shots is best as it will average out shooter inaccuracy and give you a more "significant" feel for how far or close you are from true zero.

Now it's time to use the windage and elevation turrets to get it zeroed dead on. These are the 2 turrets on the top and right side of the scope. See my website for pictures.

  1. Models vary, you'll probably screw a cap off and expose either a coin twist or finger knurled type of dial.

  2. The top turret adjusts up and down. The right one left and right.

  3. If you have your scopes instructions they should have a table with figures to tell you what each click adjustment means in terms of cross hair movement at "x" distance, e.g., 1/8 inch at 100 metres.

Use single click turns and each time take a new shot to gauge where the shot now falls - the dials basically adjust the cross hair position up-down and left-right.

It's trial and error basically but with testing you'll get to where you need to be and be able to trust that your shots will go where it says they will! This may take some time and a lot of shots. Be patient!

Landscape Planning And Hardscape Items

Landscape Planning And Hardscape Items

So much of the time of designing a landscape is devoted to plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, and sod ... all too often, forgetting about the functioning items of a landscape. The Denver metro area is littered with tracks of homes that sit on 50'x100 'lots. In new construction, a builder only has to devote a 3'x4 'piece of concrete to the backyard. Even after a homeowner purchases a house, time after time you see a homeowner putting a 10x10 piece of concrete, then leaving the majority of the backyard grass. You see homeowners and designers putting trees and plants in sod areas instead of islands or mulch beds. There is no design for lighting and no design for outdoor living. With Denver's 300 plus days of sunshine, this is a perfect state for outdoor living. In designing a backyard in Denver, a person should really consider things like ...

· Where am I going to put the BBQ?
· What is my focal point area? (You should consider fire pits and outdoor fireplaces)
· Where is the shed going to go?
· Are we going to have a play structure?
· What kind of entertaining will we be doing on our patio or in our backyard?

Now we all know that price is a final factor in building outdoor living spaces, but I can not tell you how many times we have come to a two year old house with a skid loader to tear out an existing landscape that the homeowner thread in half-heartedly. If you look at it with the money spent in the long run, they spend double. We always encourage homeowners to start with a professional design that includes the "big picture". This is the # 1 item we encourage people to spend money on. It will prove to be a worthy investment. We feel it is better to wait on a 3 "caliper tree or buy smaller trees than to skimp on patio size and other hardscape items.

We get a lot of people that think that they can do without a sprinkler system. They say "We will just water with a hose." In 6 months they are always calling and asking if we can help with the watering of the trees, shrubs, and sod as they are dying. Unfortunately, it is too late at this point. The just of this story is to invest in the planning ... get the hardscape items in the size that you need them in, do not skimp on the mechanical portion (sprinkler and drainage), and if you have to wait until next year to bring in the trees and shrubs you will be much happier in the long run.

Stage Set-Up

Stage Set-Up

The crew ensures backdrops, props and music instruments are in place at the right time as well as that each performer looks the part from hair to make-up to wardrobe). That all sound equipment works properly and the audio quality is of a high standard for the audience to enjoy. The crew is responsible for the magic of ambience and enhancing the atmosphere by designing and controlling special effects and lighting schedule (spotlights, scene colors for mood lighting effects, smoke, snow, rain, confetti, fireworks, aerial acts).

The Backstage Crew are hands-on, creative people that work closely with the Director of the show. The Director analyzes the show by reading the script and looking at different stage spaces, figuring out how the show can be played out in the space chosen. This involves a lot of research by the crew, which includes knowledge of health and safety as well.

Height, dimensions, power, rigging, lighting capabilities, flooring, walling, aerial usage, pit usage, specific stage regulations, make-up, hair, costumes and audio set-up are just some of the crews' vocabulary. They are employed to know every nook and cranny of every stage they work in and script they work from. The theater house or concert arena sometimes employs the theater crews, which they keep in-house, and sometimes the crew is outsourced or brought in by the company hiring it for that show. Either way, they need to be top of their game in order to be relied on for such intracycy required.

Stage life is constantly live. There is no time for live mistakes or missed chances. A massive amount of preparation is made to ensure the live element runs like clockwork. Everyone from the cast to the crew works to a schedule and script. If anyone person is unprepared or unavailable when required, they will most likely be replaced in a heartbeat by someone else more capable and reliable.

The space where everyone works within the stage area (front, above, below, back and in-between) is to be treated with the highest regard. Everyone is taught not to touch, move or talk when not meant to - it's just the way it is. If this respect falls by the wayside, so does the show.

Once the crew set-up their sound, lighting rig and scene changes schedule - the actors, leading male and female singers, dancers and band are welcomed in for stage rehearsals. This helps the crew tweak the microphones, adjust the lights and placement timing of props and equipment. The performers and crew become one through this process, and the show begins.

Members of Backstage Crew often work for a crew company that is contracted to superstar musicians and large theater houses. Some technicians also own hire equipment and rehearsals studios as a sideline business. It is one of the most hard-working jobs in the industry to have and the people talented in these fields are very respected. If you are looking to be the next exceptional sound engineer, lighting wiz or hair and make-up specialist, look in the musicians' jobs section of any newspaper or online source for stage and film work. Also approach large film and stage production houses directly for openings.

Shopping In The City Of Angels - Los Angeles

Shopping In The City Of Angels - Los Angeles

Los Angeles truly stands up to its nickname - City of Angels. It is an international hub of culture, fashion, business, technology, media, education, science, international trade, entertainment, and of course, fashion. The beautiful shopping areas in the city have their own unique charm and character, which makes them worthwhile to hop on to cheap flights to Los Angeles.

For truly enjoying the spirit of shopping in this beautiful city, a person should know where to head to. Abbot Kinney Boulevard is the street that runs through Venice. Here you can get vintage clothing, handmade furniture, decor shops, perfume shops, bookstores and surf shop.

If you are crazy about vintage clothing, stationary items and sneakers, head to La Brea Avenue. You would just love visiting the skateboarding located here. The stationary shops, especially Dear John and Pulp, have some amazing gifts and letter writing supplies.

Flights to Los Angeles can put you in close proximity to Montana Avenue. Here you will find over 150 shops providing varied shopping options. The shops here consist of designer outlets or privately owned boutiques. You can find never seen before designs and patterns in these boutiques. If you are lucky enough, you may even end up spotting a celebrity or two, as the area is a popular shopping destination among celebrities. This area is also famous for wines, home furnishing and antiques.

However, the best place to go for celebrity spotting is at Robertson Boulevard. While you are waiting to catch a glimpse of one of the famous Hollywood stars, you can visit some of the local boutiques to pick some designer wears. Most of these boutiques treat their customers as celebrities. You will definitely end up feeling extremely important!

If you have saved money post buying cheap tickets to Los Angeles, spend it on boutique shopping. Ventura Boulevard is the Mecca of boutique shopping. This street joins Universal City and Studio City to Sherman Oaks. The celebrities love to shop at Studio City. If you want to follow their example, Studio City is the place. Do take some time out of your busy shopping schedule to check out the shopping area between Coldwater Canyon and Colfax Avenue.

The city offers one of the finest pedestrian shopping areas in the country. If you are a true shopping aficionado, you will want to book inexpensive flight tickets and save sufficient money to spend at West Third Street. The shopping area from La Cienega to Fairfax offers great pedestrian shopping experience. With shops like Cook's Library and Traveler's Bookcase, this area is heaven for book lovers.

For mid-range shopping, Abbot Kinney Boulevard and The Grove are two of the best places. To buy cheap sunglasses, t-shirts, art, craft and souvenirs, Venice Beach is the best place. This place offers you value for money.