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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Read a Forex Company Review Before Getting Started

Read a Forex Company Review Before Getting Started

If you've been thinking about opening up a forex account, then you probably know that you can do so online. In fact, there are many programs and systems online that make forex trading easy to do. If you're a beginner, though, you'll need to make sure you sign up with a reliable and legitimate company.

Not all forex companies are equal; in fact, some turn out to be nothing more than scams! Good forex companies will be there for you whenever you need them. They will provide you with training software and will help you with every step of your journey. If you do not work with a good online forex company, it will be very hard for you to succeed with your trades-especially if you're a beginner to the market.

Thankfully, there are many forex company reviews online. You can read reviews about different brokerage companies, training companies, software companies, consultant companies, and more. You will be able to find a company overview of any online organization you're thinking about working with. No matter what your goals are concerning the foreign exchange market, you need to work with an online company that will help you understand how the market works.

It's especially important for you to read forex company reviews if you're new to the market. You'll find out which online companies offer the best beginner's guides and training software. You may even be able to open up a 'practice' account so that you'll get an idea about how foreign exchange market works. An online forex company will help you learn the steps and techniques involved in trading. They will also keep you updated at how well or poorly the foreign economies are fairing. Receiving a good forex education is essential if you really want to succeed in the foreign exchange market.

eCommerce: Why Cross-Selling Is an Important Element Beside Your Layout

eCommerce: Why Cross-Selling Is an Important Element Beside Your Layout

The year 2016 presents tremendous opportunities for cross-selling techniques. eCommerce businesses can actually bolster sales records by even up to 30% by resorting to cross-selling. As a retailer, you do have the chance to generate extra traffic during the sales period by adding new features and optimizing user experience.

eCommerce: Strategies to Shore Up This Particular Technique

Cross-selling entails the practice of boosting sales by providing additional (but relevant) products along with the product the customer is already looking for. For instance, if a potential buyer is looking for a laptop then you can generally present them with the additional option of choosing laptop covers as well. While most may think that it's not that difficult to make a buyer shell out a few extra bucks for the cover when it's already buying a laptop- in reality, it's not that easy either. If it would have been that easy we would not really have taken the trouble to draw this primer up for you. So, do read on.

What you should know

Start off by shaking up your messaging techniques. No, we are not speaking about the stock-in-trade standard messages that are sent out in bulk to all your consumers during a sale or festivals. We are rather talking about personalizing your messages. Why not include the name of perspective within the message body itself? Notably, it has been found that the inclusion of the word "you" and "your" bolsters results by a reasonable margin. Your message should be more like you're speaking to your buyer right across the table.

It is very important to ensure that you're actually keeping your endeavors relevant. Like we have already pointed out that you can actually go on to offer something like a laptop cover with a laptop (or for that matter, a printer with a desktop). However, you just can not go on to present random products or accessories as cross sells. Presenting cross sells that will be needed without a doubt is a surefire tip to succeed. For instance, if you're selling a printer now, then putting printer ink along side is a more fruitful proposition rather than presenting a printer cover. A user may or may not make use of the cover but he / she has no other option but to use ink.

Now, you may not really believe it, but let us tell you even eCommerce website developers today focus a lot on this technique to aid their consumers to bolster their conversion odds. They can offer you insights regarding which cross sells pages to promote. In fact, there are eCommerce website developers who tell their clients how adopting cross-selling and up-selling measures count in your eCommerce success within an impressive layout does.

Complexity Need Not Be a Component of Financial Success

Complexity Need Not Be a Component of Financial Success

When others learn that I maintain a bit of an "alter ego" existence as a fitness trainer, many will waste no time asking about the best way to lose weight; when I immediately shoot back with "By sticking to a good diet and exercising regularly," that response is often satisfied with a dismissive look. In fact, I now deliver that line with sort of a smirk, anticipating the eye-rolling I'll get in return. Tried and true ways of doing things are not exciting, and people are too often looking for something that's clever - they want the "secret."

Just as there is no trick to weight loss, there is no trick to growing your net worth. It is a matter of spending less than you make, and using that difference to both pay down any existing debts you have, as well as investing in assets that have a real chance to appreciate, like securities, real estate, small businesses, and the like. The good news part of that is that life can remain simple as you pursue your financial goals; the bad news is that, alas, you have to face up to the realization that there is no trick, no magic bullet ... and no complex component to which you can affix blame if you fail.

Since all of the stock market's more-recent painful gyrations, the benchmark S & P 500 has recovered, at this writing, to a point where it's about 20 percent below its all-time high reached in 2007. 20 percent down from that time is not an insignificant level of devaluation, but it's hardly indicative of the stock market collapse toward which many were convinced we were headed just a couple of years ago. What does the current state of affairs tell you? In part, it tells you that if you maintain a diversified portfolio of mutual funds in an IRA, 401 (k), or some other long-term retirement account, and you add to it regularly, that doing so is still a pretty good idea . Same thing with paying down debt; apply a sum each month to a targeted obligation that you can whittle away systematically. It's not clever, it's not sexy; it's just effective.

I've heard it that when someone gripes that "things are complicated," the truth is that this person is unwilling to see "things" as simply and as clearly as they can be seen. I'm convinced that many of us actually like it when "things" are complicated, because it makes it easier to contrive excuses when we fail. People are free to play whatever mind games they want on themselves, but you can not escape reality, and the reality is that countless numbers of people continue to achieve financial stability and independence doing nothing more than the simple things that have always worked over the long term .

The Role of Web Development In the IT Industry Evolution

The Role of Web Development In the IT Industry Evolution

When the Internet was introduced to the public in the beginning of the 1990s, no one could imagine how it would change our life in about 15 years. At first it was just visiting friends 'and acquaints' pages, short messaging, some minor advertizing. And then web development came to improve the situation. When the first browser was created, people felt that their capabilities had broadened. The easy sharing of multimedia files brought communication to a new higher level.

The evolution of websites and online services enabled people not only using the Internet access for leisure but for work and education as well. In the mid-1990s e-commerce appeared. Soon people realized it is much better to go shopping online without leaving their homes. This was the first big innovation that web development technologies introduced to the society. The initial success of e-commerce was so dramatic that this market soon even became overloaded with proposition.

In the 2000s online forums and wiki pages became much popular among people interested in intense knowledge exchange. Interactive process made online communication quite similar to real one. After social networks were developed, the online socialization became even easier. Modern web development technologies allow easy and real-time sharing of all data types and so almost completely diminish the problem of long distance between communicators.

By the end of 2000s the progress went even further. Doing business online or being employed online is widespread now. Today a skilled and trusted professional can easily work inside a remote web development team without any problems with schedule organization and information sharing. Such an approach is really effective - do not you agree? Imagine a project manager who is sitting in a café in Berlin and having a Skype meeting with two other team members, one of which is occupying a hotel room in Stockholm and another one is working from his flat in Kiev.

What are the advantages of this type of teamwork organization? Well, you are avoiding extra expenses for office space, working places installation, transportation and other things. Nowadays more and more company owners choose the scheme of remote employment for their projects. Especially when cooperators from remote locations are hired in order to lower projects costs.

As we can see, web development technologies made possible to outsource projects. Now the outsourcing really drives the web development industry ahead. More and more web applications projects owned by companies from Western Europe and North America are outsourced to foreign contributors.

During the 2000s China and India were main players in the world outsourcing market. But gradually the situation changed. The outbreak of financial crisis in 2008/2009 resulted in significant growth of demand for outsourcing services as project owners were an exotic to cut costs as much as possible. Besides they tried to find other good places. As a result, Eastern European countries came forward. Local companies provide their clients with reliably high quality-price ratio which makes this region a very attractive place.

Web development technologies are taking more and more important place in our daily life. Their further evolution will certainly bring more fascinating changes to the society. Information is going to be the most valuable resource in the future. And people all over the world will always need more improved tools for data sharing and analysis. That means more work for web development professionals.

Things To Consider When Buying A Business

Things To Consider When Buying A Business

If you're planning to start a business, it's a good idea to start from scratch. You build your own concept, determine what items or services to offer, buy your own equipment, find yourself a good location and do the other things that will get your plan rolling. The problem with this is when you do not have that much time or expertise. Chances are you'll end up having a difficult time getting your business out to people. Even your marketing has to begin from the bottom because you will be unknown the moment you enter the market. To make things simpler, a good option for you would be to buy an existing business.

When you buy a business, you will have practically everything laid out for you. From location to marketing strategies, you will have something that is ready for you to start operating. You will even have your equipment ready and you will be simply paying the whole package cost. Most of the time, you do not even have to worry about hiring people to work for you because the usual trend is for existing workers to be retained even with a change in company ownership. In other words, everything will be so much easier and the risks will even be clearer to you. Buying a business is, indeed, a much safer way to earn profit compared to having to start everything from the bottom.

Buying a business will not be all that easy, however. There are many considerations you have to make. One of the most important things to do is for you to look into the financial standing of the business. Of course, you would not buy a business that is not doing well, unless you have a large capital to invest. Usually, you would opt for something that is performing positively in the market so you can only keep it going and improve it as you take over. There are many reasons why a businessman may opt to sell his business, anyway. It could be that there is nobody trustworthy enough to manage it or he may simply want to shift to another market. Whatever the reasons, it is important that you buy a business that will likely give you profit and not have you spend, if only to keep it running.

A business might be doing well but that's not all you need to take into account. You should also review its legal standing and whether or not it is in some kind of trouble such tax-related cases and all. You should set things straight with the owner in order to avoid the headache of fixing problems you never had a part in. Of course, you'd like to check the equipment and whether or not they're working. If you're going to buy a business and still spend on vital machinery, then you could be defeating the whole purpose of not starting things from scratch.

Helping Kids Learn Financial Responsibility

Helping Kids Learn Financial Responsibility

Childhood is a time to learn, explore, have fun, and enjoy the freedom of having very few responsibilities. When it comes to matters of money and finance, kids often have few worries. Unfortunately, this carefree attitude often lies well into a person's early twenties, and before they know it, they are in dire straits financially. If you are a parent with a young child and you want to start them on a path of being financially aware, it is never too early to start. While you may have a financial advisor Colorado or a financial planner Colorado to help you with your planning strategy, kids kindly on you to guide them. While there is no need to worry them with retirement plans or big investment schemes, it is important that you help them be aware of money and help them understand the importance of budgeting and saving. There are numerous ways to do this, regardless of the age of your child.

Kids need basic lessons when it comes to money and no lesson is more basic than how to save. If your child is given an allowance, help them understand why it is important not to spend every penny of it immediately. A great way to do this is by showing them the rewards of saving. Settle on an amount of allowance each week for the child. Explain to them how much they are getting, but also keep away a portion of that for savings. You are in control of the savings initially and it may take a few weeks for your child to understand that while the money becomes their, it will not be all at their disposal. At the end of a set period of time, present them with the savings and allow them to spend it. This way, your child will certainly understand the benefit of saving in action, as opposed to just saving because it sounds like a good thing to do. Getting a windfall will encourage them to save on their own in the future.

You can also help your child spend smart without being cheap. When shopping, guide your child into purchasing higher quality products so they learn that it is good to not always look for the lowest price. Help them find options when they shop, even if it is just for toys. Explain the benefits to waiting for sales, and the benefit of investing in higher quality for more money.

Kids should also understand how banking works before they open a checking or savings account. Work with them so they understand fees and so they realize a bank is a business looking to make money. Help them avoid unnecessary fees by teaching them responsibility.

Finally, make learning about money fun for young kids. Children learn through dramatic play, so if they are able to act out scenarios involving money, it will help them process what you are telling them. Supply them with toy cash registers, receipt books, budget manuals, and play money. Kids who engage in play involving money will understand how the exchange system works and they will be able to function better later in life when the exchange of goods and services for money is no longer a game.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

5 Keys to a Successful Business

5 Keys to a Successful Business

Business owners are some of the most optimistic, and often the craziest people in the world. No-one starts a business believing that it will fail. We are all absolutely convinced that our idea is a great one, that we will be successful (where others have failed) and that this business will change our lives for the better. If we did not feel that way, we would never take the risk to invest our own money, or borrow from others to start our business. The reality is however, that, according to the SBA, most businesses ever fail and more that 50% do not survive beyond the first 3 years. Even if you manage to get that far, things can still go horribly wrong, as many seasoned business owners found out during the recession that hit us during 2009 to 2012.

So, does this mean that you should not start a business at all? Absolutely not. I believe that your business can be an outstanding success, if you approach it in the right way, avoid repeating previous mistakes and implication discipline on yourself as the owner. Here are some of my suggestions on how you can make sure that your business succeeds:


Lets start with you. Successful business owners are disciplined people and more often than not, businesses fail because their owners fail. Your business must compete to succeed. There is always someone out there, trying to win over as many of the customers that you are targeting. Business is competitive and if you do not intend to work hard and discipline yourself, then do not get into the arena. Anywhere there is competition, there must be discline. You could have the most unique skill, or the best product idea, but your business will never achieve its full potential, if you do not have discipline.

Discipline is a determination to work hard to get it right. It is not settling for mediocre results but rather working until you achieve the qualities and results that you need to compete. No-one will buy your product if it is substandard, or hire your services if you can not deliver what you promise. Business discipline requires an eye for detail. I learned a valuable lesson very early on in my career. I was once required to do a financial presentation to a senior executive and felt that since I knew this stuff, I could get by with a minimum amount of research and preparation. I went to the meeting and had my presentation ripped to shreds. I was unable to answer questions that were obvious and fell way short on the detail needed to be credible and convincing. I left that meeting upset and angry, not with the executive, but with myself and vowed that this will never happen to me again. As a business owner you will not get things right every time. You will make mistakes and mess-up on occasion. But if your product or service fails, let it not be for lack of effort and discipline on your part, or that you were too lazy to do it right.

Due Diligence:

"A fool and his money are soon parted" - Dr. John Bridges
"All that glitters is not gold" - William Shakespeare
"There is a sucker born every minute" PT Barnum.

These old sayings are trying to warn us that not everything we think is an opportunity or a good business idea, is likely to succeed. There are many con-artists out there, who sole purpose in life is to deceive you into making financial commitments and who have no problem in robbing you blind. It is therefore foolish on your part not to do proper due diligence on any business idea, franchise or entity you intend to buy or invest in. This is where many business failures occur. At the very beginning.

Due diligence is a serious matter for start-ups as well as on-going businesses. Large successful businesses are constantly doing "due diligence" on their internal processes (systems review, business process improvement, financial and strategic planning) as well as on any expansion thr or acquisition they may contemplate. Start-ups need to do this as well, before they invest significant funds. Be wary of taking advice from people with vested interests in your decision. For example, you may be considering investing in a franchise. Do not rely solely on the advice of the franchise vendor with its polished website and a persuasive story, to tell you what a great opportunity this is and how much money you will make. Get independent advice and do your homework before you invest.

Many people start businesses based on a personal passion. While this is a great plus factor for success, because your passion drives you to overcome obstacles, it does carry the risk of making business decisions with your heart rather than your head. Sometimes we are too close to the project to be objective and we become emotionally committed too early. This is where an independent expert like an experienced business coach or adviser comes in tender. Some would-be business owners need to hear the brutal truth (in a compassionate way), before they go on to make the mistake of their lives. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend" (Proverbs 27: 6). Finally, do not be taken in by those who pressure you into investing in "a once in a lifetime, limited space available" opportunity. Anytime someone says that to me, I take a step back, and take a good hard look, to see what I'm missing about the offer. It is better to miss out on a "limited offer" opportunity than to rush in and lose your money.


A well thought out and reviewed marketing plan is one of the most important ingredients that you need to succeed as a business owner. Unless you happen to own the only source of water in the desert, do not expect people to automatically think of you and come flocking to your doors to buy your product. I worked in a corporate career as a CFO for many years before going off on my own. One of the biggest challenges that I faced when I decided to start my own consultancy business, was how to market my services. That is because, for many years, my job was about cleaning and cooking the fish that someone else caught. All of the businesses I worked for, had large, well staffed marketing departments, which jobs it was to go out there and win customers. My job was to manage the money and make business decisions. That works fine if you are a part of a large well structured business. If however, you are the owner of a small business, marketing is not a secondary pursuit to be left to others, it is your primary point of focus. You may have a brilliant product or service to offer, but if you do not have a winning marketing plan, no-one will know about your business or care about what you sell. So, whether you are a small or large business owner, you must get involved and often drive the marketing function. You need to know the following:

What specific need does my product or service meet?
Who are my customers, what do they want and how much are they willing to pay for it?
How sustainable is the demand for my product or service?
What is it about my product / service that makes it unique? How can I take advantage of this?
Who are my competitors and what are they able to do better than me?
How do I reach out to potential customers to persuade them to buy my product / service?
How much money do I have available to promote my business?
What specific marketing / promotion activities will work best for me?

Answering these and other marketing questions would help you understand your product / service customer appeal and market potential and how it ranks against your competitors' offerings. This forms the basis of your marketing strategy and business plan and is critical to your long term success.


Raising sufficient capital to start and develop the business is very often the biggest challenge that entrepreneurs face. I have seen many, potentially successful businesses, grind to a halt because the owners did not have capital to take it from start-up, to sustainability. A business needs capital to acquire productive assets and fund its operations until the business itself can generate enough positive cash flow to continue as a going concern. Say as an example, you decide to start a restaurant. You would need capital to buy cooking equipment, furniture, renovate the awards to suit your needs, buy inventory, secure licenses and so on. This is what many people understand capital to be used for, the initial investment to start or acquire the business.

However it may take a while for your restaurant to become popular and attract enough clients to provide the revenue to fully fund operating costs. In the mean time you have overheads to pay such as monthly rent, wages to employees, advertizing costs, replenish inventory (drinks you sell and food ingredients you serve) and so on. This is where many businesses fail. The owners hope that the sales that generate in the future will cover their operating costs from day one and do not properly estimate the time it would take for the business to become established, during which the owner needs to have additional capital to carry the business.

Underestimating the point sustainability or "breakeven point" is a common and fatal mistake made by both seasoned and novice business owners. Before you start your new venture, you have got to realistically project your future cash flows and determine if you have sufficient capital to succeed. Here is what typically happens if you do not do this. You start your new business by investing your life savings. Things go well for a while, but you soon realize that it is taking longer for the business to become established than you anticipated. Customers are coming in, but not in the numbers you first expected. A lower number of customers means less revenue to pay expenses and you quickly find yourself running out of money to pay suppliers and bills as they fall due. Next comes the juggling act of trying to figure out which suppliers to pay first and which ones you will stretch out far into the future. The calls begin to come in from creditors and you now find yourself working for free for a business that you love, but which is slowly dying, because it ran out of capital before it became sustainable. This is the most common reason for business failure and it supports the SBA statistic that it takes 3 years for a business to fail. That is the time the owner takes to realize the painful truth, that he / she never had sufficient capital to start the business in the first place.


These four items, Owner Discipline, Due Diligence, Marketing Strategy and Adequate Funding are the main, universally applicable business ingredients needed to operate a successful business. There is always one more ingredient, which is personal to each business owner, and that is "faith". I said earlier that business owners are either the most optimistic or the craziest people on earth. That is because we take risks with our capital as an act of faith, hoping for a successful outlet. It takes faith to start a business. But what is faith? It is an expectation that things will work out, or materialize, as we hope or believe. It is what gives substance to our hopes and dreams. The Bible tells us that "Faith is the substance of things held for, the evidence of things not seen". (Hebrews 11: 1).

As believers in Christ, we have already established a platform of faith in our lives. We believe that an unseen God, who controls the universe, has a plan and a purpose for our individual lives. This plan is made real in us as we place our faith in our Lord Jesus as our personal savior and leader. Now, to everyone else, this is absolutely nuts. But to those of us who have taken this step of faith, it is as real as the air we breathe. Once we get to this point, every additional thing we do that requires faith, is built on this platform. As a result, our decision to start a business, is not based on an abstract optimism that things will somehow work out, but on the trust we establish in our Lord Jesus to lead and guide us.

I believe that when we become reconciled to God through faith in Jesus, an eternal destiny opens up to us. We who were all once distant from God, now draw close to Him and get plugged into His purpose for our lives. Our purpose for our businesses also transfers from simply being a source of personal wealth, to a tool that God uses to bless us and to bless others. As we actively cooperate with God as an act of unselfish faith, He leads us into decisions and opens doors for us, that we could not open, all according to His will and purpose. Being Christian business owners does not guarantee that we will all be rich and "successful." It does however give our businesses and our lives an added dimension and very often, if we are committed to God's processes, things work out to our benefit. Our role is to trust God for the unknown, follow His leading, even when this conflicts with our personal agenda and build our businesses on Biblical principles. When we take this approach, we have the assurance "that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). This hope applies to our all aspects of our lives, including our businesses.

I hope this information was useful to you and I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions about your business.

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