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Monday, September 17, 2018

My Beginner's Guide to E-Product Development

My Beginner's Guide to E-Product Development

The internet is an elephant, so to speak. So how do you eat an elephant? One would say one piece at a time. Every internet guru has his own views about how to succeed in the internet or online, but like any other thing in life, there is no one perfect way, or one size fits all. Some say content is king. Some say begin with a list. Some say begin with 100% automation. Content, list, and automation all matter, but what about the person that is just beginning and does not know his left from his right? I believe a beginner should start with a product to prove his credibility and from there move on to building a list while at the same time graduating working towards automating his website to work on autopilot.

A Caveat about Starting With a Product
Having said that it's better to start with a product, I believe it's appropriate to throw in this qualification by saying that at the highest levels, you can actually sell a product you have not yet developed to your list or followers, but as a beginner, you may not be able to employ that strategy. At its most basic, it involves telling your followers that you have a product that is coming out in say 90 days or 180 days time and any one among them that buys in advance would get it at 30 or 20 percent discount. Some may decide to buy and you can then use the cash to develop the product. This strategy is for already well known "brands" like Peter Diamandis, Brendon Burchard, Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins to mention just four.

How to Develop Your First Product
This presentation focuses on how you can develop your first product. The truth is, in internet business, you do not have to wait until you have a perfect product. Just begin and continue improving along the way. If you compare cars or any product for that matter made in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and 2000s, you notice that they keep getting better in terms of design, sleekness, and performance, to mention just three aspects. That should be your aim. Start, and keep improving day in and day out.

In this presentation, the focus is entirely on electronic products (eProducts), not the selling of physical products online, which is referred to as e-commerce. I'm assuming that you're already an expert operating in six dimensions as an author, trainer, speaker, coach, consultant, seminar leader and now gunning for the seventh dimension, information marketing. If you do not consider yourself an expert, do not worry too much, we'll come back to that and the scales will fall off from your eyes. Even if you're not operating in any of the dimensions yet, say you're just an employee, do not worry, this presentation will open your eyes to the possibilities ahead. The author of the book Instant Income, Janet Switzer, listed over 52 eProducts one can develop in her Maverick Program but we'll limit ourselves to just the simplest products as this is a beginner's program.

Understanding or knowing which products to develop, the demand for those products and how to position your products are beyond the scope of this presentation. Also marketing, selling and launching your product are outside the scope of this presentation. Having covered those preliminaries, let's dive in on your product development journey.

Products Suitable For E-Copies
The main products that you can easily convert to e-format are:
• Books
• Music
• Courses (seminars) - these are generally referred to as "How to Products."
• Speeches
• Research findings

The Top 7 Most Lucrative "How to Products" Areas In the Expert Industry

According to Brendon Burchard, in his book The Expert Messenger, the seven most lucrative how to product areas are:

1. Motivation Advice
2. Leadership Advice
3. Financial Advice
4. Business Advice
5. Marketing Advice
6. Relationship Advice
7. Spiritual Advice

E-Product Formats
The main formats are:
• E-pub
• Mobi
• Audio (MP3)
• Videos (MP4)

Sites For Uploading Your E-Products
Having made or created your product, the next thing to do is to launch. You can launch your products through a combination of channels, including:
• Your website
• Third-party websites
• YouTube
• Vimeo
• Stitcher
• iTunes
• SoundCloud
• Baby CD
• To your List through an e-marketing platform, example, Mailchimp.

The Various Product Formats In Detail
Let us now take the product formats one at a time in slightly more detail.

PDF (Portable Document Format)
One of the easiest ways to join the online business as an expert is to start with training course, workshop, seminar or a book. Your book in particular can and will open doors especially if you can write a New York Times best seller. For a beginner, that might be far-fetched so let's just begin with a good book or a well thought out course. Having done your book or course (this applies too to seminars and workshops), you save in word or PowerPoint and convert it to PDF. PDF (portable document format) is a special format developed by Adobe and can be bought online or better still buy the CD and install in your laptop. Once converted to PDF, no one can add or tinker with your product and you can upload it to your website and start selling. Sounds so simple? Yes! Technology simplifies things. Anybody with a laptop or smart-phone can buy your product and start enjoying it right away. Most new generation laptops and smart-phones have PDF reader pre-installed or you can simply download an app that enables you to read the PDF document.

E-Pub (ePub) is short for electronic publication and is an eBook file format that the majority of devices, including iPad, android smartphones, tablets, computers, or e-readers can read. To convert your book to e-Pub requires a special software, which an average business center can help you achieve. If you can not get a business center near you to convert your book to epub, you can do it online through a company by the name Allzone.

Mobi is especially suitable to Amazon Kindle as that is the only format that Kindle uses. Starting in 2011, some analysts projected that within five years there would be over 53million Kindles worldwide so if you want one of the Kindle users to buy your book, you have no choice but to have it in Mobi format. But there is good news. Amazon does not even require you to convert your book into Mobi before uploading to Amazon. You can upload to Amazon in Word format and Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) will automatically convert it to Mobi for you.

MP4 and MP3
Just a few years ago we were using what was then known as CD (compact disc) before the mp3 format, which is an audio coding format for digital audio, was introduced. The mp3 (or MP3) format can store impressive amounts of sound so you do not need hundreds of CDs as before. Your finished work can be converted to mp3 very easily to be listened to using digital devices including smartphones, iPads and laptops. Do not worry about how to do this as an average sound or video editor would handle the technical aspects and help you uploaded your product to Stitcher, SoundCloud or CD Baby. Editing is not very expensive and goes for as low as $ 5 for a one hour episode depending on the editor and the fee keeps coming down as more and more people master the art of video editing.

Videos are what make the internet tick. Video engagements more than any other medium so it's a must you learn how to do video. And the good news is that it's not as complex as you may imagine. You do not even need any technical skills. Direct-to-camera video is the one you make with an ordinary camera or camcorder. Camera comes highly recommended compared to camcorder not only because cameras are generally smaller in size and cheaper, but because they develop less heat compared to camcorders. Initially, you may have to rent the camera but with time, you may decide to acquire your own. The most popular camera type is Canon, but you can also make videos with your smart phone however there is a slight drawback as you may not be able to edit or get audio or MP3 out of a smart phone so having a camera has advantages.

The other type of video is the one you make with a software. For Windows computer, you use a software called Camtasia and for Apple computers, you use what is called screenflow. You have to pre-install camtasia (or screenflow if you're using Mac) in your computer to begin with. Let's focus on Windows computers since that is the one I use. Having installed camtasia in your computer, the other processes are pretty straight forward. You first prepare your presentation in PowerPoint. When your slides are ready, you put on the earphone and plug in the voice converter or adapter and switch on camtasia. Once camtasia is on, you start speaking and as you finish with one slide, you move to the next one until your presentation is over. Once your presentation is done, you save what you have done for editing and viola your video is ready and you can upload it to your website, YouTube or Vimeo. Editing is not very expensive and it's not something to worry about as an average business center can handle it for you.

There is yet a third way of producing videos. This is different from camtasia video we just described above. In this case, there are actually companies that specialize in helping you make videos by providing you with prepared templates. One of them, which I use, is a company called Animoto. What you do is you sign on to Animoto and they give you the architecture to do a video complete with background music. You simply register with the company and once you log-in you just follow the straightforward instructions for preparing a video.

Animoto has free and paid versions of the service. The paid version starts at about $ 96 per annual. You do not need any skills to do a video. The website provides all the needed headings, such as description of video, which you fill in and upload the pictures and provide a description of your video and viola, your video is ready. In the free and lower end paid versions, the company's logo, Animoto, will appear on your video, but in the premium versions, nothing appears so no one would know you used Animoto. For the very high end versions, you can even customize by putting your name or company's name and logo on the video. For the free version, you'll be provided with a maximum of 6 place holders for just 1 minute video and no more. If you want longer videos then you have to go for the paid versions.

A journey of a thousand miles as the saying goes begins with one step. Internet or online expert business sounds and shows hard when you have no one to guide and show you the way. The fastest way to cut your learning curve is to get a coach and you'll be up and running in no time. In Our Expert Empire Program we guide you through how to develop e-Products.

Corporate Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Resources

Corporate Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Resources

In today's competitive era it is very important to have an attractive web presence. This is very important to draw visitors to your site who in the long run may turn into potential customers. In order to make your online business successful, you would require paying attention to several aspects. Accomplishing everything on your own is not just tedious but also something next to impossible. Hiring in-house staff to get your work accomplished is a good but certainly not an economic solution. This is where dedicated resources come to picture.

While the issue of outsourcing still remains a topic of debt, there are several benefits that make outsourcing a lucrative option for entrepreneurs. Besides availability of abundant manpower, it is the financial factor that has been saving its back. Hiring a dedicated resource is the best way to get your task accomplished and that too with complete professionalism.

A dedicated resource works devotedly for you while allowing you to focus your attention towards more important and challenging issues of your company instead of wasting your precious time on the trivial and mundane admin jobs. Hiring dedicated designers fulfills the exact requirements of your business both in terms of work proficiency as well as cost effectiveness.

These resources besides being qualified are competent enough to accomplish your project efficiently while reducing your operational cost to a reasonable amount. In fact, by hiring these resources you enjoy all the benefits of hiring permanent employees and that too with equal professionalism and capacity in exchange of a price much less to the amount that you would have required paying to a full time permanent staff.

Be it web development, web designing, content writing, search engine optimization or any long term or short term projects, you can find skilled and affordable dedicated resources to get your project completed within given time frame. Moreover, working with dedicated resources offer a lot of flexibility as you can communicate with them and monitor the progress of your projects by modern means of communication like internet.

Hiring dedicated resources has become a trend these days and has indeed become a flourishing market as both the ie the service provider as well as the client's benefit substantively from this venture. In fact, for service providers this is a great way of utilizing the expertise of their staff while offering timely completion of client projects and that too too with 100per cent satisfaction.

How to Achieve Family Flexibility in Times of Financial Flux

How to Achieve Family Flexibility in Times of Financial Flux

As Leo Tolstoy put it in Anna Karenina, "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." What about other family exercises? Are families who are flexible all flexible in the same way? And are rigid families each set in their own ways?

Today, families are being picked up in record numbers as financial turmoil hits home. With all the job-related uncertainties facing them, families must be able to make changes in order to adjust to the current economic climate. They may even need to adapt to role reversals when a husband experiences a job loss and the family must depend on the wife's wages alone.

Even before the current recession, women made up close to one-half of the work force. This percentage will likely increase since men held over 80% of the over 6 million jobs that have already been lost since last November. With more and more companies faltering and failing, the unemployment rate continues to rise, reaching 10% in some areas - the highest levels in over 25 years. As more men lose their jobs, the financial responsibilities of families are increasing dramatically falling on the already burdened shoulders of women. When a woman becomes the sole breadwinner, the dynamics of the relationship change for everyone - husband / father, wife / mother and children. And as the family deals with the job loss, domestic stability may crumble and tensions climb. But it does not have to be that way. Women can make adjustments at home that will help the family adapt to the turbulent changes in society.

Here are six tips to help you, and other women, combat the reorganization your family life may be facing as the economy continues to impact everyone.

1. Educate yourself about family finances. Get involved with the family budget as you seek out ways to reduce your expenses. Keep track of minor expenditures that can add up, like dinners out, entertainment and credit card interest rate costs. Think outside the box as you educate yourself on new possibilities open to you. They may involve dramatic changes like downsizing your home, selling possessions or even giving up plans for early retirement.

2. Expect a husband who has lost his job to have an emotional reaction. It's normal to feel frustrated, tense and anxious at this time. But look for signs of more serious emotional changes such as depression, anger, or feelings of worthlessness. Stress can lead to dysfunctional responses like excessive drinking, gambling or acting out. Acknowledging the common effects of job loss will help you avoid conflicts over minor issues.

3. Schedule family meetings to discuss changes you want to make. Get together to decide what needs to be done and who is best able to take on the responsibility of household chores. Involve your teens and emerging adult children so that they know what is expected of them. Take help from the family, especially if you are a Sandwiched Boomer. Everyone will feel better when they are doing their fair share. Present these challenges as a way to increase family resolve as you distinguish between wants and needs.

4. Let go of control. For many women, you are likely juggling work and parenting responsibilities already. Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that two-thirds of women with children under 18 work outside the home. Now is the time to prioritize and simplify. Do not hesitate to ask your husband for more help with housework and the kids. Let go of how you did things before and allow your husband to do it his way. And have realistic expectations. It need not be perfect, as long as it gets done. Trust your family as you do yourself. Set reasonable standards, not ideal ones.

5. Take better care of yourself. Discover how to nourish yourself and set aside the essential time for this. Take a walk, stop to watch a beautiful sunset, listen to soothing music. Practice deep breathing to relax and positive imagery to improve your mood. Reach out to your friends for support. Draw on your spiritual connection for grounding as you find your center.

6. Stay optimistic and flexible. Redefine the crisis you are facing as a challenge and your fears as opportunities for change. Review how you have solved other major problems before. Focus on what you can do about solutions even though you did not create the problem itself. Remind yourself of all you are grateful for as you rebalance your life. Do not give up when things do not work out as you originally expected. Instead, put your Plan B in place.

There will be new perspectives and positives that come out of this ordeal for you and your whole family. Be proud of how you all are rising to the challenges. Recognize your strengths, assets, resources and the foundation of the family that will carry you through this transition. Change comes when you least expect it. The realities of the economy may indeed improve the careers of women even more than feminism alone did. In the meantime, your flexibility will serve you in good stead.

(C) 2009, Her Mentor Center

Choosing a Perfect Processor to Build Your Computer

Choosing a Perfect Processor to Build Your Computer

Finding a perfect processor that meets your needs to build your computer is not that hard. You have to understand a few things that can help you to decide what the right processor is for you.

There are two leading manufacturer of processors in the market today. These two are intel and AMD. Both of them have their own advantages. The intel main advantage over AMD is its popularity in the market and its durability. On the other hand, the AMD is much cheaper with its intel equivalent processor speed and performances better in gaming and graphics application.

The next thing that you need to know is the core value. The available processor cores out there are single core, dual core, quad core and the newly released six core processors. For AMD processors they call it X2, X3, X4 and X6. The amount of core in your processor does not mean it multiplies their actual speed. Let say a dual core 3.0 GHz does not mean it performances at 6GHz fast. But it is 50 percent faster than the single core processor. Another thing is that the amount of cores in the processor can do well in multi tasking applications like video editing and some of the latest games.

The last thing we need to know here is the architecture. There are 2 types of architecture available in the processor, the 32-bit and 64-bit. 64-bit is now more popular rather than the old 32-bit. The disadvantage of a 32-bit over a 64-bit is that it is only capable up to 4GB of memory. Another thing is that it does not support the 64-bit operating system. Operating system has 2 versions which is the 32-bit and 64-bit including the latest windows 7 has a 32-bit version. A 32-bit processor will not run on a 64-bit operating system but a 64-bit processor will work on a 32-bit operating system.

If you choose an intel processor and if your application is mostly on video graphics you better choose a greater number of cores let say a quad core. But if your applications are purely office work like word processing and surfing the net a dual core or even a single core will do.

Bottom line here is that intel processors are more expensive but durable than AMD. AMD performs much better in graphics applications. And also you should be thinking for the future upgrade, socket LGA 1366 supports the intel i7 quad core and their latest 6 core. AMD remains the same to their socket. The best choices for processors are Intel socket 1366 or AMD socket AM3.

Cell Phone Service Providers

Cell Phone Service Providers

Today in the world that we live in, communication is very vital and plays a crucial role in our day to day activities. There are quite a number of communication devices available in the world today, from the computer to the hand held cell phones. Cellular phones certainly top the charts when it comes to the best communication devices, these can be hand held and carried everywhere that an individual goes without being a hassle at all. As a matter of fact they have become a necessity for most folks, not a luxury. Many people no longer have a landline home phone they only have a mobile phone. Well, now that we know that the cell phone is the best communication device we need to know about the people or companies that are behind the use of cellular phones, these companies are known as cell phone service providers.

What are cell phone service providers?

A cell phone service provider is responsible for setting up the cellular phone networks and ensuring that everyone with a mobile phone is able to get connected to the world. These companies own satellites, servers and other communication facilities that help to connect people who are not at the same place with the use of cellular phone networks. These companies provide these services at a price and the prices all depend upon the provider that you are looking at. There are many of these service providers for cell service and all of these offer different charge rates and services.

Choosing the right cell phone service providers

There are many cell phone service providers on the market and hence you may at times face a challenge when it comes to choosing the right cell phone service provider. The best amongst these service providers are those that put you, the customer, first always. The right deal offered by these providers does not always lie in the cheap prices but the quality of services that are offered. In some cases you may find out that you are paying less but the service that you are getting will be so bad. One important aspect of cellular communication is that your mobile phone must be available all the time. In a country you may find out that there are some remote places that most mobile service providers cannot reach. If you work in such places at times, then certainly you need a cell phone service provider that makes sure that you are in reach all the time.

Pricing is also important, as why should one have to pay more for a service that he or she could get for less from another provider? Some mobile phone companies may charge cheaper rates for the more minutes that you spend on the phone. These companies will be ideal for those people who need to spend a lot of time talking on their cell phones. For those who make international calls, you may need to go for the service providers that offer you cheaper rates on international calls, especially if you are a company. There is at least one provider that has an international add-on for a very reasonable price, less than $10 per month for up to 1000 international minutes. The internet will help you to compare these mobile phone providers easily and ensures that you get nothing but the best deal. So use the internet to shop for and purchase your service. You will find some great deals online that you wont find in an offline store. You need to compare services of the different providers for the best deals with cell phone service providers.

Dollars and Sense: How Bankruptcy Lawyers Will Help You Out of Your Sticky Financial Situation

Dollars and Sense: How Bankruptcy Lawyers Will Help You Out of Your Sticky Financial Situation

The word "bankruptcy" tends to strike fear into our hearts, especially if we're going through financial trouble. But most people can not see themselves ever filing for bankruptcy. The process sees like it's made for failing businesses, government bodies, and other organizations. But personal bankruptcy laws exist to protect citizens who find themselves struggling with some debt. If your finances drop into the red zone, taking the following steps will get you back on your feet:

Assess the Damage

Look closely at your financial portrait. If you owe large sums to multiple creditors, if collectors are calling your house, or if you find yourself paying for essentials with a credit card, you should start to consider remedying your situation. Begin by tallying up your financial assets - bank account balances, retirement funds, stocks and bonds, real estate, vehicles, and anything else of value. Once you have a grand total, compare it to the amount you owe. If your assets are worth less than your total debts, you should seriously consider filing for bankruptcy.

How Do I File?

You may voluntarily file for bankruptcy as soon as you determine it's necessary. Alternately, you may be qualified by your creditors to file. However your legal process originates, do not try to navigate it by yourself. Get in touch with bankruptcy lawyers who will look closely at your circumstances and advise you on how to proceed. There are two different claims you can file, so an attorney will help you determine the legal route that best serves your interests.

Filing a Chapter 7 Claim

A Chapter 7 claim is fairly straightforward. If approved, this claim liquidates your assets and uses them to pay off a large chunk of your debt right away. In other words, it turns most of what you own into cash, and then shares this cash among your creditors. It sounds scary, because you lose most of your holdings. But it's not the end of the world - many people bounce back and rebuild their assets without all that debt holding them back. Especially with trusted bankruptcy lawyers on your side, this process can lead to a much-needed fresh start.

Filing a Chapter 13 Claim

Since they involve seizing most of the filer's holdings, Chapter 7 claims are not great for people who own businesses, property, and other major assets. When you have large properties that you do not want to lose, a Chapter 13 claim is the better choice. It allows people with consistent, predictable annual incomes to pay off debts over a three- to five-year grace period. Once a judge approves a Chapter 13 claim, creditors must stop contacting the debtor. The debtor then continues to work, paying off his or her debts as best they can during the grace period. No property or other assets are liquidated in this process.

Bankruptcy lawyers will tell you: filing is not so scary, and can drastically improve your situation. If you're leaving unpaid bills stack up and trying to ignore them, know that you can pursue legal options to relieve the stresses of debt and protect what you own.

3 Strong Grounds for the World of Digital Currency - Cryptocurrency

3 Strong Grounds for the World of Digital Currency - Cryptocurrency

Welcome to "crypto" world!

- A domain of Blockchain technology

- A market of cryptocurrency

- A closet of Bitcoin payment system.

So, here is the trend or you can term as a "digital currency world" with a great move to go up in the game.

If you are avoiding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency today, then, you will be going to fall in a bad ditch tomorrow. It is actually the present and future of currency that does not know how to stop steps. Since its inception to till date, it is growing and helping many individuals all over the world.

Whether it is Blockchain to record transactions or Bitcoin system for handling entire payment structure or Erc20 token wallet to define rules as well as policies for Ethereum token- everything is going hand-in-hand and towards the new ray of currency in the world.

Sounds great, is not it?

Moreover, with the advent of such successful currency mode, many of the firms love to be part of this game. In fact, it's all about assisting businesses or organizations to get Blockchain technology or cryptocurrency without any hassle through a reliable Blockchain development company. With loads of knowledge and potential, these companies develop this currency and play a vital role in the digital economy.

Just for a nano-second, let if we assume that cryptocurrency will not exist anymore, then what will happen?

Might be, time will counter-attack on your thought!

Very first launched by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin was the colonizer and that that initiative, an innovative digital currency evolved with spectrum of good things.

So, the question arises- does cryptocurrency development or its originator cryptocurrency development company will vanish or stay till the end?

Actually, it's not possible to predict future, but we can say that cryptocurrency or Erc20 or Blockchain or Bitcoin wallet Development Company will be there with the same flair of enthusiasm and passion to lend a hand to business verticals and organizations.

John Donahoe, the former CEO of eBay has said- "Digital Currency is going to be a very powerful thing."

And, it is proving very accurate, as the time crawls.

Actually, it has some valid grounds behind the success of this concept.


With cryptocurrency, blockchain is associated. So, each transaction is recorded in this public ledger, avoiding any hoax. And, all the identities are encrypted to bypass the identity theft.

Erc20 takes care of all rules and protocols, so no infringement of rules and orders. If you are in, then do not forget to contact Erc20 development company and get it developed to be within rules.

You are the sole owner:

No third party or no other assistant or no electronic system to evaluate what you are doing. Just you and your client maintaining an end-to-end experience. Is not it a great concept?

Withal, the settlement is instant and it's all between you and your vendor without any other disruption. At the end of the day, it's your call.

Easily Approachable:

Internet has made everything within reach and at fingertips. It plays an indispensable role in digital currency market or exchange market. You will have a better option for currency exchange instead of using traditional and time-consuming ways. And, a wonderful way to be clued-in as an enthusiastic for cryptocurrency sphere.

If you are a business owner and anticipating to welcome cryptocurrency in your zone, always move ahead with a determination shot. Approach a trustworthy vendor or cryptocurrency exchange development discuss everything with all cards opened and then hit the ball in court.