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Saturday, September 15, 2018

How To Build A To Do List On Your Computer Screen's Desktop

How To Build A To Do List On Your Computer Screen's Desktop

You may have heard it many times to make a to do list on a piece of paper and follow them. This piece of advice though is good and many follow it but it lacks constant visibility and you may forget your items on your to list if you do not focus on it constantly. Add to it, there is a danger of losing your to do list and then the time required to re create it.

One way I found which you can constantly use to remind myself about your goals is to place a to do list on the computer screen's desktop itself. For this you may have to sacrifice beautiful desktop backgrounds but it's worth if you allow your mind to focus on your important activities

So, how do you do it? Well, the following points will get you there.

1 . Choose black as your desktop background

2. On the left side area of ​​your desktop, place all program's shortcut you use. This includes the computer icon; recycle bin, office applications, utilities and all software's that you use.

3. On the right side area of ​​your desktop on top row basically place all important documents on which you're already working. Limit items to four per row and put them regularly as per their nature of urgency.

4. After you complete your important documents placement, leave a double space area as empty. And then, place all the reference material that's helpful to complete your important works. This includes pdf's that you refer to and any special documents.

5. And, on the middle area of ​​your desktop place an image that is more relevant to the goals you're pursuing. Do not 'stretch that image and let it be placed on the middle of the screen.

6. Create files in notepad and name them in accordance with the goals you're pursuing. For example if you have set a goal to clear some professional course. Create a notepad file and name it 'My professional Goal ___' and whenever an idea occurs in relation to it - use that file and load your ideas there.

In today's computer oriented world, many use computers to do virtually everything and the screen which you see many times a day is your desktop screen and it's this area which you have to use to describe your work and use it as a reminder tool. This method of to do list is sure to help you keep track of your work.

Plan A Prosperous Future With Certified Financial Planning

Plan A Prosperous Future With Certified Financial Planning

If you are close to the age of fifties and you have never done much of Financial Planning, then you have a hint that you are not going to enjoy all those luxuries in coming years, ie after retirement. Anyways it is never too late as you can still make a decision as there are so many investments schemes and policies that you can still make sure of a good living and make proper use of your limited resources with the help of a professional with Financial Planner Certificate .

However, if you are still young, it would have advised not to procrastinate with your money and start contriving your future plans. You have always been familiar with Certified Financial Planning, but of course choosing a right advisor for yourself has never been easy. There are many professionals with Financial Planner Certificate, but you should always protect yourself as their certificate does not guarantee their honesty. It is always better to refer your colleagues, relatives and friends about some trusted advisors they know. If that does not work, you can find out from Financial Planning Association which runs many certified financial planning programs as they can better tell you about legitimate advisors.

For those who have just graduated from college and are looking for a bright future and do not know much about Certified Financial Planning must know that it is one of the most legitimate and propitious career available.

Basically people come to an adviser because of their established knowledge about investments, financial arrangements, FOREX trading and plenty of other ways through which one can increase his money. You have to undergo certified financial planner education and get equipped with ethical issues relating finance. You may consider going for certified financial planning programs if you are interested in helping people with their finances with the confidence of having good market knowledge, as most of the people find it tedious to research market themselves. But keep in mind that proper knowledge of stock market, FOREX is not so easy and can not be attained in a day or two. You have to patiently go through all the nuances involving approved financial planner education and be an extrovert in investment yourself because the concepts of FOREX and stocks are not so easy that you can forgive reading a book. You yourself have to go ahead, take some risk in investments and be ready to lose in beginning. Slowly and gradually you can be a master and become capable of advising others.

The first thing to be considered while selecting a Certified Financial Planner School is that it should be accredited by Ministry of Education. Make sure it is affiliated with Financial Planning Association. Apart from this, find out how old is the institute and what are the Certified Financial Planning programs which it offers. Do some research on the background of faculty, facilities offered by the institute, career counseling and definitely the kind of campus and labs the school is providing. In addition, find out the kind of students who enroll in that particular institute and also talk to few professionals who have already earned a financial planner certificate from that institute.

After completion of certified financial planner education and becoming competent enough in this field, you will have many working options. You will plan your client's savings, their children's education, marriage and also help them to retire in style for which they will always be grateful.

Website Marketing - 3 Tips to Build Great Links

Website Marketing - 3 Tips to Build Great Links

Website marketing is ineffectual unless you have a good strategy to build links to your site. Links are absolutely essential to draw visitors to your site. Also, most search engines, including the largest of them all, factor in the number of incoming links in order to determine site popularity. This, if not anything else, bought to help you understand their importance.

You need to be very careful when building links to your site. You can not take the easy way out by creating artificial links just so that you can fool search engines. In any case, these links will not bring you any visitors who will do business on your site. High quality links, on the other hand, will bring in people who are interested in what you have to offer.

The following tips will help make your website marketing efforts a great success:

- Use web directories: Make sure that your site is listed in the best possible web directories because this will bring in a lot of targeted traffic. There are plenty of free directories available. Even so, it is also a good idea to use certain paid directories because they will give you high quality traffic to your site. You will get excellent returns on your investment.

- Get reciprocal links: Link your site to ones that occupy a closely related niche. This mutually beneficial arrangement helps make your site very popular. However, you'll need to work very hard in order to get the right links because the other webmasters have to see the benefit of linking to your site. Do not just link your site to any unrelated site because the visitors you get this way will not be of any use to you.

- Get links from your social media profile: Since social networking sites are so popular you definitely can not afford to neglect using them. A Facebook business profile is a great way to spread the word about your business to as many people as possible. Make sure that you have links to your site in order to make it easy for people to come to your site.

These simple but effective tips to build high quality links to your site will help you immensely in your website marketing efforts. Of course, you do need to do a lot more things in addition to link building in order to ensure that the right people are able to find your website very easily.

Do You Listen to Network Financial Networks While You Trade? You Should not

Do You Listen to Network Financial Networks While You Trade? You Should not

I have an open microphone policy in my trade room, which allows trading room members to interact with me during the cash trading session. It is not unusual to be speaking with a room member and hear a financial network blaring in the background. It is my belief that trading while listening to financial news can be very detrimental to your trading success. These networks typically trot out individuals to assess current market conditions and make prognostications on various aspects of trading and investing.

But there is a distinct problem with gaining trading information from a network. They all have an agenda which you may or may not complete your trading. In addition to having an agenda which is usually based upon the political affiliation the network cultivates, many of these guys are strictly speculating on possible outcomes of the daily market activity. What good is that?

To be a profitable trader it is essential that you make your own chart analysis and initiate trades based on that analysis. In the short term, only chart analysis is an acceptable method of trading along with a dash of real-time indicators. There is no question that a television "talking head" can predict short-term price movement.

Today was a great example of why your analysis is far more valuable than the network trading brain trusts. I often listen to one or more financial networks before the trading starts because I am interested in the stock issues that affect the NASDAQ. There was a general consensus among this morning panelists that the NQ was going to make a new high in the morning session.

Guess what? The morning NQ action was to the downside, not the upside. The market did not make the slightest attempt to rally but stayed in a deterioration continuation channel and spent a good deal of the time testing new lows. So much for television prognostication. It is usually just generic speculation that often coincides with stock issues in the speakers portfolio. Even worse, there is a good chance it may be a simple speculation about what could happen.

Another great example of misinformation these "talking heads" spread is pre-market projections based upon the overnight futures direction. In my experience, because the futures prices are down overnight indicating only a slight correlation to what the cash session traders have planned for the day. So next to year hear, "the overnight futures price action estimate the market will move to the downside" you can generally discard the information as folly. The overnight traders and the cash session traders are two distinct groups and frequently have different goals and motivations.

In summary, I listened to music or just enjoy the silence while I trade and trading off of advice given by "experts" can cause you (or me) to have a directional bias. A day where you have a bias of dubious distinction is the recipe for trading disaster. Do yourself a favor and forego the "experts" and make your own trading decisions based on what you see developing on the chart.

5 Great Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

5 Great Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

For people with high blood pressure, medication sometimes is not sufficient to lower it to healthy levels. Consequently, they have to find additional ways help lower their blood pressure. Uncontrolled and prolonged high blood pressure can lead to serious complications; including, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. That is why you need to do every little bit you can bring it under control. Here are some natural ways to lower your blood pressure that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

1. A Piece Of Dark Chocolate Will Keep The Doctor Away.

According to recent report in the Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, eating a small piece of dark chocolate everyday contributed to chemical changes in the body that help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Several research point to the conclusion that the antioxidant-rich compound found in dark chocolate is known as flavonoids, have a healthy effect on blood vessels as well as glucose metabolism.

Even better news for chocolate lovers is the fact that dark chocolate contains more flavoniods than any other food; including green tea, red wine, and blueberries. A little dark chocolate is good for you, but a lot of it is not because chocolate is high in calories. Also, to obtain the blood pressure lowering effect of dark chocolate, you need to look for one that has at least 70 percent cocoa content. Dark chocolate is delicious but sometimes, it may be a bit bitter so, you may have to try different brands until you find one that you really like.

2. Potassium: A Magic Mineral.

Potassium is a key nutrient in maintaining the electrolyte balance which regulates heart and muscle contraction. It also plays an important role in maintaining proper fluid exchange. A study conducted at Duke University shows that daily intake of Potassium supplements can significantly reduce high blood pressure. African-Americans showed the biggest drop. Their blood pressure went down almost 20 points, causing the speculation that this sub-group might be particularly sensitive to the blood pressure lowering effects of potassium.

It is recommended that you try to get your potassium from food. Dietary sources of potassium include apple juice, apricots, avocado, bananas, legumes, beets, cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, pears, white and sweet potatoes, raisins, salmon, sardines, watermelon, and winter squash.

3. Water: Nature's Miracle Medicine

When your body is in a state of dehydration, your blood pressure will increase dramatically. In fact chronic dehydration is the cause of chronic high blood pressure. Dr. Bathmanghelidj, the author of You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty , says that when the body is lacking water, it attempts to hold on to the available water supplies by retaining salt. When the body starts to retain water instead of letting it flow normally, blood pressure rises. However, this increased water retention is simply a preventive measure the body uses to protect the vital cells within it from becoming totally dehydrated. Water is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure.

Adequate water intake, and a bit of good pure natural salt such as Himalayan Crystal salt, will balance the fluid intake inside and outside the cells. This may sound contradictory to what you havebeen told, but salt is essential for life, we can not live without it. However, there is a big difference between the common processed salt most people are accredited to, and pure natural Himalayan salt which contains 85 trace minerals that your body needs. Intake of Himalayan Crystal salt will regulate the water content throughout your body, and promote a healthy PH balance.

Make drinking adequate amounts of water a daily habit. Not only will you be lowering your blood pressure, but a lot of other body functions will improve. You will feel more alert and energetic, less depressed, your skin will glow, and those nagging aches and pain will go away.

4. Breathe Deep For Your Heart

New research indicates slow breathing may lower blood pressure, even if practiced for only a few minutes per day. Take a slow deep breath, expanding the diaphragm, and the abdomen then, exhale even slower making sure you empty all the air from the lungs. The goal is to develop a rhythmic slow, and deep breathing pattern of less than 10 breaths per minute.

At first, you may find it difficult to develop a rhythmic pattern, but as you continue to breath in, and out slowly, you will eventually develop a healthy breathing pattern. Breathing that slowly for a few minutes several times through the day is another way to lower blood pressure that many people find very effective.

5. Walking Is Good For You

Many of us live a very sedentary lifestyle. We sit down all day at work and then, we spend our time at home sitting down. Over time, this inactivity can lead to many health complications caused primarily by excess weight. The ongoing day-to-day strain that excess weight puts on the entire cardiovascular system is what causes blood pressure to reach dangerous heights. Exercise plays a key role in lowering high blood pressure; however, many people find it difficult to engage in a regular exercise program because of lack of time. The good news is that you're not required to do prolonged, and strenuous exercise to benefit from it.

A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health revealed that as little as 30 minutes of walking three times a week, even if it was broken into 10-minute walks through the day, was enough to have a significant effect on lower blood pressure, and weight loss.

The above 5 approaches are proven ways to lower blood pressure. However, consistency is the only way to benefit from them long term. Make them part of your daily lifestyle routine for a healthy heart, and normal blood pressure.

Custom Computers Can Save You Money

Custom Computers Can Save You Money

When the typical consumer begins searching for a new computer, they usually look for the best deal from the largest, name brand super store they can find --- but this is the best computer system for your money and will it really do everything you need it to?

If your at the cross roads in your search for a new computer, let me offer you some professional computer advice before you spend your money on a name brand system from the super store down the street. There are several advantages to buying a custom computer from a professional system builder.


If you purchase a system from a professional builder, you can be assured of the quality that goes into building your new computer system. Everything from the parts, to the time spent installing your custom system will be done with extra attention to detail. You can be guaranteed that a custom built computer will do everything you envisioned your computer doing and usually more. All computers from a system builder will offer a guarantee of some sort. Most reputable builders offer a 90 day parts & labor warranty from the date of purchase, on all new custom computer systems.


All the parts purchased for a custom computer are thoroughly reviewed to make sure the components perform as expected or better before they purchased, and extremely installed in the customers new computer. All custom systems are designed, built, tested, packaged, and shipped with a great deal of pride from the builder. This typically goes a long way towards the value of the final product you receive for your money. The old saying you get what you pay for could not be more true. Custom computers are built with you in mind and every little detail is taken into consideration.

Performance & Reliability

Professional system builders will generally test each individual computer more thoroughly. The individual attention applied during the building of a custom computer can assure first rate quality, and reliability not available from typical mass-produced, name brand computers. High quality, custom built computers will typically perform better when running newer applications; and especially when running hi-def games that require a great deal of video processing power. You can be assured that a custom built system can handle any application or game that you throw at them.


Custom computers will save you money in the long run due to the expandability they provide. Name brand computers are designed and sold; such that when technology advances you must live with the old computer or buy a new one. When you own a custom computer you have the option to upgrade only old hardware that needs it, while maintaining any serviceable components; therefore, extending the service life of the computer and all the hardware it uses.


Usability is important because you know your computing routine and needs better than anyone. Custom built systems can be catered to your exact specifications based on your individual computing requirements. You get the savings you deserve by not buying hardware you really do not need, and the performance you want because you helped design it yourself. With a custom built computer system your productivity will increase, and anything you do on the computer will be done with ease.


All electronic devices will eventually fail, and yes that includes computer systems. When the time comes to get repairs performed on your computer, you will find that using "off the shelf" parts as opposed to "proprietary" components, like name brand manufacturers use, means that custom computers can be repaired by just about anyone. The warranty of some prebuilt, name brand computers require repairs to be performed at a particular service location, and with specific parts, which may mean repairs take much longer. The parts for some of these name brands can even become obsoleset after only a few years. This means you would have to buy a new computer if you were unable to get the part to repair it from the manufacturer. Custom computers can be repaired with "off the shelf" parts from hundreds, if not thousands of different vendors. This makes the parts less expensive and more readily available when your computer needs repaired.

The Advantages of Accounting Outsourcing

The Advantages of Accounting Outsourcing

Accounting outsourcing is becoming a very big industry, especially now that telecommunications have improved. Large and small companies alike see that they can enjoy greater cost efficiency and operational flexibility by outsourcing their projects. The most obvious advantages are in the savings bought by outsourcing. Economies of scale actually save money when unit costs go down and volumes increase.

Other advantages of accounting outsourcing include shared risk and greater flexibility. Companies can delegate secondary tasks onto entities that specialize in these areas, rather than having to hire and train new employees. This lets the regular employees concentrate on more important areas. This is especially helpful if the company is just getting started and has a small staff. Now, instead of hiring an accountant or personally taking on the extra workload, the business owner can pay an outsourcing firm a minimal amount to do a thorough job.

People sometimes criticizeize outsourcing. If a customer has a bad experience with a representative, he or she may try to blame the entire idea of ​​outsourcing. However, these are isolated incidents, and usually dependent upon the quality of employees working for the outsourced firm. Many accounting outsourcing representatives are college-educated and speak fluent English. A number of representatives are actually from America and working from their home or from a traditional office.

Remember that as a client, you have the right to request specifics in your outsourced services. For example, you can choose to work with companies that provide advanced technology systems, degreed workers and specific linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Accounting outsourcing is purely an idea that lets work be subcontracted to a third-party company-an idea proven to be very lucrative.