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Friday, September 14, 2018

10 Home Remedies for Gout Pain

10 Home Remedies for Gout Pain

The best home remedies for gout are the old fashioned methods that
grandparents used. To treat gout pain and suffering, the "old timers"
had to use products that were
available available at home. These products went out of vogue as medical
scientist and researchers touted new remedies for this old problem.

Treating gout with old home remedies has come full circle. Now the old
home remedies that grandma used are now gaining in popularity.

1) Apply Ice to the area. - To reduce pain, applying ice directly to the
area was the first line of defense in most homes. Applying cold packs to
the inflated swollen joints for 10-15 minutes still works.

Applying ice will reduce the pain and the inflammation. This may feel
uncomfortable for the first few minutes but be persistent.The pain of Gout

is worse the feeling of cold on the skin.

2) Take ibuprofen to help ease the pain.

3) Exercise the joints. Put each of the joint through a full range of motion.
Try doing this exercise 1-2 times per day.

4) Soak the feet in Epsom Salt if the pain is concentrated in the big toe.
Epsom Salt is a staple in almost every grandma's house. Older people use Epsom
Salt for everything from a laxative to a bath salt to sooth aching muscles.

Epsom salts contains Magnesium. Raising your magnesium levels may improve your
heart and circulation and lower blood pressure. It will also help flush
away the toxins and heavy metals from the body. Most importantly it helps to
reduce stress. Soaking your feet in a warm tub of Epsom salts will give you
almost immediate relief from gout pain.

For a leisurely bathe: Add two cups of Epsom Salt to the warm water as the bathtub
fills. Soak leisurely in the tub until the water starts losing heat.

For an extra treat, add a few drops of screened essential oil.

5) Eat strawberries fresh strawberries also help neutralize uric acid, as do nuts,
seeds, and grains, although to a lesser extent. The berries contain high concentrations

of vitamin C as well as fruit acids and minerals, like potassium, magnesium zinc,
manganese, calcium and iron.

6) Eat some cherries - Consume cherries and cherry juice often. Cherries are an
old nutritional remedy known to help reduce uric-acid levels

7) Drink water in abundance 8-10 glasses per day will flush way toxins and dilute
the uric acid levels.

8) Increase your consumption of foods such as citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes,
green peppers, and leafy greens, which are high in natural vitamin C and the
bioflavonoids that reduce inflammation.

9) Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can relieve or prevent joint pain.
Exercise is needed to nourish the joint cartilage. regular exercise helps
the body remove waste products. Exercise strengthens the muscles around the joint.
Developing strong muscles will support the joint more effectively and reduce
injuries. Stretching your muscles helps you maintain a range of motion

10) Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful old-timers home remedy, cures more
ailments than any other folk remedy. Try 2 tbsp of organic apple cider
vinegar mixed with 2 tablespoons of organic honey (2 times daily).
within a few hours the pain of gout will start to subside.

3 Great Gold Farming Spots in WinterSpring for World Of Warcraft

3 Great Gold Farming Spots in WinterSpring for World Of Warcraft

Once you have a high enough level character, head to Winterspring for a heap of great potential spots to Farm your Gold.

1. Lake Kel'Theril (53,42) is a frozen lake in central Winterspring. The shores of the lake are home to the Ruins of Kel'Theril, which along with the lake itself is populated by many tormented spirits of the Highborne. These souls are level 54 and 55 ghosts which are relateively weak, drop up to 8 silver and also have a chance of dropping green items and if you are lucky the odd epic item. For additional fun chests also spawn (randomly?) In this area, and every week the entire lake is invaded by water elementals commanded by Princess Tempestria. You can do quite well out of just killing the elementals and selling their 'Essense of Water' drops, but if you are up to it (group recommended) kill the princess herself and help yourself to the blue items she tends to drop. The invasion lasts until the princess is killed.

Heading South East from the lake to (57,50) you will find a whole heap of Cobalt dragons (56-58 elites) around a cave. Killing the little dragons (Wyrmkins, scalebanes and mageweavers) has a small chance of dropping a 'Mature Blue Dragon Sinew'. This you sell to the highest bidder - and believe me they will bid as it is a very hard to get item and is required for a high level Hunter quest.

2. Everlook is a trading post run by the goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel. It lies at the crossroads of Winterspring's main trade routes. Head North and East to (67,40) and you'll find an excellent area to farm Ice Thistle Yetis. As well as dropping vendor trash items, and sometimes blue items, you can also skin them for rugged and thick leather which sells consistently well.

3. Darkwhisper Gorge.
Aside from bashing Frostmaul guys who have about a 1/50 chance of dropping a 'Greater Frost Protection Potion Recipe', you can travel on down to (60,75) and try your luck against some level 60 elite demons (Grouping is STRONGLY recommended ). You'll get a heap of Felcloth and Runecloth drops, as well as Green items. There's about a 1 in 50 chance of getting 'Eye of Shadow' which can sell for several hundred gold coins.

Between these three locations you should be rolling in gold in no time!

Losing Your Virginity - A Girl's Guide To The First Time

Losing Your Virginity - A Girl's Guide To The First Time

If you are reading this, and fit the situation, then the subject is already a consideration on your mind.

You may have read something on the subject, spoken to a girlfriend who has passed through the experience recently, and heard about it in school. We hope to help you here, with a short guide. It is for you.

First of all, you must feel it is the correct thing to do. You must NOT be pressured into it, or the experience will fail to bring you the pleasure and good memories you expect and deserve. You are in charge of your life and body. You must really feel ready for it.

If you have been masturbating, you probably had clitoral orgasm, so you know what is possible in terms of feelings. You must also, know your own anatomy.

You know you have some outer lips that cover the vulva, and some inner lips which are very flexible. If your hymen is intact, you are also going to tear that, with the accompanying sensations and bleeding. Find out.

In the second consideration, do not have sex if you have over-drunk alcohol. You can become drunk and lose a great deal of your judgment after even one drink.

The third consideration is INSISTING on the use of a condom with your partner. The reasons for this are well known, and certainly there is no excuse for not using it. You must be protected. This is a health concern, a very good way to prevent conception, and generally a good idea as it will help to slow down your partner by desensitizing him a bit.

So to begin.

You can not have too much foreplay. This should take the form of mutual kissing, erotic massaging, exploring each other's bodies, seeing where each of you are sensitive and have erogenous spots. Do not rush. It will be over soon enough as it is.

All the while as you have foreplay, your womb will be producing the all important moisture that is required. Believe us, the wetter the better. You can not be too wet for the first time. If you are a bit adventurous, ask you partner to give you cunnilingus, and if you can, give to your partner some fallatio. These are wonderful signs of showing affection.

Getting into it.

Make sure after your foreplay (and perhaps fallatio) put on the condom if you have not already. The partner may make the first move to go directly into the standard missionary position. Bad idea. It is the worst position to lose your virginity. You are not in control, and it will be more painful and you can not do anything but lay there and take it.
Instead, try the girl on top position. Here you are in control. Your vagina has never had anything in it before (like a penis) and it must accommodate it slowly ... and it will.

If you are losing you hymen, you are the one determining the speed and pressure with which it occurs. You will not suffer, and if you are still not wet enough, you can apply some water-based vaginal lubricant (such as KY). The deed is soon done, and you can get down to thrusting.

At first, have your partner move without thrusting, just applying pressure while fully inserted in your vagina. As it begins to feel natural, you can your self start thrusting.

At this point you can change positions (assuming your partner has uploaded) and go onto your back. However, do not settle for the simple missionary position, but tilt your pelvis slightly up, and ask your partner to suspend himself on his arms and not lay on you ... this when thrusting will eliminate both your clitoris and G-spot.

There are a lot of variables here, but lose you virginity as we suggest, and you will have in your mind pleasant memories instead of feeling unfilled, or used.

Financial Skills - Opening a Bank Account

Financial Skills - Opening a Bank Account

I was surprised when I asked parents to tell me the life skills that they wanted their kids knew, and there was a resounding request for kids to learn how to open a bank account.

Similarly, there was a huge call out for:

  • How to budget & balance accounts
  • How to write checks and pay bills
  • And how to start saving for retirement
It seems some of the things we take for granted are, as a result, missing from what we teach kids.

This article is the first article in the four-part series and will discuss the best and simplest way to get started with opening a bank account.

It seems easy, but there are several questions many people never think of that we'll address in this article:

  1. Which bank?
  2. Checking or savings account?
  3. Are there fees or minimum balances?
  4. Should I get a Debit Card too?
  5. Should I have my name on the account with my kid?

1. Choosing a Bank

When you choose a bank, there are a few criteria you'll want to look at:

  1. Location
  2. Number of branches
  3. Ease of access
The location should be convenient to your home, but also have enough branches so that - in the case of an emergency - you can get to your bank.

I opened an account with Elevations Credit Union when I was attending CU Boulder. It was convenient and credit unions are really great to bank with. However, after I graduated and moved, there were no branches around me, which made things very inconvenient. I ended up opening an account with US Bank since they are in about every King Soopers, where I do my grocery shopping.

This is especially important with kids because you do not want them to have to drive too far just to bank.

Similarly, ease of access into the branch is important. I remember having a Norwest (now Wells Fargo) account, and getting in and out of the bank's parking lot was terrible. I had several near-miss car accidents and dreaded even going to the bank.

2. Checking or Savings Account

As you'll learn in the future article about saving and budgeting, there should be an account that is used for saving and investing.

That means it's important to have BOTH a checking and savings account.

The reason a checking account is important, is so that kids can learn how to write checks, and have a designated spending account as well as a designated savings account.

Checking accounts are important for paying bills (be it online or via mail) and will give kids the opportunity to learn how to write checks. Even if check writing is not as prevalent as it once was, it's still important.

I was shopping one day and realized I forgot my wallet, which had my credit cards and cash. I started to panic because I needed some food. Fortunately, I keep a couple of checks in the car and was able to save myself by writing a check ... they still come in handy!

3. Fees & Minimum Balances

Some banks have fees to have an account and others do not. Obviously get the one that does not since your kid should not have a huge account. Likewise make sure there is not a minimum balance or a very small ($ 10 or less) minimum balance.

Just as important is how overdrafts are handled!

When I was in college, it never failed: my peers (who had not learned how to balance an account) would routinely run their overdraft protection and the hefty fees that went along with it.

They would look at their balance online and it would show $ 10. Then they'd check it again a few days later and it was at $ 30.

It was the magical growing bank account; and they never surprised where the extra money came from. Until the end of the month when they had over $ 200 in overdraft protection fees!

I would suggest NOT getting overdraft protection and instead making darn sure they can balance their account (which we'll cover in a future article).

4. What About a Debit Card?

Here's my thoughts on kids having debit cards: it makes it much, much harder to balance the bank account while making it much easier to overspend and run into trouble.

Are ATM machines convenient? Yes, but I have never once used one in my entire life. Part of teaching kids life skills is to teach them to be prepared. I keep an extra $ 10 in cash plus a few checks in my car. It would not bother me if it got stolen.

If you're determined that your kid gets a debit card, wait at least six months after opening their account so they can learn "the old fashioned way" and understand how the debit card affects their account when they actually start using it.

5. Should I Be On The Account Too?

I think it's a very good idea for you to be on your kid's first account so you can monitor their spending and make sure they do not cause a train wreck.

It's good to get statements so that you can use that as a learning experience to go over them with your kid and teach them how to properly dispose of them (in a shredder) so that they decrease their risk of identity theft.

Come up with a time frame or benchmarks until you pull yourself off the account and let your kid take on the responsibility of an individual account.

Opening a bank account is a huge step into a new world for kids and it should be a great experience. Walk your kids through the setup and look for the learning opportunities along the way.

Slow Windows Computer - Why is the Internet So Slow on My PC?

Slow Windows Computer - Why is the Internet So Slow on My PC?

A lot of people with computers are finding that their internet is running slow or may be it is the PC that is running so slow. So what is going on and how can you fix this.

There are several steps you need to take to determine the source of the problem. If your internet speed has always seemed to be slow it just may be the PC itself but if the speed has dropped suddenly there may be other reasons for it. These are the steps you need to look at to fix this problem for good.

# 1 The first thing you need to look at is your connection. If you are using wireless it may be a problem with your location or maybe you have moved around and your network speed has dropped. It may be that your ISP has problems or is throttling your connection. How do you find this out? The best way to discover this is to go on the internet and run a speed test. The easiest way to do this is at It will tell you your speed and you can compare it against others to get an idea of ​​what it should be.

If the speed is OK you need to look at your computer for the answer.

# 2 Is your computer infected with a trojan, a virus or malware. If you spend a lot of time on the internet chances are it may be infected without you even knowing about it. If you have an antivirus software, update it. If you have not get one and then run a full system scan.

If this does not find anything you need to check for spyware and trojans. These are both malicious and can not only slow your computer down but grab everything you enter on your computer including bank account login, account numbers, credit card details and passwords.

You can download two pieces of free software to check for this. The first one is called spybot search and destroy which will find spyware and remove it. The second is called malwarebytes which will find some trojans and more malicious spyware and get rid of it for free. You can search for these using a search engine and download them.

Once you have done this you need to check your computer and see if it is still running slow. Chances are it may still be, even after cleaning up your computer. If it is go to the next step.

# 4 Check the registry for corruption and errors. Downloading software, games, toolbars and free trials all the time and constantly installing and removing them does your PC and your windows registry no favors, not to mention some of them might be malicious. Registry errors can bring your computer to its knees.

You can check for errors by downloading a registry scanner. This will determine if there are any errors. If there are you can get rid of them and this includes hidden entries left behind by spyware and trojans. Doing this will speed up a slow windows computer and your internet connection quickly.

How Long Does The Average Extramarital Affair Last? How Can I Make My Husband End His More Quickly?

How Long Does The Average Extramarital Affair Last? How Can I Make My Husband End His More Quickly?

I recently heard from a wife who was trying to determine the average life span of an affair. Her husband was currently cheating with a coworker. The wife had recently found out about this and demanded that it immediately stop. The husband insisted that he was sorry and still loved his wife. However, he just could not seem willing to let the other woman go. He told his wife that he just felt the need to see where the whole thing lead before he made any lasting decisions.

Needless to say, this was not what the wife wanted to hear. But in her heart, she felt that once the husband finally finished the affair, they could begin working on their marriage and picking up the pieces. She was very clear on the fact that she was not ready to let her marriage (or her husband) go.

She asked me in part "how long can you expect the average extramarital affair to last. I know the answer varies because my aunt's husband had the same mistress for over 20 years and my best friend's husband had a one night stand. the average? Do affairs generally end quickly? "

The person asking this question was right. The amount of time that an affair goes on can certainly vary based on many factors like how long before someone else finds out, how the relationship is progressing, and how each person really feels about the other. However, I was able to find some information on the average life span of an affair, which I will discuss in the following article.

Unfortunately, Statistics Show That Many Affairs Last For Quite A Long Time: I know that this wife was expecting that I was going to tell her that the average affair lasts for less than a month. This is possible, of course, but here's what the statistics that I found in several places show. Around 50 percent of affairs last for longer than a month but less than a year. I realize this is not all that specific. With this statistic, you could be looking at anywhere from 5 weeks to almost 12 months and anywhere in between. So what this really tells you is that it's not uncommon for an affair to last for months.

Jumping to the next applicable statistics I could find, my research indicates that 40 percent of affairs last two or more years. So where does the last ten percent come from? Well, ten percent last a day or less (these are the one night stands.) And the last ten percent last more than a day but less than a month.

As you can reasonably see, these numbers indicate a wide range of very short and long term relationships. But it's clear that a good number of affairs can last several months or even years. And I think the time frame (at least in part) depends on the factors like how long it takes before the affair is caught and monitored. Because if the relationship has a chance to take hold, it can be harder for the spouse who is being cheated on to get a handle on it before the cheating spouse believes that they have real feelings for are "in love with" the other person.

Things To Think About When You Want Your Spouse To End The Affair Quickly. (Walking The Line Between Pushing Your Spouse Toward The Other Person And Pulling Them Away :) This wife had an advantage even if she did not realize it. She had learned about her husband's affair shortly after it began to happen. The affair had been going on for about three weeks. Now, the husband believed he could have something "real" and lasting with this other woman. He was in that infatuation stage where he thought that the other woman had something special.

But, the wife did still have a presence in her husband's life. His reaction and his actions seemed to indicate that he was still somewhat invested in the marriage. The wife's next step was going to be to try to make the husband end the affair without pushing so hard that he pelled away from her instead.

The thing is, if the other person is presented as something that is off limits or forbidden, it is sometimes human nature to want the forbidden thing that much more. And frankly, the husband saw this person at work on a daily basis. That was another issue to consider.

My suggestion for her was to place herself in the best position possible. As hard as it would be, I complained telling him that it was very obvious he had some struggles that he needed to work out, but that she could not interact with him romantically if he was with someone else either emotionally or physically. She could still stress that she was open to working things out once he made a decision. In this way, she was not alienating herself from him or allowing him to paint her in a negative light (which would only push him towards the other woman.)

Suggested Discussion: Of course, every one should take into account their own situation and the personality of their spouse. But in this situation, I would suggest saying something like "It goes without saying that in order for our marriage to work, you need to end this affair and work with me on our marriage. right now. It probably would not help for me to give you an ultimatum or point out how wrong I feel you really are. But, when you come to a decision, I'm willing to talk about this. Until then, I have to place the focus on myself and what I need. "

I know that this is a tough call and I know that some will point out the risk in this strategy. However, time and time again, I've seen wives give ultimatums or demand that he end the affair and what sometimes happens is that he only wants the other woman more as the result or he tells the wife he has terminated the affair and then lies because he really has not.

It usually works out better when the husband decides to end the affair on his own. And I believe the above discussion or something similar gives you the best chance of this happening.

Network Marketing Program - Useful Information About Marketing

Network Marketing Program - Useful Information About Marketing

Many people have made fortunes in Network Marketing, also called MLM or Multi-Level Marketing. Unfortunately, for most of us it was difficult, just to break even. To be successful in the past required a lot of face to face interaction, which intimidated most people and was difficult for those that were good at it to duplicate.

With the speedy growth of the Internet the playing field is equal for everyone trying to build a Network Marketing business. Whether part time or full time, you can combine cyberspace exposure and instant response of the Internet to build your business from your home.

Currently, there is a vast amount of interest in work at home programs, so now is the time to get in and start building your business. In Network Marketing, the work you do now will provide residual income for you and your family for years to come.

To be a successful marketer you must, and I stress this, be able to set goals and then review those goals over and over. This will help you become focused on what your tasks ahead of you are. Being a marketer is one of the easiest things to do, but you must be able to keep your pipeline going if you do not you will fail. Studies have shown that great teams stay together because each individual communicates with one another and they build off one one another in order to become successful with their business. From time to time you will be very busy working hard on your business you must stay focused.

In closing stay focused on your goals and work hard to become one of the top network marketer in your group.