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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Computer Security: The Cyber ​​Criminals Are Winning

Computer Security: The Cyber ​​Criminals Are Winning

The cyber criminals are winning. Individuals and organizations are losing the computer security battle. The annual dollar amount being stolen by cyber criminals now exceeds the total amount of money bought in globally by illegal trade. This fact is stunning! What can be done?

Individuals and organizations must take pre-emptive action. This can only be done, in the author's opinion, when a security mind-set is developed by users and an organization implements a culture of information security.

The changes brought to us by electronic devices are phenomenal. Computers, tablets and smart phones have changed the way we do business and live. The invention and use of modern day implements have had far reaching consequences that are in the same earth-shattering league as the discovery of fire and its implication. We still have to exercise care to safely harness and use fire. Otherwise significant property losses and even lives can be lost.

A business must systematically protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its information assets. This can only be done when securing digital assets become a "business process". If your company is operating without a formal information security plan it is vulnerable. The only thing in doubt is how much you have already lost.

The same is true if we consider a single individual. You can determine your level of risk by considering the answer to just a few questions: Do you terminate a persistent Internet connection when you have finished surfing? Do you have a password that consist of more than eleven characters of which one letter is capitalized, one character is a numeral and another is a special symbol? Do you "lock" your keyboard when you leave your workstation? Do you systematically update software patches?

You are vulnerable unless you answered "yes" to each of the previous questions. Your systems may already be infected by malware. How can you be sure? One way is to obtain basic security software, learn how to use it and routinely follow security best practices. Avoid deviating from your routine and be suspicious of anything that is out-of-the-ordinary.

One person recently received a superior-looking email notification which appeared to be from the social media giant, Twitter ™. The computer screen even had Twitter's logo and included the user's Twitter ™ name. The communication informed the user that there was an attempt to access the user's account from a "different location" and the user was advised to change the account password.

The "form" on the user's screen contained space in which the user was asked to enter the "Old Password" and the "New Password". The ruse was very official in appearance and excellent. It failed for one basic reason, the legitimate user had not used the account for months. The target (the computer user) was suspicious and able to perform a "mouse over" (hovering above the link) to read the web address. The user saw a re-direct in the web address which would have sent the individual to a malicious software site.

Cyber ​​criminals are very smart and very good. The number of attacks is increasing and their level of sophistication is increasing. One can not be too careful when it comes to protecting information assets. Clearly our digital information is at risk and we all must become more diligent in protecting it.

The Best Way to Achieve Financial Independence Through Financial Forex Trading Software

The Best Way to Achieve Financial Independence Through Financial Forex Trading Software

Financial forex trading software has been getting more attention slowly in forex circles to the point where some have lauded it as the future of forex trading. If you are unfamiliar with trading software, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. Simply put, financial forex trading software allows you to trade more infinitely more effectively in two distinct ways.

The first way that is worth mentioning in which financial forex trading software allows you to trade more effectively comes in terms of efficiency. This is a program which keeps a constant and tireless watch over the market. Assuming you're not completely new to the market, you know that the forex market occurs over a large number of international markets, each with their own opening and closing times. As such, the forex market practically never closes, save for a few hours over the weekend.

While this can be advantageous to most traders, it requires the impossible from you, or the ability of being able to maintain a track of what happens within the market around the clock. This is why so many traders are turning to financial forex trading software. It not only keeps watch over the market, it is sophisticated enough and more than capable of trading on your behalf. How does this work in the confines of a real campaign?

Say for example that you are invested in a profitable trade and the market suddenly fluctuates out of your favor. Without tended to immediately, you'll almost certainly begin to lose money. At the earliest indication that your trade will go south with the market, financial forex trading software immediately trades away the now bad investment, so minimizing your losses. It's more effective than a broker, gives you peace of mind around the clock, and comes at a tiny fraction of the cost you've spent to constantly employ someone to do the same job for you.

Arguably the most powerful tool which comes with financial forex trading software is that of the trend indicator. Although these tools sometimes go by different names, trend indicators basically take the information they hold from analyzing the market around the clock and predict exactly where certain areas will go next. This affords you the very profitable opportunity to trade early and gradually maximize your profits.

These trend indicators utilize cold, mathematical algorithms for generating their "tips", thus eliminating any possibility for error, human or otherwise. The best aspect of these algorithms is that they are tested for months or even years using real campaigns before they are ever released and made available to traders to ensure that they are accurate and true to what occurs in the market.

Getting in on a successful trade at the ground floor is where the real money is made in the foreign exchange market, and financial forex trading software is the most accurate and accurate way to achieve that. The best publishers offer constant free updates for life to keep the program as well as its tips as fresh and as up to date as the market itself. Many publishers are so confident in their software that they offer test trials so that you can see just how effective the program is while still having the option to get your money back in full.

What Is Bitcoin? A Concise and Informative Guide

What Is Bitcoin? A Concise and Informative Guide

The cryptocurrency that continues to mesmerize the world, the first of its kind, Bitcoin was once entirely a classy realm of tech-geniuses who were keen to uphold the philosophy of maximizing automation, but Bitcoin has a shot to fame with the promise of a wide consumer base. Yet, to the uninitiated consumers, a query remains. So, exactly what is Bitcoin? Some are really yet to unravel this overly fluctuating cryptocurrency. Generated and stored electronically, Bitcoin is actually a form of digital currency. The network can not actually be controlled by anyone, the currency is decentralized. It came into being in 2009, as a brainchild of an individual with the assumed name of Satoshi Nakamoto. Utilizing the P2P technology to function, Bitcoin has the distinct and flexible feature to engulf anyone who's interested. Its worldwide acceptance is a feature that adds to its popularity.

With no accountability to anyone, Bitcoins are fairly unique. Bitcoins are sovereign with their distinct rules, and are not printed in a clandestine manner by any bank but mined, they're produced digitally by a good number of people involved in a colossal network or community. Miners typically employ intense computing power, and a great deal of competition is involved in Bitcoin mining. Computers work to solve complex mathematical problems. The competing miners also have a prospect to earn Bitcoins in the process, by just solving the problem. Although, difficulty levels of these problems are becoming intense day by day. Transactions at the Bitcoin network are relentless and incessant, and keeping track of those transactions is fairly systematic. Bitcoin network keeps it methodical, as during a given time span, all transactions are grouped in a block. The miners are alleged to validate transactions, and everything is listed in a general ledger, which is simply a collection of blocks, termed as blockchain. Blockchain actually holds the key to the details of any transaction made across various Bitcoin addresses.

Bitcoin integration into people's lives is the most coveted thing right now. This is achieved quite easily by the emergence of exchanges. Bitcoin enthusiasts can have a great deal of choices when they are looking to acquire this digital currency. A Bitcoin exchange enables consumers to buy or sell Bitcoins by making use of fiat treaties. Exchanges are in abundance, but initially Mt. Gox was the most reputed and extensively used, prior to its collapse. With exports, consumers can purchase or sell Bitcoins with wired transfers, cash or credit / debit card payment. A real-time as well as secure trading platform is offered by the exchanges. Enthusiasm and a relentless frenzy alwayscompanies Bitcoins. With numerous enthusiasts who are keen to trade Bitcoins, the young currency and all the craze surrounding it seems to grow a little bit every day. All the knowledge associated with it sees to be as important as the currency itself. The significance of a "Bitcoin wiki", an autonomous project, can not be denied at all. It will act as a storehouse of knowledge for Bitcoin enthusiasts all around the world.

How Is Spider Solitaire Different From Other Solitaire Games?

How Is Spider Solitaire Different From Other Solitaire Games?

Spider Solitaire is one of the most popular variations of single-player card games. The game is played with two decks of cards. Like traditional solitaire, the goal is to clear away all cards from the table. However, there are some key differences.

First, let's define some terms:

Tableau - The tableau explains to the rows and columns of cards where most of the gameplay takes place. In traditional solitaire, the tableau is composed of seven columns. Each column contains a single card placed face up atop a stack of face-down cards. Solitaire is usually played with seven stacks in the tableau, but in Spider Solitaire, there are ten stacks.

Foundation - This is where the cards in the tableau are moved to as you proceed through the game. The goal is to get all cards in the foundation area.

Stock - These are the remaining cards that are not fatal when setting up the game. When you can make no more moves with the existing face-up cards in the tableau, you can draw from the stock.

Now let's look at some more differences between solitaire and Spider Solitaire:

Suits - In normal solitaire, all four suits are used. In Spider Solitaire, this may or may not be the case. Most games offer three difficulty levels: Easy (One Suit), Medium (Two Suits) and Hard (Three Suits).

Sequencing Cards - In both games, players rearrange the cards in the tableau in descending numerical order. In Spider Solitaire, cards must be of the same suit in order to place them in sequential order. This is in contrast to traditional solitaire, in which the sequenced cards must be of alternating red and black suits.

Stock - In the usual solitaire game, players deal a single card from the stock when stuck. In Spider Solitaire, drawing from the stock means dealing a single card to each column in the tableau. This has both pros and cons. The benefit is that you have more cards to work with. The downside is that the cards dealt will go on top of the sequences you have already established, meaning you will have to move some of them out of the way to continue to building upon established sequences.

Difficulty - Spider Solitaire is often considered one of the most difficult of all solitaire games. Depending on how the cards are deal, many games are impossible to win. In fact, it has been estimated that the most expert players can only win about half the time. Keep that in mind and do not focus on your score - just concentrate on playing the game as best you can.

Free Laptop - Mobile Gift Deals

Free Laptop - Mobile Gift Deals

Currently, the whole UK market is in bad shape. With no liquidity to sustain life style in a better form, people are refusing to indulge in any kind of shopping activities, because of being low on finances. However, Christmas is only a month away and it is one sole occasion, where people rejoice disregarding all the pains and miseries inflated on them in the whole year, hoping that it would come to an end as soon as the whole globe arrives at the new year. However, as told earlier, this year all celebrity might come to a screeching halt due to aforesaid reason. But this is not going to happen, since, now people can shop for their favorite contract mobile phone deals and in return they will be raised to offers that come once in a lifetime.

Yes, Contract mobile phone deals are one of the finest deals to be ever conceptualized by a human brain. Associated with modern-age mobile devices, these deals are a nice way to avail the benefits of the mobile communication in the least possible costs. Yes, Contract mobile phone deals offer an array of benefits to their users. Here the user gets a direct access to cheaper call tariffs and exposures himself to several other schemes. In this case, when the customer subscribes this deal, he gets a network connection that allows him to stay connected round the clock with his / her loved ones.

Free from all kinds of geographical boundaries, the call rates in the Contract mobile phone deals are more or less same, thereby the concept of 'roaming' does not become a barrier in a session of exchange of vocal and audio (if possible) expression. Schemes like free text messages, free calling minutes and many other type of offers are other salient features of this deal. Ideally meant for the professionals and business class people, Contract mobile phone deals form a significant part of the total mobile phone users on the Earth.

However, the best part of this deal is the free gifts which consists of items that people only dream of possessing. Free laptop , free Xbox 360 gaming console, free LCD TV, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Bluetooth headsets and other mobile accessories etc and the list goes on and on .... Of all, people mostly cherish the idea of ​​possessing a computing machine such as free laptops as a part of this scheme. Free laptops available as a part of this scheme, are of highest quality making them extremely popular among the people. Normally, people think about these deals, however, the laptops made available under this scheme are high-tech computing machines that add a remarkable touch to the personality of the users.

If the users treasure the idea of ​​scaling these deals, then they need to strictly adhere to some basic but important guidelines. First of all, checking the authenticity of a website is must. Thus, before a leaseage is effected from the buyers side, a preliminary investigation relating to the legalimacy of the website is a must. Comparing the deals is another thing that prospective buyers can afford to do on these websites, reducing their job to maximum. This will also help them not only to spot a good deal, but to take a good decision also.

Registry Repair and Computer Maintenance

Registry Repair and Computer Maintenance

You may have found that your once speedy computer has been slowing down quitely. Maybe your seeing some error messages on your screen or possibly the BSOD (blue screen of death). There are a few things you should do routinely to keep your computer running at its peak. This should only take you about 15 or 20 minutes every few weeks. These are fairly basic stuff and simple to do.

First and foremost be sure you have a virus scanner. Be sure to update it and use it regularly, bare minimum once a week. I have mine set to run automatically at a time when I probably will not be using my computer.

Remove games and programs you no longer use. This is simple to do in your add / remove programs feature in Windows. Since you're not using them you might as well remove them and save the space on your computer for something you do use. Another simple way to remove unwanted programs simply and safely is to use a computer registry cleaner program. A computer registry cleaner is usually a quick and easy download.

See what's loading up on your computer at 'start up'. If your computer seems to be taking a long time to start up when you turn it on check your System Tray, (usually in the lower left of your screen). Some examples of things you probably do not need at start up are Quicktime and RealPlayer). Not only are your startup programs adding to the time it takes for your computer to startup, they are also using valuable memory and Windows Resources. If you are uncomfortable doing this manually try a complete registry cleaner download. Most softwares of this type will be able to remove these applications.

Remove old or invalid registry entries. I am not going to suggest that you try to locate your registry and start messing with it, but I would strongly suggest you download a registry scanner or complete registry cleaner. Cleaning your registry will increase the speed and improve your computer's performance. It will also eliminate the error messages you see and computer freeze ups.

There are many registry cleaners on the market today, at various prices. To find a good windows registry cleaner download, looking for reviews is a good place to start. Some registry cleaners are more thorough than others. Also, check out how the program works, there should be no need for the user to do anything with the registry directly - the program should do it all. A good program should also include a registry checker, so you can see what problems it finds instead of having to guess what it's going to do.

Jock Itch or Herpes? Here's How to Tell the Difference

Jock Itch or Herpes? Here's How to Tell the Difference

A persistent groin itch is enough to make a sane man crazy, as part of the brain is always resisting the urge to scratch. Men with itchy, sore genitals may also be afraid of the cause of the itch, worried that the symptoms are're experiencing might be due to something chronic, like herpes. While herpes is common, some cases of crotch itching are caused by more benign conditions, including jock itch. This article will outline the difference between herpes and jock itch and provide some penis health care tips that could help keep both conditions from causing aggravation.

Jock Itch: Causes and Symptoms

A tiny fungal spore, tinea cruris, is responsible for jock itch. Most fungus cells thrive in moist, damp conditions where light is sparse. Men who work out or otherwise engage in hot, steamy sports while wearing tight pieces of clothing create the perfect environment for this fungal infection. Symptoms can vary a bit from man to man, but most people with the infection report intense itching and pain centering on the inner thighs, buttocks or the groin.

Herpes: Causes and Symptoms

Herpes is considered a sexually transmitted disease, because contact with infected skin is necessary for the condition to take hold. Herpes can cause flu-like symptoms, including a fever and swollen lymph nodes. Those symptoms tend to appear in the days and weeks following infection, and they're followed by an outbreak of wet-looking, incredibly itchy sores. The vacancies tend to stay in place for about 2 weeks, and they resolve on their own in time. An outbreak may recur at a later date, however, causing the same types of sores to reappear.

Key Differences

Jock itch can spread to the penis, but that's not common. Instead, this rash tends to focus on the legs and the dark crevices of the body. Herpes, on the other hand, can infect the penis itself, and sores on the head of the penal are quite common. The itching symptoms caused by the two conditions can be quite similar, but the areas in which the itching takes place tend to be quite different.

The appearance of the two conditions is also strikingly different. Where jock itch tends to look a lot like a red rash, with a few tiny blisters on the edge, herpes infections look like heat blisters that are filled with fluid. When these blisters pop, they form painful, crusty sores. Jock itch does not have to in this way.

Getting Better

Rashes and sores of any kind should be brought to the attention of a doctor. Medical professionals can use laboratory tests to determine exactly what is causing the itch, and they can prescribe appropriate treatments to keep that problem from spreading. Any man with an itch should put a call to the doctor at the top of his to-do list. With proper diagnosis, these self-care tips can help to speed healing.

Herpes is considered a chronic condition, because there are no specific medications that can completely eradicate the disease from a person's body. Drugs can keep new outbreaks from taking place, but people who have herpes will need to take extra care to ensure that they do not infect other people in the future. For men, this means using medications regularly, avoiding sex during breakouts and always wearing a condom. Applying a penis health crème can also help the skin to stay resilient and strong between outbreaks.

Jock itch, on the other hand, is far from hearty, and a few doses of antifungal cream can make the symptoms go away. By staying clean, men can ensure that the condition does not come back. Quick showers after sweaty workouts can wash spores away, and following up that cleaning with a penis health crème (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help the skin to stay soft and strong, which may provide a less hospitable environment for future infectious spores .