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Sunday, September 16, 2018



Forex trading allows for small investments. You do not have to be able to invest thousands of dollars to get started with this trade. You can start trading Forex with as little as $ 300 to $ 350 and could be well on your way to elearning more than that on your first day.

Forex markets are always open! You are able to trade anytime and from anywhere in the world. No waiting for the stock exchange to open. The market is ongoing, with generally only minor breaks on the weekends.

The money that you invest is liquid; you can cash them anytime you want. No waiting for days to get your stocks converted into hard cash.

The value of the market is COLUSAL: it is 30 times larger than all of the US equity markets combined. It is the largest market in the world with daily reported volume of 1.5 to 2.0 trillion dollars. This massive value makes it a lucrative and desirable trade to invest in.

It is a highly stable trade and offers greater strength over other markets. Countries and people are ALWAYS going to need currency. Although the value of different currencies goes up and down, the fluctuations are not as dramatic as stock prices and generally follow a predictable trend.
No commissions, exchange fees nor any hidden charges when you trade Forex. Forex brokers make only a small percentage of the bid and there are very respectable and free brokers available as well. Is that not wonderful for you?

You can make profits no matter which way the currency is going. You will not worry about a falling currency value if you know what to do with it and make good gains.

Unlike equity markets, where analysts have an unfair advantage over the layman because of their insider knowledge, the relevant information for Forex is equally available to every one through international news. Therefore, all Forex traders are in a position to make pertinient decisions according to the current market situations.

This market is extremely quick! It takes not more than 1 to 2 seconds to complete your transactions because it is all done electronically, online and in Real Time.

The final good news is that you do not need any formal education, licensing, diploma or degree to trade Forex. All you need is the know-how of how it works, trading strategies and some tips and techniques and you can be on your way to earn profits.

Buying the Perfect Computer - The FIRST Time

Buying the Perfect Computer - The FIRST Time

So you've finally decided it's time for a change. No matter
what advice you follow that old work horse of a desktop
computer you have has outlived its usefulness with slow
loading applications and a continuous rise in operation

Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as much fun
as purchasing a new car and about as frustrating also when
sorting through the various brands while trying to decide
which "bells and whistles" best fit your needs. Beside all
that trying to return something that is so large can be both
inconvenient and very difficult to do. So making the right
decision the FIRST time is the wise path of choice.

For starters you'll need to decide what you want to do with
your computer. Are you into the video game scene or are you
someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally
do some book keeping with simple word processing software?

If you're into video games you're going to want a machine
that can handle the high level of graphics and superior
sound quality. On the other hand if you're not into all
that high adrenalin stuff you can probably get by with a
less expensive system. Although, if you want to stay on the
safe side I would recommend going with something more
"high-end" so you do not have to spend another large chunk of
change to upgrade the system you just bought.

There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a
new computer.

1) Purchase a "Brand Name" Computer
2) Purchase a "Clone" Computer

A "BRAND-NAME" computer is one that is manufactured by a
company that is recognizable by name.

Some Advantages / Disadvantages of "Brand-Name" computers


Customer Support- If you are experiencing problems with your
computer you will have the option to contact a
representative of the company that you purchased the PC from
to get help in solving your problem.

Customer support is probably the best reason to buy a
brand-name computer.

Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as
a type of security blanket for you.

In case a part on your computer should fail you should be
able to get the item fixed at no charge just as long as the
warranty has not expired.

Read and understand a company's warranty policy BEFORE you
purchase a computer from them.

This way you'll have a good understanding of the procedures
to follow in case a problem should arise.

Pre-installed Software- Many companies will include software
packages that are all set up and ready to go for you on your

Although, a disadvantage of buying a brand-name computer
with software pre-installed is that you usually end up with
more than fits your needs and usually just results with the
wasting of space on your storage device.

Additional Support-Most brand-name computer companies are
also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you
with current software updates, user manuals, or basic
troubleshooting help.


The use of Proprietary parts- the term Proprietary returns to
products that are unique to an individual company and that
company only.

So if a part was to malfunction on your computer after
warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go
to your local computer store and purchase any old part even
if it was intended for the same function as the item that

You would be forced to buy the exact same item that came out
of the computer or else the computer would more than likely
stop to function correctly.

Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to
place an order which means you'll have to wait for the part
to arrive or you'll have to send your computer into the
company or an authorized dealer of that company for

People with a home based business would probably not be too
happy with that situation at all.

Integrated / On-board parts- In the computer world when you
hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a
particular part such as the modem or sound port where you
plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer
main board (Also known as the Motherboard).

This means that if any of these items should fail, you can not
just remove them from the computer and replace them with a
new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main
board and are stuck there.

Although, some computers do provide a way to disable a
malfunctioning device which will allow you to install your
own store bought device to take the place of the broken

From a computer technicians point of view this is not always
easy to do.

It just depends on what brand of computer you currently
have. Meaning some are easier to work on than others.

A "CLONE" computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name
counter with the exception that instead of company
specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a
clone computer are from several different companies instead
of only one.

Let's say that if you were to go to a local company that
builds "clone" computers, and you tell them what you need,
chances are they do not use parts that are specific to only
that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies

This is a good thing because it means that they will
probably use components that are interchangeable with many
different brands and are easy to come by if needed.

Some Advantages / Disadvantages of "Clone" computers include:


Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will
generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one
with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.

This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not
offering the high-end customer service. Although, that may
not be the only reason for the lower prices.

Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone
computer was built with parts that are not any one company
specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can
be used even if the brand is different from the one that was
in the computer when you originally bought it.

NOTE: Before you buy any parts, it is necessary to make sure
that the replacement parts are compatible with your
particular computers system requirements.

Either consult the manual that should have came with your
computer or get help from a knowledgeable friend or repair


Warranties- Without you purchase a service plan you will
typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would
with a brand-name computer company.

Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the
warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty
covers before you make the purchase.

Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are
usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you
can call if you have questions or concerns with your

Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a
24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only
be able to call during regular business hours.

Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one
website that you can go to in order to find out information
relating troubleshooting questions you may have.

For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to
the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some
research on the individual parts that went into the computer
and visit the manufacturer's website for troubleshooting

Finally, if all else fails you can certainly take what you
have learned from this article and being that you know what
you need now, but do not know where to go and get that
"Perfect Computer", the best resource at your disposal are
the very men and woman that work at your local electronics

It is their duty to help you get hold of that "Perfect
Computer "that best fits your needs
tell them what you plan on using that computer for and they
should be more than happy to help you from there.

Conference Calling As a Tool for Financial Planning

Conference Calling As a Tool for Financial Planning

While the term "conference calling" has existed for quite some time, it reflects to a very different concept than it did once before. For years when someone said they had to sit in on a conference call, the call was almost always associated with business. And the individuals that usually participated in the call were those in upper level management.

Today, though, when conference calls are held there can be any number of participants, from lower level associates, to the very top managers of a company. And these days conferencing is not only used in business, but in many other aspects of life as well.

With the advances in technology that have taken place over the last couple of decades, it only makes sense that conference calling programs have grown more sophisticated, and easier to obtain as well. This is the reason for the growing popularity in using conference calling programs, and this is why more and more people are finding creative ways to utilize such programs, ways that do not necessarily have anything to do with running a business. And one way in which conferencing programs can really come in handy is as a tool for financial planning.

Financial planning is something that nobody really looks forward to but that everyone has to tackle tackle, at least if they want to be secure after retirement they do. The problem is that financial planning involves, well, a lot of money for one thing, but it also involves making investments, and you want those investments to be safe enough to relate your worry about the future. For this reason there are almost always other people involved in the financial planning process, and communicating with those people is not always easy. This is where conference calling comes in, as it can be used as a tool in the financial planning process in two very specific ways.

1. Conferencing With a Financial Counselor - Before making any investments it is important to assess your current financial situation first. A financial counselor can help you do this by helping you analyze your current investments, your liquid assets, and your projected future income. They can also make advisements to help you to put yourself in a situation where you can make additional investments. Having the option to hold a conference call between you and your financial counselor makes your life much easier when it comes time for financial planning.

2. Conferencing With a Financial Planner - A financial planner is indispensable when it comes to financial planning, and conference calling programs make it easy to consistently stay in touch with them. Many people try to manage their financial planning themselves, but the expertise of a professional planner can help you make your financial future look even brighter. And with video conferencing they can easily show you exactly what they are doing at any time you feel you need an update. You would not believe the peace of mind that this type of communication with your financial planner can give you through the process.

Financial planning must be carefully constructed if you are to be set after retirement, and having these two types of individuals involved will definitely help with that. And a conference calling program can help you to keep in touch with them through the process.

Naughty Dirty Games to Play With Your Boyfriend Over Text

Naughty Dirty Games to Play With Your Boyfriend Over Text

There's nothing that can make your boyfriend expect sex more than dirty games over text. The beauty of these games is that you are free to express whatever you feel as there are no set rules. They also present the perfect platform to express your direst feelings which you've had a hard time saying to your boyfriend face-to-face.

Dirty games help take the art of seduction and romance to the next level which in essence makes the relationship more exciting. They are reliably easy to initiate and at the climax of each game, your boyfriend would not mind making out with you the next time you meet.

Here are five games you can play;

The naughty questions game ... This one like the name suggests profits an exchange of hot, steamy texts all seeking to get answers to some naughty questions. To play this game and reach the intended goal, start on an innocent note and keep the momentum going as the game escalates. The game basically involves asking your boyfriend what he wants and you answer him in a naughty way. As the game progresses he will join in and start asking you dirty questions. The game becomes hotter as the questions get naughtier.

The sexting game ... This is more or less like having sex over the phone, but through text messages. It involves creating a love scene and talking about having sex with your man. The simplest way to start this is to ask your boyfriend what he is doing. Proceed to tell him that you're in bed and ask him if he wants to join you. Of course he wants to. Get more and more sexual as he responds to a point of making him touch himself on the other end, which is the point of the game.

The daring game ... This is one of the dirty games to play with your boyfriend that is bound to turn both of you on by the time you're done playing. It involves sacrificing your partner to answer a random naughty question or asking them to act it out. With the advent of Smartphones it's best played by exciting naughty pictures. Imagine daring your boyfriend to share a picture of his erect penis. He can also dare you to send a photo of your breasts and so on. While this game can be steamy, do not forget to delete the pictures once you're through playing the game.

The game of confession ... Let's face it, we've all got through various sexual encounters in our lives; some good, some not so good. The confession game understands revealing the deepestest kept sexual secrets. Do not take the confession game too seriously; after all it's just a game.

Ask your man what are some of the most embarrassing sexual encounters he's had, how his first blowjob felt, how it was like to lick he girlfriend's breasts and such kinds of stuff. So that the game does not seem to dwell on his past relations only, you can ask him how it feels to be in bed with you, his favorite positions and the best sexual encounter he's ever had with you.

If you were ... This is the game you play when you want to create sexual tension in a safe way. It's the kind of game you play with your boyfriend if you're not used to him. It involves asking him naughty questions and building on the answers to make the game dirtier. For instance you can ask him "if you were not texting me what would you be doing?" Get naughty as the game progresses. You can even ask him "if you were here what would you do to me? When it's your turn to answer the questions make sure that the answer you give him will lead to another naughty question.

Playing naughty and dirty games with your boyfriend is the new way to flirt. It lets you dig deep in to each other's sexual desires and in the process brings you closer sexually. These dirty games will get him into a sexual mood in no time. The more you play them, the more you warm up to the idea of ​​making out on the next date.

Advantages of Computer Rentals For Business of Professional Training

Advantages of Computer Rentals For Business of Professional Training

Every now and then we can see lots of changes in technology. So from small to very large business farms to cop up with the new technology changes they must provide educate training to their employee.

Generally trainings are provided for a period of time as per requirement up till the employee learns the software effectively. So to set up training permanently for just a large no of employee at time will be a big challenge. They need large amount of money to setup such required infrastructure. Here computer rentals will be much better options.

Some major advantages of computer rentals are

1. Save money and time which can be used on some other important job

2. Employee will get more time on the machine which is much batter as compare to simply sitting and watching someone else do the work

3. You also save time and minimize the involvement of your IT department

4. Rental firms offer services like:
Configuration of each computer
Setup of the classroom network
Support for hardware that is not working properly
Take down and removal of equipment

5. You save money by paying for the equipment only for the duration of the training, instead of actually buying the equipment

Computer rentals companies also provide the rentals of other necessary equipments like: a high-resolution projector, LCD or Plasma screens, Audio and microphones, Server rentals that allow you to create a network in the training room, Laser pointsers and Printers that allow users to print reports and forms that they generate during training

Samsung Goes Light With Notebook 9

Samsung Goes Light With Notebook 9

Samsung has released its 9 series of notebooks and tablets. One of note is the new 15 inch Notebook 9.

The 9 is an extreme "light weight" in its class, coming in at just 2.7 pounds. One of the lightest to date of any 15 inch tablet.

Android fans will find much to like about the device.

The chassis is sleek and thin. The design is simplistic in a silver case. The body is magnesium-alloy, which some may find a bit too bendable for a premium notebook.

Samsung has designed a built-in recliner to set the device down to 180 degrees to share your view.

It does have a slim 0.61 inch edge. Coupled with the lighter frame it makes a nice companion for a business trip or vacation.

Speaking of business, the 9 may be lacking in bulk but still has the work ethnic.

The left side includes a USB 2.0 port, a USB Type-C port, a headphone jack, and a power input. Flip to the right and find two USB 3.0 ports, a microSD card reader and an HDMI port. There is plenty of connectivity to help complete most any task.

The display is extremely vibrant. Colors pop on the screen with 1080p resolution. Users will find a high-end clarity whether watching movies or editing work documents.

Keys have been ergonomically designed. The touch pad is glass-coated for a smoother ride.

The finger print reader is a breeze to use. It is placed conveniently on the right side of the keyboard. You should be able to log in to Windows in a few seconds.

Power is a plenty. Samsung has packed an Intel Core "Kaby Lake" i7-7500U CPU with 8 GB of RAM, along with a 256 Solid State Drive to handle a heavy load.

Solid graphics muscle comes from the Intel HD Graphics 520.

The device includes the Windows 10 operating system.

The 9 should also get you through the work day unplugged. Samsung claims you can go up to 12 hours without charging. Re-charging takes about 90 minutes.

Samsung users should be able to generate a lot of performance from the Notebook 9, especially if they already have several Samsung devices.

The machine comes loaded with a handy of Samsung apps, many to sync with a Samsung phone.

SideSync lets you beam your smartphone's screen to your PC, while PC Gallery and PC Message are useful for quickly accessing your Galaxy phone's photos and texts. A built-in online support tool provides fast customer service.

On the downside the keyboard can seem to be a bit shallow. The lighter design may also cause some to feel the machine sort of sink as they type a document or answer a bevy of emails.

Pricing for the Notebook 9 starts at $ 1199.99, which gets you the Intel Core i7-7500U CPU, 8GB of RAM, a 256GB SSD and Intel HD 620 graphics.

The extended model adds 16 GB of RAM and a graphics card upgrade for a few hundred dollars more.

While some may be set off by a chassis that seems a little too flimsy and flexible, others will appreciate the high level of performance the Samsung Notebook 9 will deliver. All in a thinner and lighter package.

Remove Defense Center - Learn How I Removed Defense Center From My Computer Using Free Tools

Remove Defense Center - Learn How I Removed Defense Center From My Computer Using Free Tools

What is Defense Center?

If you think it is a Antivirus software, then you are wrong. Defense Center is a fake malware removal program. The name and the software design makes you feel that it is a genuine antivirus product. But in reality it is a rougue program designed to mislead the user by showing fake security warnings. These fake security warnings show messages which says that your computer is infected with many trojans and viruses.

Defense Center will change your desktop background image and will disable most of the windows functionality. Windows firewall and the windows automatic update feature will be disabled. It will run computer virus scanning automatically and shows results that it found many infections on your computer. It will then force you to buy a licensed version of removal software to remove the infections. You must know that these warnings and scan reports are all fake. This is just to scare you into buying their fake program. If you are one of those users who bought this software, then you should inform your bank to cancel the payment.

One Easy Method To Remove Defense Center From Your Computer

Although this fake program shows uninstall options in Windows Control panel, it will not remove the program. If you are a computer expert then you can manually remove the rogue programs file and its registry entries. Extra care should be taken when dealing the registry files.

One other easy option is to use free spyware removal tools to safely remove Defense Center. You need to scan your computer using free spyware removal program. The program will find and remove all the virus infected files from your computer automatically.