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Saturday, September 15, 2018

What is Niche Marketing - A Simple Explanation?

What is Niche Marketing - A Simple Explanation?

What is a niche?

A niche is a term used often by Internet Marketers and it means a specific segment of a market. In theory, you seek out specific segments of a market and get a website; you then promote it to your list and market your product to them. In a nutshell, it is what your website is all about.

How to start an internet business the wrong way

Beginners spend a lot of time looking for new niches or untapped niches and there's a lot of sites online promoting to give you untapped niches. If you're a beginner, do not do this. This is a waste of your time and it's a waste of your energy. Once you get more established and you are comfortable using all your new skills then dimensions start to experiment with more diverse niches. To start with though:


When starting out in an internet business you should know that there are 3 markets that are universally popular and these 3 markets have thousands, even millions of people searching and prepared to buy information on them.

In truth, you could spend your entire online career within these 3 markets and never have to venture outside of them and still make a substantial online income. These 3 niches follow the basic rule of economics and that is Supply and Demand. People are looking for something, you have it and you sell it to them. If you can find what people are demanding, and you can supply it, you will be in business forever.

Do not make it any more difficult than it needs to be, stick with the main 3 markets and you WILL be successful

What are these 3 main markets?

Pure and simply they are:


A niche is a section of one of these markets. Let's look at some suggestions within each of these markets:


· Online trading

· Work from home

· Credit cards

· Internet marketing

· Start your own business

· Mortgages

· Debt relief

· Business opportunities

· Government grants

· How to purchase foreclosures

The author's main opportunity focuses around Internet Marketing and that alone is a multi billion dollar industry.


· Healthy Eating

· Medical procedures

· Increase energy

Headache relief

· Lose weight

· Gain weight

· Hair loss

· Supplements

· Skin care

· Children's health

· Diet

· Quit smoking


Most people today crave and desire a healthy work / life balance despite many fail to achieve it. This is primarily down to longer working hours, time sent commuting to and from work, never actually finishing work in the office and continuing with it at home and therefore having no real quality of life. Other niches within this large industry include:

· Mind, body and spirit - a major boom industry at the moment

· Personal development

· Dating

· Computer games

· How to sell your house

· The web

· Online study courses - another multimillion dollar industry. You could build yourself a website and sell online courses to meet the ever growing demand.

· Alternative energy

· Motivation

· Self improvement

· Spirituality

· Pets


· Relationship advice

· Divorce

· Stress management

If one of the 3 main areas above resonate with you and you are knowledgeable about it, you could easily have an online business. Consider all the ideas above and start thinking creatively and thinking 'I've always sort of been interested in xyz'. Why not expand your interest and start your own business?

Where do I start in finding products to market?

There are a number of areas you can find businesses to promote and some of these are:

· Commission Junction

· Shareasale

· Clickbank

· Clixgalore

· HD Publishing

· Market Health

Firstly because you have to build a list otherwise you have no-one to market your products to. You could if you wish start by signing up for a few lists. Google products in your area of ​​interest and discover what sort of products people are promoting. See what is out there by doing a bit of market research.

In summary, that is what a niche is and it is what your temporary website will be about, the subject matter if you like of your site.

Finding a Financial Adviser

Finding a Financial Adviser

Seeking professional advice from a qualified financial advisor is often a shrewd move in getting the most out of your money. Yet many of us may be at a loss on what we should consider when choosing a financial advisor.

Below are some of the key questions you might like to ask when making your decision:

Does your chosen adviser specialize in the area that you would like advice on (mortgages, annuities, pensions etc)?

Some advisers specialize in one area, others cover a range of areas, choosing the right one depends on the depth or breadth of advice that you are seeking.

Is your chosen adviser authorized by the Financial Services Authority?

You should check with the FSA before taking or paying for any advice. Firms that are not registered should be avoided. Any reputable company should be registered with the FSA.

Is your chosen adviser independent?

Financial advisers enjoy varying levels of independence. An independent financial advisor should give you a service tailor to your needs offering a range of products from across the market. If your advisor is not independent they can usually only advise you on their own products, and this may severely restrict your options. Financial advisers who are tied to a particular company can be useful if you only want advice on their particular products and have already looked the wider market. Do not be afraid to ask directly if they are properly independent.

What will the advice charges be?

Although most advisors will offer a free initial consultation it is important that you fully understand what future costs may be, and agree whether they will be paid on a fixed fee or commission basis.

Have you done your basic research?

Whatever kind of product you are looking for advice on you should have a basic awareness of what is on offer, and what your goals are to avoid any risk of coming away with a product entirely unsuitable for your needs.

Can you see yourself developing a rapport with your adviser?

Trust is important. Your financial adviser may help you to make some of the most significant financial decisions of your life, so you should feel completely comfortable with them.

Once you have considered these questions and found a financial advisor to suit your needs, you should maintain regular contact with your adviser to ensure that you fully understand how your money is being managed.

The financial world is becoming increasingly complex, with a huge range of products available to the consumer. Whatever you're looking for advice on pension schemes, annuities, investments, mortgages or any other financial decisions affecting you or your company. Finding a reliable independent financial advisor can help you consider the full range of options available.

Your Home Based Office and Your Computer

Your Home Based Office and Your Computer

Start with the most basic piece of equipment on your computer- your mouse. Whether you have a laptop or desk top model, chances are you spend a lot of time using your mouse. Finding the right mouse can reduce strain on your wrist and prevent carpal tunnel or tired joints and ligaments, which is why it is so important to find the perfect one. Wireless mouses are one of the best ideas for many people. You never have to worry about running out of "cord room", and you can use the mouse on any convenient surface. For laptop users, this means that you can sit as far away from your computer as you need to in order to be comfortable. You should also look for a mouse that is comfortable in your hand- there is no right choice, it just needs to work for you. If you are an experienced user, there are versions that offer extra functions that help you move through websites more quickly, work with media, or allow precision movement for specific operations.

The next thing to consider is evenly simple- your keyboard. Even laptop users can attach an auxiliary keyboard that is more comfortable to use if they so choose. If you log a large number of hours at your computer, having a comfortable keyboard is very important. You have probably seen ergonomic keyboards, which can prevent carpal tunnel and wrist strain. There are also soft silicon versions that are easy to was and often impenetrable, a great idea for people who have messy jobs or who often eat and drink at the computer. Wireless versions are also available, and there are different function buttons that can help you navigate around your computer more easily. Like your mouse, you should find one that is comfortable for you.

A final part of your home office setup that you should look at is your monitor. You may be surprised to find that most computers and laptops support a second screen- which can be very useful to people who have a home based business that requires them to monitor things like financial charts, write product reviews, or simply work with a number of windows at the same time. If you do not need or do not have space for a second monitor in your home office, you may want to consider adding a larger screen to your desktop. Larger screens are not only great for performance, they also let you work with a larger number of windows.

One final note on home office items- the number of computer accessories designed to assist people with disabilities is rapidly growing, meaning that there is no reason you can not have a comfortable home office if you have difficulties with vision, movement, or hearing. Look for home office ideas that will make it easier to use your computer, and you will find that your home based office is a little more pleasant. No matter what you choose to include in your home based office, be sure that it is effective and useful to you. After all, your business describes the best!

Legal and Financial Ways to Get Revenge on a Cheating Spouse

Legal and Financial Ways to Get Revenge on a Cheating Spouse

It's only natural to want to seek revenge, or even the score when your spouse or significant other has cheated on you. Many victims of infidelity resort to revenge cheating or retaliatory matters to get back at a cheating mate. Other infidelity victims get even with the cheater in destructive, or even violent ways.

Get Revenge Legally or Financially

If you really want get revenge on a cheating spouse, find a way to do it legally or financially. Otherwise, it's just not worth your time. There are legal ways to deal the cheater a devastating blow without doing something that will put you on the wrong side of the law. See a divorce attorney or a financial advisor who can tell you what your legal and financial options are. Revenge is so much better when it's done legally. Consider some of the tactics below:

o Take possession of the house for yourself and the children in a way that the cheater still has to pay the mortgage on it, even though he can not live there anymore.

o Get the court to require the cheater to fork over so much alimony or child support that it will put a serious crimp in the cheater's lifestyle and standard of living.

o Have the courts require the cheater to sell his or her business or other assets to provide you with your fair share of the financial assets.

o Think how deeply it will hurt the cheater to only be able to see his children on weekends and holidays.

o How devastating would it be for a wife to lose custody of her children because you've proved in court that she's an unfit mother.

o What better revenge can you get against a cheating and gold-digging spouse than by legally limiting the share of the financial assets that he or she can gain access to.

o Studies show that most cheating women are prepared to leave their marriage mates if it comes to that. Get revenge by refusing to give her a divorce.

o Studies show that most cheating men do not want to leave their families or divorce their wives. Get your revenge by divorcing a cheating husband who thinks he can have his cake and eat it too.

Check with an attorney or a financial advisor, because laws vary from state to state.

Keep in mind, however, that trying to get revenge on a cheating spouse who has violent or aggressive tendencies can be a dangerous game. No matter how much the cheater may deserve what he or she gets, they may retaliate against you in violent or aggressive ways. So tread carefully, or you could end up in the hospital - or even worse - the grave.

The Best Revenge of All

In the end, the best revenge may be to do nothing. Once the cheater is aware that you know about the affair, hold your head high, act honestly, and show the cheater that you refuse to lower yourself to his or her level to seek revenge.

Show the cheater your life will go on just fine with or without them. The cheater will either be consumed with guilt over how he or she has treated you. Or he or she will never have peace of mind because they'll keep looking over their shoulder, waiting for the "other shoe to drop." And that may be the best revenge of all.

How to Gain the Upper Hand

If your spouse or significant other is cheating on you, there are other measures you can take to gain the upper hand. For a free tip sheet entitled How Wives with Cheating Husbands Can Gain the Upper Hand, e-mail with " Upper Hand - ez " in the subject line. Despite the title, most of the suggestions in this tip sheet also apply to husbands with cheating wives. For more information about infidelity, cheating spouses and extramarital affairs, visit

Radio Talk Show Sample Format

Radio Talk Show Sample Format

You and your guest can call into your show up to 15 minutes prior to air time for any last minute issue discussion and to make sure you can hear your guest and they can hear you. When you set up your call you can and should set it up to open with everyone muted. Obviously you want to un-mute your guest as soon as they are seen on your control panel to have entered the call. Anyone that joins the call will join muted. You can un-mute them and re-mute them as their questions come up in the question cue when you start taking questions after you interview your guest.

Do not start recording the show until just before you start your show introduction.

Here is a basic format for a talk show where you would be interviewing a guest and later opening the call for questions from your caller / participants:

o Do you introduction to your show introducing yourself. . .

Welcome your listeners and chat participants to. . .

(State the name of your show and what it is about) example:

This is (Your Name) and I want to welcome our callers and chatters to the (Name of your talk show) where we discuss all things (The subject of your show). We will be interviewing (Name of your guest / expert), of (Their company or website) regarding (what your guest is an expert on). The interview will last approximately XX minutes and then we will take questions.

o Next do a formal introduction of your interviewee - a sentence or two about their background, accomplishments and their business (Or whatever you and your guest have decided).

o Welcome your guest basically - Example: Hello (Guest name), I am so glad to have you on (Name of your show).

o Start out your interview by asking things like how your guest got involved with their area of ​​expertise, how long they have been working in their area of ​​expertise etc. Be sure to mention any books or training courses the guest has authored.

o Move on to your interview segment by asking the questions you worked out with your guest during your pre-interview call. Your interview of your guest / expert should not run over 30 minutes but if it does, do not worry about it.

o Make sure before you end your personal interview of your guest that you plug their product or website or what ever it is they are promoting. If you are an affiliate, you want to have set up a re-direct page on your domain that goes to your affiliate page on your guest's product site.

o You will have your Teleprompter open on the left side of you computer screen and the TalkShoe Control Panel open on the right side of your screen. You can look in the question cue and say the user name with the first question you want to ask your guest.

If it is a chat only participant, you ask their question. If the caller is on the phone, un-mute the caller and say "Hi their (Username) we like to keep things on a first name base here, so who are we speaking with? They will say their name - then you say, "From the producers board it appears you have a question about (Use an abbreviated version of the question or its primary subject)," Would you like to clarify that for us or maybe expand on your question? "

o Then you hand the question over to your guest. Let your guest have enough time to answer the question but if you do have a lot of questions in the cue, systematically cut them short if the answer runs over 3 or 4 minutes, saying "That's great (guests name), we have some more questions we need to fit into the time we have left today. (Use your own judgment on this tactic.) Then mute the last caller, (Do not stop talking - move right into the next question in the cue), saying "And out next question is from (Un-mute the next caller with a question and do the same into that caller and their question.

o After the questions have been answered or you have taken all the questions you have time for, remind your listeners of the product your guest is promoting and any website you are promoting.

o Remind everyone on the call what the name of your show is, when your next show will be aired and who your upcoming guest is and what the topic of discussion will be.

o Do your sign off by saying something like - Well that's it for the (Name of your show) - I want to thank our guest (guest's name) and all of our participants on the show - till next time this is (Your name) , saying (What ever your catchy by line is).

o Stop the recording. Normally your recording will be available to download or listen to via flash media within 24 hours.

o You may want to download your show and upload it again for pod cast listeners. (See resources for free editing software.)

You can format your show any way you want. The above format example is just that; an example.

Odoo Invoice Creation: Things You Must Know

Odoo Invoice Creation: Things You Must Know

Irrespective of the business you own, providing the statement of charges to customers is a daily task. A bill - that comes in all sizes and forms. Sometimes handwritten, sometimes created on a word processor, and sometimes produced through a software. Invoice; as we know it, ensures that we receive payments for the services we provide. However, not everyone finds the invoice creation process fascinating. Quite often, it is a pain in the neck!

But in the era wherein everything from pin to piano is available on the internet; and customers are willing to pay any amount for anything that pleases their eye, would it be ideal to send invoices that take endless hours to create and look frail and dull? Search the market for modern accounting software and you will find several including NetSuite, QuickBooks and Odoo. But when it comes to finding the software that is advanced, works exceptionally and provides you with clear, crisp, and professional looking invoices, Odoo emerges to be a winner.

Right from startups to gigantic enterprises, some have embroidered the Odoo power. Whether one wants to create an Odoo customized invoice or mirror invoices in multi-company setup, Odoo does it all! So, what are the ways in which it can help with Invoice Creation and Processing? Let's try to understand.

Make Accounting Easy

As a startup, you might think that your good old excel sheets will survive. But as and when your business grows, the need for modern accounting software will become imperative. Odoo has the potential to automate the accounting process and integrate the details into different departments.

For example, let us say you want to record your bank transactions and import the statements to your software. Odoo helps you do that with ease. Also, it provides you with a status overview so that you can keep a track of your paid, unpaid, and drafted invoices. You can also make use of Odoo invoice templates provided by different companies that enable you to customize the layout of your invoices.

Get Paid on Time

Delayed payments are like borrowed books. The intention is not to return it back. We just forget until forgotten. And once we remember, begins the saga of reminding the clients about the pending payments. The question is - how many times would you be able to do that? And for how long?

With its "Automated Follow-Ups" feature, Odoo enables you to streamline billing reminders. Which means, no more follow-up emails or calls. Just set up the process and you are good to go. Also, you can accept payments through an array of payment gateways including PayPal, Stripe, Ingenico, Atos Worldline and Adyen.

A Shortcut to Quotation Management

Quotation management can become a prolonged process with the exchange of quotes taking place until both the parties finalize the amount. Using Odoo invoicing system, it is possible to do that in the matter of few minutes.

Also, it is possible for the Odoo store owner to convert the quotes into sales orders from the quotation screen. In case, you have specific requirements, you can also make use of a good quality Odoo Quotation Template available in the market. These templates are easily integrate with your systems and CRM apps so that you can undertake the sales process easily.

Concluding ...

Odoo Invoicing systems have helped the business owners sell more efficiently. There are several new possibilities you can explore using Odoo invoicing. A little research into it is sure to help. You might not think of Odoo invoicing systems as a huge boon. But, let me put it this way; its addition to your business is sure to help you in coping with the delays and avoid payment related dilemmas!

What's the Average Speed ​​of Male Ejaculation?

What's the Average Speed ​​of Male Ejaculation?

When a man is ready to ejaculate his body will undergo a series of events.

He will see an increase in the size of the head of the penis and the head may also change to a purplish color. His Cowper's gland will secret 'pre-cum' fluid which dribbles out of his urethra. His testes will move in the direction of his body, and increase in size. As well, he may experience a body flush, muscle tension, increase in heart rate and rising blood pressure.

Just before ejaculation he will feel contractions in his vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and the prostate, causing seminal fluid (ejaculate) to collect in a pool at the base of his penis. He will feel a 'tickling' type sensation. When ready to ejaculate, he will feel a "throbbing" around his urethra.

Ejaculate will leave his penis at roughly the same rate of travel as a city bus, about 28 miles per hour. But can reach speeds of 43 miles per hour depending how long since the last time he came. (It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye !!)

Once he has ejaculated, his scrotum and testes will return to normal their size. He will have a general feeling of relaxation and experience a refractory period (where a he is physically incapability of getting anotherection). This period may be from a few minutes to much longer depending on his age.

Sex Tip: Without he is at the point of no return, you can stop him from ejaculating by firmly (yet very gently) squeezing on the tip of the penis.