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Saturday, September 15, 2018

How to Speed ​​Up Your Computer With Windows Vista

How to Speed ​​Up Your Computer With Windows Vista

Windows Vista has always been an operating system that people have complained about being a bit slow. It does take up quite a few resources which can cause it to lag a bit. There are plenty of things that you can do that will help you speed up your Vista system.

First of all, be sure to update your operating system. You need to get these updates not only for security but to fix bugs that there might be.

Turn off all the visual effects that you really do not need. There are many effects in Vista that you simply do not need that are taking up your computer's resources. Turn these off for more speed.

Get rid of any bloatware that exists on the system. Many times there will be free offers and other applications trying to get you to upgrade to a certain service. These many times cause problems in terms of reducing speed.

Defragment your hard drive from time to time. This will make tasks that use your hard drive much quicker since things will be organized better on your system.

Make sure that everything is not starting when you boot up your machine. Turn off any application that opens automatically when you start your computer for best results.

You may consider disabling the User Access Control. This is made to help you protect your system from installing malicious software. If you know what you are doing, turn this off to speed up the system.

Be sure that you have plenty of disk space on your machine. At times filling up your hard drive with Vista causes your system to be slower.

Add more ram to your system to get better results with Vista since it's RAM intensive.

Deal with any heat your computer has. Heat slows down systems and will cause your hardware to fail much faster.

Secrets of Bonding 163: Financial Statement Fraud

Secrets of Bonding 163: Financial Statement Fraud

You know the old adage, "Financial statements do not kill people, people kill people."

While it's true there can be misrepresentation and deception in a financial statement (FS), the document is not inherently bad, it is the poor intentions of the preparation or company that is to blame.

As credit analysts, we always review and rely on FSs whenwriting surety bonds. We know there may be attempts to mislead our judgment or even downright deception. But the need to evaluate the financial report is unavoidable. It is considered a valuable "report card on the quality of management."

There are three levels of financial presentation by Certified Public Accounts (CPAs):

  1. Compilation - a properly organized report where the numbers have not been verified or evaluated by the CPA
  2. Review - includes some checking "Review" of key elements
  3. Audit - is the highest level and includes the CPAs statement that they have checked and believe the numbers are correct
The reader of the FS is entitled to certain expectations: A candid and complete presentation that informs the reader. Are they entitled to more than that? Does the reader sometimes expect too much?

Let's consider what the FS actually says, and what it does not ...

The Balance Sheet

This shows assets and liabilities. It describes the dollars in the company (assets) and who owns them (liabilities and stockholder's equity). You know many of the normal entries: Cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, bank debt, the net worth / stockholder's equity section, etc.

The balance sheet always has a date, such as 12/31/2017. It shows the status of these accounts on the one day. Credit analyysts calculate the Working Capital aka Net Quick (NQ) which is considered a measure of short term financial strength. You find the NQ by subtracting current liabilities from current assets. When the bond underwriter has the NQ number, it can then be incorporated in the decision making.

What size bonds will be approved for this applicable? How much total capacity can they be allocated? The NQ figure becomes a benchmark that is used for the reminder of the year.

For many analysts, this one number has a huge effect for the following 12-15 months.

Let's move forward in time one day, to 1/1/2018. "Happy New Year!" and let's check the bank account. Some money has come in! The accounts receivable and cash have changed. Other changes have also occurred and so, if we calculate the NQ based on the 1/1 balance sheet, the NQ will probably be different from 12/31. Again, that's because the balance sheet shows the state of these accounts on ONE DAY. It is always changing!

The reality is that the working capital number is only correct for one day, then it is subject to change. This is not to say the number is not important or relevant. And certainly decision-makers must have benchmarks and a method for their determinations. It is very important, but so are other elements.

Financial Statement Fraud

The most common FS fraud is not committed against us by others. It is the self-deception we commit by over relying on these "one-day numbers." To do so is to miss the big picture!

Underwriters love to see a big cash account sitting on that top line (of the balance sheet). But that's a one-day number. Is not it even more important to determine the average funds on deposit for the prior six months or year? Many analysts fail to ask for this info.

Accounts Receivable and Payable - here is another key area where the "one-day number" can easily be given a historical perspective. Aged schedules of A / R and A / P are easy to obtain and they give a perspective over more time than one day. These documents are not automatically included in FSS, and underwriters may fail to ask for them.


As readers of these documents and analysts, let's not cheat ourselves by over relying on the balance sheet or thinking it is more than a one-day snapshot. It should be scrutinized and viewed in harmony with other key underwriting factors such as mid-year financial reports and supporting documents.

In this manner underwriters can make realistic, well-informed decisions.

Why Open a Laundromat? Ten Reasons to Start a Coin Laundry

Why Open a Laundromat? Ten Reasons to Start a Coin Laundry

Every industry has its good points and bad points. As you assess some of the business opportunities that are available it is up to you to weigh up the pros and cons. Your aim should be to find a business model that is a perfect match for you, your skill set and the kind of lifestyle that you want to lead. Let's look at some of the great reasons why you should consider starting a coin operated laundromat business.

Good Fundamentals

The fundamentals that are driving the growth of the laundromat business are all positive. More people are renting these days and they tend to stay in one location for shorter time periods. The people that fit this demographic usually make for great regular customers. With double income families, more travel and less time, people are also looking for laundromats that offer full service. There are many sectors to this market and they all look bright over the coming decade.

Broad Customer Base

The customer base for a typical laundromat can be much wider than you would first expect. While only a small percentage of the population could be classed as regulars at a laundromat there are many occasions where everyday people from middle class and even wealthy households use laundromats. Some families do not have a dryer and then will use a laundromat when the weather is rainy. Others will use a coin laundry to wash large items that will not fit inside their washing machine at home.

Increasingly, consumers are looking to 'full service' laundromats as they simply do not have time to take care of all their washing, folding, mending and ironing themselves. 'Wash and fold' services where customers simply drop off their laundry and pick it up later are becoming more common. Laundromats with attendants are well positioned to take advantage of this opportunity and profit margins are great.

Earnings Potential

The great thing about the laundromat business is that the earnings potential is excellent for a business that does not have to involve a lot of the owners time. Income potential will depend on many factors. A small well-run laundromat could earn you an extra $ 10,000 a year while a larger operation could easily provide you with a six figure income. It depends how much effort you are willing to put into it. There are also many tax advantages that go with having your own business.

Go Big or Small

The great thing about the laundromat business is that you can be involved on a scale that suits you. It is possible to own one or two laundromats without giving up the security of your job. And it is possible to go full-time into the coin laundry business, run multiple laundromats and make a six figure income in this industry alone. You can do the work associated with running your laundromat yourself or you can hire people to do it for you.

Recession Resistant

While not being completely immune to economic downturns, the laundromat business is one of the most recession proof business models around. People have to wash and dry their clothes no matter what the economy is like. It is estimated that around seven million households in the US use laundromats on a regular basis and many others use them occasionally when they are away from home.

Collect Cash Up Front

One great thing about the laundromat business is that customers always pay before they use your service. Unlike other kinds of service business you will never have to chase your customers around if they have an invoice outstanding. Some laundromats are starting to offer their customers the option to use systems that take credit cards although machines that take quarters will not be disappearing for a long time yet.

Low Failure Rate

Statistics from the Coin Laundry Association indicate that coin operated laundries have a much higher success rate compared to new businesses in other industries. If you research and plan well then there is generally less risk associated with a laundromat compared with other retail or service business models.

Barriers to Entry

The main barrier to entry in the coin laundry business are the startup costs. These can be considerable and will likely run into six figures and possibly even get close to seven depending on how big you want to go. It is possible for everyday people to get in spite if they start small and learn how to secure the right kind of financing. Apart from this, anyone can get started in the laundromat business without any kind of degree or formal training.

Lifestyle and Freedom

Many people these days are looking to get away from the constraints of a nine to five job working for somebody else. A coin laundry business can give you the opportunity to be free to live the lifestyle that you want.

The laundromat business may not be as easy as some may imagine. You can not just sit back and expect to earn an absolutely passive income from a bunch of machines that are working for you around the clock. However, with a little experience and the right systems in place, this business can be fairly 'hands off' compared to other business models. Once you have your coin laundry running smoothly it can really free up your time to do the things that you want to do. Spend more time with your family or focus on growing your business even more.

Prove That You Can

Lastly, another great reason to start a coin laundry business is to simply prove to yourself that you can do it. Being a successful entrepreneur takes a lot of hard work and a winning mindset. Imagine the satisfaction of building a business into a stable, reliable income earner for yourself and your family.

What Does a Lis Pendens Mean in the Foreclosure Legal Process?

What Does a Lis Pendens Mean in the Foreclosure Legal Process?

One of the legal terms that homeowners in foreclosure often come across is lis pendens . They may initially find out about the term when trying to refinance their house and the mortgage broker turns them down because of this type of document filed against the property. If a lis pendens has been filed, it will show up with the county recorder as a document affecting the title.

A lis pendens does not stop or prevent foreclosure at all, as it is strictly a document serving notice upon any other party that is researching the particular property affected by the document. In most cases of a homeowner behind on the mortgage payments, the lender's attorneys will file the initial foreclosure lawsuit with the court and a lis pendens will be sent to the county clerk or recorder's office to indicate that a particular property is in the process of a pending litigation.

The term lis pendens is Latin for "lawsuit pending," and the lawsuit that it is referring to is the legal process of foreclosure. If the lender was not suing for the property to be sold for payment of the defaulted mortgage loan, this document would never be filed in the first place, as no lawsuit would be pending.

In fact, a lis pendens specifically indicates that the property is facing foreclosure, and the document will show anyone, such as a title company or prospective foreclosure refinance lender, researching the real estate that that is involved in a lawsuit. So the lis pendens is mean to signify the foreclosure; it does nothing to prevent the foreclosure, but it does not itself affect the homeowners' ability to save their home.

The most commonly used legal mechanism that would stop foreclosure is filing bankruptcy with the court, and even this only puts the process on hold while the creditor and debtor are coming to an agreement to negotiate a settlement of the debt.

Homeowners may also wish to consider getting rid of the lis pendens affecting their home by mounting a defense against the lawsuit that has led to the foreclosure process. This is a direct defense of the litigation, though, not an extra legal process like bankruptcy that may be used to put the suit on hold.

If a lis pendens is filed with the county recorder against a piece of property, this indicates that the house is already in some stage of the foreclosure process. The homeowners are no longer in the preforeclosure stage, or purely behind in payments. At this point, foreclosure can not be preverted, as it is already being pursued by the lender and its attorneys - it must be stopped, and homeowners need to begin putting together a realistic plan and researching various ways to stop foreclosure, such as a mortgage modification, repayment plan, selling the house, or a foreclosure bailout loan.

Why Do You Need to Choose Mobile Websites Over Mobile Apps?

Why Do You Need to Choose Mobile Websites Over Mobile Apps?

In the world leading to technologies, there are many mobile users over the desktop and it is important for the organizations to knock the door of mobile platforms. However, the largest concern is to decide whether to make a mobile website or to launch a mobile app. The decision completely depends on upon the nature of business and purpose to choose one of them or either.

To make a rational decision, you are required to understand the meaning of both at first. Mobile websites are similar to any other website which consist browser-based HTML pages linked together and accessed over the internet (for mobile Wi-Fi or 3G or 4G connections).

Mobile websites also display content, information, graphics and data like other standard websites. They have added features like click to call and location-based mapping.

On the other hand, mobile apps are the actual applications which are required to download and install on your mobile to use them. The users have to go through the mobile apps store to download the app where the downloading may fetch data and information from the internet.

The mobile websites are considered better due to some additional benefits. These are the following advantages to opt for websites:

  • Availability: The sites are available instantly as you enter the URL in the browser while applications take time and data to download and install first.
  • Compatibility: A website is the best way to reach all the users. Whether they are using android or IOS or window, WWW is for the whole world. Apps are limited to the different operating systems.
  • Upgradability: When the owner of the site updates any changes, the users can enjoy the updated version with an ease while, updating an app is a task task for users.
  • Sharing: The sharing of a URL is convenient while sharing an app requires another specific app. Instead, sharing a link on any social media platform is one click task.
  • Time and Money: The mobile website development is significantly better money and time saver than development of an application, particularly if you need to make a presence on various platforms.
  • Further steps: Launching an application on the stores is not enough to make a presence on platforms. It requires compatibility issues, ongoing development, upgrades and testing which is more expensive than launching an app.

Applications are only considerable for interactive games, regular usage or personalization and moreover when it does not require internet connection for usage.

Computer Monitoring Software Just For Macs

Computer Monitoring Software Just For Macs

With today's advances in technology, when it comes to computer monitoring software for your children; whatever parents want - it's probably available! As the popularity and need for monitoring software increases, so does the need for a reliable source of information about such software, including the different features that are available to parents today.

You'll find find websites that information about software for Windows based computers, however, if you wish to track a Macintosh computer it's a little harder to find a website that is just for Macs! That's why there is a now a new Mac Monitoring website devoted entirely to giving reliable and straight forward information about software for Macintosh computers. The new interactive website was just developed and will be maintained by Retina-X Studios, LLC a company well known for their advances in Mac monitoring software.

Parents have a need to keep tabs on their children around the clock - not just when they are not working. One of the reasons this type of computer software is gaining popularity is because parents can not physically be home to personally watch their child or teen when they are on the internet. Most parents have to work and that means they can not always be there when their kids get out of school. So today more and more parents are turning to computer monitoring software than ever before!

There is a computer program to exactly fit every parent's need: Windows based on Macintosh based computer software, features for desktop and laptops, local or remote tracking options are also available. There is software for parents who use Windows and their child uses a Mac. If you need a reliable source for Macintosh programs; visit the new interactive Mac Monitoring website today.

Cow Leather Vs Sheep Leather

Cow Leather Vs Sheep Leather

These hides are two of the most predominant and two of the most common leathers used for making warm clothes. They are one of the most durable types of leather which are used for wearing as a coat and for motorcycle gears like jackets and boots.

People often ask if cow leather is thicker than sheep leather? Is cow leather stiffer than sheep leather. There are a few things which should be made clear and concise. Most people think that as Cow is a strong animal so its hide is much more durable and much more stronger than Sheep hide which is obviously not true as far as the leather is concerned. These leathers can easily be differentiated by the following reasons:


Sheep hide is softer and way more comfortable than cow leather. Apart from that it gets softer, smoother and silkier with the passage of time. Cow leather can be tough and stiff if it is worn too often or if not used properly primarily because of its stringent and rough nature which could have been a good choice for its users. Because of this toughness and rigid nature, people often prefer cow leather because of its longevity.


Cow hide is without doubt way more durable as compared to its sheep counterpart because of its rough and tough nature and they are preferred by motor sport athletes such as Moto GP and F1 professional drivers. Sheep hide is subject to wear and tear and is more vulnerable as compared to other leathers. That is why people prefer cow hide. It mostly depends on the thickness of the jacket. A quality leather jacket made from Cow or Sheep Leather may well use the same level of thickness.


Cow leather is way more resistant to dirt and moisture than sheep leather. Sheep leather is a flame resistant material and is an insulator.

Jackets made from such Hides especially cow Hide jackets are high quality and usually quite resistant to wear and tear. But preventive care should be applied to ensure that they are long lasting and do not lose their quality.

Environmental Impact

Hide is a product with some environmental impact particularly due to the following reasons:
The impact of livestock
Air pollution due to transformation process
Use of chemicals in the tanning process


Some say Cow Hide is softer than sheep hide and some say sheep hide is softer than cow hide. But the fact of the matter is there is very little difference as far as softness and smoothness is concerned.