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Saturday, September 8, 2018

How to Setup File Sharing in Windows 7

How to Setup File Sharing in Windows 7

If you have multiple computers at home and want to network them together to share files and devices then this article is for you! In this article I'll show how to setup file sharing in a mixed environment maintaining Windows 7 and Windows XP.

The computer that will be sharing (serving) the files will be the Windows 7 computer. The computer that will be accessing the shared files on the Windows 7 PC will be a Windows xp computer. This article assumes that you either:

A: have your internal software firewalls disabled since they can often obstruct network access. Only do this if you access the internet through a router (or a wireless router).


B: know how to allow network access to your internal subnet. Since you're reading this article it's pretty safe to assume that you have no idea what I'm talking about in point B. Just go ahead and turn off your firewalls (for now at least).

On your Windows 7 computer:

1. Click the Windows globe on the bottom left (the old start button).
2. Right-click "Computer" and click properties.
3. Take note of the Workgroup name.

On your Windows XP computer:

1. Click Start.
2. Right-click "My Computer" and click properties.
3. Click Computer Name.
4. Click Change.
5. Select Workgroup.
6. Type in the same workgroup name.
7. Click OK twice.
8. Reboot.

Back on your Windows 7 computer lets share your documents folder to everyone in your workgroup:

1. Click Start.
2. Click Computer.
3. On the left window, under libraries, right-click documents and click share with: specific people
4. Click the drop down.
5. Select Everyone.
6. Click Add.
7. Click Read and change it to read / write
8. Click Share
9. Select My Documents
10. Click Next.
11. Sharing your documents may take awhile depending on how many have.
12. Click Done.

Back to your Windows XP PC:

You may now access documents on the Windows 7 computer by

1. Opening your "My Computer".
2. Click "My Network Places" on the left.
3. Click "Entire Network".
4. You should now see the name of your Windows 7 computer.
5. Double click the Windows 7 computer and you'll see any shared files plus any shared devices.

You can follow the steps above to share any other files or folders on your Windows 7 computer.

Debt Management Programs

Debt Management Programs

Getting into debt is pretty simple and straightforward, it does not require a huge amount of effort. Using your credit card is as if they never had to be repaid is one sure fire way of acquiring large amounts of debts quickly. Paying off those debts on the other hand is not easy and not simple and can require a huge amount of effort.

A plan or program of debt management is basically a plan to achieve elimination indebtedness between a debtor and one or more creditors. There are companies involved in managing these plans, they are given, by you, a monthly sum of money and they are responsible for distributing it among your creditors. With what they have made arrangements to lower the total amount that you owe.

There are many ads that say "get rid of your debts in 30 days," or something similar, but debt management programs are not a magic solution to your problems. You need a proper analysis of your financial situation, with planning and constant cooperation with the people they will monitor and professional assistance to solve them.

Debt management plans give you many options to eliminate your debts, reduce the principal amount of debt, eliminate fees for late payments, lower your APR and give you the flexibility to pay your debts over a period that is within your capabilities.

Most of the debt management companies negotiate with your creditors and reduce the principal amount of debt. Some management companies are able to arrange your debts so that you do not receive penalties for late payments, which in some cases are a significant amount of your total debt, so you save lots of money.

Debt management programs also determine the amount you have to pay monthly. During the period of the program you have to pay a single monthly amount to the company to handle your debts. The more you pay the lower the time it takes to eliminate the debt. The amount you have to pay per month is fixed by the management company depending on your financial situation.

The management of debts can also be planned for long periods of time, in such cases; you have the option of extending your period to 2 to 4 years or sometimes even longer, which is convenient for people who can not afford to pay off their debts in a shorter period.

The duration of a debt management program depends on the amount and type of debt we have and the monthly amount you can afford to pay. An adviser will devise a plan for payments in the long term; however, if you can not pay large sums monthly, you must follow a lengthy payment plan.

A normal case management of the debts of credit cards can take from 3-9 months. If someone wants to accelerate the process could be reduced to 1-3 months and if someone wants to extend the period could be extended to 12-18 months. Some management companies may even prolong the process to 4 years or more.

Professional Computer Repair Services May Be Cheaper Than You Think

Professional Computer Repair Services May Be Cheaper Than You Think

Having your pc or computer inspected by a knowledgeable computer repair technician may not actually be as expensive as you would think. Many people have the opinion that the professional computer repair solution will be too costly and many will attempt to correct the computer problems themselves rather than considering taking it to a local computer repair service.

Many people regularly try to correct computer issues themselves and end up frustrated, angry and no closer to a solution. How much stress and irritation will this cause you! Computer owners commonly wind up teething their hair out when they can not resolve the pc problems they are experiencing.

Sometimes a friend or relative will claim to be an expert and attempt to correct the problems with your computer. This solution can be successful at times and you may succeed in saving money but in many cases, they simply make the computer worse. Having a friend or relative render your computer unusable or even losing your important information can indeed put a great strain on any relationship and is to be avoided if possible. Although they have the best intentions, employing a professional computer repair technician to do the job for you instead is a far better solution and saves any fallout with your friends and family.

It is not uncommon for people to immediately rush out and buy a new computer when problems arise. Even if you have money to burn, this rash action is definitely unnecessary and will be expensive for no reason. A better course of action would be to take the computer to a local computer repair company and ask them to provide a quote or estimate to repair the computer for you instead. You may well be surprised at the cost of repair when compared to replacing with a new computer.

A local computer repair business will charge a fee to repair your computer but, due to their knowledge and expertise, it will be repaired and back to you much sooner than you expect. The technician will be familiar with the symptoms you describe and most likely, have an idea of ​​the solution before you even finish describing it. This is why he is an expert, years of diagnosing and correcting computer problems. Most local computer repair businesses are trustworthy and reasonably priced. Going down this path also ensures that the experience is frustration free for you.

Most towns and cities will have more than one computer repair business so it's worth checking a few things out before making a decision. Listed below are a few suggestions:

  • Do they offer any kind of guarantee on work carried out
  • Are repairs carried out on site? Some may send them away for repair
  • Make sure they provide an estimate before proceeding if components are needed

This advice should help you find a local computer repair business that can get your computer up and running quickly.

Make Money With Mobile Applications

Make Money With Mobile Applications

You suddenly had the revelations that you want to create a mobile application and make money from it. Well, welcome my friends, because this article will tell you the steps and moneymaking process for all of your future mobile application dreams.

1. First you must come up with your mobile application idea and start taking the proper steps to the development process. It does not need to be intricate with a lot of detail. Frat boys have developed some of the most creative and highly purchased apps. Make sure you app works before you send it to the store for download. It must have a clean and polished look to it.

2. Promoting your app is huge and quite possibly the most important step to getting money in your pocket. Have a press release written or otherwise a digital marketing video to post on your site or Facebook. Use social media as a way to spread the word of mouth. Press releases are a huge hit for application development. Press releases can be put on Vocus, which is a digital press release site, and your application information will be dispensed to people who have noticed interest in that particular category. There are a lot of ways to spread the word about your mobile application.

3. The cost for of your mobile app is up to you. If it is a simple game app I would not make it very expensive. If it is a lot of fun word of mouth will spread and more people will download the game therefore racking up money on your end. Games normally cost no more than $ 0.99. This may not seem like a lot but look at how Angry Birds turned out. It is a worldwide phenomenon taking in lots of moolah!

4. Give your app visibility. Perhaps enter it into a contest or represent it at an event. The more people to see it the more downloads and money for you potentially.

5. Bigger is not always better. Apps are simple, that is the whole point of them. It is to make people's life easier. Keep your app simple and creative. Quite frankly the more detailed it is the more it is going to cost you. If you use a mobile application development company to help you build your app bear in mind that it is not cheap. Developing apps are quite expensive. The more complex it is the more money it costs on your end. If you are a mobile app whiz then sometimes you can develop the application yourself. There are ways to do that with app development kits.

6. And finally, to sum it all up all you need is determination, creativity, developing skills, and marketing tools.

Now that you know the proper fundamentals it takes to earn money from your creation, make it a reality!

Games Can Teach Different Languages ​​to the Computer

Games Can Teach Different Languages ​​to the Computer

With the technological world, the use of computers and networking systems has also increased. The treatments of words as data can be greatly done by computers. It can let you find the real meaning of any word or sentence but it is important for the system to understand it too.

A research has been conducted which analyzed that if the computer could follow a set of instructions and work an unfamiliar task by making use of machine-learning systems that could give the best results and findings. Due to this, a system has been introduced that could generate scripts for installing a piece of software on a windows computer only through the reviewed instructions that were already posted on Microsoft's help site.

For different artificial intelligence techniques, these games were used as a test-bed only due to their complex nature. In the game, the opponent will only react to what you do, so it is very difficult to analyze and understand the pre-determined outcome. It opens up the way for several techniques that could handle complex scenarios by potentially reacting to random ways, as games are considered as the leader step closer to the real world.

The language in which the instructions were written, the device had the series of action list that allows the cursor to move and access the information that is displayed on the screen. Also, there are different methods to gauge the success of software installation that enables the user to win the game. But various actions were taken to make the appearance of words on computer screens.

There are certain professionals in top colleges of engineering that have applied a similar kind of approach to this complex problem. A game of civilization was designed as a computer game in which player player the development of a city into the empire across centuries in the human history. The main distinction of the player guide was the rate of victory that jumped from 46% directly to 79%.

In the case of software installation, the computer systems can easily reproduce around 80% steps that could be executed when a human reads the same instructions. In case of computer games, 79% were played with a version with written instructions that won 46%.

Another research has been made by the Best Btech Colleges where sophisticated a machine learning algorithm makes use of textual input and uses additional techniques that improve the performance by winning 62% of its games.

Debt Management

Debt Management

Attracted by the fashionable life led by the peers, many members of the young generation develop the habit of buying on credit. Not all of them are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and they can not afford to buy the things that they wish. Nor they can resist the urge of buying the things or availing the service. Ultimately they depend on borrowed money and face debt problem in course of time.

With no or poor knowledge on debt management, they try to sort out the problem with the means that comes easily and quickly. Some of them succeed in their effort while most others end up in worst debt crunch. To avoid being duped by fraud agencies, it is necessary to approach the genuine agencies that have realistic and effective financial solutions to offer. Every country has proper and reliable debt assistance agencies.

However, it may not easy to find out an agency that can offer feasible and realistic debt management programs. A genuine debt help agency will try to offer some solution that makes it easy to deal with the debts. Such an agency may suggest debt consolidation loans. This type of loan is taken to consolidate multiple debts into one package so that debt management becomes easy and the concerned person makes his repayment easily.

Some other agencies offer debt help solutions in a different way. They work as a media between the lenders and the borrowers. After calculating the repayment ability of borrower, they negotiate with the lenders and try to set them ready for such terms and conditions that can be easily fulfilled by the borrower. Some agencies have identical different types of debt management programs. They may pay off the entire debts of the borrower from their own and then provide him with easy repayment terms.

5 Benefits of Financial Technology

5 Benefits of Financial Technology

Financial technology (also referred to as FinTech) is the use of innovative technology to deliver a wide range of financial products and services. It is intended to facilitate the multi-channel, convenient and fast payment experience for the consumer. This type of technology is effective in many different business segments, such as mobile payments, investment management, money transfer, fund-raising and lending.

The rapid growth of financial technology has been very beneficial for consumers worldwide, such as the ability to serve customers that were not previously attended to, a reduction in costs, and an increase in competition.

Let's take a look at a few of the benefits related to financial technology:

Better payment systems - this type of technology can make a business more accurate and efficient at issuing invoices and collecting payment. Also, the more professional service will help to improve customer relations which can increase the likelihood of them returning as a repeat buyer.

Rate of approval - many small business ventures are starting to use the alternative lenders like those involved in financial technology because it has the potential to increase accessibility and speed up the rate of approval for finance. In many situations the application process and time to receive the capital can be completed within a period of 24 hours.

Greater convenience - the companies involved in financial technology make full use of mobile connectivity. This can significantly increase the number of people who can access this type of service and also increase the efficiency and convenience of transactions. With consumers given the option to use smartphones and tablets to manage their finances, it is possible for a business to streamline its service and provide a better all-round customer experience.

Efficient advice - many of the latest systems rely on robo-advice to give people guidance on their finances. This can be a very quick and low-cost option to get useful information on investments, as well as to limit a person's exposure to risk. However, this type of service will not be able to give the most in-depth advice that would come from a professional adviser.

Advanced security - Using the latest security methods is necessary to ensure more people are confident in using this type of financial service. The need to harness the latest mobile technologies has replied in a major investment in security to ensure customer data is kept safe. A few of the latest security options used by those in this sector include biometric data, tokenization and encryption.