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Monday, September 17, 2018

3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Trend of the New Rich

3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Trend of the New Rich

I'm going to refer to the cycle of revolving debt and moving into the wonderful world of financial freedom to preparing a sandwich. The two are markedly different. But, using this association should make these steps easier to remember.

Materials Needed : receipts; notebook; checkbook or bank statement; your imagination.

Stack up all your debts starting with the smallest debts with the highest interest and moving to the largest debts with highest interests. You can add them up for fun too.

2. CUT
Become an overspending detective, fond of deals, and angry with advertisers. Take your receipts and checkbook or bank statement from the previous three months and separate your spending into two distinct categories of necessary and unnecessary expenses. Cut your unnecessary spending and use it to pay down your debt faster.

Now, when you cut a sandwich you can share it, right? Now it's time to share the wealth. And, you can do this on your way to paying off your debts. Invest.

* The reason you start with the smallest debts is to build your confidence as you go along. After you have paid off a small debt, you feel a lot more empowered and motivated to knock out the next one. I can not stress enough how having the right attitude towards your debt changes everything. You can not afford to be nonchalant about your debt when it is the single enemy standing between you and your financial freedom.

* Unnecessary spending can be anything that you do not need to buy from month to month. This includes gifts, fast food, car washes, clothing ... Take up a new hobby of looking for ways to save on things that you buy and do regularly. Keep that notebook, the one that you're using to track your monthly or weekly progress in, with you where you go, and demand your brain to come with creative ways for you to save even more. Write them down immediately.

* Cut up the cards. If you have more than one credit card, chances are you spend more than you make and have more debt than assets. Do this step ONLY If you are serious about becoming debt free.

* Many people are afraid to invest because they do not know what they are doing. Here's a simple answer: find an investment club or investor in your area or online. Learn from someone good at it. It's okay to make mistakes, that was Warren Buffets route to investing greatness. Interest can be your new friend.

10 Great Android Apps For the Business Traveler

10 Great Android Apps For the Business Traveler

There seems to be a new Android smartphone being released almost monthly and the number of Apps continues to grow. These GPS enabled smartphones now provide significant processing power in our palms, something we could only have imagined only a few years ago. Tools are now available to help us share updates, files, directories, location check-ins, access location specific services, and a ton of other things. If you're traveling on business, these tools are a necessity to not just being able to stay in touch with home, but also to remain as productive as if you were back in the office.

The Android platform is already an established industry standard, backed by Google and providing a viable alternative to the iPhone. You can now depend on your Android device to gain extra productivity time while on the road or at home; Whether you need access to files from multiple devices located in different locations, or finding a restaurant in a foreign city.

Here are 10 useful Apps for the Android Smartphone:

1. Barcode Scanner

For when you are doing a little shopping on your business trip. Simply scan the barcode of a product and the app will bring up retailers and locations to purchase or, online retailers and product prices.

2. ALOQA -Travel Companion

ALOQA (Always Be Local), which uses GPS to first pinpoint your location and then find activities, events, stores, restaurants and a host of other things in your vicinity. This is particularly useful if you are new to a city and just staying a few days. This app helps you get the local feel or get into the local vibe of a city.

3. GoAruna - File Sharing Management tool

For the business person traveling light (without a laptop), you can access your laptop files via GoAruna. Just drop your files into this app before leaving the home or office and you'll have access via your Android phone. With all the hassle of checking in and baggage security at airports, leaving the laptop behind is a great advantage.

4.VNC Viewer from Google

VNC lets you safely log in and connect to a remote machine, so you can make easy changes without having to actually store anything on your smartphone.

5. Meeting Notes by EverNote

This is a great app for taking notes in meetings and includes voice recordings (useful for voice memo reminders), and pictures. How many times have you wanted to take a picture of that White Board after several hours in a meeting? This app allows you to organize all your clips, find them and even email them. The picture element is also useful for capturing and organizing a copy of your plain ticket and other expired receipts.

6. Cab4Me

This is another useful free app, which is able to find the cab companies near your GPS location and includes reviews of the services - a very useful tool for the business traveler.

7. Talk to Me

This is a great translation tool and a must have if visiting a foreign country. You speak and the phone talks back to you in another language. Your very own interpreter in your pocket. Current languages ​​covered in this app are: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. And it's free.

8. TripIt

If you are a frequent traveler, TripIt is a great tool. And another must have. It organizes flight, hotel, restaurant and other itinerary information in an easy-to-read form, as well as giving you GPS directions. It can come in very handy if you have connecting flights to worry about, by alerting you to a Gate change for example.

9. Currency

This App can convert up to 160 currencies using real-time foreign exchange rates with a calculator. You can also track trends, charts and get news.

10. Cashbook

Cashbook is an expense tracker, a vital tool for the business traveler. It lets you easily track your weekly and monthly balance as well as your mileage.

With these 10 Apps you are likely to be well covered for your next trip, from travel updates to local information, to remaining productive while away from the office.

Creating Excel Spreadsheet Formula Tutorial

Creating Excel Spreadsheet Formula Tutorial

Formula Basics

Formulas in Microsoft Excel begin with an equal sign. The equal sign tells Excel that the succeeding characters sentence a formula. If you do not enter the equal sign, Excel will treat your entry as text and the calculation will fail.

To show how formulas work, we'll begin with a simple exercise by selecting blank cell A1. Then type = 5 + 5, and press Enter. Excel fulfills the calculation and produces a result of 10 in cell A1.

Notice the formula bar shows the formula you just typed. What appears in the cell is the result; what appears in the formula bar is the undering value, which is a formula in this case.

Excel Order of Calculations

When performing calculations in a formula, Excel follows certain rules of precedence:

Excel calculates expressions within parentheses first.

Excel calculates multiplication and division before addition and subtraction.

Excel calculates consecutive operators with the same level of precedent from left to right.

For example, the formula = 10 + 10 * 2 gives a result of 30 as Excel multiplies 10 by 2 and then adds 10. However, the formula = (10 + 10) * 2 results a result of 40. This is because Excel calculates the expression (10 + 10) within the parentheses first. It then multiplies by 2.

If you are unsure of the order in which Excel calculates, use parentheses - even if the parentheses are not necessary. Parentheses also make your formulas easier to read.

Referencing Cells in Formulas

You can include or reference other cells in a formula. When you do so, the result of the formula depends on the values ​​in the referred cells and changes automatically when the values ​​in the refereed cells change. This is extremely powerful in what-if scenarios.

To see how this works, enter 10 in cell A1. Now select cell A2 and type = A1 * 2. The value in cell A2 is 20. If you change the value in cell A1 from 10 to any value, the value in cell A2 will also change. Cell references are especially helpful when you create complex formulas, or conduct what-if analysis.

To reference cells in your formula you can select them with your pointer rather than having to type. For example, to enter a formula in cell A1 that references cells A2 and A3, do the following:

  • Select cell A1, and type an equal sign.
  • Click cell A2, and type a plus sign.
  • Click cell A3, and press Enter.

The active cell does not have to be visible in the current window for you to enter a value in that cell. You can reference cells any where; in existing worksheet, another worksheet or even cells in other workbooks. You simply scroll through the worksheet without changing the active cell and click cells in remote areas of your worksheet, in other worksheets, or in other workbooks, as you build a formula. The formula bar displays the contents of the active cell, no matter which area of ​​the worksheet is currently visible.

Relative, Absolute, and Mixed References

Relative references refer to cells by their position in relation to the cell that contains the formula. A relative reference to cell A1, for example, looks like this: = A1.

Absolute references refer to cells by their fixed position in the worksheet. An absolute reference to cell A1 looks like this: = $ A $ 1.

A mixed reference contains a relative reference and an absolute reference. A mixed reference to cell A1, for example, looks like this: = $ A1 or = A $ 1.

If the dollar sign precedes only the letter such as $ A1, the column A is absolute, and the row 1 is relative. If the dollar sign precedes only the number such as A $ 1, the column A is relative, and the row 1 is absolute.

Absolute and mixed references are important when you begin copying formulas from one location to another. When you copy and paste, relative references adjust automatically, while absolute references do not. This means if you copy this formula = B $ 1 + $ B2 from cell A1 to B2. In cell B2, the formula would adjust to = B $ 1 + $ B3.

You can change reference types by pressing F4. The following steps show how:

1. Select cell A1, and type = B1 + B2 (but do not press Enter).

2. Move the cursor near B1 and press F4 once. The formula becomes = $ B $ 1 + B2. Move the cursor near B2 and press F4 once. The formula becomes = B1 + $ B $ 2.

3. Press F4 again on either B1 or B2 to change the reference to mixed; relative column and absolute row.

4. Press F4 again to reverse the mixed reference; absolute column and relative row.

5. Press F4 again to return to the original relative reference.

Relative reference is the default. If you want to make a reference mixed or absolute, use F4 to do so.

References to Other Worksheets

You can refer to cells in other worksheets within the same workbook just as easily as you refer to cells in the same worksheet. For example, to enter a reference to cell A2 in Sheet2 into cell A1 in Sheet1, do this:

1. Select cell A1 in Sheet1, and type an equal sign.

2. Click the Sheet2 tab.

3. Click cell A2, and then press Enter.

After you press Enter, Sheet1 is now active. Select cell A2, and you will see that it contains the formula = Sheet2! A2.

The exclusion point separates the worksheet portion of the reference from the cell portion.

References to Worksheets in Other Workbooks

You can refer to cells in worksheets in other workbooks in the same way you refer to cells in other worksheets within the same workbook. These references are called external references. For example, to enter a reference to Book2 in Book1, follow these steps:

1. Create 2 books; Book1 and Book2

2. Select cell A1 in Sheet1 of Book1, and type an equal sign.

3. Switch to Book2. Click to select A2.

4. Press Enter

After you press enter, your formula should be = [Book2] Sheet1! $ A $ 2. This reference has 3 parts: The Workbook Book2 in square brackets, the worksheet and the cell. So referencing cells in external books by selecting the workbook, then worksheet, and then the cell you want to reference.

Learn more about Excel spreadsheet at []

10 Surprising Ideas To Make Your Brain More Creative

10 Surprising Ideas To Make Your Brain More Creative

Creativity is a prized asset in any organization, helping businesses become more innovative in their markets and stand out from the crowd.

Approaches to developing a culture where creativity thrills have varied from hiring 'creative people' and letting them do their stuff, hoping that it rubs off on others, to the Google type of approach where people are allowed the freedom and flexibility to be who they are in the work environment.

But what if you're completely and utterly disorganized? Does that make impossible to create? Amongst all the clutter is there enough space for killer ideas to crawl out?

Neuroscience suggests that disorganization can be good for creativity - so do not despairs too much if you can not find last week's timesheet. It's probably hidden benefit a stack of fantastic, world-changing ideas!

Here are ten ideas that may help you throw a spanner in the works and get more creative (thanks to Steven Johnson and his book Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation for most of these):

1. Numbers matter

Cities are far more creative than small towns. The sheer volume of ideas generated means that they 'feed' off each other and can develop a creative life of their own.

2. Develop lots of interests

Developing multiple hobbies and interests helps you establish new 'connections' that a single view does not always allow. The brain compares and contrasts more if you are looking at things from the benefit of multiple angles automatically.

3. Keep reading habits diverge

Reading several books about different subjects at the same time rather than sequentially may help the brain form new connections and generate ideas that you may not otherwise see.

4. Allow your mind to wander

Let your mind become distracted to become more creative. Probably not best to do that when you need to get that report in to the boss, but if you can find the right moments, a free mind can be a creative one.

5. Never stop learning

The most creative minds never stop learning in their field; even those considered experts who 'know it all' continue to study and make new connections.

6. Debate - do not brainstorm

Numbers may matter but neuroscience suggests that accepting everything is not necessarily a good approach to creativity. Allowing ideas to crash into each other through debt may be more effective.

7. Embrace the exhaustion

Some people can be at their most creative when their brain is exhausted and not functioning at peak. Do not throw away the notepad by the side of the bed!

8. Variety is key

Having a variety of talents, interests, and experience is a plus for promoting creative teamwork, so make sure you mix it up. Do not let your team members become too comfortable and familiar with each other.

9. Take a walk or a run

While a walk is traditionally considered a good way to 'clear your head' it can also be a way to get creative. Get the heart rate up and see what happens!

10. Listen to your gut!

Often the gut instinct or 'belly barometre' can be a good guide to a creative exit. Follow the connections even if they do not make a lot of sense. It can take you away from logic towards a more creative solution.

You will have seen the word 'connections' used many times above. The connections your brain makes lie at the heart of your creativity. It is a complex process that requires the whole brain engaged; but neuroscience shows that this may sometimes be achieved more effectively not by quiet concentration - but by disorganization and clutter!

Some Lighting Recommendations For Your Green Screen Studio

Some Lighting Recommendations For Your Green Screen Studio

With both kinds of films, the actor is put before the colored screen, and then the background will be digitally created using using software on the laptop or computer which will then be put to that frame after the scenes are filmed.

That background in which an actor or actress is filmed will be green. Using green makes it a lot easier to change it with another image. Movie makers, producers, and professional photographers all make use of this every day. It is essential to have the appropriate lighting in the studio when making use of the green screen studio. Lighting for green screen is apparently the most challenging task for new home studio photographers. There are a few choices that you may fail to remember that you can make use of when you're doing work in your green screen studio.

Green Screen Studio Professional Lighting

Buying some professional flashes is an excellent plan. If you're able to afford this option, get them as well as make use of them in your green screen studio. With this flash kit, you are likewise in a position to purchase something known as the soft box, which you suspend in front of your lights. This will give a diffused look. This is able to be folded in four directions, and the box is going to diffuse that light that is emanating from your bulbs.

Use Natural Light

If you have a modest spending budget for your green screen studio, making use of the natural light will be a great plan. This could help you with getting at ease with using your studio as well as learn. In case the day will be bright, you could work with sunlight. Top stop any kinds of dark areas on the screen, the backdrop must be put in which the surfaces will be even lit. This means that the background surface as well as the actor are going to stay out of the shadow and are gonna receive equal amounts of light.

DIY Green Screen Studio Lighting

DIY lighting for your green screen studio could be an expensive option for you. However, you are going to need to patiently try out each of your choices. Your images or clips might look dim or bright in case you do not have the proper light in the studio. Visit any hardware store and look for spotlight lamps. When you want to diffuse this light, you are able to get it done through hanging some fabric to the front of the lights. Never worry about the shadows. The screen can be illuminated evenly through placing your spotlights over the background. But you bought to likewise keep in mind that the screen should not be over-illuminated. Make use of a different group of lights for illuminating around 6-8 feet of your screen's foreground. In order to have a lighting setup that's even, place two spotlights at 45 degree angles pointing at your actor or actress. Then put a third light in the back of your actor or actress, directed towards your screen. When you're searching for lighting options for your green screen studio, do not forget these tips. They'll help you a lot with your shooting.

Is Money Everything?

Is Money Everything?

Money will buy me a house, but not a home, a bed, but not a good night's sleep .- Zig Ziglar

Is Money Everything? This was the title of my speech at a seminar in Central London organized by Find Your Voice. Many professional speakers from all walks of life attended and delivered messages that motivated and empowered people to take control of their lives. I was one of the four speakers and the theme was: "Money Makes the World Go Round." I would like to share the views I expressed at the seminar with you.

One of the problems with literature about success is that most of the time the word 'success' is usually interpreted as material success or power. This typically includes the amount of money a person earns or has; the type of car they drive and the size and location of their house. However, we need to remind ourselves that true success is not just Hollywood's definition of it!

Success is a journey and not a destination. The mistake most people make is aligning money with success. Money is only a medium of exchange and can never measured side-by-side with success.

I believe that success can be divided into eight categories; These are: spiritual, health, family, career & business, financial, self-development / intellectual, personal needs, and community. It is there worth worth that true success is not just when you are financially rich, but it is when you are rich in all of the eight categories.

Money can buy you material possessions, but it can not buy you happiness and peace of mind. Money is used in exchange for other things, but this paper money we spend (eg Pounds, Naira, Dollars, etc) is not the only money we should have. There are hidden 'monies' in all of us; the only problem is discovering we have such 'monies' within us.

Let us consider this; if one is only financially rich and lacks the intellect to make other riches, or is unsuccessful in their family life and health, then the person is as good as being poor. Let us not be overly transported away by this mere medium of exchange - money - and fail to consider other aspects of life.

I once knew a rich man, who, in spite of his wealth, is deficient in his health. He died despite the great financial wealth he had accumulated. Would you say such a man was wealthy? No. Why? Because he was only monetarily wealthy - this appeared to be at the expense of his health.

I was at the mansion of one of my mentors, Richie Dyo Johnson, in Netherne-On-the-Hill, Surrey and as we sat down in his study that Sunday evening I asked: "DJ (as I fondly call him) tell me what money can and can not buy. He replied, "Dayo, money can buy you a house, but it can not buy you a home. Money can buy you insurance, but it can not buy you security. Money can buy you entertainment, but it can not buy you happiness. Money can buy you medicine, but it can not buy you good health. Money can buy you a bed, but it can not buy you sleep. Money can buy you companionship, but it can not buy you friendship. Money can buy you sex, but it can not buy you love. Money is called currency, because it is designed to flow through you. Money does not change you; it only reveals who you really are. "

I totally agree with Richie Dai Johnson. In addition to this, I believe that money can buy you many women but it can not buy you a good wife. It can buy you a good book, but it can not buy you wisdom and knowledge. It can sponsor you through school, but it can not buy you intellect. However, the things money can buy are temporal but the things money can not buy are, most times, everlasting.

Who are you when you have money and who are you when you do not have? The bottom line is that money does not change you; it merely uncovers you. Why do not you take time to reflect on those things money can not buy; you may be surprised to realize that money is actually not everything?

Is your spiritual life in order? Are you enjoying good health? Are you in control of your finances? Are you developing yourself intellectually? Are you giving back to the society? If you answer YES to all these questions, then you can confidently say that you are prospering and therefore successful.

Now tell me, IS MONEY EVERYTHING? I rest my case.

Top Five Small Business Tips For Success

Top Five Small Business Tips For Success

There are plenty of small business tips for success that are not necessarily dependent on having a lot of money or technology savvy. In fact, tens of thousands of small businesses are using the multitude of free and very low cost tools that are available on the Internet to manage their business, increase revenues, and reduce expenses. These tools are easily accessible, easy to use, and downright cheap if not free.

#1. If you a business that is local to a specific city then you can use Google's free service called Google Places to advertise your business whenever someone keys in a search for your type of business within that city. This service is free, and is increasingly being used by many people searching for a product or service.

#2. Create flyers for free using the multitude of free templates that are on the Internet. For example, if you go to Microsoft website you'll see that there are plenty of people who have offered free templates for flyers. These flyers have already been preformatted to give a professional look and feel. No need to hire an expensive graphic artist to create a flyer for you. Once you've created your flyer, put them in every place imaginable such as the local Starbucks or Jamba Juice bulletin boards, your local private mailbox boards, or even some Chamber of Commerces.

#3. Save time and money by using small business tips for success and a free service provided by Google called Google Docs. This is service allows you to upload all kinds of documents into an area where people can share and collaborate on them. No need to buy expensive hosting service to share documents between people. These is a great service, especially if you are tracking and sharing lots of documents between people and have a hard time managing, who has the latest revision.

#4. Want to work with a number of like-minded people, but don't know where to go? How about creating your own group that has common goals in mind? You can create groups/communities in both Facebook and LinkedIn. These two social communities were designed to help people get connected with other people to share ideas, to collaborate, and to generally stay connected.

#5. Set up a virtual phone system and create your own advertising channel, as well as save money. There are a multitude of virtual phone systems available today that are downright cheap, very easy to use, and extremely flexible. Many people shy away from a virtual phone system, but if you leverage it correctly. You can reduce the need for a full time answering service, create multiple extensions that advertise your product and save on support issues for your clients and customers.

These top five small business tips for success are just a fraction of what you can do by using many free and cheap services available on the Internet. Don't be afraid to experiment.